Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Guest Horses Of Breyerfest 2019

The list of the guest horses for Breyerfest 2019, Salute to Horse Heroes, has been released and let me tell you, this list is quite impressive!  From the way that the naming of the Special Runs went, we were led to believe that this theme might actually lean towards Super Heroes and such so I was not sure what to answer when people asked me if there would be real horse heroes there.  However, a new post tonight revealed that not only will Oliver, the police horse be there as well as the RCMP, but we will see a civil war reenactment group and a wonderful horse named Klinger, who is a real live horse hero! 

Klinger is being honored at Breyerfest 2019 as he is not only currently part of the 3rd US Infantry Regiment Old Guard Caisson Platoon, he also works with wounded war veterans and is the mascot for the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors. This 17 hh gentle giant will be coming to Breyerfest 2019 to be honored by Breyer for all of the amazing work that he is done in his job.  I, for one, cannot wait to meet a horse of this caliber! He must be one very special horse.

There is also a long list of horses that will be there and I can't wait to see them all, of course.

Oliver is a Celebration Horse. This lovely spotted draft cross has his own file so make sure to check that out!
Truly Unsurpassed is a 2007 Paint Horse marethat has been making history in western dressage with her owner, Nancy Conley. Truly Unsurpassed became the first horse to earn Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medal Awards from the WDAA. (copied from the Breyer website)
Dominante XXIX is the first Qualified Pura Raza EspaƱola (PRE) stallion imported to the USA. Soon after arriving at Snowy Peaks Ranch, five-year-old “Dom” was named Campeon de la Raza (Champion Stallion) at the 2005 Foundation for the Pure Spanish Horse’s National Celebration Show. (copied from the Breyer website)*
King is returning this year! In the dazzling and exhilarating world of trick riding, a favorite of performers and students is King, a 2001 American Paint Horse. Trixie Chicks owner and performer Kelsey Lauberth describes him as “the horse of many trick riders,” because his steady nature makes him their go-to lesson mount. (copied from the Breyer website)*
In his 17th year, Lil’ Ricky Rocker will return as his fans demand his presence as the official greeter and official mount of Breyer!
Zipped In Black Magic- Click or copy the link to read more about this amazing Appaloosa!
Harley And The Sugarbush Draft Horses 
KHP Large Carriages


Firelight Arabians

Rockin R Rhythm Riders
Jeff Wilson with Orion and Valiant King
A Civil War Reenactment Camp
A Tribute To Sergeant Reckless
A Riderless Horse

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Feelings Of Breyerfest

Today, I want to talk about something different than I normally post.  Lately, I have been feeling quite differently about Breyerfest that I have in the past and I do not know why. But I wanted to share my feelings with my followers so that maybe I can help someone else.
  My first Breyerfest was in 2012 and when I ordered my tickets, I was beyond excited and nervous and completely overwhelmed.  I watched tons of Youtube videos on Breyerfest and asked tons of questions on Facebook. I tried to learn everything that I needed to know, but I did run into issues with finding help on some of the lines and stuff like that.  But I was still excited.

I ended up taking a younger friend with me as he did show interest in the event.  I purchased two tickets, but sold one of the special run tickets to get a bit more money as I was not even sure what to expect.  I did not even know about the Clarion! When my tickets arrived, it all became real to me.  I was going to an event that I had begged my parents to take me to for years. I had paid for it with my own money, saved up all of my paychecks and tax return to be able to pay for models and gas to get there. I was beyond excited. At least, I was until I realized that I did not have a hotel (I have lived within an hour of the park since I moved to Kentucky) and my car was not a great vehicle (That seems to be a theme with me..).  I also did not know what to expect at all. 

On Thursday before the event, I was watching a video where it showed the NPOD line and I was like OMG....The line is starting already?! I posted about it in a group and I got no response.  I asked my dad what I should do. He shrugged and said that it was my event and I was an adult, do what felt right about it.  So I packed up my car in record time, grabbed the friend, and went down the KHP.  I pulled right in and got an amazing parking spot and was literally 25th in line.  I did not sleep that night and talked to everyone that I could.  I was extremely apprehensive, yet excited.  I learned about the Clarion in the line and ended up going there later that weekend.  That Breyerfest was completely overwhelming and I was lost completely.

In 2013, I did ride my horse so my Breyerfest was completely different and I was more nervous as my horse had been retired for several years already and I was scared that he would hurt himself or would fall as he was having some odd balance issues at the time due to arthritis. But that was the Breyerfest that I spent literally $25 and had a blast! I am still looking for pictures and videos of me there, if anyone has some to share with me!

2014, I had literally just had my youngest and last child.  I was informed by doctor and husband that I was not to go to Breyerfest and I said ok. I sold my 3 day ticket and was going to actually behave. However, after sitting around in the hospital after my c-section, I decided that I needed to escape while my husband was still on paternity leave. I bought several single day tickets and tried to escape.  However, husband and the two kids followed me because I was not allowed to go alone. I did not spend much more, but I had a special run ticket, I went to the Clarion, and had an absolute blast!

In 2015, I had started pushing Road To Breyerfest more and more.  A friend at the time decided to help me and I learned about the event while she monitored the group and planned events.  I learned more and more about how things at the event worked and then even started learning about Stone's Equilocity as well.  I pushed the group and really started to help people.  I purchased two tickets to get the special runs and boy, I was excited.  This was the year that I really knew what I was doing and I was able to help people in advance.  However, once I got to the event, I was actually terrified! I do have severe social anxiety and people were starting to know me by name and I was like OMG, hide me please! However, I worked through it and had a great time!

2016 was similar to 2015 and I still pushed for the group to help others learn about the event. I helped toms of people, had a lovely meet up with my friend helping and hit up a few of the other things that happened.  I was still excited and happy! But I was still apprehensive when I actually got to the event.

2017 was the year that I volunteered for the first time.  I had never been so excited and nervous at the same time! I had no idea what to expect, but I just helped the people in the group and continued on with that.  When more information came in, I actually ended up borrowing a car to make sure that I could get to Breyerfest and not have any issues. I was so nervous! But I was beyond excited! Once at the event and volunteering, I had an absolute blast and met even more people that loved the event, model horses, and I met some that I could help while at the event.  Not only did I help people while volunteering, I but I helped grow the group when I was not volunteering. But after the event, I was exhausted and in my mind, I was unsure that I wanted to do it again next year.

Next year came and well, I put in my application to volunteer and bought a ticket for 2018.  My exhaustion had left and I was truly looking forward to the event once more! I was picked to volunteer and was beyond excited.  The group had grown by leaps and bounds and now I covered not only Breyerfest, but Equilocity and all of the outside events that surrounded that one weekend in the year! By the end of the event, I was beyond exhausted.  I had a blast, but my schedule was almost too much more me and I even ended up with Heat Stroke on Saturday.  I was so dazed that I drove home with Heat Stroke and all of my family went crazy because well, my car was crappy and I apparently did not answer the phone. But I told my family that I might not go the next year.

However, here it is 2019 and guess what?! I have purchased my tickets and am already planning a meet and greet or two. So this year, I am excited once more, despite having insane vehicle issues (It likes to shut off while I am driving and some times, it doesn't come back on! But I am trying to fix it before the event, although 45 days does not give me much time unless I do a quick fix.), I am getting excited to head to Lexington and hang out with my friends and group members! I have been planning outfits and shoes and even which bags to take and blankets to take to sleep in my car during the Ninja Pit ordeal. How do I feel now? I am excited! I am anxious. But most importantly, I need a vacation!

I hope that this timeline helps you with how you feel about Breyerfest as the event grows closer and I hope that I will see you at Breyerfest!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Small Bit About This Breyerfest and All The Others

Roadies, I have thought long and hard on making this post and while I was still not convinced at the end of the day that I should make it, I was driven by one response that I received to an incident that happened earlier in the main group.  Hopefully, no one really noticed the huge kerfuffle that occurred while I was tending to my child and the other admins were busy, however, I do feel that I need to address the gist of what happened with the Model Horse Community and what it means to this group.

First and foremost, Road To Breyerfest is a positive group.  We strive to share and maintain a purely positive atmosphere where many people will feel comfortable at all times, even when asking the hard questions.  However, this is hard to do when there is a topic that stirs the emotions of many people.  The topic is that of the Breyerfest theme this year.  In the beginning, we were told that this year, we were honoring those horse heroes both from the past to the present.  However, some people seem to have become upset with how the special runs were named.  I want to address this as purely the person that I am in the hobby.  Remember, I am a fan and a hobbyist just like you.  I am not affiliated with Breyer so I do not know what they hold in their minds and meetings.  That being said, I do want to say that while I would love to see more actual horse heroes honored, I do enjoy that these Special Run models were named after Super Heroes.  And the reason why I feel this way is purely silly, so bear with me.  Growing up, Super Heroes are our heroes! It does not matter if it was Iron Man or Rin Tin Tin, we knew them as heroes. I know that I rooted for the Black, for Black Beauty, and many more horse icons that we all grew up with over the normal Super Heroes, but then again, I am a horse obsessed person.  The names of these runs bring back my childhood a bit and I can remember the way that it felt the first time that I was allowed to touch a police horse.  Do you remember that time of your life? It was absolutely magical to me. 

However, coming from a semi military family, I do wish to feel a bit more reverence towards the heroes part now that I am grown up.  The raffle models are more appropriately named and I have seen the trend towards the guest horses that they have been placing on the website.  Most of those horses have overcome something to be a better animal. So while I see that, I can understand why the Special Runs are named for Super Heroes.  Besides, this is a fun event so my best advice as always is to RELAX! This is a hobby and supposed to be fun.  While I do this full time and be a stay at home mom, I know full well how this hobby can become a job.  But even I am taking my own advice this year.  I am relaxing, except for getting my car ready. Let's remember that while Breyer picks the theme, they also release models that they want to release and name them what they want to name them.  We have absolutely no control over that! So, please, take a breath and relax.  Let's have fun this year!

A Few More Releases!

 First, we have the Open Show Grand Prize model, Victory.  This lovely palomino pinto on the Yasmin mold is certainly eye catching!
 Next, we have Triumph, the Live Show Reserve Grand Prize model.  This few spot Appaloosa is on the ever popular Indian Pony mold

 For those that participate in the 5K on Sunday, Breyer has released the Medallion and Tshirt that you will receive.  These are quite lovely this year!
And last, but certainly not least, is our second release for the Pop Up Stores!  This lovely Classic sized model is in honor of the RCMP and their performance of the Musical Ride!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Breyerfest Tips

Breyerfest is an amazing adventure for those that get to go, from the very young to the ones that are not interested in horses at all! There is usually something for everyone there and there is more than you can see in one weekend.  This post will be all about Breyerfest and not the surrounding area at Lexington since I know that we cannot even cover the entire area in one weekend at all!  These tips have been taken from the members of the Road To Breyerfest Facebook group and range from newbies to the hardcore Breyerfest warriors! I hope that this helps you in your Breyerfest journey!

*Make sure that you drink plenty of water.  Kentucky in July is hot and humid and you might get dehydrated faster than you realize.  Some members, including myself, prefer to take refillable bottles since there are water fountains to fill them up at or even the bathroom sinks, if you are that hardcore.  Drinks are expensive at the venue, however, there is usually a lemonade vendor that sells a large cup that offers half off of refills for the life of the cup. 

* Relax and know that you will not be able to take in everything in a single weekend.  Some of the best advice from Breyerfest warriors is to step outside of your comfort zone and talk to people.  You might meet a new friend, find a new model that you have been looking for, or even learn something new about the hobby that you might not have never known.  Talk to those in the line around you, hobby people are quite amazing in how friendly they are!  Even the newbies that have been dragged there by horse loving children have something to say! Make sure to take the time to relax while there, check out the museums and take in the air conditioning, if you need to.  If you need to, go pet a horse and maybe chat with their owner about them.  Horse people love to talk about their horses and horses in general and most are ready and wanting to learn about the model horse hobby!

*Don't stand in lines.  This is a big one that I have been preaching since my first year going and I have seen so many people saying it as well.  The only line that you are really required to stand in is the Special Run line.  Make sure to pick up your celebration horse and the stablemates when the lines are less and you might even be able to chat with the people that work for Breyer.  I have learned so much about them and well, I have had fun talking about the hobby with them as well!

*Take a stroll around the park, if the crowd gets to you!  Yes, the Covered Arena and the Big Barn will be crawling with activity, but the rest of the park might be quiet if you need an escape from the bustle of people.  If people watching is your thing, make sure to take a seat in the shade and relax where it is not so hot. 

*Be patient. It might not seem like this should be on the list, but I believe that it deserves a place.  For the last few years, I have had vehicle issues at the event and I know that some times I get stressed out and want to snap at people.  This might be happening to many others and the best thing to do is smile at at least one person a day during Breyerfest.  That smile might make their day and you might never know.  If you find some people getting cranky in line, perhaps they are not used to the heat or the lines might cause social anxiety.  There are a ton of reasons and I cannot possible list them all, so my best advice is to be patient and to be as friendly as possible.

*When going to the Clarion, take a small notebook and make notes of the rooms that you want to go back to or which room sold which model.  I know from personal experience that I have overlooked a model and was told it was in a certain room.  The Clarion is a maze and by the time that I made it there, I lost out on a purchase that I wanted.  But for me, buying a model is not always the best part of Breyerfest.  The best part of Breyerfest for me is meeting my friends and making new ones!

*Make sure to check out the Road To Breyerfest Facebook group for more helpful hints in the files and on the wall as we share this quite often before Breyerfest. 

One New Release and Two Prize Horses

The pop up shops are now finally having their stock released and of course, the lovely plushie is the first one to be released! This lovely little black and white pinto with a cape is a lovely little plushie of Oliver! Is he not adorable?!
Officer Oliver is the perfect souvenir for this event, especially if you love plushies!

The Best Customs contest prizes have also been revealed.  If you have a talent at making custom models, then you might be interested in checking out the Best Customs Contest!  The rules are on the Breyer website, but you can check out the prizes right here!
Leap Of Faith is the grand prize model.  With a total of three on this mold, he is quite a stunning horse!
Top Hat and Tails is the runner up prize for the Best Customs contest.  With the lovely pattern of Aiden from the Stablemate club, he is quite stunning in his black and white paint job.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Breyerfest Fun and Why You Should Join In!

Breyerfest is an experience that is not for the faint of heart.  If you have a chance to experience this amazing event, then I recommend doing so, however, if you are not able to go, Road To Breyerfest offers a unique perspective on the event that everyone can enjoy.  Read on to find out why!
In the past, Road To Breyerfest offered discount tours to Old Friends, the home of many retired racehorses that we all know and love.  Their names graced our lips for many years before they retired and now you are able to go and see them today and learn a little about their history and even pet some of them! In the recent years, Road To Breyerfest has given up these tours in exchange for a meet and greet luncheon at Cracker Barrel.  But we always encourage these tours and are glad to help you find links and phone numbers if you want to book a tour!

We also film live videos on Facebook in the Clarion hotel while the sales are going on! We do not offer pick up services, but we do introduce you to other Road To Breyerfest members and show you all the fun that is to be had there, even if you are unable to go.  The Clarion is a great place to meet up with hobby friends, meet new friends, find a model that you been looking for, or even trade your models! This year, we are going to try and do a live video on Thursday evening again while in the Artisan's Gallery, like last year,.
Then, of course, there is the Ninja Pit Of Death!  While this is not as huge as it has been in the past years, there are still plenty of people that line up the Thursday before Breyerfest to try and be the first to enter the gates of Model Horse Heaven.  The line is divided into two, one for the Breyerfest Store and one for the Pop Up Stores.  On Friday morning, the Breyer employees come through and hand out tickets to the first 300 people in line for both lines and those people are promised those first spots in line.  While there is still pushing and shoving on the walk from the gates to the entrance of the Covered Arena, the whole thing is heavily policed and if there is a problem, you need to address it with the police.

                                                       Number from the Pop Up Line from 2016

Breyerfest also offers a lovely place to meet all of your horse and human celebrities that you adore. Road To Breyerfest offers you a chance to see them in photos and videos, if you are unable to make it to the event.  I plan to attempt to get some small interviews this year, but I am not sure if I will be able to accomplish it.  But I know that there will be photos!

No matter if you go to Breyerfest or stay home, Breyerfest is a wonderful time of year that everyone can join in on, whether you are there or not! Make sure to tune into Road To Breyerfest and check out all of our other social media outlets to find all of the information that you are looking for!

Monday, May 6, 2019

The Model Horse Hobby

I wish that I could truly express what I feel about this hobby in words  However, I can do my absolute best to let others know how it makes me feel, what I see in it, and how the friends that I have met changed my life. 
Friends come and go in the hobby and I cannot stress that enough.  Some times, your views are different.  Some times, things slowly change and you pull away from each other.  And other times, you might be accused of something that you truly did not do.  And some times, some people pull away from you completely.  The above photo is special to me for a small reason and one that I am not even sure what happened.  I had a close friend in the hobby.  She helped me develop a small group that went on to help others enjoy Breyerfest.  I looked forward to meeting her for our once a year sojourn where we talked plastic horses, dined on fast food, and frolicked around to pet real horses.  But one day, she stopped talking to me.  She blocked me on facebook and well, I never did understand why.  I sent emails, asking what did I do?  What had happened? I got no response.  At Breyerfest 2018, I saw her and she turned her nose at me and snubbed me in the Clarion.  I could have cried.  Last year was a bad year for me, hobby wise, but that response hurt me to my core.  I have since seen her online as she has unblocked me now, but sadly, I just do not look at her in the same light anymore.  But it serves to remind me that the hobby changes daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly and we are merely pawns in the universe.
But this is not a sad post! The above picture reflects the absolute fun that I have had in this hobby.  As a volunteer for Breyer, I love being in the front lines and answering those questions that I have all year long in the group! This guy here, Robert, made a very busy day turn into something hilarious! He had to be a unicorn and man, he rocked it! He was genuinely curious about what makes thousands of people come to this event of plastic ponies and we volunteers certainly indulged him in how we felt about the hobby, the models, and so much more! Meeting people like this makes me smile and I love to share my love of the hobby with everyone and anyone, even if they don't want it! The hobby has so many amazing people in it that sometimes we take them for granted. We hear about the bad experiences and then we glaze over the good ones because the bad experiences have jaded us all.  I wish that I could make a call to arms for the model horse community and make the hobby a very positive experience that supports the members around them. 
So this year, let us try to make everything a positive experience for those around us! Breyerfest is an amazing event, especially to those that actually are lucky enough to go.  The hobby has enough cliques in it and distress over models, so why have everything be dramatic! Take a breather, compliment a model or a friend, and answer a question today.  I will get off of my soap box now and I hope that maybe one day, we can see the hobby take a turn towards a more positive light.