Thursday, August 8, 2019

Breyerfest 2019 Wrap Up!

Roadies, Breyerfest is now over and I literally do not know what to say this year. I would love to say that it was an amazing adventure full of friends and plastic ponies alongside real horses, but this year I am not able to say that. I had to take a vacation from what was supposed to be my vacation from the sheer craziness that happened during Breyerfest.

What happened, you ask? Well, it all has to do with the running of the event and how moody people can be in the heat. It started actually on Friday morning this year while I was in line for the Pop Up Store. While there was another incident before the event actually started, along with a massive car accident that was witnessed by a fellow line friend, the incident on Friday morning set the tone for the whole event to come and I did not believe it yet. I tried to help an older collector learn the different between each pop up tent and their location. I showed them on the map where each one was and described each one down to exactly how you received your items and paid for them. She treated me as if I did not know anything. That was fine, not everyone has Facebook so not everyone knows about Road To Breyerfest. A friend of mind came up and tried to explain the same thing to her. She told her as well that what we were saying was wrong. A Breyer employee came up with the numbers, explained the same exact thing that now myself, a line companion, and a Breyer Volunteer had told her. She said that it made no sense. I gave up at that point and tried to be content, especially since I was fifth in line for the Pop Up Tent. Then all bleep broke loose from behind and in front of me when the lady behind me, who had been rather unique all night long, went to the Breyer employee and got a number for the other Pop Up Store and received number 1. The lady in front of me, along with the other three people, threw a fit and the entire line of numbers had to be collected and rehanded out. While we got into the larger of the two Pop Up Stores, it was a rather dramatic beginning to an event that I normally love.

The line moved quickly into the event and we were greeted by the amazing KHP police and their lovely horses. After release into Breyerfest, the line to get the stablemate models was as long as I had realized and warned people about in several of my posts. From a volunteer, it was insanity. I went to my assigned spot in the Pop Up Tent while my line friend went to his assigned spot in the Breyer Store. We both got what we wanted and quickly realized that Breyer had indeed created yet another Ninja Pit and they continued to do so all weekend long! From there, I got my stablemates since the line was actually down, put my purchases in my truck (Oh that glorious truck…), and then proceeded to the Special Run Line. We had already been informed of what the Surprise Model was by a fellow RTB member and I was rather relived because in the line, I was guaranteed that it was Wyatt, the gaming stock horse.

Once at the Special Run Line, I waited for my time to be called. I had the dreaded 1pm line on Friday afternoon. Why do I say dreaded? Well, that is because of the literally amount of high school drama that erupted in line as well as on RTB. First, let me remind you reader, that RTB is considered a fan group. We do not have anything to do with the planning or running of the event and only provide information about it. That also being said, Stone Horses is the only company that actively follows and uses our group to help their client base (more on that later). I waited in line for the number to be called. I ended up about the middle of the line and I heard many rude words about how things were being run. A few other things happened, but nothing overly dramatic until after the line. I went through the line and got both models that I wanted. They were not one of the 30 variations that Breyer had slipped into each Special Run models, but I was happy since they were the ones that I had been wanting since they were released. I picked up my Celebration Horse there to check out how it ran to report back to the group, paid, and was out of there quickly. I then made my way to the Covered Arena to post what I had just done on RTB and the literal storm was waiting to descend upon me.

I was called out and told that it was my fault that this was horrible. There was a lady who had $300 stolen from her purse (later found out that it was a waist pack) and she posted all over about what to do. There was another lady who was furious that the Surprise model and a few others were sold out and left the line with nothing (Pepper, the Clyde mare was actually still available as well as another one, I was told.). There was a post about how people were using fake tickets or covering their time or number so they could go in then. The main thing was that they were using RTB to complain about the event and when admins and moderators politely told them to please not take their anger out in the group, but rather find a Breyer Employee and tell them right then, they posted nasty comments and sent very threatening personal messages. I was shocked that I was being treated like this and liuterally began to cry. I was being sent messages that a lady was going to sue me and messages that I was not giving them the information they needed. If you have been to the FB group, the information is literally in the files for everyone in the group to read. I go live every weekend leading up to Breyerfest. I spend all of the free time in a job that does not pay me anything. Some lovely ladies do give me presents which I am beyond grateful for, but have never even began to ask for since I do this to help people in their Breyerfest adventure. I went home on Friday night, determined to not go back on Saturday.

I went back, against my own will, and while I had a few positive experiences, including a lovely girl who wanted her picture taken with me, the posts on the group remained the same and were still be posted. I immediately got with my admins and moderators and we stopped accepting any posts that put either Breyer or Stone in a bad light since we are not affiliated with them in any way. We stopped the commenting on the negative posts and shut down any comments that turned negative. I was then messaged by the same lady that threatened lawsuit and was told that I use the word negativity too much (She messaged me after the event and told me that someone else must have messaged me the things that were sent to me since she obviously did not do it. My inner bad person came out and asked if someone stole her phone or hacked her computer since it was her name that sent it to me. She said no and I said well, I was told those things from your account.). I had literally had it with the event. I was supposed to go to the Clarion on Saturday evening, but I went home and cried from the stress some more.

Sunday came around and I decided that I would go in order to just go watch the horses. Well, that did not happen. Back in April, I had offered lanyards to the group at a low price of $2.50 if they were picked up at Breyerfest. Several people took this option and while I had not handed them out on Friday due to my Special Run Time and picking up my models, I had offered them on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. On Sunday, I still had several that were not picked up and I was severely sunburned from sitting in the sun on Saturday and Thursday. I sat by Fluffy for hours and one person picked theirs up. I still have several that I am sorting through and going to have to ask for shipping, despite telling them that pickup was free (I already had one lady tell me that the extra that she had sent could be used for shipping….it was used to purchase these lanyards as they were told when they sent. All shipping would be extra, around $5, and will now be coming out of my pocket for those that did not pick them up and do not wish to pay shipping. Shipping is expensive and while I would love to just hop down to the post office and send them out, I still have to purchase supplies and pay for the shipping itself so I have learned from that experience and the next batch will have an increased price along with a shipping fee.). I waited for hours and missed much of the equine events. A few more were picked up before the end of the event and I left when Breyerfest ended, only to be messaged and asked where I was to pick up their lanyards. I was on the freeway, heading home by then. But I am only saying this because I ended up getting rather ill from the sunburn and was unable to even care for my real horse and my family until I was better, two weeks later. I still have to send out lanyards as I am not a rich person and while I had saved for the event, I do not have enough in the bank some weeks to just send $5 per envelope to the 20 people that did not pick up their lanyards at one go.

So now that Breyerfest is over, I have taken my break, and I am getting back into the swing of my non paying job. My tiny human has gone to her first day of school and as I write this, I await her return. I am still upset over the outcome of this Breyerfest and while I love attending, I am feeling that I might not go if I am not chosen as a volunteer. Not out of anger for not being chosen as a volunteer, but rather because I am saddened about how some people could treat those that truly try to help and how rude people have become over the years that I have attended this event. There were not ad many vendors this year. The Clarion is doing some much needed updates. The lack of transportation really weighed on me, even though I did have a vehicle at the last minute. I truly love attending Breyerfest and Equilocity (which I will write about soon), but the stress of the events that happened at Breyerfest has hurt me to the core and the hobby turned job has turned sour for me. I am even considering getting a real job and just doing this part time since the files are written and will be finished completely by winter.

I just don’t know my future right now in the hobby other than collecting pretty ponies. While they will never not bring me joy, some members of the hobby have become bitter, sour, and accusing. I was even accused of working for Breyer and Stone at one time during the event and before the event, I was discredited as just another groupie that did not know what she was talking about. I have been and will continue to reflect on my feelings of this hobby for now. But I know in the mean time, I will continue to help those that want to start their first or their thirty first Breyerfest adventure!