Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Store Special 2020

  What is the difference between a Store Special and a Special Run, you might ask.  The biggest difference is that there is no ticket required for a Store Special.  These models are available in the Breyer Store all weekend long and will sell out.  They are replaced through the weekend and if the mold is popular, they tend to go rather fast.  However these models normally have a higher run rate than the Special Run models, but still lower than most Limited Edition models.  Store specials are normally priced around the same as a Special Run.  Prices will not be released until around 2 weeks before the event.

So, today we reveal the first Store Special for 2020.  Meet Benelli, a lovely blue roan Clydesdale gelding on the new Shire mold. 

Special Run 2020 Reveal

Welcome back to another reveal thanks to Breyer.  We are a bit behind, however, we are getting caught up quickly.  Remember that you can follow us on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and here to get all of your questions answered for BreyerFest. 

So that being said, let us see what the next reveal is! Let us welcome Hamish, the Irish Moiled Bull! Painted on the Angus Bull mold that was sculpted by Chris Hess, this mold has not been used in many years.  This flashy addition to the Special Run lineup is sure to please.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Tips and Tricks To Surviving BreyerFest!

Tips and Tricks To Surviving BreyerFest

Make sure that you dress for the occasion. Kentucky is hot and humid in July and has a tendency to have some storms, some of which might be severe. Make sure that you wear layers in the morning, if you are cold, and make sure to bring extra clothes and socks so that you are able to change often. Sandals are somewhat frowned upon as you can sunburn your feet and that makes for a miserable weekend, however, make sure that you have comfortable footwear.

Make sure that you bring sunscreen. BreyerFest is mostly outside and the sun can burn even if you are not feeling overly hot. Reapply as often as you need to.

Make sure that you remember to drink plenty of fluids and eat some food during the day. The heat can make you forget to drink or make you feel not hungry. Even if it is a nibble of food, it is better than nothing.

If the heat bothers you, make sure that you visit the museums as they are air conditioned. Also consider purchasing a BreyerFest Lounge ticket to get access to an air conditioned room to watch the Equine Demonstrations. There are also several fans all over the area that can help, including mist fans in many of the lines. Make sure that you know your limits in the heat and the humidity.

Make sure that you allot money for more than just models. Plan for a fund for your food, gas, hotel, and whatever you need. In advance, we have a BreyerFest Adjustable Estimate that you can use to help you guesstimate what things will cost in advance. This is located in the files and was put together just for this event.

Yes, you can store models in your vehicle and in the amount of time that you are in the Park, it will likely not warp. However, when you arrive at your hotel or wherever you will be sleeping, make sure that you take the models out of the vehicle. Lexington, Ky is not one of the safest towns and cars have been broken into and models stolen in the past. In the Park, the State Police roam the grounds and it is relatively well protected. Keep in mind that some older horses that you might purchase from collectors or the Covered Arena have a potential to bloat or warp more than the newer models.

Don’t over plan your day. Take time to enjoy BreyerFest, especially if this is your first event. Standing in too many lines will quickly sour your experience and will make this fun event seem like a chore. You have tickets to get your Celebration or Single Day models so you can get them any time over the weekend. You can also get your Celebration Model in the Special Run Line to save on a bit of time. Try to plan your Special Run Line times, if you get more than one, at different times of the weekend so that you are not standing in line back to back, unless that is what you wish to do. I like to get all of my models on one certain day of the weekend and then I have the rest of the time relax and see the horses, plastic or real.

Make sure that you drink water often. You can easily get overheated and dehydrated in the Kentucky weather. There is some amazing lemonade and last year, there was a free water station where you could fill up water bottles. Also make sure to take advantage of the snow cones. 

Be sure to purchase at least one Raffle Ticket. One dollar could potentially get you a very rare model as it only takes one to win.

Check out the Clarion. Take the shuttles to the Clarion from the Horse Park. The parking at the Clarion is limited to Registered Hotel Guests only this year. You might be able to find something that you have been looking for at the Clarion that is cheaper than on the concourse at the Covered Arena.

Make sure to plan and order your favorite Special Run Models. There is a possibility that by the time that you get into the tent, the model that you wanted could be sold out for that time slot. Remember that even if it sells out during your time slot, it might not be sold out for the next one. This happens quite often, especially with the Surprise models. Just relax and make sure you make a plan in advance. If you are doing pickups, make sure that you tell your clients that this could potentially happen and have a plan for them as well.

The Times: Breyerfest is open from 9-4:30 Friday and Saturday and 9-3 on Sunday. You can line up on Thursday for the Ninja Pit as early as noon, but know that you will be watched by the police and park security. I do recommend either getting there early on Friday or waiting until later in the day to wait until the line dies down. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GET INTO THE LINE FOR THE NINJA PIT!!!! - this is a must to read. Again, you do not have to get in line for the Ninja Pit. As you come up to the Rolex gate, the official entry to Breyerfest, you will see a line to the right as well. That line is for general admission and NOT THE STORE. Please use that line if you are NOT going into the Ninja Pit.

The Wristband: You may have noticed in your Breyerfest ticket packet, you have received a wristband instead of buttons. This is new to us as well. We have heard a rumor that buttons will be available at the event, but this is NOT something that we know just yet. We do not know the reasoning of why they moved to the wristbands, only that they are there.

Special Run Tickets: Special Run tickets have their own file and the description of how they work are in that file as well. You MUST get to the special run tent 15 minutes before your time. You need to listen to what number was called. Yes, it will be insane, but there will be people there to help you. You MUST find your own spot in line, no one can help you there. Once you are in line, you will get to go through the store in 20-30 people at a time. You can buy two horses, but they must be different. Not two surprise horses. Not two animals, two different ones. The surprise horse is a surprise until the first one is purchased and opened outside of the line.

The Auction: The Live Auction takes place AFTER Breyerfest ends. It takes place at the Hall Of Champions near the covered arena. These are One Of A Kind Pieces that will take thousands to purchase. It can be fun to watch. I enjoyed it when I went and I would again, if I did not go to to the evening show. The rules about purchasing the models will be explained on site, but it works just like a livestock auction.

The Collector Club Tent: The collector club tent is there to provide shade, water, fans, and a sneak peak of models for those that are in the Collector Club. Last year, you were required to re-register, but it is free if you are in the Club.

Single Day Tickets: THESE GO ON SALE AROUND MAY, not earlier. They might increase in price, again, it is something that we do not know just yet. Last year, they were $15 in advance and $18 at the gate. You receive ONE stablemate PER ticket. If you want all four, please purchase four single day tickets. These can be picked up at the Help Desk.

Food and Drinks: The KHP and other vendors offer food and drinks at higher prices. We always recommend to bring your own snacks and drinks and MAKE SURE THAT YOU DRINK WATER!!! Kentucky is hot and humid and you will feel it within a few minutes of being outside. Be sure to stay hydrated and eat, even if you do not feel like it.

The Swap Meet at the Clarion: You are required to reserve a table from Breyer. You cannot just show up unless you want to shop. It is a busy event that draws tons of people. Be sure that you really want to do this before reserving a table as it does cost. Also, if you are not sure that you will be able to make it, sit down and think about it before spending the money on it. We cannot tell you what to do other than tell you what we would do.

The Live Show: I do NOT live show, but I do share all of the information that I can related to the event. I highly suggest joining their yahoo group if you have questions as we do not always know the answer to them.

The Contests: I share the information on them, but we do not know all of the rules about them. Between the admins, we have entered a couple of them, but nothing to the extent of some of the people here. Ask questions, but most people will not know the answers to this one.

A place to Charge Your Phone! This was a question that I saw on another group and it was answered there, but I am including the information here so that people have access to it and that it does not get lost in the crowd. The best places to charge your phone would be the Visitor’s Center and the Museum. These places provide plenty of outlets, provided that they are not currently in use and they provide air conditioning inside of these areas. There are also outlets in the bathrooms of the Covered Arena that can be used, but this place is rather humid and hot. I have used it in an emergency when my phone was dying and I needed to answer a call before making it to the other places. There are also some outlets in the actual Covered Arena itself, but these are mostly all taken and they are hard to find! I always recommend bringing at least two of the portable chargers that you can recharge overnight in the hotel room.

The Special Run Open Line: Usually on Sunday, after the last Special Run ticket has gone through, Breyer will open up the Special Run line to those that have three day tickets but not special run tickets (I believe). This is for an hour and the same rules still apply, two special runs of different models per customer.

*Drink water! More water than you have ever drank before and then drink more. You have not drank enough water yet actually. But in all seriousness, you need to stay hydrated and make sure that you try to stay away from coffee, tea, soda, etc.

*Pack extra clothes. The heat and the humidity do take a toll on the human body and you will sweat like crazy! Make sure that you pack enough clothes, especially socks to deal with this issue.
*Listen to the locals and those that post here. The cheap places to eat are usually the best. Some of the favorites include Waffle House, Red State BBQ, Cracker Barrel, Subway, and the staple of course, McDonalds. Of course, don’t forget Frisches and Gold Star Chili!

*Make sure to take breaks. Breyerfest is overwhelming, I won’t lie. It is hot, crowded, and an overload on the senses. Take a moment to sit down in the shade and take a breather some times.

*Take snacks to the park, if you do not feel like paying high prices for food. Food and drinks are allowed at the park so make sure to take advantage of that if you are looking to save money.
*Pets are permitted at the Park, but I would recommend, along with several other people, that they stay home or in the hotel. It is hot, they can burn, and you never can dictate just how they will act. I understand the need for support animals, but if they are not a support animal, they should stay home.

*You do not have to stand in line on the first day to get the Celebration Horse and the Stablemates. Later on in the day, the lines thin out and you will get them easier. Try to make the only line to stand in the Special Run Line.

*The Ninja Pit is NOT mandatory. You can arrive at the park and not stand in that horrible long line to get into the park. The line to the right side of the gate is for those that just want to get into the park or have a special run ticket for the first thing in the morning. If you do NOT want to get into the Breyer Store or the Pop Up Tent first thing on Friday Morning, then make sure to stand to the right side.

*If you are doing the Ninja Pit, please read the file that tells you about it, but rest assured that you will NOT find anything special there much anymore. Breyer is trying to do away with the idea of the Ninja Pit and they say that they release the warehouse models all through out the weekend.

*The Special Run line is complicated and dramatic, but the file here is one of the most comprehensive that you will find on the internet. Make sure to read the file, talk to others, and read what Breyer sends you. The line is easily understood once you have done it, but it is something that you need to experience it before you completely understand it. If you are still worried, I am always available at Breyerfest to help you in the line itself.

*Stablemate Painting is available and usually free for children 12 and under. I believe that adults cost a dollar, but it literally changes over the weekend and the availability of the models affects who is able to paint them. But it is always there.

*Vendors vary and we can only tell you what was there last year until the program is released. That will NOT be released until two weeks or so before the event. But there are always food vendors, lemonade, and of course, model horse vendors. If you are a vendor, please let us know so that we can be sure to visit you at the event.

·         Wear closed-toe shoes, because of the different types of terrain BreyerFest takes place on and you’ll be around lots of big horses.
·         You do not need to wait on a long line to get your Celebration Model or Single-Day Stablemates models first thing on Friday.  Models are available all weekend long.  As well, guests can collect their Celebration Models DURING their Special Run ticket time in the Special Run tent before they check out.
·         The KHP is very large and BreyerFest activities are fairly spread out, so plan to do a fair amount of walking.  If you need mobility assistance, BreyerFest partners with ScootAround for scooter rentals that can be delivered to your home or hotel room.
·         Be sure to read through the Guide to BreyerFest, even if you’ve been to BreyerFest a bunch of times before.  Locations change and rules change as the event grows each year.  As well, definitely take a look at the map, which indicates where things will be located for 2020’s event.
·         Do not get on line for the main Breyer Store in the Covered Arena, the large pop-up store, or the Special Run line without checking your bags first.  Bags larger and a Traditional scale model are not permitted in these stores and you could lose your place in line if you are asked by staff to check your bags before entering the store.


Saturday, February 8, 2020

Second Special Run 2020

  The second special run has been released and while we are a little late here on the blog, the main group had it posted for some time now.  It is an absolute spectacular model and it is aptly named.  So without further ado, let's meet Oak!

Oak is on the newly released Georg mold and is painted to look like a lively, yet kind Noriker stallion.  His coat is intricately painted and this model will be available in the Special Run Tent.  His price will be determined later.