Tuesday, November 24, 2020

What Now? Virtual or Not?

 BreyerFest 2021 is still months away, but there are plenty that are planning for the event now.  But sadly, right now, everything is still so very much up in the air that I cannot even begin to fathom what might happen between now and next year.  BreyerFest 2021 could very much be fully virtual once again. 

 At the end of BreyerFest 2020, the CEO of Reeves Intl. said that there would be a virtual component to BreyerFest from now on, however we do not know what this means nor do we know just how much will be available.  That sounds amazing and all, however many eyes are turning towards 2021 and the hopes of an in person event to clear the air from 2020.  But in recent months, we have been seeing an upswing of Covid-19 cases and large events for 2021 are now starting to cancel their in person events.  What does that mean for BreyerFest 2021?

No one knows yet is the answer sadly.  With the release of the new vaccines, things could start getting better in the world, however there are so many unknowns right now in the world that I have a firm belief that Breyer might be doing a wait and see approach.  Of course, in light of what happened with the announcement of the Celebration Horse, I would not be surprised if Breyer said that they would not be doing BreyerFest and only offering sales that weekend.  But I am nothing more than a blogger so do not take my word for it at all! BreyerFest 2021 could very well be fully virtual again and while that seems to make so many people angry, I believe that it might be for the best.  

 Talking about another fully virtual BreyerFest, we have to also talk about the drama that ensued about it.  Many people went into the event with an already downcast expression so their experience was not as nice as others who went into the event with a well, let's try attitude.  This is all what I think based on what I have seen in many online Model Horse Communities.  The complaints ranged anywhere from being cart swiped to well, it just was not the same.  I am going to use this post to break it down some to maybe make the virtual event a bit better for everyone, if indeed there is another virtual event.  

The Cart Swiping: First, let me just say that every release was less than 25 of each model.  It would be like buying a unicorn unless you were in the right spot at the right time. I spent all of Friday figuring out the timing of the releases and how many would be released.  I did not confirm this information with Breyer until the next day so I was telling everyone what I thought.  Models were released every two hours from 9 AM EDT to 6 PM EDT.  There was some trial and error in the timing due to glitches and such, but for the most part of the weekend, that is what it turned out to be.  Carts seemed to be swiped when one went to purchase the models, but in reality, you needed to actually pay for that model to confirm that you purchased it.  The software for the buying system is used in almost every shopping type of website so it is very advanced, however this is something that happens during other events and on other websites.  It was bound to happen, but it generated a lot of complaints. Will this be "fixed" for next year, if there is a virtual event? I am not even sure if they could fix it, if they wanted to.  Remember that Breyer is still very much a small business when compared to other companies and while we see them as a big company, they simple are not in that category. 

The Special Runs:  The Special Run system was well thought out in the beginning. Choosing the models in the order that you would like them seemed ingenious.  However, there were many that thought that this was for inventory purposes or that these models were locked in place for you to purchase.  I know that I tried to explain it often, but it was confusing even for me in the beginning.  Even if you did not fill out your preference list, you would still be able to get your Special Run models, but they would be completely Gambler's Choice (random pick) when they showed up for your ticket time.  At the event, there were tons of glitches for the Special Runs and they did oversell their limits. Breyer did their best to try and sort this out, but I am certain that there were still people that were upset.  Glitches ranged from two of the same model appearing, more than two models appearing, the option to buy more than one, and more. While I had tickets during the glitch times, I was not affected by them other than I was given the same two options for both of my tickets so I have duplicates of Oak and the mare and foal. 

The Store Specials:  The Store Specials had their own issues with the whole purchasing issues.  Due to so many complaints, Breyer offered event attendees the option to purchase glossed Store Specials that would NOT be limited, however they were only one per person. These models would ship in December and still cost the same as the Store Specials. Breyer absolutely did not have to do this at all, but it was a nice way to appease the complaints and show that they were listening to their clients.  These glossy models absolutely did not have to happen because Breyer has never said that you were guaranteed any model during BreyerFest other than your Celebration Horse or Single Day Stablemates and those even say while supplies last. If you do not believe this information about the models, please make sure to read the fine print while you are purchasing your BreyerFest tickets. 

So this has been all of my own information, nothing has been set in stone by Breyer yet and I am in the same boat as everyone else that I need to wait to see what happens with the world today and BreyerFest.  I hope this all makes a bit more sense and the next couple posts will be about something different. 

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