Friday, January 29, 2021

The VIP Tickets- An In Depth Look

 The VIP Ticket is a highly anticipated ticket this year and is new for this year.  With BreyerFest being a virtual event, Breyer decided that they needed to offer new ticket tiers and this is the absolute highest ticket tier that there is for this year. This ticket is not for the faint of heart as the price is $230 and you are required to pay for two Special Runs and two Limited Editions at the time that you purchase the ticket.  The prices goes from $230 to over $400 very fast and can vary on what you want to purchase. But let's go into what you get with this ticket so that you can decide if it is the ticket for you! 

   There was a raffle for 800 VIP tickets and that has already taken place.  Those lucky winners will NOT be able to purchase another VIP ticket when the remaining 200 plus some VIP tickets are offered to the public on February 1st around 1 PM EST.  Each account can only purchase one VIP ticket per name, email address, and even address this year.  Breyer is very serious about this and if you have more than one collector in a household, I highly recommend having different accounts for each collector and even asking relatives to use their address so there can be no issues at all. But seriously, what all comes with the VIP ticket and is it a good deal?

The VIP Ticket guarantees you two of the Special Runs and two of the Limited Editions.  You are able to choose which two that you want when you purchase the ticket so you know that those models will be arriving in July, along with one Celebration Horse model, one set of the Event Stablemates, a SWAG bag with exclusive VIP BreyerFest merchandise.  During the event, you will have access to purchase more Limited Edition models, but know that they could be backordered to ship out in December so there is no need to play refresh fest this year.  The only exceptions to the backorder will be the crystal, the single Limited Edition Stablemate, and the Plushie. You will also get exclusive VIP content on the event during that weekend as well as exclusive workshops.  You will be able to enter the BreyerFest contests, the Model Horse shows, and attend other workshops, but know that the shows and the workshops do cost extra. 

So is this ticket worth is? To someone like me, who documents the event and wants more time to spend with fellow collectors, this is a great ticket.  However the huge price tag in the beginning is a huge turn off for almost anyone since it is due at the time of the ticket.  During the Feb. 1st release, you will be able to purchase the ticket first and then you will be sent an email to purchase the models, no later than Wednesday of that week.  This has been done so that you do not get the ticket sold out of your cart while you are trying to decide what models that you want. I hope that this has helped you, if you want a VIP Ticket.    

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