Wednesday, December 8, 2021

BreyerFest 2022 Frequently Asked Questions

 Right now, we have literally only hit the tip of the iceberg when it comes to BreyerFest information so this Guide post will be updated each time that information is released.

BreyerFest can be daunting and confusing some times or just overwhelming, but it is an absolute blast, whether you attend in person or virtually. These frequently asked questions are based on the questions that have been asked here in this group, not what Breyer has released.
*Do I have to purchase the Celebration Horse after I buy my ticket? No, your Celebration Horse automatically comes with your ticket. At the in person event, you will need to pick it up. The virtual attendees will have theirs sent to them.
*How many tickets can I purchase? Right now, there is absolutely no information about ticket limitations. We can assume that VIP tickets will be limited to one per address/email address and that it will be a lottery type sale. The others will likely have no restrictions other than what Breyer normally says- Breyer reserves the right to refund ticket prices at their discretion. We will know more when the tickets actually go on sale.
*When do BreyerFest tickets go on sale? Early 2022
*How will we be able to purchase Special Runs? This information is coming in time. However, in person events usually run the same unless otherwise notified. That means a long line, standing in the heat, and having a special ticket. You can see a sneak peek of previous Special Run practices in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide as well in the Files. When we know more, I will update this section.
*I want to purchase a full set of Single Day Stablemates, will I be able to? Right now, we just do not have that information. When Breyer releases this information, this section will be update.
*I am attending a virtual event, why can't I buy Special Runs? First, I am sorry that you are unable to purchase them. Second, this is Breyer's decision and suggestions and complaints will need to be taken to them. But you are welcome to use our sale and trade group, The Guide's Sales And Trades, to find someone who will do a pickup for you.
*Do the Special Runs reflect breeds of Germany? No, the actual models will not reflect the breeds. However, their names will represent something about Germany, whether it is a location, a food item, and more. The Limited Editions are more apt to represent the German Horse Breeds.
*What are the differences in these crazy terms? There are many model types that will be available for BreyerFest. Some are available to everyone, some are only able to be won from the horse shows or the contests. You can read a lot more about them in our Let's Talk BreyerFest Guide. The ones that you will see the most are the following: Event Models, these are the models that come with your tickets. Celebration Horse, this is the model that comes with certain ticket types. Single Day Stablemates, these are the Event Stablemates that come with certain ticket types. Special Runs, these are the models that are able to be purchased by certain ticket types. Limited Editions, these are models that everyone is able to purchase. Limited Editions include Store Specials or portrait models, Tent Models, Pop Up Store models, and more. Those are just some that you will see daily.
*I am attending the in person event, where can I stay? Make sure to check out our BreyerFest for Beginners Guide as there is a section just for hotels and some phone numbers to call as well.
*Will I need a vehicle for the in person event? Yes, it is highly recommended to have some sort of transportation for the event.
*Is BreyerFest handicapped accessible? Yes, it is. There are some obstacles and it is hot and humid, however the event is accessible to everyone. Please check out the post in the BreyerFest for Beginners Guide about this.
*Can I bring a wagon to the event? While this is not prohibited, many BreyerFest veterans will tell you that bringing a wagon is not a good idea. It cannot be taken into the stores and it is hard to move around the Covered Arena with one. The best option is to store your models in your vehicle or hotel room.
*Since bags are not allowed in the Breyer Store and the Special Run Tent, will there be a bag check? Likely! In BreyerFest history, there has been up to two of these bag checks, one over by the Breyer Store and one by the Special Run Tent. These bag checks have no limit on how many that you can place there, but you can only keep it there for an hour.
*Is there food at the Park? Yes, there should be during the event. We will know much more as time for the event gets closer.
Right now, I am ending it here as we only know the very beginning of the information being released. If you notice any spelling or grammar errors, please message me.
Please do not comment about how you are upset over how this event will be taking place, mask mandates, the pandemic, how you are upset that not everyone can purchase a Special Run, and more. We are a positive group and I strive to keep it that way. Comments along these lines will be deleted immediately.  

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Event Model Terms, That Is!

 BreyerFest models come in many different shapes and forms. Here is a great guide to figure out what we call these awesome models. This is from the previous years, but will fit in nicely with the releases for this year so far.

Ticket Models: Ticket Models are also known as Event Models when Breyer talks about them. These are the models that come with the certain tickets that you can purchase for the event. These include the Celebration Horse and the Event Stablemates. The Celebration Horse comes with the VIP, the All Access, and the Online Traditional Tickets. The Event Stablemates come with the General Access and the Online Stablemate Tickets.
Special Runs: These models do not change with the different type of events. They always stay the same in name. These models are available to the Three Day Ticket Holders at an in person event (the ticket name information can be out of date as it was used back in 2019) and the All Access/VIP Ticket Holders at a virtual event. There are typically nine of these models and one is normally an animal. The names are the only thing that traces back to the theme of the event as the molds and the colors are normally just a pick of the Breyer artists.
Limited Editions: These are the models that cause the absolute most confusion because they have underwent a name change so fast that your head is likely still spinning, I know that mine is! The Limited Edition Models consist of up to three Traditional Sized models, one Classic (Freedom) sized model, one single Stablemate model, one set of Stablemate models, one plushie, and one Crystal (which is made of crystal and is about Curio scale). At an in person event, these models are not all located in the same place. The three Traditional sized models are located in the Breyer Store on the Concourse of the Covered Arena and the other models are located at the Pop up Stores around the park. So at the in person event, the three Traditional Models are typically called the Store models and the others are called the Pop Up Tent Models. However, since at a virtual event, the models are all in one store, it was confusing to call them by two different names so they were combined and called Limited Edition Models.
Raffle Models: Typically there are three types of Raffle Models during BreyerFest. But this can and does change, so keep that in mind. Until 2021, we had an Early Bird Raffle model. This model was available to people that purchased their tickets before a certain date. The names of those people were entered into a random draw for one of three Early Bird Raffle models. However, this is was available for 2021. There are two other Raffle models that are made just for the event. Up until 2021, the Raffles were held on Saturday and Sunday. There are 26 of these models made, with 25 being raffled off and one being sold during the Live Auction. At an in person event, you would be able to purchase a Raffle Ticket (or multiples) for a fee at the Breyer Booth on the Concourse of the Covered Arena. At the end of the day on Saturday and Sunday, they would pull names from a giant tumbler and call them out. At a virtual event, these names are submitted by a form and then the winners are emailed before they are announced on the Live Feed. The entry for the virtual raffle is free, limited to one entry per person, and is limited to the US and Canada (except Quebec). It is not limited at a virtual event since if you are from another country or Quebec, you are currently in the state of Ky and would then fall under our raffle laws. Please remember that this is just basic information and not a full breakdown of exactly how the raffles will and do work so please hold off on commenting about how they could be different, etc.
Live Auction Models: These models are truly one of a kind pieces that are from the Breyer Archive Room. Each year, a selection of around 18 lots is selected to be auctioned off to benefit charities that Breyer chooses. These models go for high prices, so keep that in mind if you wish to participate.
Prize Models: These models are prizes for the various contests that Breyer has during BreyerFest. No matter what form the event takes place as, there are still contests and there will be prize models. These Prize Models are for the Best Customs Contest, the Diorama Contest, and the Costume Contest. Breyer will post the rules for each contest after the first of the year as they are releasing information about BreyerFest so please hold off on commenting about the contests before then. The Prize models are extremely limited and are not easy to win, but you never know what might win!
Open Show Prizes: Up until 2020, the Open Show Champions and Reserve Champions received special models that were created just for those prizes. In 2020 and 2021, these were not available and were replaced with Special Runs of the current year.
I hope that this has helped you understand the crazy model terminology that is used during BreyerFest!

Let's Talk BreyerFest... Ticket Information, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Tickets, that is!

Breyer released their ticket information and it has caused some chaos to say the least. However, I will be going over the information released about them here in this post. Please remember that with Breyer, anything is never set in stone unless it happens so these could potentially change and I will then update the information then.
First, BreyerFest is a hybrid event. This means that there is an in person portion and a virtual portion. For the most part, everything will be the same between the two, meaning that the equine demonstrations will be the same and the content will be available to everyone. Tickets will not be going on sale until early 2022. However, there is one glaring difference that seems to be attracting attention. The virtual attendees are not able to purchase Special Run Models. However, they are able to purchase the Limited Edition Models and other models available during BreyerFest. There are many opinions on this limitation, however they will not be allowed in this post as I am here to bring information and answer questions based on the information that we know so far. Comments will be heavily monitored.
In Person Event Ticket Information
The first type of ticket that we have for the in person event is the VIP ticket. This ticket was introduced in 2021 and presented the buyer with the ultimate BreyerFest experience. For 2022, it seems that it will be making a return for the same price and nearly the same abilities. This ticket has a base price of $230 and you are able to purchase two Special Runs and two Limited Editions at the time of buying your ticket. Right now, we have no information on how we will be able to purchase these tickets or how limited they will be. So, at the time of purchase, your ticket will be over $400 at the time of purchase. I hear you know, but Rachel, what comes with this ticket? With the VIP Ticket, you will receive one Celebration Horse (Nikolas the German Riding Pony), one set of the Event Stablemates, a parking pass, the ability to purchase two Special Runs in advance (as mentioned above), the ability to pay for two Limited Editions in advance (as mentioned above), access to attend in person workshops (for an added fee), access to participate in the live model horse shows (for an added fee), access to participate in the contests, access to shopping on site, access to all three days of the event, and access to virtual content. Remember that this is for an in person event.
The next type of ticket is the All Access Ticket. Debuted in 2021, this $80 ticket option gives you access to all three days of the event, one Celebration Horse, access to purchase up to two Special Run models per ticket purchased, access to purchase the Limited Editions, access to the in person workshops (for an added fee), access to participate in the live model horse shows (for an added fee), access to participate in the contests, and access to the virtual content.
The last ticket option available to those that are attending the in person event is the General Admission ticket. This $25 ticket allows you to have access to all three days of the event, one RANDOMLY selected Event Stablemate, access to purchase the Limited Editions, and access to the virtual content.
Remember that with each ticket, you have access to the Kentucky Horse Park, access to the sales that happen during the event, access to the Breyer Store on site, and so much more that has not even been announced yet. I am almost certain that you will be able to purchase all of the Limited Editions, if you have a VIP Ticket, so do not worry about that (I do have a question in to Breyer about that).
With the In Person Tickets, you will be receiving a Ticket Book in the mail. If you are an International attendee, you will not receive the Ticket Book in the mail, but will need to pick this up at Will Call during the Event.
Virtual Event Ticket Information
Now we move on to what will be available for those that are looking towards the virtual event. Back in 2020, Breyer stated that they would always keep a virtual component to BreyerFest, so this is what we are seeing now. Remember that this is the first year (other than 2020 and 2021) that it has ever been offered so I am sure that it will evolve in time.
The first ticket type that will be offered is the Online Traditional Ticket. This $55 ticket option comes with one Celebration Horse (Nikolas the German Riding Pony), access to purchase the Limited Editions, access to model horse photo shows (for an added fee), access to participate in the contests, and more virtual content.
The second ticket type that will be offered is the Online Stablemate Ticket. This $25 ticket option comes with the Event Stablemates (I have a question into Breyer about the wording of this option), access to purchase the Limited Editions, and access to more virtual content.
The virtual event tickets do not allow the purchaser to purchase the Special Runs that will be available for the event, however you are able to purchase the Limited Edition models that will be available.
With the Virtual Event Tickets, you will not be receiving any tickets mailed to you. Your Breyer account will be your ticket, so if you have not already made a free Breyer account, you will need to do so to purchase your ticket.
So, in conclusion, this is all of the information that has been revealed about BreyerFest 2022 Tickets. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to information so hang in there Roadies, there will be a LOT more information coming soon. I hope that this information has helped you a bit.
Reminder: Comments about the tickets that are not asking questions directly related to them will be deleted with no warning. This is NOT a place for discussion at this time, especially if it trends negative. Thank you for understanding.

BreyerFest 2022 Event Stablemates

 The Event Stablemates have been revealed for BreyerFest 2022.  These models are available with the VIP Ticket, General Access Ticket (one selected randomly), and the Online Stablemate Ticket (one selected randomly).  At this time, we do not have information if a full set option will be available. 

Stablemate Size
Warmblood Mold
Event Stablemate
Available to VIP, General Access (randomly selected), and Online Stablemate Access tickets (randomly selected)

Stablemate Size
Fell Pony Mold
Event Stablemate
Available to VIP, General Access (randomly selected), and Online Stablemate Access tickets (randomly selected)

Stablemate Size
Clydesdale Mold
Event Stablemate
Available to VIP, General Access (randomly selected), and Online Stablemate Access tickets (randomly selected)

Stablemate Size
Alborozo Mold
Event Stablemate
Available to VIP, General Access (randomly selected), and Online Stablemate Access tickets (randomly selected)

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

BreyerFest 2022 Ticket Information


BreyerFest 2022: Prost Ticket Information

Please note that we do not know when the tickets will be going on sale and we do not know how the VIP ticket will be purchased.

Everyone has been asking about what types of tickets will be available for BreyerFest 2022 and now we have that information. I will be going through it and breaking it all down here in this Guide so that you can have a place to come back to the information when tickets are released for sale.

There are two BreyerFest events this coming year as it is a hybrid event. The in person event will have three different ticket types and the virtual event will have two ticket types. With the virtual event, you will not be able to purchase Special Runs, but you will be able to purchase Limited Edition models. So let’s get into this!

In Person Event Ticket Information

There are three types of in person Tickets for 20222. Each one comes with different things and allow you to choose whichever one that you wish. You are able to purchase as many All Access or General Admission tickets as you want, however I am going to say that for now, the VIP Tickets will be quite limited.

VIP Ticket

This ticket costs $230 and you MUST pay for two Special Run models and two Limited Edition models at the time of the purchase so your final price will be over $400.

Entry to BreyerFest all three days

One (1) BreyerFest Celebration Horse Model

One (1) complete set of BreyerFest: Prost! Event Stablemates models

Pre-select and pre-purchase two (2) Special Run models

Pre-select and pre-purchase two (2) Limited Edition models

Complimentary, exclusive VIP Swag box

Access to workshops, including exclusive VIP sessions (additional fee applies)

Ability to enter BreyerFest model horse shows (additional fee applies


Ability to enter BreyerFest contests

Complimentary KHP Parking pass, valid all three days of BreyerFest

Access to BreyerFest virtual content and shopping

Plus more!

With the VIP Ticket, you will be able to purchase more Limited Editions at the event, so please do not worry that you are only paying for two Limited Editions at the time of the ticket purchase.

The All Access Ticket

This ticket costs $80 and comes with everything that you will need to make this an amazing event.

Entry to BreyerFest all three days

One (1) BreyerFest Celebration Horse Model

Ability to purchase up to two (2) Special Run models per ticket

Access to purchase Limited Edition models

Ability to enter BreyerFest Model Horse shows (additional fee applies)

Access to workshops (additional fee applies)

Ability to enter BreyerFest Contests

Access to BreyerFest virtual content and shopping

Plus more!

You will need to purchase a parking pass with this ticket or you will be paying each day to park at the park.

The General Access Ticket

This ticket costs $25 and you will need to purchase a parking pass with this ticket.

Entry to BreyerFest all three days

One randomly-selected Event Stablemates model included with each ticket

Access to purchase Limited Edition models

Access to BreyerFest virtual content and shopping

Plus more!

You are not able to enter the contests or the model horse shows with this ticket.

The Virtual Event

Online Traditional Ticket

This ticket costs $55

Access to BreyerFest virtual content all three days

One (1) BreyerFest Celebration Horse Model

Access to purchase Limited Edition models

Access to BreyerFest virtual store

Ability to enter select BreyerFest contests (if tickets purchased before registration deadline)

Ability to enter select BreyerFest Model Horse Shows (if tickets purchased before registration deadline)

Plus more!

You are not able to purchase Special Runs with this ticket

Online Stablemate Ticket

This ticket costs $25

Access to BreyerFest virtual content all three days

One randomly-selected Events Stablemates model

Access to purchase Limited Edition models

Access to BreyerFest virtual store

Plus more! 

You are not able to purchase Special Runs with this ticket.


INTERNATIONAL IN PERSON TICKET PURCHASERS: Your ticket books (yes, they are ticket books this year) will NOT be mailed to you. You will need to pick them up at Will Call before the event.

Virtual Event Attendees: You will NOT have tickets mailed to you. Your account is your ticket. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

BreyerFest 2022: Prost Celebration Horse!

 Let's welcome Nikolas, the German Riding Pony!  

This handsome buckskin pony was imported from Germany as a two year old.  He was purchased by trainer Lauren Chumley and owner Melissa Dowling from breeding Ingrid Schmidt. The duo of Niko (as he is affectionately known around the barn) and Lauren has gone up through the levels to the Grand Prix ring, but along the way Nikolas has competed up to Training level Eventing.  In dressage, he’s brought home numerous championships from the National Dressage Pony Cup show, regional and all-breed titles, and a top 12 finish at the USEF Festival of Champions in 2021 in the Developing Grand Prix. He has also just started in his Grand Prix career! He will be on a new mold, a sculpt from Brigit Eberl and the mold will be #815, the German Riding Pony. 

More information regarding tickets will be posted soon, but it is not available at this time. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Let's Talk BreyerFest... What A Hybrid Event Could Be, That Is!

 Let's Talk BreyerFest... What A Hybrid Event Could Be, That Is!

So, by now, I am sure that you have heard the news that BreyerFest 2022 will be a hybrid event. But you might be unsure as to what that exactly means or what might happen. Well, until Breyer actually releases the information, all that I can do is guess for now. However, I will do my best to guess right up until the actual information is released and then I will revisit this post with the information that Breyer has released.
Breyer has stated that their hybrid event will consist of events taking place at the Kentucky Horse Park as well as online. But they did not release more information than that. So that is what we know for certain so far. Kind of not much to go on and that is perfectly fine, since we have plenty of time to start planning.
Let's talk about an in person event first. There will be real horses there, equine demonstrations, vendors, and more. Of course, nothing is set in stone until Breyer releases it though. Will there be model sales, the Special Run Tent, Contests, the Live Shows, and the other stuff that is normally at BreyerFest? Who knows, but I will say to plan for it just in case. That means to start looking for a hotel, if you have not already. The Clarion is already booked up and taking reservations for their wait list, however I have a list of ten hotels close to the Kentucky Horse Park. Think about the models that you will want to purchase from vendors and room sales. Wait a minute, Rachel, did you say Room Sales?! Yes, I did. Because if there is an in person event, there will be Room Sales. Another thing to plan out is finances. We have a basic Adjustable Estimate that was created for the group located in the files. This will help you plan out hotel costs, gas, food, and more. As for the prices on the models, we have the Price Lists of the last few BreyerFests in order to get a feel for what the prices could be in 2022, however I would look for those prices to increase a bit. I only ask that you do not openly say how much money that you will be bringing to BreyerFest because while I do vet this group, I cannot guarantee everything in life sadly. Head over to the rest of the Guides to check out the BreyerFest For Beginners which will help you with some tips and tricks from our amazing BreyerFest veterans and an insight on where things are located during the event, as far as we know. I will end this part here because there is still so much information that we are missing.
What might the virtual aspect of this event look like? Well, I would think that it might look something like it did in 2020 and 2021. There will be plenty of videos to watch, virtual tours to view, and so much more. Will there be model sales, Special Runs, and more? Who knows just yet as there is so much information that is still waiting to be released. However, I will tell you now that you will need to start saving up. Even if you are not attending the actual event, you will need to save up for the models and shipping, if you do not live in the domestic US. I would venture to say that there will be seminars and workshops with the virtual event as those were incredibly popular during the virtual event. You can read about the past virtual events in our Files under BreyerFest History.
So, in conclusion, while I do not have much information to present to you, I hope that I have given you a bit of insight into what could happen and what a hybrid event will mean for BreyerFest. Make sure to check out the Guides, located under the word Guides when you first come to the group, and check out those Files as well, located under the word More and then Files when you first come to the group. I hope that this information has helped you and I cannot wait to bring more BreyerFest information your way (I just need for Breyer to release it since ya know, I don't work there.)  

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The First BreyerFest Blog Post and What The Guide Will Be Doing

 Hello Roadies!

BreyerFest 2022 is coming before we know it and it will be something new this year! BreyerFest 2022 will be a hybrid event with things happening online and in person. While Breyer has NOT released any information on what that will mean for the event just yet, know that I will still be here to help you through the planning and the event itself. I will be attending the in person event, so I will be looking for a moderator that is well versed in BreyerFest to help with the online events while I am not available.
BreyerFest will be a bit different here in the group next year since we have changed name and with that, how we will be operating. But never fear as you will still get the most up to date and best explained information that I can divulge from Breyer. While they will tell you to join their group and read the BreyerFest Blog on their page, you know that here not only will you get the information straight from their information sources, but I will break it down into an easy to understand format and you will have all of the BreyerFest veterans here to help you with the in person and virtual aspects of this amazing event!
This year, I will be using the following hashtags: #BreyerFestBlog22 #BF22Horse #BFLimitedEdition22 #BFSpecialRun22#BFContests22#BFAuction22, and of course, #KelpiesGuide. These will be located in the topics section of the group and will help you navigate the new releases, the horses that will be coming and more! And definitely do not forget that the Guides will have all of the easy to understand information located in the BreyerFest For Beginners Guide as well as the Let's Talk BreyerFest Guide! This is all located in the FB Group- Kelpie's Guide To Model Horse Fests. 
I hope that you are as excited as I am to venture into this new event and I hope that you will invite your friends as we learn more about Germany, their amazing horses, and of course, learn what BreyerFest 2022 will bring us!