Monday, September 27, 2021

BreyerFest Second Chance Sale Information

 Tomorrow, Tuesday September 28th, is the day of the Second Chance Sale. 

The Sale will start at or around 11:00AM EDT and will be open to VIP Ticket Holders only. You will be able to purchase one Special Run Model from the selection that is still available. There will also be a selection of Limited Edition Models and BreyerFest Merchandise.

 There is some confusion that I want to try to clear up before the Sale happens: In previous correspondences, Breyer had stated that this sale would be open first to VIP Ticket Holders and then be open to all Ticket Holders. However, in the email, it does not state anything about other ticket holders. As of the writing of this message, there has been no other information posted on clarification of this. I am going to go ahead and state that it will definitely be VIP for at the very least 24 hours and then if there is anything available after that, it might be opened up to other ticket holders. However, I could very well be wrong because Breyer does love to show me that I do not know everything quite often.

 We do not know exactly how this sale will start, such as a link emailed to the VIP Ticket Holders or just a link on the website. 

 This sale is for VIP Ticket Holders due to several reasons that I will not be going into currently, however this is their attempt to fix some of the issues that happened during BreyerFest shipping. Please do not comment on what went wrong, how it could have been different, etc. 

There was a sentence in the email that said that you could purchase one Special Run Model from the available ones shown on the Collections Page. We are speculating that they mean the Exclusive Models page on the Breyer website. The infographic that they sent with the email does not have a photo of Pollock or Uffington on it, so there is speculation that they will not be available, however keep in mind that Breyer is absolutely notorious for not including all of the models on a photo for their sales.

Good Luck!