Wednesday, July 8, 2020

BreyerFest 2020 Recap #17 Program Link Inside

BreyerFest 2020 Recap #17: Yet more recaps for today! This will be likely the last recap before BreyerFest as I do have an errand to run on Thursday. Please, please make sure that you are reading the recaps!

*There will be ABSOLUTELY NO returns for BreyerFest this year. Refunds are the only thing that will be offered this year.

*BreyerFest starts at 9 AM EDT on Friday morning and ends on Sunday at 4 PM EDT

*All times are EDT. Everything will be listed in Eastern Daylight Time.

*BreyerFest technically does not close at night. The likely roll over time is Midnight, but it will be definitely announced when it is released. For now, I will tell you to purchase the models as soon as you can.

*All models need to be purchased before 8 PM EDT on Sunday. I would say to even have your Special Runs purchased by then so that they are shipped out within the week.

*The trips through the store depend on how many tickets that you have. The maximum amount of models that you can purchase in one trip is 8, this is all of the Store Specials and the Fling! Pop Up Shop Models. You might not get all 8 per trip through the store. Browsing, not buying, does not count towards the trip.

*Special Run Models are only available for Adult and Child Three Day Ticket Holders

*Store Specials and Fling! Pop Up Shop Models are available to ALL TICKET HOLDERS

*Raffles are open to ALL TICKET HOLDERS

*Auctions are open to the general public through eBay. The link will be shared when available

*There are absolutely no events that will be taking place in Lexington, Ky

*Curated Grab Bags (NPOD Grab Bags) will be available in the Breyer Store

*The Breyer Store will contain all of the Exclusive Models, except the Special Runs

*Adult Three Day Ticket Holders are the only ones allowed to enter the raffle for the Glossy Ballynoe Castle RM. There will be a place to enter, along with the other raffle models. It ends on Sunday at 1 PM EDT. You can only enter once per ACCOUNT.

*You will receive an Email to notify you, if you won a Raffle

* Guests will NOT be getting an email to notify them their special runs are available. They simply just need to log into their account at the SR time and check their time slot on the web. They will get to see what’s available to them on the web only and if they opt to buy, can move the models to their cart, where they will be held for up to 24 hours. No one is obligated to buy if they don’t like what they are being offered in that particular time slot.

*Content will be available all day and all night long. It is a mix of Pre-recorded and Live content.

*Make sure that you read the other recaps!

*Information will be shared as it is released

*I will be available all weekend long to help out as much as I can.

*Content will be released on several platforms, but each link will be shared here as it becomes available.

*There will be a virtual Vendor Marketplace.

*The Breyer Store will contain all of the Exclusive Releases, the Curated Grab Bag, Spring Releases, Regular Run Items, and more.

*The Celebration Of Horses Evening Performance is for Three Day Ticket Holders ONLY

*The Virtual Workshops are available to all three day ticket holders and will be available to do on your own time.

*Virtual Seminars and Films are available to all ticket holders and are free

*The complete Program is located here:

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