Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Which Ticket Is Best For Me?

BreyerFest for Beginners

What Tickets Are Best For Me? Part 1
This will be a series of five posts that will go over each ticket type and explain the ins and outs of each ticket. There are both in person and virtual ticket types and each one offers something different, however what you might want might not be the best option for you and let me explain why in this series.
The first ticket that we will be talking about in this series will be the VIP Ticket. This ticket costs $230 as a base price and allows the ticket holder to receive one Celebration Horse model, one set of Event Stablemates, the ability to purchase two Special Runs before the event, the ability to purchase two Limited Editions before the event plus Limited Editions during the event, a complimentary parking pass, access to purchase entry to Workshops, access to purchase entry into the Model Horse Show, access to the virtual content, and more!
I mean that all sounds amazing and well, it is. However, let's get the negative points out of the way before we go into the positive. You can only purchase one of these tickets per household, according to the information of last year. The base price is $230 and you must pay for the two Special Runs and the two Limited Editions at the same time that you pay for the ticket. Your ticket goes from $230 up to over $400. This ticket is best described as the ticket for the die hard collector. You will get access to the majority of the models that are available during BreyerFest, you are able to purchase access to workshops and more, but again, you are limited to one ticket. You are limited to two Special Runs. And if you have a family that is going with you, you will still need to purchase other tickets.
But let's get into the positives. You do not have to stand in line to purchase Special Runs that might be sold out by the time that you get there. You know that you are definitely getting two Limited Editions because Breyer does not guarantee that you will get any model during BreyerFest. You will get the Celebration Horse and the whole set of the Event Stablemates. You will be able to purchase entry into workshops and there might be VIP Workshops again. You will be able to purchase entry into the Model Horse Shows and show your models. You get a free parking pass. There will be special VIP Stuff mentioned by Breyer. And more. I mean, that all sounds totally awesome!
So, it comes down to you. Are you the only person going or do you have to buy multiple tickets? Do you have to have all of the models or are you good with just getting what you get? I cannot answer these questions for you, but I can provide you with the details of each ticket in order to help you answer those questions. The VIP Ticket is for in person ONLY, meaning that no models will be shipped out and until full information is released, I am going to assume that there will be a way to check ticket types or something.

BreyerFest for Beginners
What Type of Ticket Do I Need? Part 2
This is the second installment in this series as I talk about the types of tickets that are offered for BreyerFest. We are currently on the In Person Event and covered the VIP Ticket yesterday. You can find all of the relevant information about the tickets and what comes with them in the Ticket Information Guide Posts as well.
Ok, maybe the VIP Ticket is not for you or you just want more than one ticket. You might set your sights on the All Access Ticket then. The All Access Ticket is what used to be called the Three Day Ticket and, at one time, was the highest ticket tier that was offered for BreyerFest. Now, it is the second highest, but offers some amazing things to those that are looking to attend BreyerFest in person.
This ticket option costs $80 and comes with one Celebration Horse model. You do not get the Event Stablemates with this ticket option. If you want the Event Stablemates, check out tomorrow's post about the General Access Tickets. With the All Access Ticket, you are able to purchase as many tickets as you want (although Breyer normally as a disclaimer of they can refund ticket purchases at their discretion.) so there is no limit of one per household. With the All Access ticket, you are able to purchase up to two Special Runs per ticket purchased at the event. So, if you have one All Access Ticket, you are able to purchase two Special Runs. If you have two All Access Tickets, you are able to purchase four Special Runs and so on (You would need five tickets in order to attempt to purchase all of the Special Runs). You are able to purchase the Limited Editions during the event. You will be able to purchase a parking pass, likely as this has not been stated yet. You will be able to purchase entry into the workshops. You will be able to purchase entry into the Model Horse Shows. You will have access to the online event and more!
Side Note: With the VIP and the All Access Tickets, you are able to enter the BreyerFest Contests, but you are not able to do so with the General Access Ticket.
So, as we did with the VIP Ticket, let's talk first about the negative aspects of this ticket. You will be buying all of your models at the event. This means that Special Runs can and do sell out as do the Limited Editions. Breyer does not guarantee any ticket holder a model other than the Event Models. You cannot pre-purchase any models. You are not able to get a full set of the Event Stablemates with your ticket, however I am very sure that you will eventually be able to get a full set of Event Stablemates in another way that will be revealed later on. You will have to purchase a parking pass separately.
But the positive outweighs the bad really. With the Special Runs, there line back in 2019 was done rather fairly and if it is to be kept, this group can be one of your best resources to figure out just how it is going to work. If you do not get the Special Run that you want during your time in line, there are many, many people waiting just outside of that line that are willing to trade with you! You are able to pick and choose your Limited Editions. That means that you can hand pick which models that you want. Sure, the VIP ticket holders can still purchase them at the event, but their first two won't be hand picked like yours will be. You have the ability to purchase more than one ticket and get all of those amazing Special Runs. Other than that, the All Access Ticket is very nearly the same as the VIP ticket. Only a few things are different, like no special swag and no early model buying. You are still able to participate in the workshops. You are still able to participate in the model horse shows and so much more!
Another Side Note: I am seeing many people asking about kids during BreyerFest. What tickets to buy them? What to do with them? Well, I abandon mine with her father... no, not really, but seriously, this is a topic that we do not bring up often because it sparks debate for some reason. Children under 6 years of age get into BreyerFest for free. However, they do not receive a model or anything. They would just be along for the ride. Several of us veterans will tell you to please get your child at least a General Access ticket. This way they will get a Stablemate model that they can have as a toy to play with (gasp, yes I do advocate this. Hate me in my messages rather than comments please.) or something to keep as a reminder of what they did. If you have a child that wants to partake in a workshop, they will need a ticket that can participate in the workshops, like the VIP or the All Access Ticket. Same goes for you, if you want to partake, but you have a child with you and no one to watch them, you will need to purchase them access to the workshop as well. So, my best advice for kids at BreyerFest, is to buy them at least the $20 ticket that we will talk about tomorrow and get them the model to enjoy. I will also be posting other ways that you can get models for your younger children without having to break the bank at BreyerFest.

BreyerFest for Beginners
What Ticket Type Is Best For Me? Part 3
Today, we continue on with our five part series on BreyerFest tickets. Today's ticket is the last of the In Person Event tickets, the General Access Ticket.
The General Access Ticket is the least expensive of the BreyerFest tickets, coming in at just $25. All tickets for 2022 (and likely from here on out) are for all three days of the ticket, so there is no need to purchase a ticket for each day.
The General Access Ticket comes with one randomly selected Event Stablemate (how this will work exactly, we do not yet know, so please hang in there before asking.) General Access Ticket Holders are also able to purchase Limited Edition Models during the event as well as participate in many other things offered during BreyerFest, like seminars, hands on hobby demonstrations, and more. You will also have access to the virtual content.
This ticket does not give you access to purchase Special Run models, only the Limited Edition models that are available at the Breyer Store and the Pop Up Stores during the event. The Limited Edition Models are the portrait models (there are usually three of them), the Freedom (Classic) sized model, the crystal model, the single Stablemate, the plushie, and whatever else Breyer includes in this category.
Let's go over the negatives as we did with the previous tickets before we get into the positives. With this ticket, you normally do not get a discounted option for the Parking Pass. However, we do not even know yet if there will be a parking pass option for the All Access and the General Access Ticket yet. This ticket does not give you access to the Special Runs. It does not give you access to participate in the Contests or the Model Horse Shows. Lastly, it does not give you access to the Workshops.
However, this ticket is a great ticket for those that want to experience the event, but have absolutely no idea what it is about. This is a great ticket for a spouse or a child that will be attending with you. It allows them to get an model (an awesome Event Stablemate) and it allows them to see what BreyerFest is all about. The shopping in the Covered Arena, the Breyer Store, the Equine Demonstrations, the free seminars, the Hands On Hobby Demonstrations, and so much more. With this ticket, you will also get access to the Kentucky Horse Park and everything that it has to offer as well (That comes with all of the in person event tickets.)
Tomorrow, we will start going over the virtual event tickets so hang in there!
We currently do not have information about where the in person tickets will be picking up their models and exactly how that will work. In 2019, you were able to get a Full Set of Event Stablemates with General Admission ticket, provided you had purchased four of them. I am sure that information will be released before too long as I suspect that people are already pestering Breyer with it. I say, just hang in there, I am sure that we will find out soon.

BreyerFest For Beginners
Which Ticket Is Best For Me? Part 4
This is the section where I will start talking about the virtual ticket offerings for BreyerFest. Remember that the virtual event tickets are for those that are not going to be able to make it to Kentucky for the event, where the in person tickets are for those that are able to make it. We are seeing that they will be checking IDs for the BreyerWest Special Run of Lionel and we can start to assume that something like that will happen with BreyerFest, but that information has not been released yet.
Back in 2020, Breyer stated that they would always keep a component to BreyerFest starting then. 2021 gave us another virtual event. 2022 is giving us a hybrid event and we are starting to see what that virtual component is going to be. So, let's jump into the first ticket offering for the virtual event.
The Online Traditional Access ticket is a $55 ticket for the virtual event and it comes with one Celebration Horse Model, access to Limited Edition Models (remember that these are the portrait models, the plushie, the Freedom (Classic) sized model, the Crystal model, and more), access to online only Model Horse Shows, online only Contests, virtual content, and shopping. We know that there will be a live stream of the Equine Demonstrations from the Covered Arena at the in person event and interviews with Guest Horses.
So, let's talk about the negatives before going into the positives with this ticket type. You cannot purchase Special Run models. Special Runs are the 9 (8 horse and 1 animal) models that are only available to certain ticket types during the event. You cannot go to the in person event, if your situation changes. You would need to purchase an in person ticket type. So far, you do not have access to purchase a Full Set of Event Stablemates. The address under which you purchase your ticket is the address that the models purchased during this event will be shipped to, including the Event Model.
But what are the positives? Well, air conditioning is a huge one for me! But even without that, there are still a lot of positives. If you cannot make it to Kentucky, then this is a great opportunity to experiences BreyerFest. You are able to purchase those amazing Limited Edition models. With this ticket type, you are able to enter contests and the model horse shows. There will likely be virtual only content that the in person event ticket holders will not be able to see or access.
Remember that we are only just seeing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to BreyerFest information, so hang in there, a lot more is coming!
At this time, we do not know all of the details, however right now, you are currently able to buy as many BreyerFest tickets as you want when they are released. The only exception to that would be the VIP Ticket, where it is strictly one per household.

BreyerFest for Beginners
What Ticket Is Right For Me? Part 5, the finale
Ah, we have reached Part 5 of our Ticket series and I hope that these have helped you decide which ticket will be right for you when the tickets are available for sale. Right now, we believe that you will be able to purchase as many tickets that you wish, other than the VIP Ticket, but we will know that answer for certain when Breyer releases the tickets for sale next month. Also, at this time, we do not know if it is possible to get a Full Set of Event Stablemates without being a VIP Ticket Holder, how the VIP Ticket sales will work, and much more. So hang in there, like I always say, we will all be learning together this year!
The last ticket that I want to go over in this series is the Online Stablemate ticket. This ticket costs $25 and comes with one randomly selected Event Stablemate. Buying four of these tickets does not guarantee that you will get the Full Set of the Event Stablemates, in fact I have seen people that have bought multiples of these types of ticket and get the all of the same model. This ticket comes with access to purchase Limited Edition models during the event and access to the virtual content and shopping.
So let's get into the negatives before the positives. This ticket does not allow you to purchase a Special Run. None of the virtual event tickets allow you to purchase Special Runs. This ticket does not allow you to enter the online model horse shows. This ticket does not allow you to enter the online Contests.
This ticket does allow you to get one of the Event Stablemates. It also allows you to view the Equine Demonstrations, see interviews with the owners of the Guest Horses, access to the virtual content, and allows you to purchase Limited Edition models during the event. This is a great ticket for those that are interested in buying the models and seeing the BreyerFest content. If you have a husband or an older human child like I do, this is a great ticket to say here, I bought you a ticket and then take their model because they won't want it anyway and then sign into that account and let them watch the ponies. Why, yes, I have a second free account that I have done this with and yes, my husband's Event Stablemate from 2020 lives in my collection and has been claimed by me. This is also a great ticket to buy for when you are not sure if you will be able to be available for all three days.
Some Notes To Add: Breyer Accounts are free to make. Breyer recommends that each ticket holder in your household have their own account so that they can get the models and more. While we do not know how many tickets that a person can purchase, remember that Breyer does state that they will refund ticket sales according to their discretion. Buying more tickets does not give you more access to the Limited Edition Models. You can buy as many of those as is available. Breyer does not guarantee any models except the Event Models, so know that Limited Edition models can and do sell out quickly and we do not know if there will be glossy versions offered to virtual event ticket holders.

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