Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Volunteering At BreyerFest

So You Want To Volunteer At BreyerFest?
As a collector or family near the collector in your life, you will definitely hear about the elusive Volunteer model from BreyerFest. But do you know how that you can try to get one of those models? This file will help with the information, but the final decision lies with several head team leaders of volunteers for Breyer. These wonderful women will pick people that can help during their parts of the event and let me tell you, they can use pretty much anyone!
But several hundred people each year turns in their application to Robin Briscoe every year and only around 100 or so are chosen for the event. The numbers might be off here as I am going from memory, so please refer to Robin for the exact numbers. Applications are posted on the website in February with instructions on how to send in your applications and the dates that they are due between. Robin likes them to be in the time frame, neither early or late. Be honest when you are filling out your application as you never know what can get you chosen!
There are many places to volunteer from the BreyerFest Ambassadors and answering questions to helping to organize the Diorama entries to even helping at the Live Shows! Make sure to choose the option that you feel that would suit you the best and explain what real life experiences could help you while volunteering during BreyerFest!
Each BreyerFest, you will be asked to volunteer 8 to 12 hours normally (Again, my information comes from experience with Robin and I defer to her here.). Each shift can be either during the morning or the afternoon, if you are a BreyerFest Ambassador and during the required times at the other spots around the park. When you complete your volunteer shifts, you will receive your Volunteer Model on the Sunday of the event, once the event ends. There is normally a lovely wrap up meeting where you can meet all of your fellow volunteers and receive your lovely pony. Make sure to read the whole application while you are filling it out, there are several places to volunteer and you might be perfect for once place, but not another. Locations include the Hands On Hobby Booth, Diorama Entries, Stablemate Painting, BreyerFest Ambassadors, Swap Meet, and so many more locations!
There are a few things to remember when sending in your application: You MUST be able to attend the Thursday evening meeting before BreyerFest and you MUST be able to attend the Sunday afternoon meeting after BreyerFest ends. These are required (Mostly) in order to get your model. You must be flexible with your hours during the event. If you are showing all day long on Friday, Robin might have a hard time placing you and might not consider your application. Or if you are not going to be available one whole day (Of course, certain circumstances can be discussed, I am sure), that might be a reason that your application will not be considered.

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