Wednesday, December 20, 2023

BreyerFest 2024: Let's Talk BreyerFest- Special Runs

 Let's Talk BreyerFest... All About Special Runs, That Is!


What is a BreyerFest Special Run? Special Runs: These models do not change with the different type of events. They always stay the same in name. These models are available to the VIP, All Access, and Online Traditional Ticket Holders. There are typically nine of these models and one is normally an animal. The names are the only thing that traces back to the theme of the event as the molds and the colors are normally just a pick of the Breyer artists. The Special Runs also include one Surprise Special Run that remains hidden until the first day of BreyerFest.

VIP-two Special Runs that you select and pay for at the time that you purchase your ticket

All Access- two Special Runs per ticket purchased. You will use the Special Run Preference List to order the Special Runs in the order that you like them and Breyer will select the two for your ticket based on that information.

Online Traditional Access- Two Special Runs. You will use the Special Run Preference List to order the Special Runs in the order that you like them and Breyer will select the one for your ticket based on that information.

*Please Note: The Surprise Special Run is still a Special Run. It is not a separate thing outside of the rest of the Special Runs. If this is what you want to select at the top of your list, then you will need to put this. Just keep in mind that you will not know exactly what the mold and colors will be until the first one is opened after purchase during BreyerFest.

What is the Surprise Special Run? A lot of people will start talking about the Surprise Special Run now that Tickets are almost on sale. They will continue to talk about this Special Run and you might be confused. Is this added on to the Special Runs? Is this one that you can choose? Why is it a surprise? Keep reading to learn more!

The Surprise Special Run is that just- a Special Run. This Special Run is one of the nine total Special Runs that are available for the in person ticket holders to select and is one of the four for the virtual ticket holders to select as well.

If you are purchasing a VIP Ticket, then this is a Special Run that you will be able to select as one of the two that you will be selecting and paying for at the time of ticket purchase.

If you are purchasing an All Access or an Online Traditional Access Ticket, you will be able to rank this Special Run on the Special Run Preference List. If you love surprises, then this Special Run will be right up your alley! Why?

Because this Special Run will not be revealed until the first person opens it on Friday Morning at BreyerFest. The mold that the Special Run is on is kept a heavily guarded secret until that time. The colors are also keep secret until then. There is typically four (but have been five and six colors before) colors on this Special Run and could be matte, glossy, or matte and glossy, you never know what Breyer will surprise us with!

At BreyerFest, there will be a complete set available for the Silent Auction at the Breyer Booth during BreyerFest. Make sure to check them out, if you want to see what all of the variations will be!

What is the Special Run Preference List? The Special Run Preference List is just a way to let Breyer know how you like the Special Runs that are offered for this year’s event. Think of it more like a ranking list rather than a preference list. You do not need to purchase the models that end up being selected for you, however they make amazing sale or trade fodder for something that you want instead. This list is not a list for their inventory and this list does not guarantee that you will be getting those models in that order. It is just a ranking list. When the Special Run Preference Run is released, the link will be posted here. There will also be an email that goes out from Breyer and several notifications from all of the Breyer community on FB.

Ok, let’s get into the details of that list! In 2023, they offered the list to be ran two different ways: The Master List and the Individual List. With the Master List, you have more control over not receiving duplicates although the possibility is still there. With the Individual List, you have more control over your selections for each ticket, but could get many duplicates. No matter which one that you chose, you can always trade with other BreyerFest attendees during the event. You cannot trade for another model with Breyer though.

First, know that if you do not fill out the list, you will be given Wild Card tickets that allow you to select a Special Run out of whatever is leftover during BreyerFest. You do not need to purchase these models yet. You will be paying for your Special Runs during BreyerFest. You should have around two weeks to fill out this List and I will post daily reminders. Yes, you can have pick ups with this BreyerFest. Your pick up person will need your order number in order to pick up your Ticket Book from Will Call. Your Special Runs will not be sent to you, someone needs to pick them up in person, either you or your pick up person. Ok, onto the specifics. Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders will be using this list as well to select their preferences for the Special Runs that they will be able to purchase during BreyerFest.

The Master List

The first type of Special Run Preference List that you can use is the Master List. If you have more than one ticket and you want to limit how many duplicates that you might receive, this is the list for you. You will be filling out one list for all of the tickets that you have listed on your account. The best way to fill out this list is to put the Special Run that you want the most at the top and rank them down to the one that you like least. No one can tell you how to fill out this list, there is no way to make it better, this is all up to you! You got this! The Master List is a way to manage all of your All Access Tickets with one list and is the way to get the least amount of duplicates. There will be multiple number ones (as many as tickets on your account) and so on. Just rank the models how you like them the best. That is all there is to it! You have until the day that it is due to edit it and Breyer will normally take the last one submitted.

The Individual List

The second type of Special Run Preference List is the one that I have used both times that it was offered. It is the Individual List. While this list does have a high rate of duplicates, it allows you to customize your rankings per ticket on your account. So with each ticket, you will be making a new list. If you have just one ticket on your account, this will be the best option for you to use. If you do not mind duplicates or you want to attempt to control Lady Fate, then this list is best for you. Again, no one call tell you how to rank the Special Runs other than yourself. There is no secret to getting what you want as Breyer has never revealed their algorithm of how the Special Runs are selected for your account. With this option, if you have more than one ticket, you will be filling out more than one list. You can set different Special Runs as number one and so on, but just know that you might get duplicates.

In Depth Special Run Information-

What are Special Runs?

Special Runs are a series of eight horse models and one other animal model that are made especially for BreyerFest. These models are only available to certain ticket holders and are purchased a certain way before and during the event. You are still able to do pick ups, however as we saw last year, these can be quite difficult to do now, but that does not mean that it cannot be done! The Special Runs will have very little in common with the actual theme of the event, as seen with previous BreyerFest Special Runs, but their names will reflect the theme. This year, we might see more driving themed models, though, so I will not speculate on that yet. They are limited to a certain amount released, although this number has raised significantly in the last two years. They also have a set price range: $55 to $85. Taxes were additional to the cost in 2023.

Who can buy Special Runs?

This year, there are three tickets that can purchase Special Runs. The VIP Ticket, the All Access Ticket, and the Online Traditional Access Ticket. Each one of these tickets has their own way of purchasing the Special Runs though, so please keep that in mind. Details on how to purchase will be a bit further down. The General Access and the Online Stablemate Ticket are not able to purchase Special Runs.

How many Special Runs can I buy?

Special Runs are limited on how many that you can purchase per ticket. The VIP Ticket Holders can only purchase two Special Runs. The All Access Ticket Holders are able to purchase two Special Runs per ticket that they have- so one ticket will let you buy two Special Runs, two tickets will let you buy four Special Runs, and so on. The Online Traditional Access Ticket will let you buy two Special Runs per tickets purchased.

So the Visual Breakdown:

1 VIP Ticket- 2 Special Runs

1 All Access Ticket- 2 Special Runs per ticket purchased

1 Online Traditional Access Ticket- 2 Special Runs per ticket purchased

Surprise Special Run?

Out of those nine Special Runs, there is one that is called the Surprise Special Run. That is included in the Special Runs, but you will not know the color or the mold of this run. It will have a colorway of at least four, but typically five, kinds and will all be on the same mold. It will not be revealed until the first one is opened up on the first day of BreyerFest. This is always a very tight lipped surprise, but everyone is always welcome to guess what it might be. This is the Special Run that typically costs $85.

Special Notes for the Special Runs!

This year, the Online Traditional Access Ticket will be using the Special Run Preference List to purchase their Special Runs. However, in the fine print on the latest BreyerFest Blog Post, please be aware that it says that you will only be able to select from the selection that is available to choose from.

How to select and buy Special Runs?

This year, the Special Run Preference List will be used again. This list is a lot more difficult to describe than it is to actually experience, so there will be a lot of posts covering it until the actual List is released. The All Access Ticket Holders and the Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders will be the ones using this list when it is released some time in the Spring. The list works by having you rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them best. Think of this as the order that you would buy them if you were going through the line at BreyerFest. You will have access to two different types of list and each one comes with its own set of pros and cons. The Master List will allow you to rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them for every ticket on your account on the same list. So if you have three tickets, this list will be used for all three tickets. It does lessen how many duplicates that you might receive, but it also does not give you complete control over the list. The Individual List will allow you to rank the Special Runs for each ticket on your account separately so you can pick a different order for each ticket, if you wish to do so. This might result in duplicates, but it does offer a bit more control. However, when using the Special Run Preference List, it is important to remember that this is just a ranking and Breyer will use this as a reference to draw the models for your tickets on your account. Their algorithm has never been released, please keep that in mind. If the models that you have selected are not available when your number comes up or you chose to not receive any other models than what you have selected, you could be getting a Wild Card ticket. Also, if you do not submit your Special Run Preference List or purchased your All Access Ticket after the cut off date, you will get a Wild Card Ticket. This Wild Card ticket will allow you to choose from the remaining Special Runs available at BreyerFest itself. Don’t worry, there will be many more posts all about the Special Run Preference List coming soon because it can be super confusing! No matter how which Special Runs that you get or how you are getting them, you will be buying them during BreyerFest.

When is my Time Slot?

There are no more Time Slots for the Special Runs at BreyerFest. You simply take the Reservation or Wild Card tickets that arrived in your Ticket Book to the Model Handout Tent and go through the line to pick up and pay for your models. A word of caution: There is no time slots so this line is LONG and it is hot. When this was introduced in 2022, the line reached over a half a mile or longer in order to pick up and pay for Special Runs. Breyer will tell you to come back when the line is not that long or to wait until later in the day. From my personal experience: I like to pick up all of my models on Friday so that the rest of the weekend can be spent buying models, watching shows, and talking with friends. I went to the Breyer Store first thing because I am crazy and like to punish myself and then went to the Model Handout Tent. The line was back to nearly the Rolex Arena and stayed that way until they had to shut it down one hour before the park closed due to a malfunction with the credit card machines. I went to the park early on Saturday, got in line for the General Admission, and made my way to the Model Handout Tent so that I could guarantee that I would get them early enough to avoid a line. The line did not slow down until almost closing on Sunday. The line definitely slowed down on Saturday and Sunday in 2023.

Buying the Special Run Models Online

For those that have the Online Traditional Access Tickets, this should be a very simple procedure. It should be just clicking add to cart on the models that were chosen for your account and then paying for it in the cart. I did not experience this last year, so if you did, I would be honored if you would tell us your experience in the comments below. Shipping has not been addressed yet this year on the Breyer website for BreyerFest, however as soon as it is, the information will be posted in the group.

A few last things…

If you are attending the in person event, you are welcome to trade tickets and trade models once you have paid for them and picked them up, however you cannot trade them with Breyer. If you received a reservation ticket for a model that you did not want or a wild card ticket, you can trade them with someone else, but you cannot go to Breyer and say that you want something else. Unless you have a VIP Ticket, you do not have to purchase any Special Runs. If you do not like the ones selected for your account and do not feel that you could easily trade or sell them, you are not forced to purchase them. That goes for both the All Access and the Online Traditional Access Tickets. BreyerFest models are non refundable. Breyer does not accept returns or exchanges unless the Special Run is considered fatally flawed by Breyer employees.

The Complete Special Run Preference List Guide

First, I want to address that Breyer has not addressed anything about this List as of yet other than if you purchase an All Access Ticket (or many) or an Online Traditional Access Ticket (or many), you will be using this for your Special Runs.

What is the Special Run Preference List? The Special Run Preference List is a ranking system created by Breyer for you to let them know how you rank the Special Runs and which ones you would like to have.

How does it work? During the time frame that the Special Run Preference List is up, you will be able to rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them (remember that this is totally up to you and how you like the Special Runs). Breyer will only accept the last list submitted. From there, Breyer will select the Special Runs for your account, based on your place in a virtual line. The actual algorithm that Breyer uses for this has not been released or revealed.

Which Tickets will be using this Special Run Preference List? The All Access and the Online Traditional Access Tickets are the only two tickets that will be using the Special Run Preference List.

How many Special Runs do I get per ticket? With the All Access Ticket and Online Traditional Access Ticket, you will get two Special Runs per ticket purchased on your account.

Do the Special Runs sell out? Yes. In the case of this event, you will be given a Wild Card Redemption Ticket (more about that later).

When do I pay for my Special Runs? During the event in July.

When does the Special Run Preference List come out? Late Spring. Breyer will announce when this is going to happen and there will be many notifications, including in this group.

What do I do if I get a Special Run that I do not want? You are absolutely not forced to purchase any models during BreyerFest. However, it is always recommended to buy it and trade or sell it during the event.

How does it really work? As mentioned above, you will be ranking the Special Runs. This is something that only you can do because no one else can tell you how you like the Special Runs. Depending on how many tickets that you have will the ways that you are able to fill out this list. Keep in mind that this is all going to sound a LOT more confusing than it is to experience it.

If you have one All Access/Online Traditional Access Ticket: You will be using the Individual List as it should be the only list to show up on your account. You are welcome to name it, however that is only for your benefit as the List is associated with your account and your account number in Breyer’s software. Rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them, listing your favorite first. Even if you do not like all of the Special Runs, it is highly recommended to still fill out the list completely. However, in the event that you absolutely do not like the other Special Runs provided, you are able to use a selection that reads: No Other Option/Selection. But be aware that it is dangerous to use this selection- You might not receive a Special Run at all! Once you fill out the list, I recommend taking a screenshot of it so that you remember how you fill it out because if you are like me, the moment that you push send, you forget what you just filled out and panic. You will not know which models were selected for you until the Ticket Books are sent out (or you pick them up at Will Call for International Ticket Holders) or during BreyerFest, if you have an Online Traditional Access Ticket. When the Ticket Books go out, you will find a Redemption Card in there with the models that you were selected for. If your selection was not available, you will have a Redemption Card that says Wild Card and this means that you are able to select your Special Runs from the available inventory at BreyerFest during the event in July. For the virtual event, your Special Run will appear in your account (typically by clicking a link provided to you) during the event and that is when you will be able to purchase it.

*You can also use this method if you have more than one ticket to select the rankings for each ticket on your account. This way will offer more duplicates, but it gives you more control over how you rank the models. How fast the models “sell” out during Breyer’s selection process is not something that we can calculate and therefore, we cannot tell you how fast that they will sell out.

If you have more than one All Access/Online Traditional Ticket: You are still able to use the above mentioned method for every ticket on your account. However, there is also the Master List. This is one list that you will be filling out for ALL of the tickets on your account. This means that there will be as many number 1s for however many tickets that you have on your account and that follows suit down to number 9. So if you have two tickets, it will be something like this:



















You are allowed to rank the models in any way and order that you want, including mix and matching your number ones and so on. They do not need to be the same, unless that is what you want to do. From there, you will fill out the list the same as in the Individual List by ranking the Special Runs in the order that you like them, listing your favorite first. Even if you do not like all of the Special Runs, it is highly recommended to still fill out the list completely. However, in the event that you absolutely do not like the other Special Runs provided, you are able to use a selection that reads: No Other Option/Selection. But be aware that it is dangerous to use this selection- You might not receive a Special Run at all! Once you fill out the list, I recommend taking a screenshot of it so that you remember how you fill it out because if you are like me, the moment that you push send, you forget what you just filled out and panic. You will not know which models were selected for you until the Ticket Books are sent out (or you pick them up at Will Call for International Ticket Holders) or during BreyerFest, if you have an Online Traditional Access Ticket. When the Ticket Books go out, you will find a Reservation Card in there with the models that you were selected for. If your selection was not available, you will have a card that says Wild Card and this means that you are able to select your Special Runs from the available inventory at BreyerFest during the event in July. For the virtual event, your Special Runs will appear in your account (typically by clicking a link provided to you) during the event and that is when you will be able to purchase it.

*When the Ticket Books are released, you will receive one (based on last year) that will have all of your wrist bands, your Redemption Tickets for the Event Models, The Reservation Tickets or Wild Card Tickets for the Special Run Models, and the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance Tickets in there. If you purchase a Parking Pass, it will be in this Ticket Book as well. There is also a small list of FAQs that will be in the Ticket Book as well as maps. But there will be a LOT more information on the Ticket Books when they are released.

What is a Wild Card Reservation Ticket? This is a Ticket that you will receive if your selections were not available for you. They will allow you to choose the Special Run that you wish to purchase from the available stock on hand at the event. This does mean that certain models could be sold out or not available at the time.

Do I have to buy the Special Runs that were selected for me? Well, no, you do not. However you cannot trade these Special Runs with other Special Runs through Breyer. You are welcome to purchase these Special Runs and trade them with other hobbyists right outside the tent though!

What if I really do not want the Special Runs that were selected for me? Personally, I would say go ahead and buy them to resell or use as trade to get what you want. But you are not obligated to buy any models at BreyerFest that you have not already paid for.

I want one of the In Person Special Runs, how can I get one? The best answer is to find a Pick Up Person. This is someone who will take your Redemption Ticket, pay for the models at BreyerFest with money that you have sent them, and then ship them to you at cost. They usually charge a fee to do this and you can find many of them over on the sale and trade groups.

Will I be buying the Limited Editions like this? No. Limited Editions are available for sale each and every day until sold out during the event. Yes, they can and do sell out. If they are sold out for that day, there will be a restock the next day at the in person BreyerFest Store. I am not positive if there will be restocks on the website.

What if I want more than two Special Runs with my All Access Ticket? Then it is best to buy more. It takes five All Access Tickets to buy nine Special Runs, which is how many Special Runs that there are released.

What if I want more than Special Runs with my Online Traditional Access Ticket? Then you will need to buy more Tickets.

Am I guaranteed to get the models that are on my list? No, you are not. While you may really want one particular model, it might not be available for you.

How can I pay for my models? At the event, you are able to purchase models with credit/debit. Online, you are able to purchase your models any way that you normally purchase models off of Breyer’s website.

Will my models be shipped to me? If you are attending the in person event, no. You will need to pick up your models or have someone pick up your models using the Redemption Tickets in your Ticket Book. If you are attending the virtual event, your models will be shipped to you.

Do I use this list if I am buy a VIP Ticket? No. You will be selecting exactly which Special Runs that you want and paying for them when you purchase your VIP Ticket. The base cost of $240 rises quickly to over $500, depending on which two Special Runs and which two Limited Editions that you select to purchase. You MUST purchase two Special Runs and two Limited Editions, if you are purchasing a VIP Ticket.

Is there still an open time to go through the Special Runs on Sunday during the event? Last year, this happened on Sunday near the end of the event. It was quietly announced and not many people knew that it was happening. However, unless Breyer announces something, we do not know for sure what will happen until it happens.

I think that is everything about the Special Run Preference List that we know before Breyer actually releases the information. In the event that any of this information changes, it will be reflected in this post.

This is all of the information that we know currently. If it changes or more is added, please note that it will be updated here to reflect any and all changes. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

BreyerFest 2024: Let's Talk BreyerFest- Limited Editions

 Let's Talk BreyerFest...Limited Editions, That Is!

What are Limited Editions models at BreyerFest and can I buy them? Let's explore this model horse term and see what it is all about!

Limited Edition Models

Limited Edition Models are available to all ticket holders, no matter what ticket that you have purchased or even given to you. If you have a BreyerFest ticket, you are able to purchase a Limited Edition model. These models are available in the BreyerFest Store either at the event or on the Breyer website, depending on how you are accessing BreyerFest. These models are limited and while they have sold out in previous years, they have not sold out in the last two years. Breyer has upped the run numbers to make sure that many, many BreyerFest attendees are able to purchase the models that they want. These models are not limited in the amounts that you can purchase, however they are limited in how you purchase them. Confusing, I know. You can buy as many of each one that you want, but you can only buy them one at a time. So if you want three of Model A then you will need to make three different transactions to purchase Model A. This includes the in person and the virtual event. There are typically three portrait Traditional Sized models (Guest Horse Models), one Freedom (Classic) sized model, one single Stablemate, one set of Stablemates, one Crystal model (about curio/venti sized), and one plushie. Last year, Breyer added one Traditional Sized model that you could only purchase online and one Stablemate Sized model that you could only purchase online. Will they add them this year? We don’t know until they release them. In the past, these were known as the Store models and Tent Models due to them being in different locations and BreyerFest attendees might still call them that (and that is perfectly fine!), but they are all still Limited Editions.

Limited Edition Breakdown:

3 Traditional sized models that are portraits of Guest Horses

1 Freedom/Classic sized model that is typically decorator colored

1 Stablemate

1 Best of BreyerFest Stablemate Set

1 Plushie

1 Crystal (Curio/Venti) sized model

*Please keep in mind that Breyer can change this at any time that they wish to do so. They have also added Online Only Limited Editions recently.

Prices are not listed in this post as they have not been released yet.

Online Only Limited Editions

These releases for BreyerFest are available to ALL Ticket Holders, however they must be purchased online on the Breyer website during BreyerFest ONLY. You cannot purchase these models in advance and you cannot purchase these models in person at the BreyerFest Store at the Kentucky Horse Park. Typically there is one Traditional Sized model and one Stablemate Scale model, however this can change at any time.

So, in conclusion, all ticket holders have access to the Limited Edition Models, no matter what Ticket Type that you have. In person Ticket Holders will be able to purchase their Limited Editions at the BreyerFest Store at the Kentucky Horse Park and virtual Ticket Holders will be able to purchase their Limited Editions at the BreyerFest Store on the Breyer website. There is NO limit to how many Limited Editions that you purchase during the event, however there is a limit to how many that you can purchase in one transaction (1 of each type in 1 transaction).

BreyerFest 2024: Let's Talk BreyerFest, Event Models

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Event Models, That Is! 

Breyer has released the Celebration Horse and with that, we see the phrase “with select tickets”. This small phrase causes so much confusion in the BreyerFest planning as it always appears well before Breyer has released any and all ticket information so many people are left wondering just what it means.

There are several different ticket types that Breyer offers for BreyerFest and each one comes with a model of some sort. This post will go over the tickets from last year and will be updated when Breyer releases the ticket information for BreyerFest 2024. Tickets for BreyerFest 2024 are currently set to go on sale in February 2024, according to Breyer.

2024 Tickets and What Event Models Come With Them:

Please Note: This will only be covering the Event Models, meaning the models that automatically come with the ticket and not purchased separately.

What are Event Models? Event Models are classified as the models that automatically come with the ticket purchased. These are the Celebration Horse Model and the Event Stablemates.

The VIP Ticket: This ticket came with one Celebration Horse model and a full set of Event Stablemates.

The All Access Ticket: One Celebration Horse model

The General Access Ticket: One randomly selected Event Stablemate

The Online Traditional Access Ticket: One Celebration Horse model

The Online Stablemate Access Ticket: One randomly selected Event Stablemate

The Complete RTB BreyerFest Guide

 The Complete RTB BreyerFest Guide- In Person and Virtual

The Road To BreyerFest Guide To BreyerFest: In Person and Virtual

Welcome to Road To BreyerFest and BreyerFest in general! This whole group serves as a great guide to plan your BreyerFest Adventure, learn more about the Model Horse Hobby, and it is a great, positive community to share your plastic ponies, real horses, and so much more. Our Guides, which can be found here: Road To BreyerFest | Facebook  , are a great place to learn everything to expect during BreyerFest, find maps on where to find locations at the event, find links to the virtual marketplace vendors, and so much more. This Guide will be going in depth on the First Timer’s Guide that is released from Breyer and can be found here: BreyerFest First Timer's Guide -

What To Expect

For the in person event, this is almost a loaded question. There will be real horses, plastic horses, seminars, workshops, a place to learn about the hobby from the artists and big hobby names, and so much more. You will be able to shop the BreyerFest store in two different locations and experience the Kentucky Horse Park up close and personal. Each thing to experience will be broken down later in this Guide, so don’t worry about not knowing something now.

For the virtual event, this is a great question! While you will not be traveling to the event in Kentucky, you will still be transported there through your computer (or whatever you use to access the event) screen. You have it much easier because you have comfort and air conditioning and not having to walk miles each day! You will get to see equine demonstrations, interviews with Guest Horses and Hobby Members/Artists, view seminars, have workshops, and so much more. Each experience will be broken down later in this Guide, but I am holding off on that section until Breyer releases all of the juicy details that we so desire!

In Person Event

For tips and tricks during the In Person Event, I have to always recommend our BreyerFest Tip and Trick Post in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide. This post highlights tips and tricks that have been sent in by many BreyerFest veterans over the years and includes all of Breyer’s tips and tricks. 

No matter what someone tells you, there will be lines at BreyerFest. These lines can be long, they will be hot, and you will get cranky. From the line that forms to the Breyer Store on Thursday night into Friday Morning to the line that forms to pick up your Special Runs, expect to stand in line. Now, that is not saying that these lines will be there all day long. No, they will dwindle in size during certain times of the day and then swell back up before dwindling back down again. My best advice, along with many of the Roadies, is to check and see what the line looks like. If you are not able to stand in the line, then by all means check back later. If you think that you got this, go for it! There is absolutely no reason to actually stand in the super long line to get into the BreyerFest Store on Friday morning, that is for the hardcore crazy people, like me. Breyer will restock the stores through the weekend and the same items are available in both stores, according to Breyer.

Bags are a point of contention during BreyerFest and there is indeed a size requirement of what is allowed into the BreyerFest Stores and what is not. There is a bag check located near the stores that allow you to store your bags for up to an hour, but you must pick them up after that time. Bags that are larger than a traditional sized model (around 10 inches) are NOT allowed into the BreyerFest Stores. This means that rolling bags of all sizes, wagons, duffel bags, large purchases or tote bags, backpacks, and all shopping bags are NOT allowed into the BreyerFest Store. The source of the size and what is not allowed is from the First Timer’s Guide page 1. Wagons and rolling carts are allowed on the concourse of the Covered Arena, however please be aware that this area is CROWDED and could potentially cause an injury, even if by accident. (I got ran over last year, LOL!)

There is a shuttle this year! It is recommended to use it, especially if you are wanting to check out the Clarion. The Shuttle Schedule has been posted in the First Timer’s Guide on the Breyer website and will definitely be getting its own post here in the group under the Let’s Talk BreyerFest Guide. The shuttle has two routes for the Kentucky Horse Park itself and two routes for the hotels. Definitely be sure to read this carefully as it has caused confusion in the past!

The Kentucky Horse Park Routes- runs approximately every 15 minutes

Red Route- This is a continuous route around the perimeter of BreyerFest. It will take you to certain stops through the parking lot and on the edges of BreyerFest itself. This is a great shuttle to take if you are parked out in the far end of the parking lot and need to get closer to the gates.

Blue Route- This is a straight shot from the Altech Arena to the Rolex Gate, which is the entrance of BreyerFest itself. It does not stop at any other location.

The Hotel Routes- runs approximately every 30 minutes

Green Route- This is the Clarion route which runs from the Kentucky Horse Park to the Clarion Hotel on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings from 5 PM EDT to 11:30 PM EDT.

Yellow Route- This is the Hotels route and it services the local hotels in the area- The Candlewood Inn and Suites, the Embassy Suites, Mainstay Suites and Quality Inn, and the Clarion. It does not go to any other local hotels. The hours are not listed, but it would appear to be the same as the Green Route.

The maps to the Shuttle Information will be posted in the Let’s Talk BreyerFest Guide Post about Shuttles.


Every ticket comes with a model. That’s right, you read that correctly. Every BreyerFest Ticket comes with one Event Model. What are the Event Models? The Celebration Horse Model and the set of four Stablemates are the event models. You can find their pictures in this album:

The VIP Ticket will come with one Celebration Horse Model and a full set of the Event Stablemates. *

The All Access Ticket will come with one Celebration Horse Model *

The General Access Ticket will come with one randomly selected Event Stablemate *

*Reminder that this is only the Event Models and not the other models released for BreyerFest.

For the Celebration Horse Model, you will be able to redeem your Redemption Ticket at the Special Run Line or the Event Model Pickup location, depending on your ticket type. There will be a map placed in the Let’s Talk BreyerFest Guide. You can pick up these models all weekend long.

For the Event Stablemates, General Access Ticket Holders will be able to redeem their Redemption Tickets at the Event Model Pickup Tent. You can pick up these models all weekend long. Breyer states that these are randomly selected and many people will stick to that, however if the lines are not too bad, they MIGHT give you the Stablemates that you select.

VIP Ticket Holders- You will be picking up ALL of your models at the Special Run Line Tent. This means that your Celebration Horse Redemption Ticket, your full set of Event Stablemates Redemption Ticket, your two Special Run Redemption Tickets, and your two Limited Edition Redemption Tickets will all be turned in here and the model horses will be given to you in this location.

All Access Ticket Holders- You will be picking up your Special Run Reservation Tickets (both the labeled ones and the Wild Card Ticket ones) at the Special Run Line Tent. You can choose to redeem your Celebration Horse Model in this tent or in the Event Model Pickup Tent.

General Access Ticket Holders- You will be redeeming your Event Stablemate Redemption Ticket models at the Event Model Pickup Tent.

Special Runs

As mentioned above, there is a Special Run Line Tent this year. This is where all of the VIP and All Access Ticket Holders will redeem their Redemption/Reservation Tickets for the Special Runs. There will be a line set aside for the Wild Card Tickets per the First Timer’s Guide on Breyer’s website page 8. This will be the only place to pick up the Special Runs.

Limited Editions

If you do not have a VIP Ticket, you will be purchasing your Limited Editions in either of the BreyerFest Stores. Stock does get restocked daily, so if they are sold out, check back later.

If you have a VIP Ticket, you will be redeeming the Redemption Tickets for the two Limited Editions that you have already paid for in the Special Run Line Tent. All other Limited Editions that you would like to purchase will be available in the BreyerFest Stores.

Online Only Limited Editions

These Limited Editions are available to all ticket holders during BreyerFest weekend, however you must purchase them via the website. This model is not available for VIP Ticket Holders to pre-purchase.

Special Runs for the All Access Ticket Holders

There are no Special Run Times any more. Special Runs can be paid for and picked up all weekend long.

If you purchase your All Access Tickets before the Special Run Preference List cut off in Spring (There will be an announcement), then you will be using the Special Run Preference List to rank the special runs in the order that YOU like them. From that list, Breyer will do everything that they can using an unreleased algorithm to select the Special Runs near the top of that list. When you receive your Ticket Books, you will be able to see which Special Runs were selected for you as their Reservation Tickets will be in that Ticket Book. If your selections were not available, you should be receiving a Wild Card Ticket.

If you purchase your All Access Tickets after the Special Run Preference List cut off in Spring, all of your Reservation Tickets will be Wild Card Tickets.

You will be paying for and picking up your Special Runs at the event in July.

You can definitely read more about Special Runs, Limited Editions, and all of the model information in our Guides linked at the top of this post.

Activities at BreyerFest

BreyerFest is a place where you can do so much that it is physically impossible to experience it all in one day or even one weekend! However, if you are like me, you will do your best to do that. Take my advice- Pace Yourself! It is hot and humid in Kentucky. Make sure to drink a lot and don’t forget to eat. Check out the Museums if you get too hot.

Covered Arena

The Covered Arena is the hopping place to be during BreyerFest. This is where the Equine Demonstrations happen and you will get to see those awesome Guest Horses perform and do what they do best! This is also where you will find the Breyer Booth, the Vendor Marketplace, the Breyer Lounge, and the Breyer Baby Lounge.

Seating in the Covered Arena is limited so if you want to sit down and watch the demonstrations, make sure to get there early or stalk the sections, like I do. There is a snack stand in the Covered Arena, so you do not have to go far for food, unless you want to.

The Breyer Booth is the place to check out the BreyerFest Silent Auction. There are many donations from BreyerFest Vendors, Guest Horse Owners, and artists to bid on all weekend long. Bidding ends on Sunday at noon. You must be present at the Breyer Booth to win.

There is NO Information regarding Raffles at this time

The Breyer Lounge is a paid in advance place to relax and watch the Equine Demonstrations. This area provides air conditioning, a place to relax, and light refreshments. Tickets are required and space is limited. When these tickets go on sale, there will be a post. There are no physical tickets for this location, so you will need to save your email confirming that you have purchased this ticket. Names will be checked when you arrive.

The Breyer Baby Lounge is for parents that are looking for a bit more privacy and quiet to take care of their little ones. This area offers a private room with a changing table, a changing pad, chairs, and electricity. You do not need a ticket to access this area.

Around the Covered Arena

This is the area that surrounds the Covered Arena, but it outside of the actual arena itself.

The Hobby Center

Known as the Hands On Hobby Tent in the past, this is a great place to learn from some of the hobby greats. From artists that will show you how to paint a model to customizers that show you how to hack up and reposition a model to make it something completely new, you will definitely find something to peak your interest here. Don’t forget to stop by, see what they are working on, and talk to them. You never know what you will learn about!

Diorama Contest

VIP and All Access Ticket Holders that are participating in this contest will need to drop off their entries at the Hobby Center Tent on Friday between 9 AM EDT and 5 PM EDT. Entries will be on display to the public until Saturday at 4 PM EDT and the winners will be announced by 1 PM EDT on Sunday. Unclaimed Dioramas will be discarded. Please make sure that you read all of the contest information before entering this contest, especially the fine print.

Special Run Line Tent

This HUGE Tent is being the place for three different things this year. VIP Ticket Holders will be picking up their models (all of them) using the Redemption Tickets in their Ticket Books here, All Access Ticket Holders will be picking up their Redemption Card Special Runs here as well as the Wild Card Redemption Card models here. For those with All Access Tickets, you are also able to pick up your Celebration Horse Models here as well.

Event Model Pickup Tent

Located next to the Special Run Line Tent, this tent is the place to pick up your Event Models for the All Access and the General Access Ticket Holders. This tent shares a line with the line tent for the BreyerFest store in the Covered Arena.

Collector Club Tent

Located at the foot of the ramp to the Covered Arena, this tent is open to Collector Club members only. Yes, you can take your kids inside. Please do not leave your kids unattended outside the tent- they might be used for bag holders! This is a place to sit down in some fans and shade, have some water, chat with Breyer staff, and see what the Collector Club and other Clubs have in store for the rest of the year.

Guest Horse Autographs

Over in the barns, there is a section that is highly spoken about. This is a place to meet, greet, and get the autographs of this year’s portrait models that are at BreyerFest. There will be a full schedule in the program that highlights when you will be able to see each horse and get that model signed and the full schedule will be posted here in the group as well. There will be staff members on hand to answer questions directly related to this area during the event. Signings are limited to 200 people each and numbers are handed out fifteen minutes before the horse’s session. This area is super busy, so it is recommended to stay where the Breyer staff says and definitely do not get in the way of the horses that are grazing, being worked, or being groomed.

The Altech Arena

Standing over by itself, away from the main area of the Kentucky Horse Park, stands the revolutionary Altech Arena. Air conditioned and with plenty of room, this arena is home to several things during BreyerFest.

BreyerFest Open Show and Children and Youth Show

The Open Show is Friday 7 AM EDT to 5 PM EDT and the Youth and Children’s Show is Saturday 8 AM EDT to 4 PM EDT. Located in the North Exhibit Hall, you do need to pre-register to attend these Shows. Registration will be announced soon and there will be a post in this group. These entries sell out fast! Guests are welcome to come observe and you can look around at all of the awesome models, however definitely do not touch and be very careful not to disturb anyone.


Located in the South Exhibit Hall in the Altech Arena, these workshops are a great hand on introduction to all things model horse. Workshops are open to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders and you will need to re-register before the event. These will be released soon and do sell out fast. If you are a parent and you want your child to attend the workshop, you will need to be with them. If you are wanting to participate in the workshop alongside your child, you will need to register for the workshop as well.

The BreyerFest 5K

Taking place on Sunday during BreyerFest, this benefit 5K runs a lovely route around a portion of the Kentucky Horse Park, starting at the Altech Arena. You will need to register in advance. This can be done online after BreyerFest Tickets go on sale or before the race on Sunday at 6:30 AM EDT. There are awards handed out after the race. Each participant will receive a BreyerFest 5K finisher’s medal and a commemorative t-shirt. Packet pick up and onsite registration will take place Friday and Saturday near the Covered Arena.

Other Activities Around The Kentucky Horse Park During BreyerFest

These are free activities that you can experience during the event. Some might include things that you can purchase and some might be entirely free.

Stablemate Painting

This FREE activity is open to all ages, parents and kids alike. Located in the Annex ring, which is behind the Covered Arena, this large tent is the location to paint some pretty ponies. This activity is limited to one per person per day. If there is a lot of demand, they might limit it to just kids for a time period.

The Celebration Park

Located to the side of the Covered Arena, away from it and across a lovely bridge, this is place for all of the free activities. There are pony rides, a petting zoo, a kid’s jumping contest, circus performers and face painting, the Big Dig, Dock Dogs, and more.

In this area, there will be a Beer Garden and food trucks so that you can rest and relax in the shade with some good entertainment and refreshments.

The Visitors Information Center

This is the place to preview all of the Live Auction models on Friday before the Auction on Saturday evening.

This is also the place for the free Seminars. These seminars are open to all ticket holders and are about 60 minutes long and feature a wide array of presenters. The complete list and schedule will be released in the Program and posted in the group when available.

The Kentucky Horse Park

Included in your BreyerFest Ticket is admission to the greatest place in the world for equine lovers, the Kentucky Horse Park. Some things to not miss out on as you adventure around the park is:

The Hall of Champions

The Breeds Barn

The Kid’s Barn

The Big Barn

The International Museum of the Horse

The American Saddlebred Museum

The Gift Shop (Some Breyers are sold there)

and so many other things to see and do.

There will also be several live horse shows during BreyerFest weekend so if you feel up to it, take a stroll to the arena where they are happening and check them out! Spectators are always welcome.

This is about everything for the In Person Event that you might see and do around the park. Please make sure to check out our Guides for a lot more in depth information on everything BreyerFest related!

The Virtual Event

The BreyerFest First Timer's virtual event Guide can be found here: BreyerFest Virtual First Timer's Guide -

What To Expect

There is much more to the virtual event than meets the eye. Many people brush off this part of the event as not as fun as in person or that there is not much to experience at all. However, that is simply not the case! In addition to what everything Breyer has to offer that will be posted here, Road To BreyerFest offers a virtual Room Sale through the RTB Sale and Trade Group for those that are still wanting to sell their models or trade them. I also make MANY posts all BreyerFest weekend long and do my best to make videos and I am hoping to get a small microphone to interview the horses this year! Let’s get into what Breyer will offer!

First, you will need to purchase one of the two ticket types to attend the virtual aspect of BreyerFest. The in person tickets do offer the virtual content as well, however if you cannot find a pick up person or you are unable to make the trip, the virtual ticket options will allow your Event Models to be sent to your location. These ticket types are well explained in the Guides of Road To BreyerFest. But, let’s dive into what to expect during BreyerFest weekend, that is totally why you are here.

Once BreyerFest weekend rolls around, you will need to log into the Breyer account that purchased the BreyerFest Tickets. You will notice that there is a banner that says Enter BreyerFest. Once you click that banner, you will be taken to the virtual content.

The BreyerFest homepage will be divided into a lot of different sections ranging from the Live Broadcast to Workshops and more! You are able to click on the pictures and it will take you to the page associated with those tabs.

The Live Broadcast offers a commentary from Kimber Goodwin. You will be seeing interviews with the Guest horse owners, BreyerFest Guest speakers, BreyerFest fans, and more.

You will be able to see all of the Equine Demonstrations from the Covered Arena at the Kentucky Horse Park. Be warned! Horses do not follow times and some times, things can be delayed or changed from the program. If you miss something, this is usually available on demand after it is finished streaming for the day.

You will be able to view the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance starting on Friday, July 14th at 6:30 PM EDT. This one of a kind show is a great thing to experience and watch, no matter where you are in the world. The artistry and expression of the horse will almost bring tears to your eyes.

There is a BreyerFest Seminar series that is free to watch and covers the topics or real horses and model horses!

Plus there will be check ins all around the Kentucky Horse Park.

There will be pre-recorded content that will be available to Online Traditional Access Ticket holders. These are workshop like videos that are free to watch. However, you will need to purchase your own supplies. When the supplies are posted on the website, they will be added to the Guides in the group so that you are able to see them, click links where you can find the harder to find items, and more. In addition to these workshops, any guest performers or entertainers that are unable to make it to the in person event will provide video content to view during BreyerFest weekend.

There are Model Horse Shows available to VIP, All Access, and Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders. These shows are as follows: Breyer Boot Camp, Breakables Live, and the Resin Futurity. There will be much more information posted about these Shows before the event.

The Online Diorama Contest is available to VIP, All Access, and Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders. Please make sure to read all of the rules and regulations regarding this contest as there are restrictions.

Special Runs

Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders will be using the Special Run Preference List, that will be released in Spring, in order to rank the Special Runs that are available to them. If you purchase your ticket after the Spring cut off date, you will be randomly assigned a Special Run per ticket on your account to purchase during the event.

Each Online Traditional Access Ticket is able to purchase up to two Special Runs. You are not limited in how many tickets that you are able to purchase.

You will not know which model or models were selected for your account until the event in July.

Limited Editions

All Ticket Holders, both in person and virtual, are able to purchase Limited Editions from the BreyerFest Store on the Breyer website during BreyerFest weekend. There will be two Online Only Limited Editions there as well- one traditional sized model and one stablemate sized model.

Other Activities during BreyerFest

BreyerFest 5K

You will be able to participate virtually in the BreyerFest 5K during BreyerFest weekend. Registration will take place after BreyerFest Tickets go on sale- There will be a link posted in the Pinned Post in the Featured Section here in the Road To BreyerFest group.

BreyerFest Live Auctions

Saturday at 5:30 PM EDT during BreyerFest weekend, the Live Auction will take place. Virtual Ticket Holders are able to participate as well as in person ticket holders. More information will be released about this event later in the year.

Celebration of Horses Evening Performance

Produced by Sylvia Zerbini, this exciting equine performance is not one to be missed. It will be live streamed on Friday evening during BreyerFest in real time with the in person event and then will be available for viewing on demand all weekend long. This is included with each BreyerFest Ticket.

That is pretty much all, but you NEVER know what Breyer will add! There will be so many things to click on and things to do that you will not miss out on anything. Many of the BreyerFest Live Streams will be posted for on demand viewing after they have finished airing for the day, so if you missed them, you should be able to go back and see them. Last year, there were some hiccups with the Seminars and the Workshops, but they were fixed and available all weekend long, I do believe.

What will Road To BreyerFest do for the virtual attendees? I have to say that I always do my best to bring you so many photos that you will likely scream at me to stop posting. I try to take videos and upload them as soon as they are finished so that I can take more photos and videos. While going live is hard to do at the Kentucky Horse Park and the Clarion, this year, I have plans to record short interviews with the guest horses and place them on the group and my Tiktok account, maybe the Youtube channel.

I hope that this helps!

BreyerFest 2024: Let's Talk BreyerFest- Tickets

Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Tickets, That Is!


Tickets go on sale February 2024

Everyone has been asking about what types of tickets will be available for BreyerFest 2024 and now we have that information. I will be going through it and breaking it all down here in this Guide so that you can have a place to come back to the information when tickets are released for sale.

There are two BreyerFest events this coming year as it is a hybrid event. The in person event will have three different ticket types and the virtual event will have two ticket types.

In Person Event Ticket Information

There are three types of in person Tickets for 2024. Each one comes with different things and allow you to choose whichever one that you wish. At this time, I can tell you that you can buy as many All Access and General Access Tickets. VIP Tickets could be limited to one per account/email, however we will know that answer when Breyer releases the tickets for sale.

VIP Ticket

This ticket costs $240 and you MUST pay for two Special Run models and two Limited Edition models at the time of the purchase so your final price will be over $400.

Entry to BreyerFest all three days

One (1) BreyerFest Celebration Horse Model

One (1) complete set of BreyerFest: Against All Odds Event Stablemates models

Pre-select and pre-purchase two (2) Special Run models

Pre-select and pre-purchase two (2) Limited Edition models

Complimentary, exclusive VIP Swag box

Access to workshops (additional fee applies)

Ability to enter BreyerFest model horse shows (additional fee applies)

Ability to enter BreyerFest contests, in person and virtual

Complimentary KHP Parking pass, valid all three days of BreyerFest

Access to BreyerFest virtual content and shopping

Plus more!

With the VIP Ticket, you will be able to purchase more Limited Editions at the event, so please do not worry that you are only paying for two Limited Editions at the time of the ticket purchase.

The All Access Ticket

This ticket costs $90 and comes with everything that you will need to make this an amazing event.

Entry to BreyerFest all three days

One (1) BreyerFest Celebration Horse Model

Ability to purchase up to two (2) Special Run models per ticket- You do not need to purchase the Special Runs, if you do not wish to do so.

Access to purchase Limited Edition models

Ability to enter BreyerFest Model Horse shows (additional fee applies)

Access to workshops (additional fee applies)

Ability to enter BreyerFest Contests, both in person and virtual

Access to BreyerFest virtual content and shopping

Plus more!

Special Runs will be selected using the Special Run Preference form once again. I will be making a post all about the Special Run Preference List. If you miss the deadline on the Special Run Preference List, two Special Runs will be randomly selected for your account. There will be several posts in this group, on Breyer’s social media, and an email letting you know when the Special Run Preference List will appear and when it will close.

You will need to purchase a parking pass with this ticket or you will be paying each day to park at the park. Typically the Parking Pass is $13, but this price could change when they are released for sale.

The General Access Ticket

This ticket costs $30 and you will need to purchase a parking pass with this ticket. Typically the Parking Pass is $13, but this price could change when they are released for sale.

Entry to BreyerFest all three days

One (1) randomly-selected Event Stablemates model included with each ticket

Access to purchase Limited Edition models

Access to BreyerFest virtual content and shopping (additional fees apply)

Plus more!

You are not able to enter the contests or the model horse shows with this ticket.

The Virtual Event

Virtual Event Tickets are not honored in person at the Kentucky Horse Park during BreyerFest. This means that if you are attending in person, you must have an in person ticket.

Online Traditional Ticket

This ticket costs $65

Access to BreyerFest virtual content and shopping for all three days

One (1) BreyerFest Celebration Horse Model

Access to purchase Limited Edition models

Access to BreyerFest virtual store

Ability to purchase two Special Runs

Ability to enter select virtual BreyerFest contests

Access to virtual BreyerFest model horse shows

Plus more!

Special Run selection will be using the Special Run Preference List form this year. I will be posting all about the Special Run Preference List soon. If you miss out on the Special Run Preference List, one Special Run will be randomly selected for your account. There will be several posts in this group, on Breyer’s social media, and an email letting you know when the Special Run Preference List will appear and when it will close.

Online Stablemate Ticket

This ticket costs $25

Access to BreyerFest virtual content and shopping for all three days

One (1) randomly-selected Events Stablemates model

Access to purchase Limited Edition models

Plus more!


INTERNATIONAL IN PERSON TICKET PURCHASERS: Your ticket books (yes, they are ticket books this year) will NOT be mailed to you. You will need to pick them up at Will Call before the event. IDs will be checked this year! This is from 2023, so we will see what 2024 holds. 

Domestic US In Person Ticket Holders will have their Ticket Books sent to the address that is on their Breyer Account. Please do not loose this Ticket Book as Breyer will not refund or replace this.

Virtual Event Attendees: You will NOT have tickets mailed to you. Your account is your ticket.

I hope that this has helped and don't worry, there will be several more posts about tickets coming soon. By the time that BreyerFest tickets go on sale, you will know what each ticket comes with and which one (or ones) that you want to purchase. For me personally, I typically buy one VIP Ticket and one All Access Ticket.

What Exactly Comes with Each Ticket?

In Person Tickets

If you are attending the in person event at the Kentucky Horse Park, you will need to have an In Person ticket type. No virtual event tickets will be honored at the park. All BreyerFest Tickets come with the ability to purchase Limited Edition models during BreyerFest. However, keep in mind that technically the only model that you are absolutely guaranteed to receive (unless you purchase a VIP Ticket) are the models that come with your tickets. Models can and do sell out, however with the raised edition numbers, it is unlikely that they will sell out too quickly anymore. You do not need to purchase your Event Models (Celebration Horse Models and/or the Event Stablemates) as they come automatically with your ticket.

VIP Ticket- $240 plus the cost of two Special Runs and two Limited Editions

With the VIP Ticket, you get one Celebration Horse Model, one full set of Event Stablemates, two Special Runs that you have selected and paid for when you purchased your ticket, two Limited Editions that you have selected and paid for when you purchased your ticket, the ability to purchase Limited Editions during BreyerFest, access to the free Seminars, access to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, access to all of the free activities in and around the Covered Arena, access to participate in the Model Horse Shows (for an added fee), access to register for Workshops (for an added fee), access to the BreyerFest virtual content, a complimentary parking pass, an exclusive Swag Box, the ability to enter contests (depending on rules and regulations when they are released), and more!

All Access Ticket- $90- models cost extra and will be purchased at BreyerFest

With the All Access Ticket, you get one Celebration Horse Model, two Special Runs (per ticket purchased- so if you buy one ticket, you get two Special Runs) using the Special Run Preference List, the ability to purchase Limited Editions during BreyerFest, access to the free Seminars, access to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, access to all of the free activities in and around the Covered Arena, access to participate in the Model Horse Shows (for an added fee), access to register for Workshops (for an added fee), access to the BreyerFest virtual content, access to purchase a parking pass, the ability to enter contests (depending on rules and regulations when they are released), and more!

General Access Ticket- $30- models cost extra and will be purchased at BreyerFest

With the General Access Ticket, you get one randomly selected Event Stablemate, access to purchase the Limited Editions at BreyerFest, access to the free Seminars, access to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, access to all of the free activities in and around the Covered Arena, access to the BreyerFest virtual content (additional fees apply), access to purchase a parking pass, and more.

Virtual Event Tickets

Online Traditional Access Tickets- $65- models cost extra and will be purchased during BreyerFest

With the Online Traditional Access Ticket, you get one Celebration horse, the ability to purchase Special Runs using the Special Run Preference List from a selection of models offered to online attendees, access to BreyerFest virtual content, access to a Live Stream coming from the Kentucky Horse Park that will include interviews with guest horse owners, hobbyists, fans, and more, access to Seminar streams, access to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, access to online shopping at the BreyerFest Store, access to virtual contests (terms and conditions may apply), and more

Online Stablemate Access Tickets- $25- models cost extra and will be purchased during BreyerFest

With the Online Stablemate Access Ticket, you get one randomly selected Event Stablemate, access to BreyerFest virtual content, access to a Live Stream coming from the Kentucky Horse Park that will include interviews with guest horse owners, hobbyists, fans, and more, access to Seminar streams, access to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, access to online shopping at the BreyerFest Store, and more.

I hope that this has helped you! There will be so much more information coming soon about BreyerFest!

What Ticket Is Right For Me?

Many people that are interested in attending BreyerFest always ask which ticket is best for them. While I cannot answer that question directly because I do not know what you want to experience during your time at BreyerFest, I can go over what each ticket offers, the costs associated with them, and things like that.

If you are planning to attend the in person event, there are three different tickets that you will need to think about. Those are the VIP, the All Access, and the General Access Tickets. Each one of those tickets offer you entry into the Kentucky Horse Park for all three days and each one of those tickets allow you to purchase Limited Edition models at BreyerFest. But there are so many differences between them.

The VIP Ticket- This ticket is for either the die hard BreyerFest fan or the one that wants to experience everything. This is the cream of the crop when it comes to BreyerFest tickets and it also has the highest costs associated with it. This ticket allows you to do things that you cannot do with the other two tickets and those things are being able to select and buy two Special Runs at the time of ticket purchase and select and buy two Limited Editions at the time of ticket purchase. The base price for this ticket is $240 and the Special Runs cost anywhere from $60 to $85 and the Limited Editions cost anywhere from $15 to $75. That base price will jump to around $450 or higher at the time of ticket purchase.

This ticket is limited to two per transaction, but there is not limit per household/account. This ticket will be sold first come, first served.

During BreyerFest, the VIP Ticket gives you access to a lot of more things than the General Access does, however it does give you almost the same things as the All Access Ticket. There are only two things during BreyerFest that are offered through the VIP Ticket that are not offered through the All Access Ticket and those are the complimentary parking pass and the VIP Exclusive Swag box. The VIP Ticket allows you to participate in the free seminars, register for the workshops for an additional fee, register for the Live Shows for an additional fee, view the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, purchase Limited Editions during BreyerFest, participate in the Contests (terms and conditions do apply), and more.

Visual Breakdown Of What Comes With The VIP Ticket:

*One Celebration Horse Model

*One FULL Set of Event Stablemates

*Two Special Runs prepaid

*Two Limited Editions prepaid

*Three Days of Entry into the Kentucky Horse Park

*Ability to register for Workshops

*Ability to register for the Live Shows

*Ability to enter the Contests

*Access to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance

*Complimentary Parking Pass

*Exclusive Swag Box

*Access to Free Seminars and other free activities

*Access to shopping at the BreyerFest Store and the Vendor Marketplace

*Access to purchase BreyerFest Merchandise/Swag

*Access to virtual BreyerFest content

*And who knows what else!

If that sounds great to you, then this is the ticket for you!

The All Access Ticket- One step below the VIP Ticket is the All Access Ticket. Back in the day, this was the cream of the crop ticket and it still is actually! This ticket offers you almost everything that the VIP Ticket offers you, minus a few things, for $90. The All Access Ticket will offer you entry to all three days of BreyerFest at the Kentucky Horse Park, access to purchase up to two Special Runs per ticket purchased, access to purchase Limited Editions at the event, access to register for the Workshops, access to register for the Live Shows, access to the free seminars, access to the Contests (terms and conditions apply), access to purchase a parking pass, access to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, and more. With this ticket, you will be able to buy two Special Runs per ticket at BreyerFest, using the Special Run Preference List. More information on the Special Run Preference List will be available in the Let’s Talk BreyerFest Guide.

Visual Breakdown Of The All Access Ticket:

*One Celebration Horse Model

*Two Special Runs purchased at the event

*Limited Editions purchased at the event

*Access to register for the Workshops

*Access to register for the Live Shows

*Access to purchase a Parking Pass

*Access to enter the Contests (terms and conditions apply)

*Access to the Celebration of Horses Evening Show

*Three days of BreyerFest at the Kentucky Horse Park

*Access to free seminars and other free activities

*Access to shopping the BreyerFest Store and the Vendor Marketplace

*Access to purchase BreyerFest Merchandise/Event Swag

*Access to the virtual BreyerFest content

If that sounds great to you, then this is the ticket for you!

The General Access Ticket- This $30 ticket to BreyerFest used to be considered the Single Day Ticket. However, all of the BreyerFest tickets now allow you to get into BreyerFest for all three days so it is no longer called the Single Day Ticket. This ticket does not come with a Celebration Horse Model, however it does come with one randomly selected Event Stablemate. This ticket does not come with the ability to purchase Special Runs, but it does allow you to purchase Limited Editions during BreyerFest from the BreyerFest Store. You will be able to participate in all of the free activities with this ticket and you will be able to watch the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance.

Visual Breakdown of the General Access Ticket:

*One randomly selected Event Stablemate

*Access to purchase Limited Editions during BreyerFest

*Access to the free activities/events during BreyerFest

*Access to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance

*Access to purchase a parking pass

*Access to the virtual BreyerFest content (additional fees apply)

*Access to shopping the BreyerFest Store and the Vendor Marketplace

*Access to purchase BreyerFest Merchandise/Event Swag

*Access to all three days of BreyerFest at the Kentucky Horse Park.

*This is a great ticket for those that you bring along with you that might not be as interested in the models or the children with you.

If that sounds great to you, then this is the ticket for you!

Now we move onto the virtual content and the virtual tickets that are offered for BreyerFest.

Online Traditional Access Ticket- This $65 ticket offers you a toned down version of the All Access ticket, with it being strictly virtual. No virtual ticket will be honored at the in person event. With this ticket, you receive one Celebration Horse model, access to purchase Special Runs using the Special Run Preference List, access to purchase the Limited Editions during BreyerFest, access to the virtual content, access to virtual contests (terms and conditions apply), access to virtual workshops, and more. If you are unable to travel to Kentucky, then this is a great ticket to give you a lot of options.

Visual Breakdown Of The Online Traditional Access Ticket:

*One Celebration Horse Model- sent to your address on file

*Access to purchase Special Runs

*Access to purchase Limited Editions during BreyerFest

*Access to view the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance

*Access to virtual contests (terms and conditions apply)

*Access to virtual workshops

*Access to virtual content

*Access to virtual shopping and the BreyerFest online store

*Access to purchase BreyerFest Merchandise/Event Swag

If that sounds great to you, then this is the ticket for you!

Online Stablemate Access Ticket- This $25 ticket is the lowest tier of ticket offered for BreyerFest. This ticket allows you to get one randomly selected Event Stablemate, access to purchase Limited Editions during BreyerFest, access to the virtual content, access to virtual workshops, and access to virtual shopping at the BreyerFest Store.

Visual Breakdown Of The Online Stablemate Access Ticket:

*One randomly selected Event Stablemate sent to the address on file

*Access to purchase Limited Editions during BreyerFest

*Access to view the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance

*Access to virtual workshops

*Access to virtual content

*Access to virtual shopping and the BreyerFest online store

*Access to purchase BreyerFest Merchandise/Event Swag

If that sounds great to you, then this is the ticket for you!

Once you have read over all of the ticket types, now is the time to decide what type of ticket that you are going to purchase in February when tickets go on sale.

How Many Models Can Each Ticket Buy?

BreyerFest brings us the opportunity to buy a lot of new models with each ticket purchased, but exactly how many models can each of the ticket types buy and how many tickets can you purchase. This post will not cover which Event Models come with your tickets, it only covers which models that you will be able to purchase. Be warned though: BreyerFest tickets sell out! We do not know how many tickets there are, so we are not sure when they will sell out until Breyer announces that they are sold out.

The VIP Ticket

The VIP Ticket is $240 this year and when you buy this ticket, you will be selecting the two Special Runs that you want to purchase and two of the Limited Editions that you want to purchase as well. So, the final cost of the ticket is well over $400 on the day of ticket purchase. You can buy as many VIP tickets as you want, however you are limited to purchasing a maximum of two per transaction. You are able to purchase as many Limited Editions as you want during the event itself.

So the breakdown is:

1 VIP Ticket= 2 Special Runs and 2 Limited Editions at the time of ticket purchase. At the event, you are able to purchase as many Limited Editions as you want. You are guaranteed those two Special Runs and those two Limited Editions that you purchased with your ticket. Limited Editions can sell out during the event in the BreyerFest Store.

The All Access Ticket

The All Access Ticket is $90 this year and when you buy this ticket, you will be using the Special Run Preference List to rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them. There will be a large post detailing the Special Run Preference List coming soon. In order to use the Special Run Preference List, you will need to purchase your tickets before Spring 2023 (the exact date will be announced). With each All Access Ticket, you are able to purchase two Special Runs. If you want more than two Special Runs, you will need to purchase more All Access Tickets. There are no limits on how many tickets that you can purchase. You are able to purchase as many Limited Editions as you want during the event.

So the breakdown is:

1 All Access Ticket= 2 Special Runs

You will be using the Special Run Preference List to rank the Special Runs and then Breyer will notify you which models were selected for you to purchase in your Ticket Books. If your selection is not available at that time, Breyer will send you a Wild Card ticket so that you are able to select your Special Runs (still two per ticket) from the available selection at the event. This does not indicate that all of the Special Runs will be sold out during the events. You are able to purchase as many Limited Editions as you want during the event.

The General Access Ticket

The General Access Ticket is $30 and does not come with the ability to purchase Special Runs. You are able to purchase as many Limited Editions during the event as you want. There are no limits on how many General Access Tickets that you can purchase.

So the breakdown is:

1 General Access Ticket- As many Limited Editions as you want during the event

The Online Traditional Access Ticket

The Online Traditional Access Ticket is $65 and comes with the ability to purchase two Special Runs per ticket and as many Limited Editions as you want during the event. There are no limits on how many tickets that you are able to purchase of this type and you are able to purchase them all on one account, if you choose. If you want more than one Special Run, then you will need to purchase more than one ticket. You will be using the Special Run Preference List that will be released in Spring of 2023 and you will be notified of which Special Run was selected for your account out of your ranking during BreyerFest (unless otherwise specified when tickets are released for sale).

So the breakdown is:

1 Online Traditional Access Ticket = 2 Special Runs and as many Limited Editions during the event as you want to purchase.

The Online Stablemate Access Ticket

The Online Stablemate Access Ticket is $25 and does not come with the ability to purchase any Special Runs. You are able to purchase as many Limited Editions as you want during the event. There are no limits on how many tickets of this kind that you can purchase.

So the breakdown is:

1 Online Stablemate Access Ticket- As many Limited Editions as you want during the event

Mix and Matching Tickets

This seems to be a common theme that I am seeing this year and I am loving it: Can I purchase different kinds of tickets? And if I am able to do that, can I purchase a different one from my child?

The answer is yes, you are able to purchase different types of tickets on your account. You can buy them on one account or you can buy them on different accounts. The possibilities are endless! Just keep in mind that no one can tell you exactly what kind of ticket is best for your situation, it is all about what you want to experience and what models that you want to bring home.

If you want to purchase an All Access Ticket for one person in your party and a General Access Ticket for another person, that is completely doable. No one checks what name is associated with those tickets. When you get your Ticket Books, you will see a wrist band and as long as everyone in your party has a wristband, you are perfectly fine!

If you want to purchase a VIP Ticket and an All Access Ticket, that is great as well. Again, as long as everyone in your party has a wristband, everything is great.

Do I need to purchase my BreyerFest Tickets the minute that they are released for sale? No, I do not believe that you will need to do this. BreyerFest tickets can and have sold out in the past, however last year, BreyerFest Tickets were available late in the "BreyerFest" season and even some were available at the gate. The VIP Ticket does have a deadline to purchase though.

Do I need to purchase all of my tickets at the same time? No, you can buy them when you are able to do so. Even I do not purchase my tickets all at the same time, my husband would kill me if I did since no bills would get paid that month!

Children under 6 years of age do not need to have a BreyerFest Ticket, however they are not able to receive an Event Model. Children over the age of 6 need to have a BreyerFest Ticket. Many BreyerFest Attendees will have extra wristbands that they end up giving away over the weekend, so have no fear if you do not have enough wristbands. However, those wristbands will likely not come with any models since the BreyerFest Attendees really want those. Tickets might be available at the gate, however I would not wait until the last minute to purchase your tickets.

Let's go a little deeper in this one because I see the question popping up all over FB Land this year- Can I buy one ticket kind for my child and another for me? The answer is yes, of course, you are able to do that! As mentioned above, mix and matching BreyerFest Tickets is perfectly fine! If your child is under the age of 18, you are quite welcome to follow them all over the event. In fact, if they are under the age of 16, I would personally go with them all over the park.

I see a lot of parents wanting to buy an All Access or a VIP Ticket for their children so that they can attend a workshop* or two and they are curious if they are able to go with their children. As long as your child is under an age that you would not let them do things by themselves, you are perfectly fine to be there with them. For the workshops, you will need to register them when workshops go on sale and you will be able to attend with them. However, if you want to participate in the workshops with your child, you will need to purchase the ticket type that allows you to have access to the workshops and register for yourself and your child.

Keep in mind that the Workshops* are labeled suitable for 8 years and older this year, according to Breyer on their FB Group. If you are looking for something for your child to do, but they are younger than 8, I highly recommend taking them over to the Stablemate Painting Tent and having them paint their very own Stablemate! They will get that model to take home and their very own ribbon (in the past years.) There will also be pony rides, a petting zoo, and so much more for the younger members of the hobby so never fear that there will not be something there for them.

Outside of the Workshops*, you will be able to go with your little ones everywhere around BreyerFest and the Kentucky Horse Park. I highly recommend taking the littles to check out the horses of the Horse Park and you will be able to let them pet them and so much more. There is even a Kid's Barn to check out!

*Workshops will be explained in another Let's Talk BreyerFest Post, but these are basically classes on different crafts and things to learn about the model horse hobby.

Can I Stay With My Kid?

I will admit, I had a much better title thought up, but then I erased it and went to bed. So now, I have this one. That being said, I am seeing so many posts asking if parents will be able to stay with their younger children if they buy them a VIP Ticket and they participate in things.

The short answer is yes. Please read on for the details!

Here is what the Breyer website says about it: Parental supervision is required for BreyerFest attendees under the age of 13 if attending BreyerFest online, and under the age of 18 (or under the legal age of majority in the attendee’s state or jurisdiction of residence, whichever is greater) if attending in person. -This information was found on the VIP Ticket Sale information on the Breyer website.

The long answer is yes, but during the Workshops, you will only be able to watch from a Parents Only section that allows you to see your child, but not be able to actually sit in the session with them. For the VIP Special Run Line, you will be able to walk through the Line with them, but you cannot redeem the tickets yourself, nor will you be able to redeem your own tickets at that time.

Bonus Question: Can my Husband/Boyfriend come into the Collector Club Tent with me? If they are a Collector Club member, then yes they are able to do so. If they are not a member, then the answer is no. However, I am certain that you will be allowed to take your small children in there with you.

Do I Need To Buy A Parking Pass?

When you are buying your BreyerFest tickets, you might be wondering to yourself, do I need a Parking Pass. And while the answer is truly up to you, read on to find out the reasons why it might help you.

The BreyerFest Parking Pass is an add-on to the All Access and the General Access Tickets. This Parking Pass costs $13 when added to the tickets that you purchase and it is currently not available by itself as an add-on. It is limited to one Parking Pass per order, meaning that you are able to purchase more than one Parking Pass, if you need.

Do I need more than one Parking Pass? No, the Parking Pass is good for all three days of BreyerFest. As long as it is in your window or somewhere that can be seen from the front and outside of your car during your entries to the Kentucky Horse Park, you are good to go.

Do I have to get a Parking Pass? No, you do not. However, as with the rest of BreyerFest, no one can tell you what you do or do not need to have. BreyerFest is all about you and your Adventure.

I did not add this on, what will happen now? BreyerFest parking at the Kentucky Horse Park without the Parking Pass is $6 every time that you enter the park. Meaning that if you show up and park, you will pay $6 and when you leave for lunch or to take a nap and then come back to the Park, you will pay another $6 to park.

I don’t want to pay each time that I enter the Kentucky Horse Park and I forgot to add the Parking Pass to my order, now what? There are a couple options here: You can purchase another ticket and add on the Parking Pass and then sell/give away the other parts of the ticket. The General Access Ticket works great for that. There will, also, be many people that will sell/giveaway different parts of their tickets and you might be able to find a Parking Pass through there.

Can I sell my Parking Pass here in the group? No. There are no sales or trades or anything that involves passing money or goods over to another for the exchange of something else. You are welcome, however, to give it away to another member that might be looking for one.