Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Breyerfest Jitters and the Creation of Road To Breyerfest

Breyerfest, a place where model horse lovers and real horse lovers combine to make three days of the most amazing adventures. This enormous convention is put on by Reeves Int for their Breyer Model Horses line of products.  Breyerfest celebrates everything model horse related and also allows you to meet the real life horses that have inspired many of the models in their line. But the large scale of the event can seem to make even the most seasoned convention nervous. 

Back in 2012, I was able to afford to go to my very first Breyerfest.  After years of dreaming about the mecca of model horses, I realized that nothing was holding me back anymore from attending.  I grew up in California and between the distance and showing real horses, Breyerfest was a distant dream for me.  When I moved to Kentucky when my parents decided it was time to move, I hesitated to realize how close that I was to my dream.  Even though I arrived in Kentucky in 2003, it was still many years before I was able to live a dream. Through marriage and divorce and kids, my model horses lived in my shelves and my dream was still in the back of my mind.  Finally, one fateful day in 2011, I had to give up showing my real horse due to his arthritis and once again, my eyes turned to the plastic ponies that lived on my shelves.  Maybe they would become my new outlet for weekend boredom? Little did I know what rabbit hole I was falling into! In January of 2012, a model horse friend of mine asked if I was going to Breyerfest since I lived in Kentucky.  I had not thought about it! So I worked out vacation time from my job, started saving money, found a friend to go with me, and purchased my tickets.  Pushing the Buy Now button on the Breyer website started a whole new level of anxiety that I had not experienced at the time.  I did not know ANYTHING about this event! I quickly joined all types of model horse groups on social media.  I poured over videos on Youtube. I tried to figure out just what was going to happen.
  No one answered my questions.  I did not know what a Special Run was and I certainly did not know what the Ninja Pit was.  The week before Breyerfest 2012, I tried to plot out my trip to Lexington with my dad and the friend that was going to go with me.  We tried to guess the times that I needed to get down there, the best routes to take to be able to come home each night since hotels were out of the question. All the time, I was extremely nervous and scared, especially since no one answered my questions! The night before Breyerfest, I saw a video that was being uploaded about the Ninja Pit.  I told my dad that I needed to go and go now so that I would have a parking spot.  I picked up my friend and arrived at the Kentucky Horse Park around 10 PM on the Thursday before Breyerfest that year.  The line was already forming and I was number 25 in line.  Was it worth it? I am not entirely sure because I did not get anything great because I had no idea what was going on! But I had fun!
  In 2013, I decided that I wanted to go back, but knew that funds would be limited due to me now living with a roommate who would later become my husband. However, life had a different plan for me and I was shocked when I received a phone call in January while I was at work one day.  I had seen where Breyerfest would be a Western Event and I had emailed Breyer about perhaps showcasing Western Horsemanship with my horse and show the event that not everything is about Western Pleasure, chasing cans, or chasing cows. They had reached out to another member of the horse community and had learned about what I had done in my time of showing my real horse and had agreed that Western Horsemanship had a place in their demonstrations.  So my horse, Someone Trespassed, and myself were headed to Breyerfest! I was shocked and more nervous than the last year, but I had great advice from my riding instructor from out in California.  She told me that I was now my own trainer and I just needed to treat this like a large horse show where I might not get a place, but I still needed to wow the judge, the judge being the large crowd. So 2013 was different, but I had an absolute blast! I got to share my real horse passion with the world and give my horse an event that he loved since people petted him and fed him every two seconds.  I did not know that I would lose my horse just four years later at the time and that this memory would become one of my absolute favorites. But sitting at the gate, ready to ride into the arena, I heard so many people asking where this tent was or what the Special Run line was and they were as confused as I was the first year and still was, even though I was riding my horse! Road To Breyerfest was created then and there as a place to share pictures of my collection and to be a place where people could go to learn about the event. I decided that if I could not show my real horse anymore, I would dedicate myself to learning about an event that I was quickly learning to love!

So now that you have read my story and how nervous I was, I want to tell you something that you will hear many more times.  Relax! Just take a step back and take a deep breath.  Road To Breyerfest is here to answer your questions and to help you understand just what is going on at Breyerfest and Equilocity.  Some of the most well known veterans of the event and some amazing artists have come together to bring you the answers to any questions that you have about the mecca of model horses.  Our best advice is literally to relax, take a deep breath, and know that not only do you have help, but you have friends that will be with you at the event, if you do not want to be alone.  It is ok to be nervous, I still get nervous each July and my heart races as I drive the 45 minutes that it takes to get to Lexington. Before I walk into the Clarion or the Kentucky Horse Park, I still get a rush of adrenaline that screams at me to turn around and run because I might make a mistake.  I have social anxiety and it screams at me that no one wants me there and that I do not matter, but I know better in my mind.  Just know that even the veterans get nervous still and we are always around to help you out! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

An Adventure With Any Amount Of Money

Breyerfest is an amazing place, a place where you can find the model of your dreams or even just meet some people that have the same interest as you.  Every year, I see the same posts about how much money is needed to attend the event.  Everyone wants to have as much as they possibly can so that they can buy every special run, every store model, and every model that they have always wanted.  However, this post is all about what you can do with limited funds.

One year, I went to Breyerfest with a measly $25 in my pocket.  That year was 2013, the same year that Road To Breyerfest was created.  I rode my horse, Someone Trespassed, in an exhibition for Western Horsemanship so I had to make a choice.  Did I want to buy models or did I want my horse to be happy in a stall with shavings and still be able to pay the hauler to bring him to Lexington and take him back home.  I chose my horse and decided to try and sell models to get money to buy models.  Nothing sold and well, I had $25 to spend at Breyerfest. 

At the time, I lived in Lexington so I was able to pop back home when I was hungry and I was able to easily go home and get more to drink when my water bottles were empty, if I did not want to wait in line at the bathrooms.  After riding my horse, I put him in his stall to munch on some hay and I decided to walk around.  Just looking at the things for sale and talking to people about the hobby and the animal that I loved most fed my soul.  I did purchase a few small things, like stablemates and a Maggie Bennett resin, so I did not leave empty handed.  My horse, of course, got more attention than me, especially when he decided that he would take himself back to the stall when I was stopped and talking to someone. 

After that year, I decided that no matter how much I had in my pocket, I would have a great time.  As I have grown older and some of my priorities have changed, I have come to realize that meeting up with my friends and making new ones mean more to me than the models that I am able to get.  Last year, I was able to take an amount of money that I had never been able to take before and I came home with cash in my pocket and I still had all of the models that I wanted from both the Clarion and the vendors at Breyerfest. 

I hope that this post will help you when you ask yourself how much money that you need to take with you to Breyerfest.  Road To Breyerfest admins cannot tell you how much that you need to take as we do not know what you are paying towards your hotel, rental, food, and all the rest of the costs.  We did, however, have a lovely member make an estimate of just how much that you might need to take and that file is in the files of the main group on Facebook, so we do recommend that you take a look at it. 

Breyerfest 2019: Special Run

Trotting into the Special Run lineup is a model that never needs an introduction.  Based off of Black Widow, Natasha is a lovely pinto on the Trotting Arabian Mare mold.  She does require a special run ticket.

Breyerfest 2019: Store Model #3!

Have you seen the newest Store Model? He is quite a sight to see!  A lovely chestnut on the Dundee mold, Hal canters into Breyerfest with his owner all the way from Canada. Jonathan Field took in the aggressive Quarter Horse when he was three and turned him around into a very successful horse.  They performed together at many events and expos, showing what trust and a partnership can achieve.  Hal was also a very integral part of Jonathan's recovery when he almost lost his hand in an accident.  Now semi- retired, Hal lives in Canada, but will be making an appearance at Breyerfest 2019 to grace his adoring fans and maybe you can get his model signed by Jonathan!

A Breyerfest 2019 Sneak Peek

Have you checked out the Breyerfest website today?

A new sneak peek was posted and it is for the Diorama Contest prize horse! While I have only entered the Diorama Contest once and certainly did not win, I do enjoy looking at all of the pretty horses that are released for the event, including the prize models and the elusive Auction Models!  Do you enjoy looking at the models while you are at Breyerfest?

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Difference Between A Special Run and a Store Special

Breyerfest offers a lovely array of special models just for purchase at the event and these models sure draw some attention, good or bad.  But they are labeled differently and what makes them different?

A Special Run is a model that is of limited quality that is offered through the Special Run tent at Breyerfest.  These models require a special ticket to purchase and gain you access to the crazy Special Run line that we have discussed on the blog and several times in the FB group.  At the Special Run line, you have one ticket with a time, number, and day.  At that day and time, you are asked to show up 15 minutes before the time on the ticket.  A random number is drawn and that number is first.  We will use 150.  150-500 will line up in order and then continue with 1-149 after 500. With each ticket, you are able to purchase two different special run models, say you wanted one of the dog and one of the horses.  You are not allowed to purchase two of the same and that does include surprise horses.

A Store Special is a model that is of limited edition that is offered through the Breyer Store during Breyerfest.  These models do sell out quickly and it is limited to one per person per purchase. There is a certain quantity that is set out during the day and you are able to hand pick which one that you like and then are able to purchase it.  You do not have to have a special ticket other than entrance into Breyerfest. The cost is around the same of the Special Run horses and are as detailed.

Breyerfest 2019: Store Special number 2!

Well, well! We have a second store special! Let's meet Rico, a lovely Andalusian/ Arabian cross stallion that is part of Silvia Zerbini's Liberty team.  This handsome stallion is on the Silver mold and he is likely to be a great crowd pleaser!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Breyerfest 2019: A Special Run

Let's welcome Bucky to the Breyerfest Special Run lineup! This good boy is on the Breyer Saint Bernard mold and is painted in a lovely dark brown/black color over white.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Breyerfest Information: The Ninja Pit Of Death!

      The Nina Pit Of Death, an ominous sounding title for something that is not quite that deadly.  This term refers to the line that forms at the Kentucky Horse Park on the Thursday before Breyerfest and leads into the Breyer store on Friday morning.  You are not required to stand in this line, if you just want to get into Breyerfest, however, if you want to go into the Breyer store or the Pop Up Tent first thing Friday morning, then you will need to be in this line.  But while it seems impossibly long, you will get into the event!

If you are in the line early, then you are guaranteed a spot in either of the stores mentioned above,  Around 8:00 am on Friday morning, Breyer employees will come around with numbers for the Breyer store and the Pop Up Tent.  These numbers are 1-350 and you are guaranteed entry into the store, provided that you line up in this number order at the line of the store that you have chosen.  There are three locations for the Pop Up Tent this year, so I am uncertain how the third one will work, but the two will be in one line out in the parking lot and then divide once you are inside of the park.  However, the real glory is the Breyer store.

If you are doing the Ninja Pit just for the Breyer store, first you need to know that they do not put out everything like they used to anymore.  The warehouse product is placed out throughout the entire event now and you might not find anything Friday morning, but come back on Sunday afternoon and find a surprise just waiting for you! The line is long, the store is small, and there will be tons of pushing and shoving so the best thing is to relax, go with the flow, and hope to find an amazing surprise waiting for you! You will not be allowed to bring in bags to the store, however, volunteers will provide you with a bag to carry your purchases to the register when you are finished shopping.  The special items are usually located on the left hand side of the store when you enter, but this can and will change through the weekend as items are sold out and more are brought out. 

Saturday morning does provide a line as well, one that is starting to rival the line on Friday morning since the change in the release of the warehouse product and you will need to arrive early, if you want to be the first one into the store.  But again, this line is not required and you are able to enter into the event without waiting in this line.

Equilocity 2019: The Ice Cream Social

Meet Lancelot! This fiery pebble sized beauty is available to those that go to the Ice Cream Social at Equilocity 2019.  But don't be alarmed, you can still buy him even if you are not able to make it to Equilocity in Lexington this year! Check out their website to purchase him, tickets to the Ice Cream Social, or even just to see what they have to offer during their amazing event! More information coming on Equilocity soon!

Breyerfest 2019: The First Store Special!

Meet Zipped In Black Magic, the very first Store Special that has been released from Breyer for Breyerfest 2019.  This lovely appaloosa on the Zippo Pine Bar mold is truly a horse hero in his own right! This now blind appaloosa is one heck of a therapy horse as well as an accomplished show horse! Make sure to read his full story over on the Breyerfest Blog on the Breyer website.  He will be available at Breyerfest to meet and to have his model signed!

Breyerfest 2019: A Special Run

Meet Diana! On the ever popular Roxy mold, Diana is a warm bay with a little bit of chrome to make her pop.  A rich gloss finish makes her stand out even more from our current line of super heroes in the special run line!

Breyerfest 2019: Special Run

Keeping with the super hero names, meet Quill! This daring appaloosa stallion has enough color to surely stop the eye when he is seen in the Special Run line.  He is on the Smart Chic Olena mold and is a show stopping silver dun appaloosa color. 

Breyerfest 2019: The First Special Run!

Breyerfest 2019 promises to bring us some amazing horses since this is their 30th anniversary of this amazing event.  The first special run of the event is certainly a stunner in color and choice for mold.  Celebrating her 50th birthday, the Clydesdale mold has cantered into the limelight.  Painted in a highly detailed chestnut sabino color, Pepper is sure to please with her bright coat and sweet face.

Breyerfest 2019: Early Bird Raffle Horse

Meet Captain, the prize for the Early Bird Raffle! You might be asking yourself how to get one of these amazing beauties, but take a breath and know that you have come to the right place to get the answer to that question.  From January to April, you are able to buy three day tickets at a discounted price.  Purchasing your tickets in this time frame allows you be be entered into a raffle, free of charge.  That raffle allows you to be able to get one of three of this amazing model, if your name is called during the time that they announce the raffle.  You must be present to win, you do not have to be a Collector Club member, and you are automatically entered when you purchase a three day ticket.

Equilocity 2019: In Search Of The Holy Grail

This year, Stone Horses presents their Equilocity in a way that model horses collectors can truly get before! It seems that as collectors, we are always searching for the one that we call the Holy Grail and we will do nearly anything to be able to attain it!  Keep checking to back to see what releases that they come out with and you might be able to find your Holy Grail!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Breyerfest 2019: A Salute To Horse Heroes! Celebration Horse

This year, Breyer has chosen one amazing Celebration Horse! Kentucky Horse Park is home to many amazing horses that are heroes in their own right. These horses, though, cannot all be chosen for the right to have their own place in Breyerfest, despite us wanting them to.  But Breyer sure chose one amazing horse that takes that honor.  Meet Oliver, the Spotted Draft Police Horse! He is a favorite while out on his beat, which takes him through the park with his human, Captain Lisa Rakes.  He is on the Cleveland Bay mold and is a complete stunner for those of you who purchase a three day ticket.  If his pictures are a preview of what is to come, not only is the model spectacular, but so is the real horse and I for one cannot wait to meet him! -RTB Rachel