Tuesday, December 3, 2019

2020 Breyerfest Ticket Information

Roadies, welcome to Road To Breyerfest! This video is here to help you start your Breyerfest adventure at the beginning and that is tickets! What do you need? What is the best deal for your money? Questions like that must float through your mind once you make the decision to go to Breyerfest. But even those that have been going for years know that this adventure planning is one that needs to be done almost a year in advance, but no worries, you are getting started at the perfect time!

Tickets have not gone on sale yet and will not be on sale until January 2nd, per the Just About Horses magazine that is free for Collector Club members. On that day, Early Bird Three Day Tickets will be available for purchase, but keep in mind that Single Day Tickets will not be released until May, if those are the tickets that you are looking for instead of the three day tickets. Collector Club members will get a small discount when purchasing three day tickets, but you do not need to be a Collector Club member to purchase Early Bird Tickets. Also note that if you purchase Early Bird Tickets, you are entered into the raffle for the Early Bird Model, a special model that usually has only 3 of them made just for this raffle.

Ticket prices are currently based on 2019 and will be regarded as correct until otherwise noted. Collector Club Early Bird Three Day tickets were $85 for adult tickets and $65 for child tickets. I will go into the differences in a moment. For those looking to purchase tickets that are not Collector Club members, the prices are $87.50 for adults and $67.50 for children. The Early Bird pricing is good from January until April 15th, usually. Then the normal pricing takes over and that will be $95 for adult Collector Club tickets and $67 for children Collector Club tickets and $97.50 for adult three day tickets and $72 for children three day tickets.

But what is all included in the three day tickets that you purchase early? There is a lot that you are able to get access to once you have the three day tickets. You will get a Traditional sized model of the Celebration Horse. In 2020, the Celebration Horse is the Irish Sport Horse Ballynoe Castle. You also get one ticket to the Special Run line, ability to purchase a discounted parking pass, entrance to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance on either Friday or Saturday night, access to participate in the Live Auction, the ability to participate in the diorama contest, the ability to enter the costume contest, access to the workshops, access to the Live Shows, and access to the entire Kentucky Horse Park for the weekend. The parking pass is a reduced price, usually around $13 and allows you to leave and enter the park without needing to pay every time. The Special Run ticket allows you to purchase up to two special runs, but we will have more on this in the new year as we grow closer to the main event. The Celebration Of Horses Evening Performance is an event that surely should not be missed! It showcases some of the best talent around and is sure to have something to delight everyone. The three day ticket is a wonderful deal, even if you do not plan on being there all three days.

That brings us to the Single Day Tickets that are released in May. While you have to wait for them, there is no separate price for Collector Club and those that are not in the Club. The price for 2019 was $17 in advance and $20 at the gate. These tickets are perfect if you are just in the area for one day or just need to not be overwhelmed by all that is Breyerfest. With the Single Day Tickets, you will receive a Single Day Stablemate rather than the Celebration Model and this Stablemate is one of usually four different models that will be available all weekend long. There will be more on how to get your Single Day Stablemate later in the new year. The Single Day Tickets allow you access to the Kentucky Horse Park and Breyerfest, however if you want to go to the Celebration of Horses evening performance, you will need to upgrade your ticket at the time of purchase. This upgrade is just a ticket purchase to the performance and not a whole upgrade to a three day ticket. The Single Day ticket holders do still have access to purchase the discounted parking pass, but they do not receive the Special Run ticket or the ability to enter the Costume Contest or the Live Shows.

However you plan your Breyerfest adventure, there is a ticket just for you. Questions about the tickets are always welcome here in the Live Video and of course on the wall of the group at all times. We will have a few more discussions about the tickets before they go on sale so that we can make sure to be able to answer all of your questions before you log into Breyer’s website and push the purchase now button!

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