Thursday, October 21, 2021

Let's Talk BreyerFest... What A Hybrid Event Could Be, That Is!

 Let's Talk BreyerFest... What A Hybrid Event Could Be, That Is!

So, by now, I am sure that you have heard the news that BreyerFest 2022 will be a hybrid event. But you might be unsure as to what that exactly means or what might happen. Well, until Breyer actually releases the information, all that I can do is guess for now. However, I will do my best to guess right up until the actual information is released and then I will revisit this post with the information that Breyer has released.
Breyer has stated that their hybrid event will consist of events taking place at the Kentucky Horse Park as well as online. But they did not release more information than that. So that is what we know for certain so far. Kind of not much to go on and that is perfectly fine, since we have plenty of time to start planning.
Let's talk about an in person event first. There will be real horses there, equine demonstrations, vendors, and more. Of course, nothing is set in stone until Breyer releases it though. Will there be model sales, the Special Run Tent, Contests, the Live Shows, and the other stuff that is normally at BreyerFest? Who knows, but I will say to plan for it just in case. That means to start looking for a hotel, if you have not already. The Clarion is already booked up and taking reservations for their wait list, however I have a list of ten hotels close to the Kentucky Horse Park. Think about the models that you will want to purchase from vendors and room sales. Wait a minute, Rachel, did you say Room Sales?! Yes, I did. Because if there is an in person event, there will be Room Sales. Another thing to plan out is finances. We have a basic Adjustable Estimate that was created for the group located in the files. This will help you plan out hotel costs, gas, food, and more. As for the prices on the models, we have the Price Lists of the last few BreyerFests in order to get a feel for what the prices could be in 2022, however I would look for those prices to increase a bit. I only ask that you do not openly say how much money that you will be bringing to BreyerFest because while I do vet this group, I cannot guarantee everything in life sadly. Head over to the rest of the Guides to check out the BreyerFest For Beginners which will help you with some tips and tricks from our amazing BreyerFest veterans and an insight on where things are located during the event, as far as we know. I will end this part here because there is still so much information that we are missing.
What might the virtual aspect of this event look like? Well, I would think that it might look something like it did in 2020 and 2021. There will be plenty of videos to watch, virtual tours to view, and so much more. Will there be model sales, Special Runs, and more? Who knows just yet as there is so much information that is still waiting to be released. However, I will tell you now that you will need to start saving up. Even if you are not attending the actual event, you will need to save up for the models and shipping, if you do not live in the domestic US. I would venture to say that there will be seminars and workshops with the virtual event as those were incredibly popular during the virtual event. You can read about the past virtual events in our Files under BreyerFest History.
So, in conclusion, while I do not have much information to present to you, I hope that I have given you a bit of insight into what could happen and what a hybrid event will mean for BreyerFest. Make sure to check out the Guides, located under the word Guides when you first come to the group, and check out those Files as well, located under the word More and then Files when you first come to the group. I hope that this information has helped you and I cannot wait to bring more BreyerFest information your way (I just need for Breyer to release it since ya know, I don't work there.)  

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