Tuesday, March 26, 2019

An Adventure With Any Amount Of Money

Breyerfest is an amazing place, a place where you can find the model of your dreams or even just meet some people that have the same interest as you.  Every year, I see the same posts about how much money is needed to attend the event.  Everyone wants to have as much as they possibly can so that they can buy every special run, every store model, and every model that they have always wanted.  However, this post is all about what you can do with limited funds.

One year, I went to Breyerfest with a measly $25 in my pocket.  That year was 2013, the same year that Road To Breyerfest was created.  I rode my horse, Someone Trespassed, in an exhibition for Western Horsemanship so I had to make a choice.  Did I want to buy models or did I want my horse to be happy in a stall with shavings and still be able to pay the hauler to bring him to Lexington and take him back home.  I chose my horse and decided to try and sell models to get money to buy models.  Nothing sold and well, I had $25 to spend at Breyerfest. 

At the time, I lived in Lexington so I was able to pop back home when I was hungry and I was able to easily go home and get more to drink when my water bottles were empty, if I did not want to wait in line at the bathrooms.  After riding my horse, I put him in his stall to munch on some hay and I decided to walk around.  Just looking at the things for sale and talking to people about the hobby and the animal that I loved most fed my soul.  I did purchase a few small things, like stablemates and a Maggie Bennett resin, so I did not leave empty handed.  My horse, of course, got more attention than me, especially when he decided that he would take himself back to the stall when I was stopped and talking to someone. 

After that year, I decided that no matter how much I had in my pocket, I would have a great time.  As I have grown older and some of my priorities have changed, I have come to realize that meeting up with my friends and making new ones mean more to me than the models that I am able to get.  Last year, I was able to take an amount of money that I had never been able to take before and I came home with cash in my pocket and I still had all of the models that I wanted from both the Clarion and the vendors at Breyerfest. 

I hope that this post will help you when you ask yourself how much money that you need to take with you to Breyerfest.  Road To Breyerfest admins cannot tell you how much that you need to take as we do not know what you are paying towards your hotel, rental, food, and all the rest of the costs.  We did, however, have a lovely member make an estimate of just how much that you might need to take and that file is in the files of the main group on Facebook, so we do recommend that you take a look at it. 

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