Tuesday, October 15, 2019

In Which We Decide To Make A Change

Since 2013, we have been called Road To Breyerfest and we knew that later down the line that we might have to change that name. In 2014, we made the decision to start following more than just Breyerfest and added in Stone's Equilocity. It was mentioned then that we should become the Road To Model Horse Fest. We sat back and decided to think about it later on down the road.

Later on came faster than we thought. That is perfectly fine, however we will not be doing the change all at once.  Everyone got to know the name of Road To Breyerfest and the initials of RTB. We cannot change that immediately and not expect some confusion.  So if you are a member of the Facebook group, you will have woken up this morning and see that the group has changed its name over the the new name.  The Facebook page, this blog, and the Instagram will still remain Road To Breyerfest for the 2020 year.

It was also brought to our attention last night that we do not share just Breyerfest information.  We had made that change back in 2014 when we started to share Stone posts as well.  We do not work for either company or any other large model horse company and remain as a freelance information supplier.  We created this online community so that people would have a positive place where they feel that they are safe to share what they love in the model horse community and even the real horses that they love.  It has been our mission to share the posts of Breyer, Stone, Hartland, Copperfox, and other companies and let the community know what they are currently offering for sale.  Yes, Stone does make more posts than Breyer and therefore they are shared more often that what Breyer posts. We aim to provide their posts to the community that we offer, nothing more than that. We ask that you respect the decision that we made years ago as we did this in an attempt to bring you even more information. Negative comments in the group on Facebook will now result in a three day mute and a permanent ban for the second offense.  We truly hate to even have to implement this new rule, but feel that we can no longer allow some of the things that have been said to continue to be said.

What do the changes and the ones still coming mean to you? Absolutely nothing other than you have access to information that is not readily available in other places and a safe community to share your love for plastic and real horses.  What is coming? Lots! We have already started exploring each and every mold that has been released through the companies and how they relate in the model horse showing world. We have plans to bring you more videos on our youtube channel, little swag purchases to help fund a new website that we are working on creating, and so much more! We also are welcoming your ideas of what you want to see here in the community!

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