Friday, October 9, 2020

Things Are Happening!

 This is normally a lazy time for Road To BreyerFest, however this year things are still chugging along and the Facebook Group is still going strong with almost daily updates of what is happening.  However, I have decided to update the blog since some people read it as well.  

First update: RTB now has a Ko-Fi account where you can donate towards the group and running of it.  However, this is only if you wish to do so.  I will never ask for anyone to donate as I strive to keep all of the information free to everyone that is interested.  RTB is quite like a job for me as I do not just do this for one weekend a year for eight hours, but rather I do this all year long and do much more than just to supply information. If you do not wish to donate, please do not berate me for trying to better RTB as I have been berated recently. The link for the Ko-fi is: Here 

You can also just use paypal, if you are not set up for Ko-fi: Here

Second update is that I now have a merch shop.  While the merchandise is not amazing and it is just two designs right now, I am hoping to have much more in the future. Through Redbubble, I am now able to offer stickers, magnets, and much more.  I would love for you to purchase something, but as with the donations, you absolutely do not need to do this and please do not feel pressured to do so. The Merch Shop is Here

Another thing that I am doing is looking for some new artwork to use for the logos, the merch, and the giveaway swag. This is a paid thing, so you will get paid for your time and the items will be sold or used to better RTB in some way, so know that it will be used for those purposes.  The artwork must include one of the mascots or all of the mascots in some way.  Please do not use the whole name Road To BreyerFest as we do not want any kind of copyright infringement, but feel free to use RTB, if you wish to label it.  If you are interested in participating, please message with your fees, samples of your artwork, and if you are alright with me selling the design as stickers and magnets. 

The first bit of swag is here and will be revealed with weekend along with a peek into what will be available for live in person giveaways when they become a thing again.  I like to think on the positive side of things so I am praying that everything will slowly start back to normal soon so that we can all meet together again soon for in person events.  I hope that you are excited as I am about these reveals!

Now, for the fun part, everyone wants to know exactly who the mascots are for RTB. Aria is already in the logo and is a snarky little palomino pinto Breyer Stablemate.  But there are three more members of the mascot team that are not always talked about since well, they just kind of appeared.  Treasure is a dapple grey draft horse that was literally found in my front yard.  I have no idea where she came from, but she is absolutely perfect! The other two are twin Oaks from BreyerFest 2020 that were named Glitch and Refresh in honor of the craziness that was BreyerFest this year.  At the bottom of the post there will be photos of these babies for everyone to see and enjoy! 

There are still some changes coming to RTB soon, but these are not horribly big changes and will only better RTB in the long run so I hope that you will stay with me and enjoy everything that I am bringing you by not only helping with information about BreyerFest, but also offering a positive community where you can escape the real world and talk about plastic ponies and real horses alike.  

Thank you all for being Roadies and know that I love each and every one of you! 

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