Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Corrections and Updates

  This year, there has been some misinformation in the group and I am making this blog post to update and answer those questions and give the correct answers.

This year, as with the last few years, the Special Run Line is always a topic of hot debate.  I have done many videos, posts, and even a blog post about how to go through it, how to read your ticket, and the amount of models that you can purchase.  However, this year, the times have confused people and wrong answers have been given out.  Here are the correct answers:

The gates open at 9 am on Friday and Saturday so the first Special Run Time is 10 am.  This is no different than any other year.

The gates open at 8:30am on Sunday so the first Special Run Time is 9:00am.  

Please make sure to know your day and time when you get to Breyerfest.  

The Costume Contest is in the Altech Arena and is NOT in the Covered Arena. It is now on Friday at 6PM before the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance.

The Bag Check is the same rules that has been in the past.  A Traditional Sized model must not be able to fit into it. You must use the bag check for backpacks that are large and shopping bags if you are going into the Breyer Store, the Special Run Line, or the Pop Up Stores.

The Breyer Shuttles do NOT run from the Park to the Clarion on Thursday. They run from the other hotels to the Clarion on Thursday ONLY. The loop from KHP to the Clarion will be on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the the last shuttle time being 11:30 PM on Friday and Saturday.

The weather will change. I have been keeping a close eye on it, but know that Kentucky weather will be hot and humid.  That is guarantee, but it might rain or storm and it might not. It changes in a heartbeat.

Food is expensive at the park, but you are allowed to bring your own cooler with food in it. Breyer has added a free water station if you have a refillable water bottle, but remember to stay hydrated.