Tuesday, December 19, 2023

BreyerFest 2024: Let's Talk BreyerFest, Event Models

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Event Models, That Is! 

Breyer has released the Celebration Horse and with that, we see the phrase “with select tickets”. This small phrase causes so much confusion in the BreyerFest planning as it always appears well before Breyer has released any and all ticket information so many people are left wondering just what it means.

There are several different ticket types that Breyer offers for BreyerFest and each one comes with a model of some sort. This post will go over the tickets from last year and will be updated when Breyer releases the ticket information for BreyerFest 2024. Tickets for BreyerFest 2024 are currently set to go on sale in February 2024, according to Breyer.

2024 Tickets and What Event Models Come With Them:

Please Note: This will only be covering the Event Models, meaning the models that automatically come with the ticket and not purchased separately.

What are Event Models? Event Models are classified as the models that automatically come with the ticket purchased. These are the Celebration Horse Model and the Event Stablemates.

The VIP Ticket: This ticket came with one Celebration Horse model and a full set of Event Stablemates.

The All Access Ticket: One Celebration Horse model

The General Access Ticket: One randomly selected Event Stablemate

The Online Traditional Access Ticket: One Celebration Horse model

The Online Stablemate Access Ticket: One randomly selected Event Stablemate

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