Sunday, July 26, 2020

Road To BreyerFest: Better Than Ever

With BreyerFest 2020 behind us, I can hopefully start looking towards BreyerFest 2021. With the release of the dates as the theme, I am beyond excited for this new adventure.  July 16, 17, and 18th of 2021 will bring us Horse of a Different Color.  But there are so many questions that still remain for the coming year.

Will BreyerFest be virtual again? I have no idea. I know exactly what everyone else knows and that is nothing in this regard.  Breyer's first virtual event was not without glitches and complaints.  Complaints to the point that I had even created a Complaint Department in the Facebook group so people had somewhere to complain and that it would be seen.  The glitches were many and some even ended up taking models away from those that had purchased them.  In my studies, the biggest glitch seemed to affect those that used the master list and wanted the surprise model, but of course, I have totally been known to be wrong before.  I absolutely do not work for Breyer so I do not have inside information at all. There was also the fact that the Store Special Models and the Pop Up Shop Models sold out within seconds of being released.  When the break down came out on that, it was truly like getting a unicorn. There were around one thousand models of each Limited Edition model and around a million people were tying to purchase them all. Every two hours, only around 50 of each one was released.  It became a giant free for all, but then the complaints came.  Breyer did their best to accommodate the complaints and offered the Store Specials (Benelli, Cheesecake, and Top Gun) as glossies that would be available in December.  However, despite all of the glitches, Breyer still managed to put on an amazing event.  Their website turned into a place where you could see all of BreyerFest and not be in the heat or standing in line.  The workshops were available all weekend long and could be seen, even though they had glitches as well. At the end of BreyerFest weekend, the president of Reeves, Int mentioned that they are considering adding a virtual component to BreyerFest from now on.

BreyerFest 2021 seems like forever away, however a year can go by rather quickly.  Who knew as 2019 ended that we would be facing a huge crisis that would literally cripple the world? When the world began to shut down, the decision was to either cancel BreyerFest or turn it into something that could be done online.  While many different events decided to cancel and say that they would see you next year, Breyer said hey, let's see if we can do this. And they did. So while we do not know exactly what BreyerFest 2021 will look like just yet, we know that Breyer can do a virtual event, especially now that the first one is under their belt and they know what do expect.

But as much as I want to talk about BreyerFest all day long, I do need to sit back and think about Road To BreyerFest.  After the struggles of 2019, Road To BreyerFest almost did not exist. It was a strange email from Breyer that actually made the decision to keep the group going and to even spread to other social media platforms.  This email was a thank you. Nothing drastic and nothing more than a thank you for what you do, but at the end of what I considered my worst BreyerFest ever, it was a shock. Maybe what I was doing made a difference.  That email made me rethink how I was going about Road To BreyerFest and it made me surge forward with a new train of thought.  I worked closer with Breyer than I have ever in the past during 2020 due to all of the changes and the women that I talked to (Kat, Jaime, and Jocelyn) were amazing! I cannot thank them enough because not only did they put up with my questions, but they put up with the questions from all of the group! During BreyerFest 2020 and the lead up to it, these ladies kept me supplied with the information that they group wanted and I might not have known.  If anything, you can take from this paragraph that Road To BreyerFest is certainly fact checked and that any and all information comes from Breyer! Even our Tips and Tricks file in the Facebook group has tips and tricks straight from these amazing ladies!

There is so much more that I can type, but I am certain that you, dear reader, are tired of me droning on and on. Breyer gave me an amazing shout out during the last day of BreyerFest and I legit cried and told my husband that senpai noticed me. Road To BreyerFest will be here for many more years, I hope, and will continue to provide not only fact checked information from Breyer, but a positive community for you to share your love of plastic ponies and real ponies alike (all horses are ponies). I only hope that you continue to follow me through all of this adventure.  Who knows, maybe one year I might even have a place at BreyerFest for a meet and greet and answering questions!

*I do not work for Breyer, my group is fan based and is information only. While my information is fact checked by Breyer, I do not officially work there.*

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