Friday, April 21, 2023

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Will I Be Lost, That Is!

 Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Will I Be Lost, That Is?!

At BreyerFest, you will never be alone (unless you want to be) and while you might be momentarily lost, you will never be lost for a whole day. Many people always ask- But what if I don’t know where something is? Where is *insert what you might be looking for here *? And so many other questions about BreyerFest. However, I am totally here to help you!

First, there are signs EVERYWHERE! Yup, even all caps for that one. Breyer does a great job making sure that there is a lot of signage all around the Kentucky Horse Park in the places that matter for BreyerFest. There will be signs that tell you where to park, signs that tell you where to line up for entry into BreyerFest (make sure to read them carefully because there is typically two different lines- BreyerFest Store and General Admission), signs to show you where the BreyerFest Store Line starts, signs to tell you where to pick up the Special Runs, and so many more signs that I might run out of room before I finish writing about it all.

However, there are places that might not have signs. These places might include the Seminars, which are located at the Visitor’s Center, and the Workshops and Model Horse Shows, which are located at the Altech Arena. But, rest assured, that you will always be pointed in the right direction, if you need to stop and ask for directions or even ask where to find the restrooms.

Second, BreyerFest attendees are some of the nicest people that I have ever met! I have anxiety and I will always fully admit it. However, when it comes to BreyerFest, I am actually more at ease than I am at my own local festival where I know about half of the attendees. Why is that? I have only had a few bad encounters and even those can be explained- overheated or tired or hangry. If you ever feel lost, please never hesitate to ask the person next to you for a bit of help. You never know who you will meet or what you will learn!

Third, Breyer has some pretty nice BreyerFest Volunteers. If they don’t know the answer, they will find someone who does know the answer. Again, never hesitate to ask.

And last, I am always around to help out and answer questions during the event. I definitely try to make myself noticeable by wearing horse ears and a horse tail, but I also check my FB as often as the spotty internet at the Kentucky Horse Park will allow. You are always welcome to pop up next to the human..umm..pony and ask your question. I am always willing to help out a fellow BreyerFest attendee! And if you need someone to sit with for a bit or to go shopping with, I am there as well. I might be a bad influence because I will tell you to buy the pony, but I am definitely ok company. I even carry about a small notebook that has most of the RTB information in it, like workshop times and locations and so much more!

Many other people that attend BreyerFest are like me as well. We will definitely be there to stand with you, find what you are looking for, and so much more. I attend BreyerFest alone, so I know what it is like to want to know that someone is there for you, even if you just need to talk about how crazy overwhelming it can be. And for a final piece of BreyerFest Advice for this post: Never hesitate to talk to the person next to you in line. I promise that most of the hobbyists do not bite, but we might talk your arm off! You really will never know what you might learn along the way or who you might meet!

I hope that this helps! 

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