Thursday, January 18, 2024

Let's Talk BreyerFest- New Ticketing System

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest….The New Ticketing System, That Is!

Breyer announced that all tickets for BreyerFest 2024 will be digital this year and no physical tickets will be mailed out. Parking is also included with your tickets this year and you will not need to purchase an extra parking pass. So let’s go into what you will need to know for this new system and more!

*Virtual Ticket Holders- nothing will affect you this year as your tickets are associated with your Breyer account already.

*The main people that this new system will affect will be the VIP, All Access, and General Admission Ticket Holders.

*BreyerFest Tickets go on sale in February- the exact date and time will be released from Breyer and then posted here. Until then, we do not know exactly when they will go on sale.

*When you purchase your VIP, All Access, and/or General Admission Ticket, you will notice a small processing fee.

*A week to ten days before BreyerFest and after the Special Run Preference List is completed (VIP Ticket Holders do not need to use the Special Run Preference List), the ticket (or tickets, if you have purchased multiple on your account) will be emailed to you individually from the partner platform. This email will contain the following: a unique, scannable Master QR code that will work only for the models or other items it corresponds to, which will be listed in the email you receive. (You can also find this information in your order history on, Admission, Event models, Special Run models, and for our VIP ticket holders, their Limited Edition models and VIP swag packs.

*This Master QR code can be scanned multiple times at the different pickup spots at BreyerFest, so if you have an All Access ticket, you can pick up your Celebration Horse at Event Model handout and then bring the same Master QR code over to the Special Run line to redeem for your two assigned Special Run models. Once the Master QR code has been scanned for all the items it corresponds with, it will no longer be able to be scanned.

*Or within the ticket email you receive for each ticket you buy, there will also be an option to view your individual tickets as a multiple page PDF file. Each item you are eligible to receive or purchase will have a single-use QR code associated with it. Since each QR code is unique, each of these individual tickets can only be scanned once.

*Or you are able to print out the tickets and present paper tickets to BreyerFest staff, or you can add the digital tickets to your phone’s wallet, take screenshots from your email, or download the BreyerFest app,which will be discussed later on. Any of these methods will work since all the QR codes are unique.

*If you don’t have a printer, or a smartphone, or you are worried that you will not have service at the Kentucky Horse Park, you can visit our Ticket Booth or the BreyerFest Help Desk near the Special Run Line and we can print your tickets for you. If you accidentally delete your ticket email, you can contact Breyer’s Customer Service and we can re-email you your ticket email.

Now, let’s talk about what I have seen others ask already- Pick Ups and Ticket Trading/Selling.

*Regarding Pick-ups- If you are using a pick up person for BreyerFest, once you have purchased your ticket (or tickets) and have received your Ticket email, you will need to forward the whole email to your pick up person so that they will be able to collect your items just as they have been able to do so in the past. Pick Up people can either show the digital tickets on their phones or print out the tickets.

*Ticket Trading is not something that is recommended at all with this new system. This will be addressed in the FAQs that Breyer has posted on their website, but I definitely wanted to cover it so I asked the Events Team and this is the exact answer that I received: There is no way to tell if a QR code has been scanned, whether it is digital or printed, so Breyer is strongly discouraging trading tickets at/or before BreyerFest this year. People are welcome to trade their models after they’ve purchased them, but ticket trading is not recommended. This is per Breyer’s Event Team

So, in conclusion, this year means that all tickets will be digital and hopefully, this will lead to no tickets getting lost or stolen. Make sure to save your tickets or print them out- libraries offer printing for low prices, if you do not have a printer and want them printed out before BreyerFest. The FAQs that are on the Breyer website and are up to date will be included in the RTB FAQs and hopefully we will find out if we get a wristband or a pin for in person tickets (My little Hope would love a new necklace!).

I hope that this helps! 

BreyerFest 2024 Limited Edition- Online Only


Blue Zeus
Traditional Size
Online ONLY
Limited Edition
Price: $75
Amount Available: 3000
Available to All Ticket Holders- ONLINE ONLY

BreyerFest 2024 Limited Edition


Gascon The Great
Limited Edition
Traditional Size
Cancion Mold
Price: $75
Amount Available: 2500
Available to ALL Ticket Holders

BreyerFest Special Run


The Edge of Glory
Special Run
Traditional Size
Ashquar Mold
Price: $65
Amount Available: 2400
Available to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders ONLY.

BreyerFest 2024 Special Run



Girls Run The World
Surprise Special Run
Traditional Size
Mold: Unknown Until The First Day Of BreyerFest
Price: $85
Amount Available: 7800
Available to VIP, All Access, and Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders

*Special Note about this Special Run- This is just another Special Run and counts towards the limit of two Special Runs per ticket purchased. You are NOT guaranteed this model, it does NOT come with your ticket, this is just another Special Run.

BreyerFest 2024 Special Run


Fight Song
Special Run
Traditional Size
Lipizzaner Stallion Mold
Price: $75
Amount Available: 2500
Available to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders Only

BreyerFest 2024 Special Run


Sorry, Not Sorry
Special Run
Traditional size
Salerno mold
Price: $70.00
Amount Available: 2300
Available to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders ONLY. This is an in person only Special Run.

BreyerFest 2024: Limited Edition


Alan A Days Work
Limited Edition
Traditional Model
Walking Mule Mold
Price: $75.00
Amount Available: 2100
Available to ALL Ticket Holders

Saturday, January 6, 2024

BreyerFest 2024: Second Special Run

Miss Independent

Special Run

Traditional Size Model

Cantering Warmblood Mare Mold

Price: $65.00

Amount Available: 2200

Available to VIP, All Access, and Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders


Thursday, January 4, 2024

BreyerFest 2024: LTB Tickets


In Person Tickets

VIP Ticket

What does the VIP Ticket cost? It has a base price of $240, however you will be paying for 2 Special Runs and 2 Limited Editions at the time that you purchase your ticket so that the ticket final price ranges from $400 to over $500, depending on the models that you selected. You will be able to purchase more Limited Editions during the event at BreyerFest.

How many VIP Tickets can I buy? Last year, the VIP Ticket was limited to one per account/address, however that has changed for this year. This year, you are not limited in how many that you want to purchase, but you can only purchase two VIP tickets at a time. Remember that all BreyerFest tickets are limited, so they can sell out at any time. We do not know exactly how many tickets are made until Breyer releases that information.

Do I need to be a club member to buy this ticket? No, you do not need to be a club member to buy any BreyerFest ticket. However, you do need to have a Breyer account. This is a free account on the Breyer website and is used as your ticket for the online portion of BreyerFest.

What Event Models come with the VIP Ticket? Event Models are the models that come with tickets, they are not models that you can purchase, with exceptions that will be discussed in the All Access Ticket Post). The VIP Ticket comes with one Celebration Horse Model (this is the model of Anthenian Lady) and it comes with one full set of the Event Stablemates (this is the set of models that were shown right after New Years.).

How many Special Runs can I purchase with this ticket? You are able to purchase two Special Runs per ticket. Remember that the Surprise Special Run is still a Special Run, so it will take up one of your slots, if you want to purchase that one. You will be paying for the Special Runs at the same time that you purchase the ticket, so make sure that you know which Special Runs that you want before you purchase your ticket as you are not able to change your selections once you have purchased the ticket.

How many Limited Editions can I purchase with this ticket? You are able to select and purchase two of the Limited Editions when you purchase your ticket. However, you are able to purchase as many Limited Editions during BreyerFest as you want. Once you are at the event, there are no limits on how many models that you want to purchase. The only limit is that you can only purchase one of each kind during one transaction.

Can I participate in the Workshops? With this ticket, you are able to participate in the workshops. However, please keep in mind that the workshops are always an add on so this means that you will be paying for them. While we do not know yet exactly which Workshops will be there, please keep in mind that they are additional to the cost of the ticket.

Can I enter the Live Show with this ticket? If you are wanting to show your models at BreyerFest Live, then this is one of the two tickets that you will need to do so. The other is the All Access Ticket. The BreyerFest Live show is an add on so there is an additional fee.

Am I able to enter the Contests with this ticket? Yes, you will have access to the in person and the virtual contests with this ticket. However, keep in mind that the fine print does limit who can enter the contests. I urge you to read the fine print about the contests.

Do I have to buy a parking pass with this ticket? No, the 3 day Kentucky Horse Park Parking Pass is included with this ticket.

What else comes with this ticket? There is a VIP Swag Bag that you will get, you get access to the Kentucky Horse Park, access to the events at the Clarion hotel, a ticket to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, and more!

What makes the VIP Ticket better than the All Access Ticket? With the VIP Ticket, you are guaranteed your Special Run choices and you are guaranteed the two Limited Editions that you have purchased. There might be special VIP Workshops that you can purchase entry into and you get a VIP Swag Bag as well as the complimentary Parking Pass and the full set of the Event Stablemates. Outside of those things, the VIP Ticket and the All Access Ticket are virtually the same.

Can I buy this ticket for my child and buy myself another ticket? Yes, you are able to mix and match the ticket types with no issue. You are allowed to be with your child at all times, however just know that when it comes to workshops, this means sitting there and watching them rather than helping them.

So should I buy this ticket or not? It really comes down to what you want to experience and what you want to do. Personally, I try to get it because I am a BreyerFest Junkie and I want everything. However, unless you are a die hard BreyerFest fan and want to try to get all of the models that you can, the All Access Ticket is just as good as this ticket. Sure, you are not exactly guaranteed those Special Runs, but the Special Run Preference List is not a bad thing and there is also trading at the event. So, the biggest draw to the VIP Ticket is the guaranteed Special Runs.

All Access Ticket

What does the All Access Ticket cost? This ticket costs $90. You will need to purchase your Special Runs and Limited Editions at BreyerFest.

How many All Access Tickets can I buy? You can purchase as many All Access Tickets as you wish. Last year, you were limited to six tickets per transactions. Remember that all BreyerFest tickets are limited, so they can sell out at any time. We do not know exactly how many tickets are made until Breyer releases that information, if they decide to release that information and they have not for several years.

Do I need to be a club member to buy this ticket? No, you do not need to be a club member to buy any BreyerFest ticket. However, you do need to have a Breyer account. This is a free account on the Breyer website and is used as your ticket for the online portion of BreyerFest.

What Event Models come with the All Access Ticket? With this ticket, you are going to receive one Celebration Horse Model (Athenian Lady) with each ticket purchased. You do not have to purchase this model. You will be able to purchase a full set of the Event Stablemates in the BreyerFest Store with this ticket during the event at BreyerFest. Last year, this set was $80.

How many Special Runs can I purchase with this ticket? With the All Access Ticket, you are able to purchase two Special Runs per ticket purchased. So, if you have purchased one All Access Ticket, then you will be able to purchase two Special Runs. If you have purchased two All Access Tickets, then you will be able to purchase four Special Runs, and so on. You will be using the Special Run Preference List that will be released in the Spring in order to rank these models and you will see which models were selected for you to purchase or if you have received Wild Cards when the Ticket Books are out. You will actually be purchasing your Special Runs at BreyerFest.

How many Limited Editions can I purchase with this ticket? Once you are at the event, there are no limits on how many models that you want to purchase. The only limit is that you can only purchase one of each kind during one transaction.

Can I participate in the Workshops? Yes, these are add ons that you are able to purchase once they are released from Breyer. These add ons sell out super fast, so I will post the link immediately when they are announced.

Can I enter the Live Show with this ticket? Yes, this is an add on that you are able to purchase once registrations are open through Breyer. These do sell out super fast and there might be a small wait list.

Am I able to enter the Contests with this ticket? Yes, you will have access to the in person and the virtual contests with this ticket. However, keep in mind that the fine print does limit who can enter the contests. I urge you to read the fine print about the contests.

Do I have to buy a parking pass with this ticket? Yes, you will have to purchase a parking pass to go with this ticket. This parking pass will cost $15.

What else comes with this ticket? With this ticket, you will have access to the virtual content, same as the VIP Ticket. You will also have access to the workshops, the live shows, the seminars, the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, access to the Clarion Events, and more.

So should I buy this ticket or not? It is honestly up to you. No one can tell you what you want to experience. However, if you are looking to do it all, but you do not want to drop the $400 to over $500 expense of the VIP ticket, this is the ticket that you are looking for. You are able to purchase Special Runs, Limited Editions, explore the in person and virtual event, experience the Kentucky Horse Park, and so much more.

General Access Ticket

What does the General Access Ticket cost? This ticket costs $30.

How many General Access Tickets can I buy? You can purchase as many General Access Tickets as you wish. Last year, you were limited to six tickets per transactions. Remember that all BreyerFest tickets are limited, so they can sell out at any time. We do not know exactly how many tickets are made until Breyer releases that information, if they choose to do so.

Do I need to be a club member to buy this ticket? No, you do not need to be a club member to buy any BreyerFest ticket. However, you do need to have a Breyer account. This is a free account on the Breyer website and is used as your ticket for the online portion of BreyerFest.

What Event Models come with the General Access Ticket? With this ticket, you will receive one randomly selected Event Stablemate. If the line is busy, you will likely not be able to select the Event Stablemate that you want, however much of the time, you will be asked which one that you want. If you have four tickets, you are able to ask for a full set, if this is what you want. You will be able to purchase a full set of the Event Stablemates in the BreyerFest Store with this ticket during the event at BreyerFest. Last year, this set was $80.

How many Special Runs can I purchase with this ticket? You are not able to purchase Special Runs with this ticket.

How many Limited Editions can I purchase with this ticket? Once you are at the event, there are no limits on how many models that you want to purchase. The only limit is that you can only purchase one of each kind during one transaction.

Can I participate in the Workshops? No, you are not able to purchase these add ons.

Can I enter the Live Show with this ticket? No, you are not able to purchase these add ons.

Am I able to enter the Contests with this ticket? No, you are not able to enter the contests with this ticket.

Do I have to buy a parking pass with this ticket? Yes, you will have to purchase a parking pass to go with this ticket. This parking pass will cost $15.

What else comes with this ticket? With this ticket, you are able to purchase the online content for an added fee, you are able to explore the Kentucky Horse Park, able to shop the BreyerFest Store at the event, wander around the Marketplace in the Covered Arena, take in the free seminars, the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, and so much more.

So should I buy this ticket or not? It is honestly up to you. No one can tell you what you want to experience. However, this ticket is great for the others that want to come with you or that you want to drag along. This is a great ticket for the younger children that might be coming with you as it comes with a small model and still allows them to have full access to the Kentucky Horse Park and the Covered Arena.

Virtual Event Tickets

Online Traditional Access Ticket

What does the Online Traditional Access Ticket cost? This ticket costs $65.

How many Online Traditional Access Tickets can I buy? You can purchase as many Online Traditional Access Tickets that you wish to have. You will only access the virtual event with one of those tickets, however you will receive more Celebration Horse Models and you will be able to purchase more Special Run models with each ticket on your account.

Do I need to be a club member to buy this ticket? No, you do not need to be a club member to buy any BreyerFest ticket. However, you do need to have a Breyer account. This is a free account on the Breyer website and is used as your ticket for the online portion of BreyerFest.

What Event Models come with the Online Traditional Access Ticket? With this ticket, you will receive one Celebration Horse Model that will be sent to the address on file when you purchase your Online Traditional Access Ticket.

How many Special Runs can I purchase with this ticket? You are able to purchase two Special Runs with each Online Traditional Access Ticket. You will be using the Special Run Preference List that will be released in Spring in order to rank the Special Runs out of the Special Runs that you are able to purchase. From there, Breyer will let you know which Special Runs that you will be able to purchase during BreyerFest.

How many Limited Editions can I purchase with this ticket? During the event, there are no limits on how many models that you want to purchase. The only limit is that you can only purchase one of each kind during one transaction.

Can I participate in the Workshops? Yes, there will be workshops available for you to participate in.

Can I enter a Model Show with this ticket? It does not appear that there will be a virtual show at this time. Things can change, however, so if this does, there will be a post to reflect this.

Am I able to enter the Contests with this ticket? Yes, you will have access to the virtual contests. Please make sure to read the fine print.

What else comes with this ticket? With this ticket, you are able to explore all of what Breyer has to offer to their virtual attendees. There will be a running live stream of the equine demonstrations, interviews with hobby members and artists, and so much more. There will be seminars and hands on hobby videos and so much more! You will also be able to watch the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance.

So should I buy this ticket or not? It is honestly up to you. No one can tell you what you want to experience. This ticket is great if you are unable to make the trip to Kentucky and you want to experience BreyerFest. This is a great ticket option if you want to purchase Special Runs, if you want the Celebration Horse model, and more.

Online Stablemate Access Ticket

What does the Online Stablemate Access Ticket cost? This ticket costs $25.

How many Online Stablemate Access Tickets can I buy? You can purchase as many Online Stablemate Access Tickets that you wish to have. You will only access the virtual event with one of those tickets, however you will receive more Event Stablemate Models, but they are not guaranteed to be a full set.

Do I need to be a club member to buy this ticket? No, you do not need to be a club member to buy any BreyerFest ticket. However, you do need to have a Breyer account. This is a free account on the Breyer website and is used as your ticket for the online portion of BreyerFest.

What Event Models come with the Online Stablemate Access Ticket? With this ticket, you will receive one Event Stablemate Model selected at random from the set of four released that will be sent to the address on file when you purchase your Online Stablemate Access Ticket.

How many Special Runs can I purchase with this ticket? None.

How many Limited Editions can I purchase with this ticket? During the event, there are no limits on how many models that you want to purchase. The only limit is that you can only purchase one of each kind during one transaction.

Can I participate in the Workshops? Yes, from what the Breyer website says

Can I enter a Model Show with this ticket? No

Am I able to enter the Contests with this ticket? No

What else comes with this ticket? With this ticket, you are able to explore all of what Breyer has to offer to their virtual attendees. There will be a running live stream of the equine demonstrations, interviews with hobby members and artists, and so much more. There will be seminars and hands on hobby videos and so much more! You will also be able to watch the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance.

So should I buy this ticket or not? It is honestly up to you. No one can tell you what you want to experience. This ticket is great if you are unable to make the trip to Kentucky and you want to experience BreyerFest. This is a great ticket option if you want to purchase Limited Editions, get one of the Event Stablemates, and check out all of the virtual content.

In conclusion, deciding which ticket to purchase is purely up to you and while we can always help you, we will all likely influence you to purchase the highest grade ticket because ponies! Just remember that you are able to mix and match tickets on your account. You absolutely need a Breyer account to purchase BreyerFest Tickets, but this is a free account. Pick ups are a thing, if you want something and cannot make it to the in person event. 

BreyerFest 2024: First Limited Edition


                                                                Always Chipper
                                                                Limited Edition
                                                                Traditional Size
                                                                Newsworthy mold
                                                                Price: $70.00
                                                                Amount Available: 2000
                                                                Available to ALL Ticket Holders 

*Please Note:  This is a SMALL Traditional mold- this model is a pony sized model and is smaller than a regular Traditional Sized Model.

BreyerFest 2024: First Special Run


                                                                    Can't Hold Us Down

                                                                        Special Run
                                                                        Traditional Size
                                                                          Price: $65.00
                                                                    Amount Available: 2300
                                                                        Mold: IP Mare
                                        Available to VIP, All Access, Online Traditional Access Ticket Holders

BreyerFest 2024: Event Models

 2024 is finally upon us and that means that we will be seeing a LOT more of the BreyerFest releases and if there is any new information to share about BreyerFest.  Remember that you can always check out our posts to learn all about BreyerFest as well as join our Discord and Facebook to be a part of a positive model horse community that loves all things equine! 

The Event Models are here and they are all super pretty.  But first- What is an Event Model?  Event Models are models that are associated with the BreyerFest Tickets.  The costs for these models are already in the price of the tickets so you will not be paying anything extra for them and they are an absolutely guaranteed model from Breyer for the event.  There are two different kinds of Event Models- The Celebration Horse and the Event Stablemates.  The Celebration Horse is the Traditional sized portrait model of the horse that BreyerFest is celebrating.  This year, it is Athenian Lady.  This model will come with each VIP, All Access, and Online Traditional Access Ticket that is purchased. 

Athenian Lady: 


Next up is the Event Stablemates.  This set of four Stablemates is available only for BreyerFest, same as the Celebration Horse above.  These Stablemates come with the General Access, the VIP, and the Online Stablemate Access Tickets.  With each VIP Ticket, you will receive one FULL SET of the Event Stablemates.  With each General Access and Online Stablemate Access Ticket purchased, you will receive ONE randomly selected Event Stablemate. Purchasing four General Access or four Online Stablemate Access Tickets does not guarantee a FULL SET as they are selected randomly.  (You might be able to get a full set at BreyerFest in person, depending on amount of people in the redeeming line and other factors.)  

Event Stablemates: