Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Special Run Information for 2020

Special Run Line: How It Will Work Virtually!

Welcome to another episode of Road To Breyerfest! Today, Breyer has released the information on how the Special Runs will work and I have seen some mixed emotions about it. I am here to help explain it and talk about it a bit. I do want to say thank you to Breyer. They do not deserve some of the hate and negativity that I have seen posted on the internet lately. BreyerFest could have been canceled completely, but they have been making this amazing virtual event that I cannot wait to attend! Also, I do want to let my viewers know that yes, we are a fan based information group, but we do get the information to you as soon as it is released and we explain it as well as we can in all of our social media platforms.

So the Special Runs, how will they work? Breyer announced today that all ticket sales for BreyerFest will be capped on May 31st or when the inventory runs out, whichever comes first. This is a first for BreyerFest! With the virtual format of BreyerFest, everyone can attend now, even if there are some complaints. I feel that this will be the largest BreyerFest yet, even if we are not there at the Kentucky Horse Park. But this means that Breyer had to come up with a way to make the Special Run Lines more fair than just letting people jump online and purchase models willy nilly. Thanks to the Seattle Soiree event, they have come up with a plan that seems to work well with limited edition models and making it fair for all of those involved.

So let’s go into detail on how this will all work. Those that had participated in the Seattle event will have a little bit better understanding on how this will all work as it will be done in a similar fashion. Everyone that has purchased a three day ticket on their account will receive an email that will provide detailed instructions on how to select your model preferences. These preferences will need to be submitted no later than June 15th.. These preferences do NOT guarantee which models that you will receive, but it will be taken into account. If you have more than one Three Day Ticket and you have selected more than one Special Run Time Slot, you will have the opportunity to enter these preferences for EACH one of the time slots that you have selected. This means that if you have a ticket for Friday and one for Sunday, you will be able to set your preferences for Friday and another set of preferences for Sunday.

Now, BreyerFest weekend has arrived and you want to know just what is going on! You will need to know what time slot that you have chosen. If you have chosen Friday at 10am, then you will log into the account that purchased your Three Day ticket and see which models have been selected for you to purchase. You then have up to 24 hours to purchase these models. There is NOT an option to switch models, however if you do not like the ones that have been selected for you, you do not have to purchase them. But this is how it is going to work. You will be given two random models from the selection that you will be able to purchase. This is only for the Special Runs, not the rest of the models that will be available during that weekend. You will also receive an email that your models are available to purchase and the models can stay in your cart for up to 24 hours while you complete the rest of your shopping, they do not have to be purchased separately. Each time slot has the same amount of models, just like at the normal BreyerFest. Those that have more than one ticket are not guaranteed to be able to get one of each model. Complete instructions on how to purchase these models will be outlined on the page to purchase these models.

The Surprise Horse has not been released and will likely not be released. You many know what it is come BreyerFest, but you will not know before hand. Breyer has expressed their wishes that they want to keep this a surprise and so what, we know that they have said that they will keep this until the first model arrives at someone’s house. Please do not show hate towards Breyer towards this as it is what they wanted and we can only share what they have posted.

I hope that this has helped you to understand a bit more of what Breyer has in store for us for this awesome virtual BreyerFest and I look forward to bringing you more information about it.

Sales for 3-Day tickets will end on May 31, 2020 at 11:59 PM EDT or when inventory is sold out, whichever occurs first. 
  • Ticket holders will still have the opportunity to purchase up to two (2) Special Runs; no purchase is required if you do not want the models selected for you.
  • Ticket holders in each timeslot will be placed into a random order and models will be allocated to each ticket holder based on preferences submitted via an online form, which will be distributed via email the week of June 1, 2020.  This method worked extremely well to replicate the onsite shopping experience for our Seattle Soiree Breyer Boutique.
  • Accounts that have purchased 3-Day tickets to BreyerFest will receive an email with detailed instructions on how to submit your model preferences for this year’s event. Preferences must be submitted by June 15, 2020 or preferences will be randomly assigned.
    • Submitting preferences does not guarantee which models you will receive. 
  • If you have purchased multiple 3-Day tickets and have selected more than one Special Run time slot, you will have an opportunity to submit your model preferences for EACH Special Run timeslot you’ve purchased.
  • During BreyerFest weekend, models will be released to ticket holders by timeslot.
    • Example – on Friday, July 10 at 10 AM EDT, ticket holders with Friday 10 am tickets can log into their accounts to see which models have been made available for them purchase. There will not be an option to select Special Run models other than the models you’ve been assigned.
    • All accounts will also receive an email notifying them that their models are available for purchase.
    • Complete information on making these purchases will be outlined on the Special Run Models buy page that you will have access to.
    • Purchases must be completed within 24 hours. 
    • Models can stay in your cart while you shop throughout the 24 hours; you do not need to check out your Special Runs separately from other items, like Store Specials, swag, or Fling! Shop models.
  • As always, each shopping time is equal in terms of availability of models.
  • Ticket holders with multiple tickets are not guaranteed to be able to purchase one of each kind of model.

Do I need to be online to shop live during my Special Run Time?  What time zone will this be in?
  • Models will be released to the ticket holder by the timeslot you selected (following Eastern Daylight time) and purchases must be completed within 24 hours of your ticket time. See “How will the Special Run Line Work this Year” for more details.

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