Friday, February 16, 2024

Let's Talk BreyerFest- Pick Ups

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Pick Ups With These Tickets, That Is!

First, let me say that Road To BreyerFest does NOT allow you to post that you are offering pick ups, looking for pick ups, or anything like that. I have seen a rise in this so there is a solution coming soon, but that is still a ways off. 
Now, let’s get into the actual post! Pick Ups with this new ticketing system will actually work a lot easier than it has in the past. No more will you be worrying when your tickets will arrive at your house so that you can forward them to your pick up person. Or making sure that your pick up person has a note from you so that they can pick up your ticket from Will Call during BreyerFest. Since this new system is being implemented, it is as simple as forwarding an email to them. But let’s break it down even further.
If you are not able to attend the in person BreyerFest, but you want to purchase one of the in person only Special Runs, then you will need to find a pick up person. Please keep in mind that every pick up person has their own rules and ways how they want to do this, but I will provide one option that will work. I do not do pick ups and likely never will due to time constraints during the event, but I do talk to a lot of people that offer pick ups and this Guide Post has been compiled from their conversations.
When it comes to tickets, you have two options: VIP and All Access. Personally, I would not go with a VIP Ticket unless you are wanting everything and your pick up person wants the extras.
With the VIP Ticket, you will be selecting two Special Runs and two Limited Editions (not the Online Only Limited Editions) when you go to purchase your ticket. You will then be paying for your Ticket and your Special Runs and two of the Limited Editions at the same time. You will be able to purchase more Limited Editions online during the event, including the Online Only Limited Editions. This method ensures that your Special Runs and two of your Limited Editions are already paid for and your pick up person needs to only pick them up, pick up your Celebration Model, your Event Stablemate Set, and your VIP Swag Bag. If you chose this method, you will need to forward your Ticket Email onto your Pick Up Person as soon as it is mailed to you, so that they have the master QR code in order to pick up your models. From there, you will need to work out shipping with your Pick Up Person and all of the other logistics. Breyer will not ship anything to your house from the VIP Ticket. Breyer will only ship what you have purchased online during BreyerFest. There are shipping charges, so please keep that in mind.
If you choose the All Access Ticket, you will be getting the Special Runs by using the Special Run Preference List (see the Guide Post on how that all works- it is way too long to put here). Once you have ranked the Special Runs and sent that list back to Breyer, they will send your Ticket Email to you with the Special Runs that were selected for your account using their super secret algorithm. You will then need to forward that Ticket Email to your Pick Up Person and your payment for the models since you cannot purchase them in advance like the VIP Ticket. From there, it works the same as above. Your Pick Up Person will use that master QR Code from the Ticket Email that you forwarded to them and pick up your Celebration Model, purchase and pick up your Special Runs, and whatever else that you want from the in person event. You will be able to purchase the Limited Editions online during the event and have them shipped to your location.
Quickly, let’s review which tickets get the Special Runs (Remember that you get two Special Runs per ticket purchased.):
VIP Ticket- two Special Runs selected and paid for at the time of ticket purchase
All Access Ticket- two Special Runs selected using the Special Run Preference List, will be paid for at BreyerFest.
Online Traditional Access Ticket- two Special Runs selected using the Special Run Preference List, will be paid for during BreyerFest.
General Admission and Online Stablemate Access Tickets do not get Special Runs.

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