Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Important Information

 Let's Talk BreyerFest...Important Information

Will Call Schedule: On Thursday, July 14th, it will be located at the Kentucky Horse Park at the Rolex Gate from 10 AM EDT to 4 PM EDT and then it will be moved to the Clarion Hotel from 5 PM EDT to 9 PM EDT. It will then head back to the Kentucky Horse Park and will very likely open around 8:30 AM EDT as this time has not been announced yet and close around 4 PM EDT and the same hours should be for Saturday and it will likely close earlier on Sunday. Will Call is open all weekend long, so there is absolutely no rush to grab your tickets or panic, unless you like doing that sort of thing and then by all means, go crazy!
Ticket Books: This year, the Ticket Books are going to include your Admission Wrist Band, a Parking Pass (if you purchased one. One does automatically come with the VIP Ticket), a Celebration of Horses Evening Performance (on the evening that you chose), your Event Model Redemption Ticket (Nikolas if you have a VIP or All Access Ticket and the Event Stablemates if you have a VIP or a General Access Ticket), (All Access) Special Run Reservation Tickets if you filled out the Special Run Preference List, (All Access) Special Run Ticket if you purchased your All Access Ticket on or after May 23rd, and whatever else Breyer wishes to put in there. If you have a VIP Ticket, you will also be getting your two Special Run Redemption Tickets (you have already paid for your two Special Runs), two Limited Edition Model Redemption Tickets for the models that you already paid for (you will still be able to purchase more Limited Editions during the event), and a Swag Box Redemption Ticket. Virtual Attendees will not be getting a Ticket Book as your Account is the Ticket.
Buying your Models: The locations of where the models will be handed out have changed a few times so I am going to say that there will be plenty of signage to locate your models of all kinds. Once you are at the location to buy your Special Run models, you will need to hand them the Reservation Tickets, if you have them, and then you will be paying for your models. The cost of the model is the actual cost of the model as tax has already been added into the price. So that $85 Surprise Special Run model is still just $85. Limited Edition Models are going to be located in the BreyerFest Stores, there are two this year, and online. Even those that are attending in person should be able to purchase all of the Limited Editions online. Their prices also have tax worked into them so the price that you see on the item is the price that you pay.
Forms of Payment: Breyer will accept cash or cards, but no checks. You also cannot pay with children or firstborn (just a joke) as I have tried this and have been rejected. What should you choose? That depends on you. Personally, I take both (I never post how much that I am taking due to safety reasons and I will ask that you please do the same) and keep them in two separate locations on my person.
Shipping: I see a lot of people asking about this and that is awesome! I had a post about it and it vanished, curse you FB! So, I will be making a guide post later on so that it will remain in the group, however here are some options: There will be a UPS booth in the Covered Arena at the Kentucky Horse Park. There might be a UPS booth at the Clarion as well, but I have not gotten a confirmation on that one right now. There is a UPS Store in Georgetown that might have lower prices than the Booths. And there is a USPS Hub at 1088 Nandino Drive, which is a short drive from the Clarion and the Kentucky Horse Park.
Storing Models during the Event: There will be a Bag Check booth where you can store your models for an hour at a time near the BreyerFest Store. If you do not want to use that, the option to take your models to the car after each store trip is there as well. Typically, the models are fine for a few hours in the heat, unless they are a vintage model or a custom purchased in the Covered Arena. No shopping bags, open bags, wagons, etc, are allowed in the BreyerFest Stores so be aware of that. They are allowed on the Concourse, however please be aware that it is crowded and wagons are hard to handle in that area. 

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