Monday, May 23, 2022

The Special Run Preference List Is Here!

 !!!You only have until 11:59 PM EDT on Thursday May 26th to submit your Special Run Preference List!!! 

In order to access this page, you MUST be logged into the account that purchased your All Access Ticket or Tickets. You will find this under the Events Tab and under the Tickets and Registrations section of the Breyer website. You have until 11:59 PM EDT on Thursday May 26th in order to submit this form! If you miss this, please note that Breyer will randomly select Special Runs for your Ticket.

BreyerFest 2022 Special Run Preferences | 1 Ticket - 

Let's Talk BreyerFest Recap- The Special Run Preference List
There are MANY posts about the Special Run Preference List here in the group and several of those are in the Let's Talk BreyerFest Guide. This is one of the most posted about things of BreyerFest since its inception during BreyerFest 2020.
So what is the Special Run Preference List? The Special Run Preference List is a way to rank the Special Runs to tell Breyer how you prefer them.
Who can fill out the Special Run Preference List? All Access Ticket Holders that purchased their tickets on or before May 22nd.
Do I have to buy the Special Runs? No, you do not have to buy anything that you do not want to buy.
How should I fill out the list? It is all up to you! I always tell people here in this group to not let others dictate how you want to fill out the list and I will preach that until the day that the Special Run Preference List is no more. It is a Preference List for a reason, it is designed to tell Breyer how you would rank the models, not how others would rank it. So the best advice: Fill out the list on how you want it. If you are only interested in a few of the models, then place them near the top. But keep in mind that you might not be pulled for those models. We do NOT know Breyer's algorithm on how they pull the names and assign the models and while the past two years, many people got their top choices, it cannot be predicted on what will happen this year. Personally, I would fill out all of the options, leave no blanks because you can sell or trade those models to get something that you want.
What is better: The Master List or the Individual List? Again, that is a preference thing. If you have many tickets, then the Master List will help you be able to limit how many duplicates could be pulled for your account since you are ranking the Special Runs for all of the tickets on one list. If you have one ticket or you do not mind duplicates, then the Individual List might be better for you. It is a better way to try and control Breyer's algorithm, but again it could backfire and you could have several duplicates.
Can I select two of the same model? No, you cannot purchase two of the same Special Run. If you have one ticket and want two of the Surprise Special Runs, then you need to either buy a second ticket and try that way or purchase one second hand. If you have more than one ticket, it is then possible to get more than one than of the same model, if they are pulled for different tickets.
What if I don't fill out the Special Run Preference List? Then two Special Runs will be selected for you at random by Breyer.
How long will I have to fill this out? Typically you will have two weeks in order to submit your Special Run Preference List. Breyer will accept the last submitted list so you can change it several times, if needed.
What if I do not get the emails? The direct link will be shared in the group, you merely need to log into the account that purchased the BreyerFest All Access Ticket and you will be there.
When will tickets be shipped? In June
Definitely make sure to read up more about this List in the Let's Talk BreyerFest Guide under all of the posts that are labeled Special Run Preference List. I promise that by the time that you have read them and this, you will be a Special Run Preference List master!

Let's Talk BreyerFest Recap- The Special Runs
The Special Runs are highly anticipated for BreyerFest and people will start looking forward to them before Breyer even thinks of releasing them on the BreyerFest Blog. But what makes a Special Run? Who can buy them? How many can you buy? There are so many questions that surround these models, but I am here to answer them!
What are Special Runs? Special Runs are models that are available to certain ticket holders only. The VIP and the All Access Ticket Holders are the only ticket holders that can purchase these models. Special Runs are a set of nine different models, eight horse molds and one animal mold, that range in price from $60 to $85. There can be variations in these models from different manes and tails to different colors to a split between matte and glossy. Special Runs are never themed to the event except for the name.
How many Special Runs can I buy? That depends on how many tickets that you have. If you have one VIP Ticket, then you are limited to two Special Runs that you have already paid for. That is it, you cannot purchase anymore. With the All Access Ticket, you are able to purchase two Special Runs per ticket. So, if you have one ticket, you can purchase two Special Runs. If you have two tickets, you can purchase four Special Runs and so on. You cannot purchase more than two per ticket and the MUST be two different types of Special Runs, so you cannot purchase two of the Surprise Special Runs unless you have more than one ticket.
What is the Surprise Special Run? The Surprise Special Run always causes a little bit of confusion each year, especially with those that are new to the event. However, just keep in mind that it is the same as the other Special Runs. It might cost a little bit more and you do not know the mold or the color, but it still counts as one of the Special Runs and counts as your one of two per ticket.
Who can purchase Special Runs? VIP and All Access Ticket Holders are the only ones that can purchase Special Runs. VIP Ticket Holders have already selected and paid for their two Special Runs so they have nothing more to do until picking them up during BreyerFest. All Access Ticket Holders that have purchased their ticket on or before May 22nd will be using the Special Run Preference List to reserve their Special Runs while the All Access Ticket Holders that purchase their tickets on or after May23rd will be purchasing their Special Runs from the stock that is on hand at the event.
How much are the Special Runs? Special Runs range in price from $60 to $85
Will the Special Runs be shipped to my location? No, you must pick up your Special Runs in person or purchase them and pick them up in person if you are an All Access Ticket Holder.
How will pick ups work? If you are a VIP Ticket Holder and are having someone pick up your models for you, you simply just need to have them present the Redemption Tickets. If you are an All Access Ticket Holder and reserved your Special Runs with the Special Run Preference List, you will need to have your pick up person present the Reservation Ticket and they will need to pay for the models then.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

All Access Ticket Holder Enamel Pins!

 Yup, you read that correctly.  This year, Breyer is giving away three different pins to the All Access Ticket Holders.  There are a few rules that go along with this, so let's see those before getting into what they look like! 

*First, they are only available in person. If you are having someone pick up your models for you, remind them to get your pin.  

*Second, they are limited to one per ticket.  Not one per person, one per All Access Ticket. 

*Third, there are three different styles.  They are selected at random when you are checking out with your Special Runs. 

*Fourth, they are not available to VIP Ticket Holders or any other ticket holders. 

*Fifth, they are the enamel pins and are free at checkout, according to the BreyerFest Blog on the Breyer website. 

So those are the rules for them.  Right now, we know two out of the three, but the third should be released tomorrow, so this will be updated then to show all three.  What do they look like? Here they are: 


The Clarion- a Repost That Is Needed!

 Let's Talk BreyerFest...The Clarion! 

This one is about the Clarion and parking and more, so it will be a wild ride! But first, let me state that the best advice to BreyerFest is to relax and breathe.
The Clarion is a hotel, first and foremost. It is the hotel of BreyerFest and this is also where the Room Sales occur. Is it associated with Breyer? Not really, however they do host events there, like the Artisan's Gallery and the Swap Meet. What happens there? Sales, trades, and meeting of awesome people! But why is it so hugely popular during BreyerFest? How can I get there? Where can I park?! Let's answer these questions and more!

*Where is the Clarion Hotel? Located around 5 miles (4.2 to be exact), this hotel is located right off of Newtown Pike in Lexington Ky. The exact address is 1950 Newtown Pike.

*Is there parking? Yes. There is parking for guests that are staying there and those that will be attending the events at the hotel. However, I always say that parking is limited. Keep in mind that hotel guests come first, so you might be turned away to park elsewhere. The ONLY safe places to park that will not have your car towed is at your hotel or the Kentucky Horse Park. Breyer WILL be using Shuttles during BreyerFest that run from the Kentucky Horse Park to the Clarion hotel and I highly recommend using these as they usually run until 11 PM EDT on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. No one ever recommends walking from hotel to hotel in Kentucky. While it is a safer state, no one can predict anything. The Clarion has stated that they are working on a Parking Solution, but it has not been revealed yet.

*What happens there? Not thinking about the Breyer sponsored stuff since I will go over that shortly, there are Room Sales. Each person in the hotel that wishes to sell or trade their items will open up their rooms and allow guests to come inside and look around at what they have to offer. Think of it as tiny stores inside one big building. Some of the rooms have higher priced items while some are just selling parts of their childhood collections. You can find tack, customs, resins, Stone horses, and so much more in these rooms. If you cannot find it, you just did not look hard enough, LOL!

*What does Breyer sponsor? Breyer sponsors the Artisan's Gallery and the Swap Meet. The Artisan's Gallery runs Thursday evening through Saturday evening and features sales from artists in the hobby. This is a great place to find customs, resins, flat art, and more. Inside the Artisan's Gallery is also where you will be able to see the finalists for the Best Customs Contest as well as the sneak peeks of the BreyerFest models in person. The Swap Meet runs on Thursday and Friday evenings and allows people that have been approved to sell and trade their models. Both of these are open to the public and you can see what everyone has to offer. Be warned, they can get crowded.

*Is there an ATM? Yes, however do not count on it having cash. Many sellers at the Clarion do not accept cards and definitely do not accept checks, so cash is king at the Clarion. Make sure to have your cash ready as the ATM at the Clarion Hotel lobby does not normally have anything in it during the BreyerFest weekend. There are several ATMs in the area though at gas stations and other locations.
*Are there hours? Not necessarily, however some people will have their doors open early in the day and late in the evening. Just remember to be polite and reduce noise if it is late in the evening and only go into the rooms where the doors are open.

*What about those shuttles? Well, as of right now, we only have this small blurb that Breyer has released about them so we do not know everything that there is to know yet: :Due to the Friday and Saturday evening BreyerFest activities held at the Kentucky Horse Park, please take note of the hours for Friday and Saturday evenings at the Clarion Hotel. As well, Breyer will be offering free shuttles to the Clarion from the KHP and our partner hotels on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings from 5 pm to 11:30 pm." - copied from the Breyer website.

Map of the Clarion:

So, my best advice is to relax, try not to overthink things (I know, it is hard!), and know that by the time that BreyerFest comes, the information will be completely out there!

Friday, May 13, 2022

All Access Ticket Changes!

  In case you have not heard, Breyer has changed how the All Access Ticket Holders will be buying their Special Runs and when the All Access Ticket Sales will end.  Not much has changed to the buying procedure, so do not panic too much.  But this change did come as a surprise to many of us and it came after the Ticket Sales were supposed to end on May 2nd.  Breyer sent out an email the next day saying that they were extending Ticket Sales and that there are now some changes: 

All Access Ticket Changes

*Tickets purchased on or before May 22nd will be using the Special Run Preference List to reserve Special Runs that are chosen for them using the Special Run Preference List.

*Tickets purchased on or after May 23rd will be buying their Special Runs at the event with no reservations. 

*All Access Ticket Holders (no matter when you purchased your Tickets) will be paying for their Special Runs at BreyerFest, not before like originally advertised. 

*Special Run Preference List Emails will be sent out after May 22nd some time. 

*Ticket Books for all Ticket Holders living in the Domestic US will be mailed out in June

So far, there are no other changes.  However, Breyer does reserve the right to change things and they tend to do so.  The Kelpie's Guide FB Group is usually the first one updated with new changes as I do my best to stay on top of things so I always recommend joining that.  There will be changes in the next year so that the FB group will not be the only source of extremely up to date information.  I hope that this helps! 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Updated Special Run Preference List and Buying Special Runs BreyerFest 2022

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Special Run Preference List, That Is!

Welcome to this post of the Special Run Preference List. Remember that the Special Run Preference List is for those that have purchase All Access Tickets only. This is for the All Access Ticket Holders. VIP Ticket Holders have already paid for their Special Runs.

BreyerFest in person tickets went on sale Wednesday, February 23rd at Noon EST. They released the VIP, the All Access, and the General Access tickets at the same time and there was no rush. We do not know and have not been told how many All Access Tickets will be available other than they are all limited in quantity. Everything BreyerFest is limited in quantity, so I am taking that statement as a grain of salt at this time. All Access Tickets will remain on sale until sold out. Before May 22nd, you will be using the Special Run Preference List to reserve your Special Runs and after May 23rd, you will be selecting your Special Runs on site out of the models that were not reserved. You will be purchasing your models on site at BreyerFest.

But what happens once tickets are no longer on sale? A lot actually! That is when you will start hearing the whispers of the Special Run Preference List. As a Roadie, you will definitely have a firm grasp on this hard to explain, but easy to actually experience list, I hope. In May, some time after the ticket sales have ended, those that purchased an All Access (or many All Access Tickets) will receive an email with a link in it. If you do not receive emails from Breyer, do not worry! That link will definitely be shared here in the group. This link will take you to a page on the Breyer website that is dedicated to the Special Run Preference List. If you do not want to wait for me to post a link or receive the email from Breyer, it will be under the Events Tab under BreyerFest Community (I believe). But what are the details about this list?

The Special Run Preference List is just a way to let Breyer know how you like the Special Runs that are offered for this year’s event. Think of it more like a ranking list rather than a preference list. You do not need to purchase the models that end up being selected for you, however they make amazing sale or trade fodder for something that you want instead. This list is not a list for their inventory and this list does not guarantee that you will be getting those models in that order. It is just a ranking list. The Special Run Preference List will be sent out after May 22nd.

Ok, let’s get into the details of that list! In 2021, they offered the list in two different ways. While Breyer did state that they were keeping the same system, I am not going to assume that they will be running it the same until the actually announce that. However, I will be sharing both of the ways that you were able to fill out your preference list.

First, know that if you do not fill out the list, your Special Runs will be selected at random for you. You do not need to purchase these models. You will be paying for your Special Runs before BreyerFest. You should have around two weeks to fill out this List and I will post daily reminders. Yes, you can have pick ups with this BreyerFest. Your pick up person will need your order number in order to pick up your Ticket Book from Will Call. Your Special Runs will not be sent to you, someone needs to pick them up in person, either you or your pick up person. Ok, onto the specifics.

The Master List

The first type of Special Run Preference List that you can use is the Master List. If you have more than one ticket and you want to limit how many duplicates that you might receive, this is the list for you. You will be filling out one list for all of the tickets that you have listed on your account. The best way to fill out this list is to put the Special Run that you want the most at the top and rank them down to the one that you like least. No one can tell you how to fill out this list, there is no way to make it better, this is all up to you! You got this! The Master List is a way to manage all of your All Access Tickets with one list and is the way to get the least amount of duplicates. There will be multiple number ones (as many as tickets on your account) and so on. Just rank the models how you like them the best. That is all there is to it! You have until the day that it is due to edit it and Breyer will normally take the last one submitted (this was last year’s information).

The Individual List

The second type of Special Run Preference List is the one that I have used both times that it was offered. It is the Individual List. While this list does have a high rate of duplicates, it allows you to customize your rankings per ticket on your account. So with each ticket, you will be making a new list. If you have just one ticket on your account, this will be the best option for you to use. If you do not mind duplicates or you want to attempt to control Lady Fate, then this list is best for you. Again, no one call tell you how to rank the Special Runs other than yourself. There is no secret to getting what you want as Breyer has never revealed their algorithm of how the Special Runs are selected for your account. With this option, if you have more than one ticket, you will be filling out more than one list. You can set different Special Runs as number one and so on, but just know that you might get duplicates.

So that is all that there is to the Special Run Preference List! Once you submit your list to Breyer, you then just need to wait. And wait. And wait. Breyer will then notify you that your selections are reserved and you will receive Reservation Tickets in your Ticket Book. You will be actually paying for the Special Runs at the event.

If you are picking up models for someone or you have someone picking up models for them, please inform them that they will need to physically purchase the models on site for the Ticket Holder (providing that payment has been sent) and that the pick up person will need the Reservation Tickets sent to them. International Tickets will not be sent and you will need to have those picked up at Will Call.

Ok, so this is all really confusing since it is new information and new to this year, so let me break it down:

All Access Tickets will be using the Special Run Preference List to rank the Special Runs in the order that they like them.

The Special Run Preference List will be sent out after May 22nd

From there, Breyer will tell you which models were selected for your account.

Breyer will send you Reservation Tickets in your Ticket Books when they are sent out. You will NOT be buying the Special Runs that were selected for your account in advance. You will be purchasing them at the event. 

You will be purchasing the Reserved Special Runs on location at BreyerFest (or your pick up person will be doing so) and picking them up there.

If you purchase an All Access Ticket after May 23rd, you will not be able to use the Special Run Preference List to reserve a model. You will be purchasing your Special Runs out of remaining stock, meaning that whatever is left over, you will be purchasing them. Each All Access Ticket is able to purchase Two Special Runs.

The only thing that you will need to pick up at Will Call is International Ticket Books as they will not be sent out.