Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Year In Review

  2019, what can I say?  This year has been full of ups and downs in the model horse world as well as my own personal life.  This year has also shown me that the model horse hobby is competitive and yet strange at the same time. But, of course, this was all foreshadowed by what happened during Breyerfest. 

Breyerfest 2019 was a crazy year.  It was an anniversary year so that meant more variations than we knew what to do with! It also meant that people went crazy for some reason. Leading up to Breyerfest, I did all of my normal videos and tutorials, but for some reason, the special run line and the model handout seemed to create stress from the very beginning.  I tried my hardest to explain it all.  I got the exact wording from Breyer to help explain it.  I did videos where I showed people how to read their tickets and so on. But once at Breyerfest, the very first Special Run Line showed that something was very wrong. I don't know where I went wrong or where anyone else went wrong.  There was stories of money theft in the line.  There were stories of fake tickets. Stories of models selling out until there was no models left at all.  But in the end, I did get the correct information and I helped as many people as I could.  The models NEVER did sell out, only the ones that people were desperate for and had to have.  The money theft was reported to the police, but no one got to hear the result of what happened.  And as for the fake tickets? Who knows?! But it was indeed one crazy adventure.  And that was only ONE DAY!

I offered to sell lanyards this year at an unbelievable price.  The price was literally $2.50 per person if you picked them up at Breyerfest, but I would NEED to add shipping, if you needed them shipped and shipping would not be discounted.  While many bought them, many did NOT pick them up and I ended up waiting at various places during Breyerfest to hand out these lanyards.  I got heat stroke, I won't lie, and I was very frustrated because many who said that they would be there, never showed up.  While I understand that this weekend is one that will overwhelm even the most hardened veteran, I did my end of the deal and I waited and waited.  But, in the end, some did get picked up and those that got theirs, were very happy them.  Would I like to do this again? Yes, however I will NOT be charging the extremely discounted price and shipping will still be additional.  I hate to even think like that, but sadly I am a stay at home mom and I do not get paid for doing anything for Road To Breyerfest since it is a vision of my own design. But again, I do this because I love helping people to get to Breyerfest.

The models released for Breyerfest and just normally were amazing and I wished that I could have bought every single one of them.  I was not able to complete my own conga and have given up on it, however I did keep another one complete.  Will my collecting goals change for next year? Likely not since I enjoy what I am collecting and looking at daily.  Will my goals for Road To Breyerfest change for 2020? Yes and I have already started making the changes that are coming.  The biggest one is that I am only focusing on Breyerfest this year and not Stone as much.  Going to two events and then not being able to actually document the Stone Dinner was too much this year so I have decided that it was time to go back to my roots of Breyerfest only.  I was approached at Breyerfest and asked if I worked for either company and I am asked that almost daily, however the answer will always remain the same.  No, I do not. I am merely here as a fan site and group in order to provide information that is normally not easy to get. I am just someone who loves the event and someone who does not want people to be as confused as she was during her first three times. 

So with all that craziness being said, I am signing off for the last time in 2019 and will return in 2020 with ticket information since tickets go on sale January 2nd.

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