Friday, February 16, 2024

Surviving BreyerFest 101

 LTB- Surviving BreyerFest 101- The RTB FAQs!

What are the Dates for BreyerFest: July 12, 13, 14 2024
What is the theme for BreyerFest? Against All Odds
Where is BreyerFest located? Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington Ky and on the Breyer website
What are the hours of BreyerFest? 9 AM EDT to 4 PM EDT
What time does Will Call open? This information is not available at this time
When does the virtual BreyerFest Store open up? 9 AM EDT on Friday, July 12th.
When do tickets go on sale? February 2024. The exact date and time is not available until Breyer releases it and then it will be posted here.
Do BreyerFest Tickets on sale at the same time each year? Technically, yes. They will always go on sale after the first of the year. However, the exact date and time will be released from Breyer.
Will there be a notification when tickets go on sale? Yes, there will be several posts in this group, posts by Breyer, and emails that do go out.
How long are tickets available for sale? While supplies last or when Breyer announces that ticket sales are closing.
Are tickets limited? Yes, all of the BreyerFest Tickets have limited quantities. No, we currently do not know how many that there will be/are.
Will tickets sell out fast? Maybe? We simply do not know how fast or slow that the tickets will sell.
Can I buy Tickets at the Gate? Technically, yes. However, tickets could sell out before then and it is best to buy them in advance.
Will my tickets be sent to me? All Tickets are digital
Will I receive a Ticket Book? No. All Tickets will be emailed to you.
Will I receive a wrist band or pin? Breyer has not specified at this time.
Do I have to purchase the Celebration Horse after I buy my ticket? No, your Celebration Horse automatically comes with your ticket. At the in person event, you will need to pick it up. The virtual attendees will have theirs sent to them.
How will we be able to purchase Special Runs? You will be purchasing Special Runs via the Special Run Preference List once again this year. You will be paying for the Special Runs during BreyerFest.
I want to purchase a full set of Single Day Stablemates, will I be able to? This information is not available at this time. However, for the last two years, you were able to do so at the event, in the BreyerFest Store.
I am attending the virtual event, why can't I buy Special Runs? You are able to purchase Special Runs with the Online Traditional Access Tickets. You will be able to purchase two Special Runs per ticket.
Do the Special Runs reflect the Theme? Not typically, however their names will reflect the theme of BreyerFest. Things can always change though.
What are the differences in these crazy terms? There are many model types that will be available for BreyerFest. Some are available to everyone, some are only able to be won from the horse shows or the contests. You can read a lot more about them in our BreyerFest for Beginners Guide. The ones that you will see the most are the following: Event Models, these are the models that come with your tickets. Celebration Horse, this is the model that comes with certain ticket types. Single Day Stablemates, these are the Event Stablemates that come with certain ticket types. Special Runs, these are the models that are able to be purchased by certain ticket types. Limited Editions, these are models that everyone is able to purchase. Limited Editions include Store Specials or portrait models, Tent Models, Pop Up Store models, and more. Those are just some that you will see daily.
Are there always the same amount of models released? Generally, yes. There will be 9 Special Runs and 4 Traditional Sized Limited Editions, one Stablemate Sized Limited Edition, one Freedom (Classic) sized Limited Edition, one Plushie, one Crystal, one set of Stablemates, and whatever else Breyer wants to release.
Is Tax included in the Prices or is it separate? Tax was added into the costs in 2023. Tax is added to online orders.
I am attending the in person event, where can I stay? Make sure to check out our BreyerFest for Beginners Guide as there is a section just for hotels.
Will I need a vehicle for the in person event? Yes, it is highly recommended to have some sort of transportation for the event.
Is there cell phone service? Yes, however it depends on your cell phone service provider. Verizon is one that only has spotty service at best and T-Mobile seems to have the best.
Is there more than one Parking Lot at the Kentucky Horse Park? Yes, there are many, many parking lots. However, since the entrance to BreyerFest is the Rolex Gate located near the American Saddlebred Museum, the Visitor’s Center Parking Lot is the most highly used one. However, all of the parking lots are great and there are shuttles running all weekend long to take you from your vehicle to the gate.
Which gate should I use? The Rolex Gate is the one that is most associated with BreyerFest. This is the gate closest to the Covered Arena, where BreyerFest centers around. You are able to use the Main Entrance, however there will be a walk to get to the Covered Arena. The Will Call is also located at the Rolex Gate.
Will there be lines? Yes. However, please note that once you have your Redemption Tickets for your Event Models, there is no reason to stand in line. You are guaranteed those models. But there will be a line for the BreyerFest Store, the bathrooms, food and drinks, Guest Horse autographs, and more.
What time do I need to get there on Friday Morning? This is a question that only you can truly answer, however here are some things to keep in mind: There will be traffic. Enough traffic that the Kentucky State Police will be out on the main highway to direct traffic. There will be a line to find a parking spot. There will be a line to enter the park at the Rolex Gate. In the past, there were three lines that entered the gate in the morning, however with the changes that are happening, we are not sure exactly how it will work at this time. Personally, I recommend getting there early. Even if you are just looking for a decent place to park, getting there early will help you beat the traffic. I know that many people start showing up around 6 AM EDT to 7 AM EDT.
Will there be traffic? Yes. Traffic will be heavy on Friday morning and even on Saturday morning. The traffic in the evening will be heavy as well as BreyerFest ends for the day. After BreyerFest ends on Friday and Saturday, many people will start heading to the Altech Arena to attend the Celebration Of Horses Evening Performance. After that event, traffic will be heavy again as people start to leave. Definitely keep that in mind.
Where is the Rolex Gate? The Rolex Gate is located to the right of the Main Entrance and to the left of the American Saddlebred Museum. This gate is where Will Call will be located.
Is there handicapped parking? Yes. The majority of the parking lot closest to the Visitor’s Center and the American Saddlebred Museum will be marked off as Handicapped.
Is BreyerFest handicapped accessible? Yes, it is. There are some obstacles and it is hot and humid, however the event is accessible to everyone. Please check out the post in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide about this.
Where does BreyerFest actually take place? BreyerFest centers around the Covered Arena, however you will have access to the whole Kentucky Horse Park and I will always recommend checking that out. The Covered Arena is where the Vendor Marketplace and the Equine Demonstrations will happen. This is also where the BreyerFest Store is located. The warm up arena right behind the Covered Arena is usually taken over by the Stablemate Painting and other areas of interest. The barns are behind that and that is where the Guest Horses will be stabled, along with the autograph area. Behind that and to the side a bit, the Event Model pick ups will be located on the corner of Nina Bonnie Drive and Lee Cholak Drive. The Visitor’s Center will hold the Seminars this year and the Altech Arena, which is a drive down Cigar Lane or about a 15 minute walk from the Covered Arena is where the Workshops, the Model Shows, and the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance will be.
Where are the Model Horse Shows held? The Altech Arena, which is about a fifteen minute walk from the Covered Arena or you can drive there on Cigar Lane. There is ample parking there and a shuttle that runs from there to the Covered Arena and the main parking lot.
Where are the Workshops? The Altech Arena (2023)
Where is the Artisan’s Gallery? This will be located at the Clarion Hotel, about a five minute drive from the Kentucky Horse Park. Please note that the Clarion Parking Lot does fill up FAST and it is normally reserved for the patrons of the hotel. It opens up at 5 PM EDT on Thursday.
Can I bring a wagon to the event? While this is not prohibited, many BreyerFest veterans will tell you that bringing a wagon is not a good idea. It cannot be taken into the stores and it is hard to move around the Covered Arena with one. The best option is to store your models in your vehicle or hotel room.
What is Will Call and where will it be located? In 2023: Will Call was available on Thursday before BreyerFest at the Clarion hotel and then available at the Kentucky Horse Park on Friday through Sunday.
Since bags are not allowed in the Breyer Store and the Special Run Tent, will there be a bag check? Likely! In BreyerFest history, there has been up to two of these bag checks, one over by the Breyer Store and one by the Special Run Tent. These bag checks have no limit on how many that you can place there, but you can only keep it there for an hour.
Is there food at the Park? Yes, there will be Food Vendors and the Kentucky Horse Park has a restaurant and a few snack stations as well.
I am going to the in person event, but I want to get the Special Runs. How can I do so? You will be selecting Special Runs using the Special Run Preference List in late Spring and then you will be sent Reservation Tickets or Wild Card Tickets, depending on your "spot" in the virtual line. Once at BreyerFest, you will take those tickets to the Model Handout Tent and purchase your models.
What tickets do not get Special Runs? The General Admission Ticket and the Online Stablemate Access Ticket are not able to purchase Special Runs.
Will there be other crazy people there like me? Well, of course! But we do not think that you are crazy. BreyerFest is for all ages, not just crazy kids. There is plenty of room for crazy adults and crazy grandparents and even a crazy teenager or two! No matter your age, you will not be alone!
What is the Clarion? The Clarion is a hotel that is near the Kentucky Horse Park. This hotel acts as a hub for model horse activity during the event. Many people use their rooms at this hotel to sell or trade model horses. Breyer also uses this hotel as the site for the Artisan's Gallery and the Swap Meet. I believe that the BreyerFest Live! Resin Rennaissance show is held here as well. The Clarion has a small parking lot for this size hotel, so it is recommended to find a ride rather than park here. You can read more about the Clarion in our Let’s Talk BreyerFest Guide
Can I walk to the Clarion from other local hotels or the Horse Park? This is not recommended at all due to heavy traffic, a freeway, and more obstacles. It is highly recommended to find a ride.
What time does the Swap Meet start? 7:30 PM EDT on Thursday and Friday and the doors close promptly at 11:00 PM EDT.
Can I bring my pets to the event? The answer is technically yes, however the majority of the group will tell you no for many, many reasons. This question is not allowed in this group and there is to be no discussion of it because the answer from the group is a resounding no. Comments about this topic will be deleted immediately.
Am I able to bring my own food and a cooler? Yes. As long as you do not bring anything glass into the park, it is typically allowed. Many veterans will tell you to keep your Cooler in the car and make trips out there to get your food. There is not a lot of room in the Covered Arena when the event is going strong, so wagons, coolers on wheels, and such are not recommended.
Can I bring models to sell at the Horse Park? If you are an accepted vendor, yes. If you are not and Breyer sees that you are not selling the recent releases, you could be removed from the event. I recommend make a sign to wear or carry or post on the internet. Only sell the Special Runs and the Limited Editions from that event.
I am attending the in person event, do I need an account on Breyer's website? Breyer says that yes you do. This is a free account to create so no worries. Plus there are two online only models that you can purchase and they are available to all ticket holders!
I am a Collector Club member, do I get a discount on tickets? No, they are no longer offering discounts on BreyerFest tickets for Collector Club members. However, they do have other things planned. At this time, we are not sure what these other things are.
How many models can I buy? How many do you want to buy? That is the real question! However, it does break down and there are certain limits. At an in person event, you can buy as many Limited Edition models as you want, no matter what ticket type that you have.
Do Limited Edition Models sell out? YES! At the in person event, they usually sell out very quickly. With this hybrid event, we will need to see how fast they sell out before I can confidently answer this question more in depth.
Will my models be mailed to me? If you have in person event tickets, no. Your models will not be mailed to you. However, if you purchase models online during the event, including the Limited Editions, those will be mailed to you. If you have virtual event tickets, then yes, all of your models will be mailed to you.
Am I guaranteed to get a model other than the Celebration Horse or the Event Stablemates during the event? If you are a VIP Ticket Holder, then yes you are guaranteed to receive those models that you pre-paid for. However, the other tickets are never guaranteed models and it does state this on the Breyer website.
I am attending the virtual event, when will my models be sent to me?Yes, they will be mailed to your location. Currently, there is no information on shipping. When this information is updated, it will be added.
I purchased tickets for the virtual event, but I can make it to the in person event, will my tickets still count? No, you will need to purchase the in person tickets in order to attend the in person event.
Will there be Store Specials and Pop Up Tent Models? Yes, these models have been lumped together and are now called the Limited Edition Models. They will be available during BreyerFest at the in person BreyerFest Stores or on the Breyer website during BreyerFest. You must have a BreyerFest Ticket in order to purchase them.
Will there be real horses at BreyerFest? Yes! More than you will know about will attend BreyerFest. This will be the time to see some of the best horses around the world and even get their owner’s autograph.
Can I pet a real horse at BreyerFest? Yes. Many horse owners will gladly allow you to pet their horse. However, the rule is to ask first! Some horses can be a bit nippy.
What is there to do besides buy models at BreyerFest? There will be an amazing Equine Demonstration show all weekend long happening in the Covered Arena where you can sit down and watch horses of all breeds do what they do best. You can explore the entire Kentucky Horse Park and all of their museums, and more.
Will it be crowded? Yes, BreyerFest is always crowded. The Kentucky Horse Park will be crowded, the Covered Arena will be crowded, the Clarion will be crowded.
Are there places to escape the sun and sit down? Yes, the Covered Arena is a great place to sit down, maybe grab something to eat, and watch the horses. However, this is not an air conditioned area and it will be crowded. The Visitor’s Center and the Museums are air conditioned to escape the heat.
Can I bring models to sell at the Kentucky Horse Park? In theory, yes. However since wagons and carts are hard to use in the limited space, many people actually wear signs made from paper that state what they have to sell and what they are looking for. It might sound goofy, but it works.
I don’t have a room at the Clarion, can I still sell there? I would say no. If you do not have a room that you are selling out of and are not participating through selling from Breyer, I would not recommend bringing in models to sell. I would say to leave them in your car and maybe let it be known that you have some trade fodder or something of that nature.
What is best, cash or credit? Well, most people will tell you that cash is king. But many people do accept PayPal and many other forms of credit card payments. If you are coming to Kentucky from out of state, please let your bank know that you are traveling so that they do not shut down your card during the weekend. Breyer Point Of Sales only accept Credit/Debit Cards.
Are there local farms to tour? Yes, many of them require you to sign up in advance though so definitely keep that in mind. Old Friends is a fan favorite as you will get to see some retired race horses and learn about their stories. They are also many famous Thoroughbred farms nearby that have amazing tours.
What are some local hotels to stay at? There is a list of recommended hotels that are local to Lexington, Ky that has been graciously provided by the amazing BreyerFest Veterans here in this group. You can find this list in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide.
What kind of food is nearby? What do you like to eat? No, but seriously, there are a lot of restaurants and grocery stores near the Horse Park, if you do not mind a short drive. There is a list of recommended food locations in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide that has been graciously put together by the BreyerFest Veterans in this group!
I am planning to attend the in person event, but I need to know what airports are in the area. I got you! Check out the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide. While I cannot recommend one in particular, I am sure that someone can help you on that post to find one that fits your needs.
What else is there to do in Lexington? There is so much stuff that I honestly forget it all whenever I type this out so I know that some awesome Roadies will always remind me what there is to do. There are Bourbon tours, orchards to visit, lots of museums, Keenland, lots of farm tours, and so much more! But don't forget to pace yourself! There is a list in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide that states many fun "other" things to do beside BreyerFest.
What happens if the in person event is canceled due to Covid? We will cross that bridge when we get to it, if we do. We do not allow any talk of the pandemic in this group, but I have seen this topic come up very often in other groups, on other's pages, and more places. Please know that no matter what, Breyer will have a back up plan and I still have my notes from the last two completely virtual events. You will always be kept in the loop and ready for anything.
Am I required to be vaccinated or required to wear a mask during the in person event? Again, we do not discuss the pandemic and the various topics associated with it here in this group, but this is a common question. Here in Ky, large gatherings are still happening and they do ask that you put a mask on while attending the event, no matter what your vaccine status is. Many people do, many people do not. That is as far as I am going to allow on this topic and comments or submitted posts about this topic will be immediately deleted.
Tickets are expensive. What else can you do beside buy expensive plastic horses? Tickets are expensive because they really include a lot of stuff with them. There are different kinds of tickets that offer different levels of everything. With each ticket, you will be receiving a model that goes with that ticket. With the VIP, All Access, and the virtual Traditional Access Ticket, you will receive a Celebration Horse Model, which is a Traditional sized model (1:9 scale). With the General Access and the virtual Stablemate Access Tickets, you will receive one randomly selected Event Stablemate. However, you are then welcome to explore the Kentucky Horse Park, meet some real horses, see them perform their disciplines, paint a Stablemate model, learn about the Model Horse Hobby, and so much more. Sure, shopping is at the top of the list, especially for those that like to buy plastic horses, but there is always something for everyone at BreyerFest.
Are models guaranteed with the tickets? Well, yes, kind of. Each ticket is guaranteed an Event Model. The only ticket that is absolutely guaranteed any models other than the Event Model is the VIP Ticket.
Are all of the models released? Not Yet. There will be 9 Special Runs, 4 Traditional Size Limited Editions, one Classic Sized Limited Edition, one Stalemate Sized Limited Edition, one set of Stablemates, one Plushie, one Crystal, and whatever else Breyer wants to release.
Will there be Stablemate Painting? Yes! In fact, there will be two locations for Stablemate Painting this year. One will be near the Covered Arena and the other will be in the Celebration Park, according to their maps released.
Can I ship models back to my house since I traveled here? Yes! UPS will be located at the Clarion Hotel as well as on the concourse of the Covered Arena during BreyerFest. There is also a large USPS Hub in Lexington.
Am I going to be standing in line forever? Maybe? I mean, no one can really predict exactly how this event will play out, especially since Breyer is changing everything this year. There will be a line to get into BreyerFest each morning. There will be a line at Will Call to pick up the Tickets. There will be lines for food and more, I promise that.
Is it going to be crowded? If you ask me, I am going to say yes! BreyerFest has had two years where it was virtual only and the die hard BreyerFest attendees are eager to go back to the in person event. There will be both in person and virtual aspects to BreyerFest this year, but I do expect a near sold out, if not sold out crowd.
Do I have to buy the Special Runs that were selected for my account? These were not at the top of my list! Well, you don't have to buy anything at BreyerFest, Special Runs included.
Ugh! They sold out of Limited Runs, what now? Well, they do tend to sell out. You can check back later since Breyer does restock all weekend long (in person, not the website). You can head online and see if they are still available there. You can also check the Clarion down the road to see if anyone is selling some there, but those will be high priced already.
Will there be food there? Yes. Breyer is having some food trucks come in, they are labeled as light refreshments so we are not sure that they are right now. However, the Kentucky Horse Park should be having their Snack Bar open and it does provide meals. If not, there are restaurants within five miles of the Kentucky Horse Park. Definitely do NOT forget to check out the lemonade and grab their cup that you can get like half priced refills all weekend long.
Is there parking? Yes, lots of it. However some of it is not near the Rolex Gate, which is the entrance to BreyerFest. But there will be shuttles running to the gate from the parking lots!
Which entrance do I use? The Rolex Gate. The Rolex Gate is located to the left of the American Saddlebred Museum, however the best advice is look for the huge line and the blue and yellow flags everywhere. Breyer is pretty good with signage to the entrance and everywhere in between.
Do I have to pay for parking each time that I come to the park? Parking is free for 2024 thanks to
Will I be lost at the event? I hope not! There will be signage and a Help Desk on site. However, if you get lost and do not know who to turn to, you can always feel free to post here in this group. I will be there and so will many other Roadies. We got you!
OMG, I don't want to be alone! Will there be people there to hang out with? Yes! No matter where you turn, there are usually about a million people there. Ok, maybe not that many, but there are several people, especially here in the group, that go alone and will be eager to hang out with someone. I am always available to sit with you, stand in line with you, have a meal with you, whatever you need.
Are there shuttles to get around? Yes! There are even shuttles to get to the Clarion this year. You can find the complete shuttle schedule in the Let's Talk BreyerFest Guide under Shuttle Schedule. Currently, we have no information regarding Shuttles as of yet.
Tips and Tricks To Surviving BreyerFest
These tips and tricks were sent in by other Roadies and are as accurate as the information allows us to be!
Make sure that you dress for the occasion. Kentucky is hot and humid in July and has a tendency to have some storms, some of which might be severe.
Make sure that you wear layers in the morning, if you are cold, and make sure to bring extra clothes and socks so that you are able to change often.
Sandals are somewhat frowned upon as you can sunburn your feet and that makes for a miserable weekend, however, make sure that you have comfortable footwear. Check out the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide post all about Kentucky Weather!
Make sure that you bring sunscreen or wear a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses. BreyerFest is mostly outside and the sun can burn even if you are not feeling overly hot. Reapply as often as you need to.
Make sure that you remember to drink plenty of fluids and eat some food during the day. The heat can make you forget to drink or make you feel not hungry. Even if it is a nibble of food, it is better than nothing.
If the heat bothers you, make sure that you visit the museums as they are air conditioned. Also consider purchasing a BreyerFest Lounge ticket (If they are available for this year) to get access to an air conditioned room to watch the Equine Demonstrations. There are also several fans all over the area that can help, including mist fans in many of the lines. Make sure that you know your limits in the heat and the humidity.
Make sure that you allot money for more than just models. Plan for a fund for your food, gas, hotel, and whatever you need. In advance, we have a BreyerFest Adjustable Estimate that you can use to help you guesstimate what things will cost in advance. This is located in the files and was put together just for this event.
Yes, you can store models in your vehicle and in the amount of time that you are in the Park, it will likely not warp. However, when you arrive at your hotel or wherever you will be sleeping, make sure that you take the models out of the vehicle. Keep in mind that some older horses that you might purchase from collectors or the Covered Arena have a potential to bloat or warp more than the newer models.
Don’t over plan your day. Take time to enjoy BreyerFest, especially if this is your first event. Standing in too many lines will quickly sour your experience and will make this fun event seem like a chore. You have tickets to get your Event Models so you can get them any time over the weekend. You can also get your Celebration Model, Event Stablemates, and Special Runs all in the same line to save on a bit of time. I like to get all of my models on one certain day of the weekend and then I have the rest of the time relax and see the horses, plastic or real. There are no time slots for anything.
Make sure that you drink water often. You can easily get overheated and dehydrated in the Kentucky weather. There is some amazing lemonade and in 2023, there was a free water station where you could fill up water bottles. Also make sure to take advantage of the snow cones. Like seriously, drink more water!
Be sure to purchase at least one Raffle Ticket. One dollar could potentially get you a very rare model as it only takes one to win. Raffles have not been announced yet. If you are attending virtually and there is a raffle, enter it! You never know what will happen!
Check out the Clarion. Take the shuttles to the Clarion from the Horse Park. You might be able to find something that you have been looking for at the Clarion that is cheaper than on the concourse at the Covered Arena.
The Special Runs will be available for pick up and purchase in a tent of their own called the Model Handout Tent. You will also get your Celebration Horse Models and your Event Models There. You do not need to pay for the Special Runs until the actual event. VIP Ticket Holders have already paid for their Special Runs. All Access Ticket Holders will need to take their Reservation Tickets to the Special Run Tent to pick up and pay for their Special Runs or take their Wild Card Tickets there to select and purchase their Special Runs from the remaining stock on hand during the event.
The Collector Club Tent: The collector club tent is there to provide shade, water, fans, and a sneak peak of models for those that are in the Collector Club. Last year, you needed to provide your email address. Typically, only the Collector Club member is allowed inside, however you are allowed to bring your children in with you. Anyone else is up to the Breyer Staff.
Food and Drinks: The KHP and other vendors offer food and drinks at higher prices. We always recommend to bring your own snacks and drinks and MAKE SURE THAT YOU DRINK WATER!!! Kentucky is hot and humid and you will feel it within a few minutes of being outside. Be sure to stay hydrated and eat, even if you do not feel like it.
Coolers are allowed on the Kentucky Horse Park grounds. Please leave the glass containers outside though.
A place to Charge Your Phone! This was a question that I saw on another group and it was answered there, but I am including the information here so that people have access to it and that it does not get lost in the crowd. The best places to charge your phone would be the Visitor’s Center and the Museum. These places provide plenty of outlets, provided that they are not currently in use and they provide air conditioning inside of these areas. There are also outlets in the bathrooms of the Covered Arena that can be used, but this place is rather humid and hot. I have used it in an emergency when my phone was dying and I needed to answer a call before making it to the other places. There are also some outlets in the actual Covered Arena itself, but these are mostly all taken and they are hard to find! I always recommend bringing at least two of the portable chargers that you can recharge overnight in the hotel room.
*Drink water! More water than you have ever drank before and then drink more. You have not drank enough water yet actually. But in all seriousness, you need to stay hydrated and make sure that you try to stay away from coffee, tea, soda, etc.
*Pack extra clothes. The heat and the humidity do take a toll on the human body and you will sweat like crazy! Make sure that you pack enough clothes, especially socks to deal with this issue.
*Listen to the locals and those that post here. The cheap places to eat are usually the best. Some of the favorites include Waffle House, Red State BBQ, Cracker Barrel, Subway, and the staple of course, McDonalds. Of course, don’t forget Frisches and Gold Star Chili! Check out the Food Recommendation List in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide! It is chock full of awesome food places!
*Make sure to take breaks. BreyerFest is overwhelming, I won’t lie. It is hot, crowded, and an overload on the senses. Take a moment to sit down in the shade and take a breather some times.
*Take snacks to the park, if you do not feel like paying high prices for food. Food and drinks are allowed at the park so make sure to take advantage of that if you are looking to save money.
*Pets are permitted at the Park, but I would recommend, along with several other people, that they stay home or in the hotel. It is hot, they can burn, and you never can dictate just how they will act. I understand the need for support animals, but if they are not a support animal, they should stay home. This topic is not able to be discussed in this group.
*The Ninja Pit is NOT mandatory. This is what the line that forms on Thursday afternoon into Friday morning is called. It is the line to get into the BreyerFest Store. There will be another line that is just for General Admission, if you do not want to visit the store right away.
*Vendors vary and we can only tell you what was there last year until the program is released. That will NOT be released until two weeks or so before the event. But there are always food vendors, lemonade, and of course, model horse vendors. If you are a vendor, please let us know so that we can be sure to visit you at the event.
· Wear closed-toe shoes, because of the different types of terrain BreyerFest takes place on and you’ll be around lots of big horses.
*There are many other places around Lexington and Kentucky to visit. There is a list of a lot of different locations to visit in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide, I highly recommend taking a look!
*Horse Farms to visit usually require advance registration for the tours. There is a link in the Other Places to Visit Post in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide section so get started.
*Do not feed horses unless their owner allows you to do so. Some horses have dietary restrictions and a little treat can actually cause damage sadly. However, most owners will have something that you can feed them or allow you to pet them in their favorite spots. Just make sure to ask first!
*Cash or Credit/Debit is fine for everything at the Kentucky Horse Park. However, make sure to tell your credit card company/bank that you are traveling and will be attending a convention that will have transactions from all over the US and possibly the world. Some vendors will take PayPal, however internet is very spotty at the park and at the Clarion, so I would not recommend that. Breyer Point Of Sales are Credit/Debit Card ONLY.
*The amount of money that you take is up to you, no one can tell you how much that you want to spend. I typically take around $500 to $600, depending on what I am looking to purchase. Make sure to make a list of what you want to buy.
Surviving BreyerFest 101
From questions of what to pack all the way to explaining all about the event, Road To BreyerFest truly has you covered! Our Guides, FAQs, and more will help you plan your BreyerFest Adventure and make it as awesome as can be!
Here are some things that you need to have packed for the event and some tips/tricks for BreyerFest:
Water bottles- reusable bottles are great, especially if you are refilling them at your own cooler. However, water is expensive from the food trucks and the snack bars so even some bottled water is great to have on hand.
Gatorade/Electrolyte drinks/mixes- BreyerFest is all about heat and humidity. There is no denying that, so make sure that you are well prepared to replenish what you sweat out.
A Cooler with Ice- My best advice is to always have a cooler with ice in your car. You do not need to bring it into the park, unless you want to do so. Yes, coolers with outside food and drink are allowed inside the park, but please do not bring glass containers or alcohol inside.
A Fan or a Cooling Cloth- It gets hot and you will sweat a lot. Make sure that you take advantage of fans, if you do not bring one. Personal fans or cooling cloths are a great addition to any BreyerFest survival pack.
A bag that is the right size- Bags are checked at BreyerFest and they are checked religiously! Anything larger than a Traditional Sized Model will NOT be accepted into the BreyerFest Stores. Waist packs or small backpacks are great to have.
Pain Relief- As a migraine sufferer, I make sure that my BreyerFest Bag has tylenol or motrin in it to hopefully stop my headaches. However, it is also great for the sore feet and aching calves that you might get during the day.
SunScreen- You will definitely want some sunscreen! SPF one million, if you can find it. But seriously, sunscreen is much needed as you will burn and never know it in the Kentucky summer.
Allergy Medication- As someone who is allergic to horses, I always have my benedryl on me. However, you might not know if you are allergic to all things horse, if you have never been around them. It is best to always have some on hand.
Cash- BreyerFest only takes Credit/Debit Cards at Breyer Point Of Sales and I have a huge section all about them at BreyerFest, however the internet is spotty at the Kentucky Horse Park and it goes down...a lot. It never hurts to have cash on hand, especially since the ATMs at the Park and at the Clarion will always be out of money. Important- Let your credit/debit card company or bank know that you are traveling!
Let your Credit/Debit Card company or bank know that you are traveling- Likely they will tell you that with the chip cards, this is not necessary anymore. However, it is always best to have them make a note on your account that you are traveling, include the dates, and include that there will be charges from all over the US.
An Umbrella or poncho- Kentucky weather is crazy! It might rain, it might storm, or it might just be hot, but you never know what it will be and it will change in a moment. It is best to always be prepared. BreyerFest does not stop for weather events, unless it is deemed dangerous and then things are just delayed until the weather clears a bit.
Different Outfit Changes- Even though I live close to the park and I drive there each day, I always bring a change of clothes. If you sweat through your clothes or you get drenched in a sudden downpour, it is a great idea to change your clothes. Even if you just bring an extra pair of socks and shoes, it is a great idea.
Comfortable Walking Shoes- BreyerFest is all about the walking! You will be walking a lot, like miles a day unless you are deemed the package holder and then you will be parked in one spot. I always recommend no open toed shoes, especially since this is a working horse farm with a TON of horses that you will be able to get up close and personal with. Make sure that your shoes are well broken in, but not broken down, and that they do not rub in places. Blisters are horrible and I end up getting them every year.
Band-aids- for the blisters, of course! But for other reasons too.
Bug Spray- Kentucky is home to a million mosquitoes and other various biting insects. It does not hurt to be prepared with some bug spray.
A Hat of some kind- You will want to cover up your head, unless you are crazy like me and demand to wear silly horse ears. Again, this is all about protecting yourself in the heat and the sun. Make sure that you are covered up.
Dress in layers, if you are one to get cold- The nights in Kentucky cool off quickly and get almost chilly due to the humidity. A light jacket or long sleeved tshirt works great, however you will want something underneath of that for when the sun comes up.
Extra Batteries for your Phone- Buy some battery packs that you see in Walmart or online. They work great to charge up your phone when needed. Just make sure to recharge them overnight. Or you can be like me and have around 10 of them. Why? I really do not remember buying that many.
Don’t Over Plan Your Day- I know, you want to do everything and believe me, I do too! However, it is best to just go with the flow when at BreyerFest. Take some down time to explore the museums, they are air conditioned, and take some time to explore the rest of the Kentucky Horse Park. Maybe take a break and watch the lovely horses in the Equine Demonstrations. Whatever you want to do, try not to plan it so that you are running from one end of the event to the other. Have fun with it!
Purchase at least One Raffle Ticket- Two dollars could potentially get you a very rare model as it only takes one to win. Raffles have not been announced yet. If you are attending virtually and there is a raffle, enter it! You never know what will happen!
Go To The Clarion- Take the shuttles to the Clarion from the Horse Park. You might be able to find something that you have been looking for at the Clarion that is cheaper than on the concourse at the Covered Arena.
Check out the Artisan’s Gallery at the Clarion- From seeing the finalists of the Best Customs Contest to seeing amazing artwork and so much more, this is a great place to visit. Yes, it will be crowded, but it is so worth it!
Watch the Celebration Of Horses Evening Performance- If you are new to BreyerFest, this is something of a treat. It is provided with each ticket and it is lovely show produced by Sylvia Zerbini and her amazing team. From liberty acts to death defying trick riders, you never know what to expect!
The Ninja Pit is NOT mandatory- What is that? I hear you asking and I am here to tell you- It is the line that forms for the BreyerFest Store on Thursday night and into Friday morning. This is absolutely NOT mandatory and Breyer even tries to discourage it. Product is placed out all weekend long and that does include the Warehouse Finds and other rare models. If you are not looking to be hardcore and sleep outside, I recommend showing up around 7 AM EDT to get a good parking spot. But showing up later than 9 AM EDT will guarantee that there is not a line to wait in to get inside of the park!
Make sure that you have your Parking Pass- If you do not purchase a Parking Pass from Breyer, you will be paying at the gate to park each time. I believe that you are able to purchase an event pass from the gate, but I have not confirmed this yet.
Do not forget your tickets- Tickets are non-refundable and they are not able to be replaced if they are lost, stolen, or misplaced. If you do not have a ticket, you will need to purchase one at the gate, if they are not sold out, or you will not be permitted inside the event. Thankfully Tickets are digital this year! Make sure to have them handy!
Don’t forget your Redemption Tickets- Picking up models during BreyerFest? Don’t forget those Redemption Tickets! You will not be able to retrieve those models without them.
There are no Time Slots- You are able to get your models all weekend long. The line might be long, however it does move relatively fast.
Only VIP Ticket Holders can pick up the VIP Models- If you are wearing a VIP Wristband, you are golden to pick up those VIP Redemption Ticket models. This is where I always recommend taking that wrist band off of your child and placing it on yourself for the time being.
Collector Club Tent- This is for Collector Club members only. There will be a list that the Breyer employee will check that will contain your email address that is associated with your Collector Club account. You will receive a name tag, some water, a shade and fans, and a viewing of what has been released and what is coming from the Breyer Clubs. Children under 16 are permitted inside with their parent. Significant others or friends are typically not permitted, unless the Breyer employee says different.
Wagons are permitted, but not encouraged- I know, you are thinking but they make life so much easier. They do. However, the Covered Arena is a tight area to walk in and it will be beyond crowded. Wagons can cause someone to get hurt or get run over. If you bring a wagon, just make sure to be extra careful. They are not permitted in the BreyerFest Stores.
There is a Bag Check near the BreyerFest Stores- If you have a lot of shopping to do and there is no one with you to hold your purchases, the Bag Check is a great place to set those bags down. This is only for a short term, around an hour, so make sure to remember to grab those bags. There have been mix ups in the past and bags that have vanished, but these issues are typically solved quickly and efficiently by the volunteers there.
You can store models in your car- I know, it goes against whatever we were taught as a new hobbyists, the heat will warp your models. However, unless they have been a delicate custom or a vintage model, I have never seen an issue with the new models. I typically take a blanket and place that over the purchases and my cooler. My car is locked with an alarm, so I have some protection.
How much money?!- The amount of money that you take is up to you, no one can tell you how much that you want to spend. I typically take around $500 to $600, depending on what I am looking to purchase. Make sure to make a list of what you want to buy.
Make sure to have money for more than just horses- Make sure that you have enough money to cover all of your other expenses.
Showing your horses?- Make sure that you have a small repair kit, a snack, water, pens, tags, brushes or something to keep the ponies clean, a notebook to keep track of what is going on, and other things that help you. I do not recommend that BreyerFest Live is your first ever model horse show, it is fast paced, extremely competitive, and is a draw for hobbyists all over the world.
Feeding Horses?- Do not feed horses unless their owner allows you to do so. Some horses have dietary restrictions and a little treat can actually cause damage sadly. However, most owners will have something that you can feed them or allow you to pet them in their favorite spots. Just make sure to ask first!
Always ask before petting an animal- While almost every horse owner is going to tell you to please pet their horse, it will make them happy, there are some horses out there that do not like to be touched in certain areas. I used to be such a horse owner, LOL!
Pets and BreyerFest- We do not talk about it in this group, it causes a rift and arguments the like you have never seen.
Babies and BreyerFest- see above. Although I am guilty of this. I brought my six week old Tiny Human in 2014 and was not hindered at all and she was alright. More people were concerned that I was attending BreyerFest right after a c-section.
Horse Farm Tours require advanced notice- Go ahead and start making those reservations now. They sell out fast.
There is no selling if you are not a vendor- You are not able to sell your models from a wagon at the Kentucky Horse Park. If caught by Breyer, you could be removed. I have seen people wear signs to advertise what they have for sale though.
Don’t forget to eat and drink- This is where I usually make my joke of you are already not drinking enough water, however it is a serious thing as well. Heatstroke can happen quickly and without you noticing it easily. It happens to the best of us, including myself. Just make sure that you remember to eat and drink during BreyerFest, even if it is something silly like a lemonade and a popsicle.
There is typically a UPS Pop-up Location on site at the Clarion and at the Kentucky Horse Park- You will be able to ship your models home or to those that you are picking up for. I also will be placing up other local locations where you can ship your models, from other UPS locations to USPS locations.
Take your own wrapping- Shopping at the Clarion is great, however it is best that you take your own bubble wrap and shopping bags. This is where my tiny backpack comes in handy! I stuff it full of shopping bags and then store extra bubble wrap in my car or in a friend’s room since I do not stay in a hotel. Sellers will love you, if you provide these for your purchases.
Know your limits- I know that I mentioned to not over plan your day, however it is also great to know your limits. If you know that you will be tired after walking all over the park, you are able to watch the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance streamed on the Breyer website. Or take a nap during the day to recover for the BreyerFest After Dark Artisan’s Gallery and Swap Meet adventures. I do not know this for myself and you will hear me say sleep is for the weak. It is most definitely not.
Bring an extra suitcase if you are not shipping your models- If you prefer to have your models closer at hand than shipping them to your final location, consider bringing an extra suitcase or duffel bag.
Don’t hesitate to talk to people- Hobby members are incredibly kind during BreyerFest. I know that I have met so many awesome people by striking up conversations in line and I am extremely shy and nervous. You never know who you will meet! I have met so many of my hobby heros by just striking up a conversation.
Wear a name tag- I know that one sounds kid of dumb, however I know of a certain artist whom I love their work that gives out small trinkets if they see you wearing a name tag. Plus there are people like me who cannot remember a name to save their life!
Breyer FAQs on their Website:
When do tickets go on sale?
All BreyerFest tickets are on sale as of February 2024. All ticket types will be first come, first served. The purchase of VIP tickets will be limited to a maximum of two per cart, but not limited by account or address.
Do I need an account on to participate?
Yes. All participants must have an account on prior to purchasing their tickets to ensure their account has access to the event, even if you are attending onsite.
Do I need to pay for shipping on my BreyerFest tickets?
No, there is no shipping charge for BreyerFest tickets so long as they are the only item(s) in your cart.
When will my ticket books be mailed?
New for 2024 - there are no more ticket books! BreyerFest is going digital!
All tickets to in-person BreyerFest will be emailed to the email address that is linked to the Breyer Account you bought tickets on. They will be emailed to buyers through our partner ticket platform approximately a week to ten days prior to BreyerFest and will have unique, scannable QR codes that will correspond with the model type or item it’s for. This includes Admission, the Evening Show, Event models, Special Runs, and for our VIP ticket holders, their Limited Editions and VIP swag packs.
What if I order more than one ticket on my account?
If you ordered multiple tickets or multiple types of tickets on the same account, you will receive an email for EACH TICKET you purchase on that account. If you order on multiple accounts with different email addresses, your tickets will be emailed to the email address associated with each account.
When will I receive my ticket email?
VIP tickets will be emailed to buyers within a few weeks of the close of VIP ticket sales.
All-Access tickets and General Admission tickets will be emailed to buyers approximately a week to ten days prior to BreyerFest.
What will I receive in my ticket email?
Each ticket you’re emailed will have a unique, scannable Master QR code that will work only for the models or other items it corresponds to – which will be listed in the email you receive. (You can also find this information in your order history on This includes Admission, Event models, Special Run models, and for our VIP ticketholders, their Limited Edition models and VIP swag packs. Once the Master QR code has been scanned for all the items it corresponds with, it will no longer be scannable.
As an alternative, within the ticket email you receive for each ticket you buy, there will also be an option to view your individual tickets as a multi-page pdf. Each item you are eligible to receive or purchase will have a single-use QR code associated with it. Since each QR code is unique, each of these individual tickets can only be scanned once, except the admission ticket.
Once either QR code has been scanned for it’s corresponding item, it will not work again for that same item. For example, if you use your Master QR code to pick up your Special Run models, you cannot go back and use the individual QR codes for those models to pick up additional Special Run models.
The only QR code that can be scanned multiple times is the admission code.
How do I get my models with these new digital tickets?
You can either print your tickets at home and present paper tickets to BreyerFest staff to scan or you can add them to your phone’s wallet and have them scanned off your phone. Screenshots are also an option! Since each QR code is unique, any of these methods is perfectly acceptable to redeem your tickets.
Can I trade my Special Run Tickets?
We DO NOT recommend trading QR codes with other BreyerFest attendees. Each QR code is unique and once scanned cannot be scanned again for the same item. There is no way of knowing if a QR code has been scanned, so we discourage guests from trading tickets. If you are looking to trade we recommend trading actual models, not tickets.
Is my General Admission ticket for one day only?
All BreyerFest tickets are for all three days of the event. General Admission tickets include the Event Stablemates. General Admission tickets will be on sale in February 2024 when all BreyerFest tickets go on sale.
Event Stablemates models for General Admission ticket holders are “Gambler’s Choice” (randomly selected) and must be picked up at BreyerFest. Your tickets will be emailed which will include model redemption tickets in the form of unique scannable QR codes.
What forms of payment are accepted at BreyerFest?
Breyer point-of-sale operations are cash free and are subject to 6% Kentucky state sales tax.
Cash will not be accepted at the Ticket Booth, Breyer Covered Arena Store, the Breyer Tent Store, the Special Run Line, or at the Live and Silent Auctions.
Raffle ticket sales will remain cash only.
Marketplace/Swap Meet/Artisans’ Gallery vendors, food truck vendors, Kentucky Horse Park Gift Shop, and other concession stands may have policies that vary from Breyer’s. Please plan for both.
Payments can be made with a debit card (bank or prepaid) or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover).
For guests who bring cash to the event, reverse ATMs are available onsite to load cash onto a prepaid Visa debit card valid for Breyer point-of-sale purchases. This service is free of charge to guests. The Visa debit card has no expiration date and can be used anywhere a Visa debit card is accepted.
There will be two Reverse ATMs and they will be located at the Ticket Booth and near the Bag Check tent.
Electronic payments such as Apple Pay and Google Pay will NOT be accepted. Physical PayPal debit cards and prepaid debit cards will be accepted.
Virtual Question:
How will I access BreyerFest?
Access to BreyerFest will be through Live streams, special products, and BreyerFest-specific content will be live starting Friday, July 12 at 10 am EDT. All virtual ticket holders must be logged into the account through which they purchased tickets to have access to content and can click on the “BreyerFest” banner to be directed to the BreyerFest pages.
It is recommended that you purchase tickets on the account associated with the person wishing to attend the event. For example - if you are purchasing two tickets to the event (one for yourself and one for another person in your household or a friend) only the account used to purchase the tickets will have access as they are the ticket holder. Tickets cannot be transferred to another account. If you wish to have two separate people logging in to view the event, it is recommended that you purchase tickets on each account. accounts are free and can be setup prior to purchasing tickets.
BreyerFest Shipping Update:
Please note that during BreyerFest weekend, all BreyerFest Special Run and Limited-Edition models will be subject to the standard shipping charges as listed below in the chart. BreyerFest Merchandise (e.g.: grab bags, apparel, gifts, souvenirs, etc.) will be eligible for free shipping. However, if they are combined with any Special Run and/or Limited-Edition models, the entire order will be subject to the standard shipping charges as listed in the chart on the Shipping, Orders, and Returns page.
Regular line products from (that is, not BreyerFest products or merchandise), will still be eligible for the free shipping offer, subject to the Terms & Conditions, on purchases greater than $49, as long as they are NOT combined with BreyerFest products. If you do combine regular line products with your BreyerFest product order, you will incur shipping charges based on the total value of the order.
For orders to Canada and international destinations, we have capped shipping expenses at $40.95 and $69.95, respectively. Please note that each order will be subject to shipping charges. Orders will not be combined, and shipping charges will be charged per order.
In addition, due to the large volume of orders, please allow an extra business day or two for processing.
This is finally the grand accumulation of SEVERAL years worth of making these types of posts and this one is by far the largest and most informational. Please make sure to scroll through this before asking a question. If the answer is not here or in the Guides, it simply has not been asked yet and believe me when I say that I have seen a TON of questions! Always feel free to message me, if you prefer to ask your question that way. I am here to help you!

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