Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Special Run Preference List

 This year, Breyer will be utilizing the Special Run Preference List again to help BreyerFest attendees with their Special Run purchases.  This list was created to show Breyer what Special Runs that you like the most and which ones that you are not so fond of. While we are not exactly sure how it will work this year as in if there will be a master list for those with multiple tickets or just each ticket has their own list, we know that it will be the same type of selection. 

  Some time after purchasing your All Access Ticket, you will receive an email from Breyer that has a link in it.  This link will take you to a page, once you are logged into the account associated with the ticket, where you will rank the BreyerFest Special Runs in order of how you like them. If you like Pollock, make sure that he is first, or if you do not like the bull so much, make sure that he is near the bottom.  This does not guarantee that you will get these models.  The models will all be drawn at random, but last year, many people did get the models that were up near the top of their lists. 

If you do not fill out this list, you will get models still.  However, they will be pulled at random for you and might not be what you were thinking. So, even if you do not get the emails, the link will normally appear online somewhere and it will definitely be shared here to allow everyone who purchased an All Access Ticket access to choose their Special Runs. There will be more information shared about how all this will work as soon as it is all released so hang in there! 

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