Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Event Model Terms, That Is!

 BreyerFest models come in many different shapes and forms. Here is a great guide to figure out what we call these awesome models. This is from the previous years, but will fit in nicely with the releases for this year so far.

Ticket Models: Ticket Models are also known as Event Models when Breyer talks about them. These are the models that come with the certain tickets that you can purchase for the event. These include the Celebration Horse and the Event Stablemates. The Celebration Horse comes with the VIP, the All Access, and the Online Traditional Tickets. The Event Stablemates come with the General Access and the Online Stablemate Tickets.
Special Runs: These models do not change with the different type of events. They always stay the same in name. These models are available to the Three Day Ticket Holders at an in person event (the ticket name information can be out of date as it was used back in 2019) and the All Access/VIP Ticket Holders at a virtual event. There are typically nine of these models and one is normally an animal. The names are the only thing that traces back to the theme of the event as the molds and the colors are normally just a pick of the Breyer artists.
Limited Editions: These are the models that cause the absolute most confusion because they have underwent a name change so fast that your head is likely still spinning, I know that mine is! The Limited Edition Models consist of up to three Traditional Sized models, one Classic (Freedom) sized model, one single Stablemate model, one set of Stablemate models, one plushie, and one Crystal (which is made of crystal and is about Curio scale). At an in person event, these models are not all located in the same place. The three Traditional sized models are located in the Breyer Store on the Concourse of the Covered Arena and the other models are located at the Pop up Stores around the park. So at the in person event, the three Traditional Models are typically called the Store models and the others are called the Pop Up Tent Models. However, since at a virtual event, the models are all in one store, it was confusing to call them by two different names so they were combined and called Limited Edition Models.
Raffle Models: Typically there are three types of Raffle Models during BreyerFest. But this can and does change, so keep that in mind. Until 2021, we had an Early Bird Raffle model. This model was available to people that purchased their tickets before a certain date. The names of those people were entered into a random draw for one of three Early Bird Raffle models. However, this is was available for 2021. There are two other Raffle models that are made just for the event. Up until 2021, the Raffles were held on Saturday and Sunday. There are 26 of these models made, with 25 being raffled off and one being sold during the Live Auction. At an in person event, you would be able to purchase a Raffle Ticket (or multiples) for a fee at the Breyer Booth on the Concourse of the Covered Arena. At the end of the day on Saturday and Sunday, they would pull names from a giant tumbler and call them out. At a virtual event, these names are submitted by a form and then the winners are emailed before they are announced on the Live Feed. The entry for the virtual raffle is free, limited to one entry per person, and is limited to the US and Canada (except Quebec). It is not limited at a virtual event since if you are from another country or Quebec, you are currently in the state of Ky and would then fall under our raffle laws. Please remember that this is just basic information and not a full breakdown of exactly how the raffles will and do work so please hold off on commenting about how they could be different, etc.
Live Auction Models: These models are truly one of a kind pieces that are from the Breyer Archive Room. Each year, a selection of around 18 lots is selected to be auctioned off to benefit charities that Breyer chooses. These models go for high prices, so keep that in mind if you wish to participate.
Prize Models: These models are prizes for the various contests that Breyer has during BreyerFest. No matter what form the event takes place as, there are still contests and there will be prize models. These Prize Models are for the Best Customs Contest, the Diorama Contest, and the Costume Contest. Breyer will post the rules for each contest after the first of the year as they are releasing information about BreyerFest so please hold off on commenting about the contests before then. The Prize models are extremely limited and are not easy to win, but you never know what might win!
Open Show Prizes: Up until 2020, the Open Show Champions and Reserve Champions received special models that were created just for those prizes. In 2020 and 2021, these were not available and were replaced with Special Runs of the current year.
I hope that this has helped you understand the crazy model terminology that is used during BreyerFest!

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