Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Feelings Of Breyerfest

Today, I want to talk about something different than I normally post.  Lately, I have been feeling quite differently about Breyerfest that I have in the past and I do not know why. But I wanted to share my feelings with my followers so that maybe I can help someone else.
  My first Breyerfest was in 2012 and when I ordered my tickets, I was beyond excited and nervous and completely overwhelmed.  I watched tons of Youtube videos on Breyerfest and asked tons of questions on Facebook. I tried to learn everything that I needed to know, but I did run into issues with finding help on some of the lines and stuff like that.  But I was still excited.

I ended up taking a younger friend with me as he did show interest in the event.  I purchased two tickets, but sold one of the special run tickets to get a bit more money as I was not even sure what to expect.  I did not even know about the Clarion! When my tickets arrived, it all became real to me.  I was going to an event that I had begged my parents to take me to for years. I had paid for it with my own money, saved up all of my paychecks and tax return to be able to pay for models and gas to get there. I was beyond excited. At least, I was until I realized that I did not have a hotel (I have lived within an hour of the park since I moved to Kentucky) and my car was not a great vehicle (That seems to be a theme with me..).  I also did not know what to expect at all. 

On Thursday before the event, I was watching a video where it showed the NPOD line and I was like OMG....The line is starting already?! I posted about it in a group and I got no response.  I asked my dad what I should do. He shrugged and said that it was my event and I was an adult, do what felt right about it.  So I packed up my car in record time, grabbed the friend, and went down the KHP.  I pulled right in and got an amazing parking spot and was literally 25th in line.  I did not sleep that night and talked to everyone that I could.  I was extremely apprehensive, yet excited.  I learned about the Clarion in the line and ended up going there later that weekend.  That Breyerfest was completely overwhelming and I was lost completely.

In 2013, I did ride my horse so my Breyerfest was completely different and I was more nervous as my horse had been retired for several years already and I was scared that he would hurt himself or would fall as he was having some odd balance issues at the time due to arthritis. But that was the Breyerfest that I spent literally $25 and had a blast! I am still looking for pictures and videos of me there, if anyone has some to share with me!

2014, I had literally just had my youngest and last child.  I was informed by doctor and husband that I was not to go to Breyerfest and I said ok. I sold my 3 day ticket and was going to actually behave. However, after sitting around in the hospital after my c-section, I decided that I needed to escape while my husband was still on paternity leave. I bought several single day tickets and tried to escape.  However, husband and the two kids followed me because I was not allowed to go alone. I did not spend much more, but I had a special run ticket, I went to the Clarion, and had an absolute blast!

In 2015, I had started pushing Road To Breyerfest more and more.  A friend at the time decided to help me and I learned about the event while she monitored the group and planned events.  I learned more and more about how things at the event worked and then even started learning about Stone's Equilocity as well.  I pushed the group and really started to help people.  I purchased two tickets to get the special runs and boy, I was excited.  This was the year that I really knew what I was doing and I was able to help people in advance.  However, once I got to the event, I was actually terrified! I do have severe social anxiety and people were starting to know me by name and I was like OMG, hide me please! However, I worked through it and had a great time!

2016 was similar to 2015 and I still pushed for the group to help others learn about the event. I helped toms of people, had a lovely meet up with my friend helping and hit up a few of the other things that happened.  I was still excited and happy! But I was still apprehensive when I actually got to the event.

2017 was the year that I volunteered for the first time.  I had never been so excited and nervous at the same time! I had no idea what to expect, but I just helped the people in the group and continued on with that.  When more information came in, I actually ended up borrowing a car to make sure that I could get to Breyerfest and not have any issues. I was so nervous! But I was beyond excited! Once at the event and volunteering, I had an absolute blast and met even more people that loved the event, model horses, and I met some that I could help while at the event.  Not only did I help people while volunteering, I but I helped grow the group when I was not volunteering. But after the event, I was exhausted and in my mind, I was unsure that I wanted to do it again next year.

Next year came and well, I put in my application to volunteer and bought a ticket for 2018.  My exhaustion had left and I was truly looking forward to the event once more! I was picked to volunteer and was beyond excited.  The group had grown by leaps and bounds and now I covered not only Breyerfest, but Equilocity and all of the outside events that surrounded that one weekend in the year! By the end of the event, I was beyond exhausted.  I had a blast, but my schedule was almost too much more me and I even ended up with Heat Stroke on Saturday.  I was so dazed that I drove home with Heat Stroke and all of my family went crazy because well, my car was crappy and I apparently did not answer the phone. But I told my family that I might not go the next year.

However, here it is 2019 and guess what?! I have purchased my tickets and am already planning a meet and greet or two. So this year, I am excited once more, despite having insane vehicle issues (It likes to shut off while I am driving and some times, it doesn't come back on! But I am trying to fix it before the event, although 45 days does not give me much time unless I do a quick fix.), I am getting excited to head to Lexington and hang out with my friends and group members! I have been planning outfits and shoes and even which bags to take and blankets to take to sleep in my car during the Ninja Pit ordeal. How do I feel now? I am excited! I am anxious. But most importantly, I need a vacation!

I hope that this timeline helps you with how you feel about Breyerfest as the event grows closer and I hope that I will see you at Breyerfest!

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