Friday, April 21, 2023

Let's Talk BreyerFest...The Room Sales, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...The Room Sales and More, That Is!

The Clarion Room Sales draw a lot of interest each year and each year, more people are confused about what really goes on there. While I have some other posts about the Room Sales here in the group, I hope that this one will answer all of your questions that you might have.

What Are The Room Sales?

The Room Sales happen during BreyerFest when many hobbyists set up items to sell in their hotel room. There is not set days, no set hours, and these hobbyists just announce that they are open by having an open door or they make a post on FB. You will also see signs all around the Clarion that advertise what certain rooms have, what they are looking to obtain, and more. You really never know what you will see on those signs. The Room Sales happen at more than the Clarion, however the Clarion is the most popular site of them at this time.

When Are The Room Sales?

The Room Sales happen during BreyerFest, however they can start as early as Tuesday of that week and run as late as Tuesday of the following week. It all really depends on the individual person who is selling from their room. During BreyerFest Weekend (Thursday through Sunday), you can expect the majority of rooms to be open from around 4 PM EDT to however late they keep the doors open. There are no set time frames, no set hours, just whenever the person selling opens their doors.

When Does This Open and What Are The Hours?

There are no actual hours associated with the Room Sales. The only events that happen at the Clarion that have time frames are the Breyer affiliated events, such as the Swap Meet and the Artisan’s Gallery. Outside of things like that, the hours are set by those in the rooms. BreyerFest is technically a three day event, however the Thursday before BreyerFest is when the majority of the Rooms open up for business and see a lot of sales. There are no set hours, just be mindful of the hotel Quiet Hours after 11 PM EDT and very early in the morning. Also, if a door is not open, then that room is not open for business. Many will have their own hours set on a flier that is all around the hotel. Definitely check out those fliers!

What Can I Find There?

You will be able to find nearly anything and everything that is in the model horse hobby. You might even find real horse tack. You really never know what you will find there. Many sellers will post on FB what they have to offer or there will be fliers all around the hotel that states some things that they offer. My advice: Make a list before the event of what you are looking to find and go from there. You will find things that you did not even know that you were looking for!

What Forms of Payment Are Taken?

Payment typically is something that is talked often about within the hobby. However, at the Clarion, know that Cash is King! What does that mean? That means that if you have cash, you will be able to buy anything there, you might be able to get a small discount over having to use another payment form, and you know that no one is going to say eww, I don’t want cash. However, if you do not have cash on you or the ATM at the Clarion is empty (it will be, there is no use checking, LOL!), there are some sellers that do accept cards and PayPal or other type of virtual payments. Some sellers will have signs that say what they accept, however if they do not, you can always ask!

But where are the ATMs? Since Lexington is a large city, there are ATMs everywhere. There are some gas stations close to the Clarion and there are several restaurants that might have ATMs in them. Down the road a bit, there is a Walmart and a few other larger stores and restaurants as well as banks. Be aware though- While the Clarion and the Kentucky Horse Park are in a relatively decent area, Lexington does have a semi-high crime rate (about the same as any other large metropolis) and you are safe if you remember to watch your surroundings.

Where Do I Park?

The Clarion has a horrible parking situation! The parking lot is small and is best reserved for those that are actually staying at the hotel. In fact, please make sure that you leave the close and majority of the spaces for those that are staying at the hotel. Last year, there was a gravel parking lot off to the side and you were able to park there. It really is best though to use the Shuttles from Breyer or find rides from other hobbyists that might be heading your way. The Shuttle Schedule will have its own post so that you can see exactly where it is heading, however it does run from the Clarion to the Kentucky Horse Park on Thursday through Saturday for those that want to attend the Clarion.

Does Breyer Have Anything There?

Yes! This is where Will Call will be on Thursday before BreyerFest. This is where the Swap Meet happens and where the Artisan’s Gallery happens. It is also the location of the Resin Renaissance. The Artisan’s Gallery is where you will find the previews of the Special Runs (not the Surprise Special Run), the Limited Editions, and other Club models that are released or have released through the year. You will also find the finalists for the Best Customs Contest and the winners of that will be announced on Saturday evening right before the close of the Artisan’s Gallery. The Swap Meet happens on Thursday and Friday and it will be crowded for that! It is a highly anticipated event so if you want to attend, make sure to get there before it closes. There will be a complete schedule posted closer to the event.

I Want To Sell During The Room Sales!

If you have a room at a local hotel and you want to sell out of it, here are some things that will make you a bit more successful- Make sure that you advertise on FB or Discord where you are staying, your room number, and your hours if you want to set them. Make sure that you bring some shelves to showcase your wares, some extra lights to show them off so that prospective buyers can see any and all flaws and the true colors. Make sure that you bring some of the blue painter’s tape to hang up your fliers- the blue does not affect already existing paint, I am told. Have a set list of what you will take in trade. Know what forms of payment that you will accept. Go into this with the thought that you might not sell anything, but stay hopeful that you will sell everything.

Will It Be Crowded?

Yes. There is no other way to say this- it will be beyond crowded and you will be jostled about, miss rooms, etc. My advice- be patient, wait, and you will get to see what you want. I typically show up early on Thursday and explore before the majority of the rooms open their doors and try to make it through the whole hotel. It is built like a maze and BreyerFest veterans will tell you that it is hard to even get your bearings. Take a notebook and write down room numbers that you want to come back to!

Is there Food?

Yes, the Clarion has a restaurant and a full bar, in case that you get hungry and thirsty. There are also restrooms.

Will I Be Able To See It All?

That is all up to you! Do you wish to do that? It can be done, although I have never done it. I end up stopping and talking to people and running into hobby friends that I only see once a year so I never get very far! However, there are maps at the front desk and here on the group that will help you navigate the maze that is the Clarion, if you want to attempt to see it all. I have never actually used a map and tend to just wander down this hallway and let’s see where that goes.

What Other Hotels Offer Room Sales?

Technically there are none others that are set up to do this on the scale that the Clarion is, to my knowledge. However, I do know that the Embassy Suites have people that sell out of their rooms, the Fairfield has some sellers and even promoted it one year, and other hotels in the area. Make sure to keep your eyes on the sale and trade FB groups as people will start posting closer to the event where and what they will be selling.

Do I Have To Attend Room Sales?

No, you do not have to go. However, many hobbyists will tell you that these Room Sales are a lot more varied and exciting than the Vendor Marketplace at BreyerFest itself. Personally, I say to check out the Vendor Marketplace at BreyerFest and do some shopping there, however if you cannot find something on your wish list, you might find it at the Room Sales! Just make sure to stop in at least once during your BreyerFest Adventure!

Do I Need A Ticket?

No, you do not need a ticket to shop at the Room Sales, the Swap Meet, or the Artisan’s Gallery. If you are wanting to sell at the Swap Meet and the Artisan’s Gallery, you do need to apply through Breyer though.

How Much Money Should I Bring?

This can only be determined by you! I have done BreyerFest on $25 and $2000 in order to test things in the beginning, however it all comes down to what you want, what you are looking to buy, and personal taste. I definitely recommend not telling anyone exactly how much money that you are bringing though!

Other Tidbits

*Bring your own packing materials! These are always in short supply from sellers.

*Make a list of what models that you are looking for as a starting point.

*Know your limits- Make sure to save money for food and the return trip home.

*UPS will be nearby and there is a USPS Hub near the hotel.

*Bring a notebook and pen and write down the room numbers of those that you want to return to.

*If you want to stay at the Clarion, you need to register when they open up registrations after BreyerFest.

*Please be mindful of your presence! If you break it, you buy it! Backpacks are best carried in your hands when entering a room and set down at your feet when looking and or purchasing models. Wheeled Things are best left in the hallway.

*It is hot and there are a ton of people, be mindful of your own tolerance for those things. You can always rest in the bar area or find some shade outside.

*Definitely take some time to talk to your fellow hobby members! They love to talk! You might learn something awesome! I learn something new each year and I barely make it out of the 500s due to certain friends!

If you have any tidbits that you would like to add, please place them in the comments.

This is the basics of the Room Sales and this will definitely get you through everything here and help you with what to expect! There are just some things that you totally need to experience before you can take in all what it entails and this is one of them. I hope that this has helped you! 

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