Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Page Sneak Peek?!

 Found while searching the Buy Tickets page, we can see the first look at what the website will look like once Ticket Holders log into BreyerFest.  

Friday Raffle?!

 Say hello to Moybridge! This handsome fellow is a Raffle model for Friday, during BreyerFest! Read on for more Raffle information 

First let me say that NOT ALL OF THE RAFFLE INFORMATION HAS BEEN RELEASED. There is still more coming soon. But here is what we know so far:

*You MUST be a VIP or All Access Ticket Holder to enter for the Raffles

*The Raffles are ONLY open to USA and Canadian participants only with certain restrictions that will be released on the Raffle page during BreyerFest. 

*You can only enter ONCE per ACCOUNT for each Raffle. 

*Entries do NOT start until BreyerFest

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Special Runs!

 Hello Roadies! Let's Talk about BreyerFest....Special Runs, that is!

The Special Runs and their Preference List cause a ton of confusion since BreyerFest went virtual and for good reason because it has completely been switched from what has normally been done. However, here in the group, we have gone over it many times so definitely check it all out at this hashtag #specialruns2021. But this post will be a refresher course in Special Runs since the Special Run Preference List is due on Wednesday, June 23rd at 11:59 PM EDT.
So what are the Special Runs? The Special Runs are models that are only available to certain ticket holders. This year, the VIP and All Access Ticket Holders are the only ones that are able to purchase the Special Runs. There are nine different Special Runs and with each ticket, you are able to purchase up to two of them. You can check out the available Special Runs on our BreyerFest 2021 Exclusive Models album here in the group. That album not only shows you what they look like, but includes their name, their price, how many are available, and what mold they are on so I highly recommend checking it out.
The tickets that are able to purchase the Special Runs are the VIP and the All Access Tickets as I have mentioned above. Now, there are limits and special rules that go with each of those two types of tickets. With the VIP Ticket, you have already selected and paid for two Special Runs. This was a perk of being able to purchase the VIP ticket. But you will only get those two Special Runs and no other ones, unless you purchase the All Access Ticket since you were only able to one VIP Ticket per email address. With the All Access Ticket, you will be using the Special Run Preference List to rank the Special Runs and we will get to that in just a moment. Even with a VIP Ticket, you were able to purchase as many All Access Tickets as you wanted since there were no limits on that ticket. With the All Access Ticket, you are able to purchase up to two Special Runs per Ticket. No more than two per ticket, however you can have as many tickets as you wanted. But what is that Special Run Preference List that you mentioned about?
The Special Run Preference List is a list where you will rank the Special Runs according to how you like them. On June 8th, the Special Run Preference List was released and you have until Wednesday June 23rd to fill it out and return it back to Breyer. Even if you do not get emails from Breyer, finding the Special Run Preference List section on the website is easy. Just log into the Breyer account that purchased your All Access Tickets and go to the Events tab. If you have a Desktop, you will just hover over it until you see a tile that says Special Run Preference List and has a picture of the Special Runs. If you are on mobile, you will need to actually click the little arrow beside the word Events and scroll down to the clickable link that says Special Run Preference List with the picture of the Special Runs. Once you are on that page, you will need to scroll down, past all of the pictures of the Special Runs with their prices and the amounts available, to where you see the actual Special Run Preference List. If you have more than one ticket, you are welcome to fill out the Master List or the Individual List, depending on how exact you wish to be. If you only have one ticket, then you will only have the Individual option. Make sure to put the email address that you logged into the account with since this is the account and email address that purchased your tickets. Select the models in the order that you want them, depending on if you are ok with duplicates and such. You are the only one that can fill out this list, so make sure to fill it out how you want it. You will only be selecting the Special Runs and not the Limited Editions. Please see the post that I made earlier about Limited Editions for buying those lovely models. Once you have filled out the list to your satisfaction, make sure to hit the submit button. You will not receive an email confirmation that it was received, just a small blurb at the top of the page that reloads. I recommend taking a screen shot to remember what you have selected. You will not be paying for these models until the event in July.
When the time comes for the event in July, Breyer will randomly selected two Special Runs per ticket for your account. Their algorithm is a secret and we do not know what all goes into it. These models will be available for you to purchase all weekend long, so there is no rush to purchase them. Only make sure to pay for them before the end of the event on Sunday July 18 at 4 PM EDT. These models cannot be sold out of your cart once you put them there. These models cannot be exchanged once they are selected for you. You can choose to not purchase them though.
The Special Runs will be shipped out starting the week after the event, with the rest of the models that are available and have not been back ordered. Make sure to read the files to learn even more about this process and about the rest of the event. I hope that this has helped you! 

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Limited Editions!

 Hello Roadies! Let's Talk BreyerFest...Limited Editions that is!

This year, the names of the types of the models for BreyerFest have all changed due to how the event is being held. As we know, it is a virtual event so there is only one store and not two, as per an In Person Event. I have gone over all of the types of the models that have been announced so far in the Types of Models Available at BreyerFest 2021 File. But this post will be focusing on the Limited Edition Models.
There are eight different Limited Edition Models this year. Three of them are Traditional Sized, one Classic or Freedom Sized, several Stablemates, one Plushie, and one Crystal model. These models are available to all ticket holders and have special conditions attached to them. So let's get into this!
The three Traditional Models are all portraits of real horses. These models would be called the Store Specials at an in person event since they would be offered in the Breyer Store. However, they are Limited Editions during the virtual event. These models cost more than any other Limited Edition and have the unique ability to be back ordered during the event once their stock sells out during the event. The three Traditional models are Queen of Hearts "Josie", Rheverence+ "Rhev". and Apollo del Solis "Apollo". Queen of Hearts is a brindle Warmblood on the Bristol mold with a braided mane and tail and costs $75 with 3500 pieces being available during the event. Rheverence+ is a light buckskin pinto Part Arabian on the Ashquar mold and costs $70 with 3200 pieces being available during the event. Apollo del Solis is a double Pearl Isabella PRE on the Esprit mold and costs $75 with 3500 pieces being available during the event. These models are able to be back ordered once their available stock sells out. Back ordered models will begin shipping in December, but are not guaranteed for a Holiday delivery.
The one Classic or Freedom Series sized model is Favrile on the American Dream mold. This model would normally be available in the Pop Up Store. The model is named Favrile and is a bright rainbow decorator that costs $30 with 3500 pieces being available during the event. This model is able to be back ordered once his available stock sells out. Back ordered models will begin shipping in December, but are not guaranteed for a Holiday delivery.
The several Stablemates would have been available in the Pop Up Store. One is a set of Stablemates and one is a single Stablemate. The Set of Stablemates is the Best of BreyerFest Series 2 Stablemate set that features miniature versions of models that were originally available for BreyerFest 2011: Fairytales. This set costs $60 with 3500 sets available during the event. This set is able to be back ordered once the available stock sells out. Back ordered models will begin shipping in December, but are not guaranteed for a Holiday delivery. The next stablemate that is available is Kaleidoscope. Kaleidoscope is a rainbow decorator on the Darwin mold. This model costs $15 with 6500 pieces available during the event. This model cannot be back ordered and is limited to the stock on hand during the event.
The plushie is named Pal's Palette and is a chestnut appaloosa with a pain palette. This plushie costs $18 with 2500 pieces available during the event. This model cannot be back ordered and is limited to the stock on hand during the event.
The last Limited Edition available during BreyerFest 2021 is the Crystal. This model is named Prisma and is on the Sherman Morgan mold. Crystals are around curio scale. They are a bit larger than the Stablemate mold, but smaller than the Classic scale. This model costs $45 with 2000 pieces available during the event. This model cannot be back ordered and is limited to the stock on hand during the event.
These models are available to all ticket holders and will be available in the Breyer Store during the event. The exact location of the tab has not been released since we do not know yet what the BreyerFest pages will look like. When purchasing these models, you are not limited to how many that you can purchase during the event, however there are limits on how many that you can purchase at each time. Breyer states that you are able to purchase one of each available kind with each transaction. Here at RTB, I will tell you that purchasing one model per transaction will be a great way to limit the models being sold out of your cart before you are able to pay for them.
If you are in Canada, Hawaii, Alaska, or other International member, then you will be charged shipping with each purchase. However, those shipping charges will be consolidated and the majority of them will be refunded after the event. You will only be paying for how many boxes that will be shipped to you. So if you have one box, you will only pay one shipping charge, two boxes will have two shipping charges, etc. You are also responsible for any import taxes as well, I believe. VIP Ticket Holders will receive free shipping, regardless of their location.
I hope that this has helped you in planning for your event! 

Premiere Club Fireheart News

 Fireheart news

Breyer has just sent out information regarding Fireheart. Please check your emails. He is being delayed until July 7th with an different than usual payment period. So please read the whole thing.
I know everyone is sad, myself included, that Fireheart is delayed. It's been really hard on all of us, Breyer included. I'm sure they never could have anticipated anything like this happening. It's also likely been very stressful for the team. These shipping issues are also what's causing paint/sealant shortages, and all sorts of items you normally would see in stores to be very limited or backordered it's not just this awesome pony. It really really sucks and Breyer is a company and team of humans just trying to do their best. Hopefully you all still love him when he arrives and don't take it out on him or Breyer or I. 🥰 He's worth the wait. Promise 💜🔥
Originally posted by Rayvin Maddock 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Special Run Preference List

 The Special Run Preference List has been released to the All Access Ticket Holders and will be available until June 23rd at 11:59 PM EDT to fill out and submit. 

If you did not get an email about it from Breyer, make sure to log into your Breyer account that purchased the All Access tickets.  From there, you will need to go to Events and hover over it, if you are on Desktop.  Then you will slide your cursor over to where it says Special Run Preference List and has a section that says Special Run Ticket and lists the number of tickets on your account.  Click that and it will load up the Special Run Preference List page.  If you are on Mobile, after you log into the Breyer account that purchased your All Access Tickets, you will need to likely refresh the page.  After that, go to Events and click on the little arrow.  Scroll down until you see Special Run Preference List and Special Run Ticket with the amount of tickets that you purchased.  Click on that and it will load the Special Run Preference List. 

Once the Special Run Preference List has loaded up, you will see all of the Special Run Models that are available to purchase, along with their prices and their run numbers.  Remember that you will not be paying for the models right now, you are merely ranking the Special Runs in the order that you like them. Scroll down and you will see where you will actually fill out the list.  If you have only one ticket, then you will only be filling out the Individual List, but if you have more than one ticket, then you are able to use a Master List or an Individual List.  

The Individual List is where you will rank the models per ticket.  You will select the nickname for the ticket and rank the models 1-9.  I recommend filling out all of the lines, even if you do not want any of the other models.  Make sure that you put the ones that you really want up near the top. If you absolutely do not want any other models, then you are able to use the No Alternates selection.  You cannot get duplicates if you only have one ticket.  If you have more than one ticket and want to try to get duplicates, fill out the individual lists to match what you are looking for. 

The Master List is where you will rank the models for all of your tickets. There will be one list with as many number 1s as you have tickets.  If you have three tickets, there will be three of each number 1-9. If you do want duplicates, make sure to put them in the line for each ticket. So, if you want two Surprise Models, make sure that you have them at the top in the number one slots. 

After you push submit, there will not be a confirmation email.  There will be a blurb that says that your list has been submitted.  You are able to send in the list as many times as you want before the cut off date and Breyer will only take the last one submitted.  If you do not fill out a list, Breyer will select two models from the Special Runs at random for your account. 

A Few Key Highlights:

*You can only purchase two Special Runs per All Access Ticket

*You cannot exchange or trade the Special Runs during the event

*You do not have to purchase any of the Special Runs if you do not wish to

*You will not be actually paying for the models until the event in July

*The algorithm that Breyer uses to select the models for your account is random and has not been released other than us knowing that it is random. We do not know how it works. 

*There will be a page during the event that will tell you which models were selected for your account.  From there, you will add them to your cart and purchase them.  You have all weekend during the event to purchase them and they cannot be sold out of your cart, like the Limited Editions.

*These are the Special Runs only.  You will NOT be selecting the Limited Edition models. You will be purchasing the Limited Edition Models during the event in July. 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Current BreyerFest List of Artists and Vendors

 Featured Artists  and Vendors for BreyerFest 2021

These artists have been released on Breyer’s website.  There will be many more having sales during the  weekend as well! I will do my best to have a somewhat complete list. If you would like to be added or I have missed your reveal on the BreyerFest Blog, please let me know.

Begin Again Studios- Artist

Bienvenue Chat Noir Art Studios- Artist

Infinity Breyers- Vendor Link not working

Lonesome Pine Ranch-  Artist

Flying High Hobby Horses-  Artist

Jaapi Tack- Vendor

Penny Rug Pet Portraits- Vendor

Susan Abell- Author and Vendor Link not working

Alpha Mare Art- Vendor Link not working

Brie Cundiff- Artist Link not working

Trailing Shadows Farm- Vendor

Kayla Lovejoy- Artist

Sascha Pharris- Artist

Breyer Value Guide- Vendor

Camelot Studios- Artist

Lois Rose- Artist Link does not work

Franceyn Dare- Artist

Snicklefritz Sisters- Vendor

Deeann Kjelshus- Artist

DayDreams N Things- Vendor

Alexandra Absher of Spindrift House Studios- Artist

Carrie Keller- Artist

Candice McCowan of Ceations by Candice- Artist Link does not work

Total Equine Image- Artist

Made by R and R- Vendor 

Tammi Palmarchuk of Winter Glen Studio- Artist  

Stacey Roi of My Breyer Heart- Vendor Link does not work 

Ilana Ostrar- Artist 

 Rhonda Gosney of the Loafing Shed- Vendor 

Hanna Bear of Bear Carousel- Artist 

Emma Sumner of Clarity Studios- Artist  

Maria Hjerppe  

Melissa Cox of Red Ruby Studio- Artist 

Lynn Cassels-Caldwell of Snowdrift Studio- Artist 

Donna Lorello of Arcadian Creations- Artist 

Karen Williams of Two Blue Dingoes Art - Artist[0]=AZVU556S8zu87jUa7XRSR8XA9dhLH3-w1_7erRwEmRQJyMhLvy4m4AxNPrygEDm7nDcrb2PdmBgMU3oEiabdkGegZFMKPvkwDntrbm7onIUI4NusmdFma9UEfFyjwcoW9n2HX-llp4WXlHJU8T23oK-Ee0ZvcC5kOvoRTKhTfkn13D9CQRQhThtG76WdAoTEKf8&__tn__=R]-R   

Joy Munshower- Artist 

Caroline Boydston of White Horse Studios- Artist 

Morriah Voogd of Equine Art by Morriah- Artist 

Lori Larsen of Sapphire Sky Studios- Artist  

Callie Guyer of Flying Horse Studios- Artist 

Breyer will have links on the BreyerFest section of the website to include all of these artists and vendors during the event.  If you would like to get added to our file here, please comment your name and the link to your sales page so that I may include it.  Thank you! 

New Ticket Added!

 New to the BreyerFest addition of Breyer's website: Premium Access Tickets!

*Comes with access to the event
*one Celebration Model (Danash's Northern Tempest "Dani"
*Access to purchase Limited Edition Models
*Access to Hobby Demonstrations
*Access to hours of event content
**This ticket does NOT allow you to purchase Special Run Models**
Find all of the information and buy the ticket here: Premium Access Ticket
**Celebration Models do NOT ship until December and are not guaranteed for a Holiday delivery**

Friday, June 11, 2021

BreyerFest 2021 Fact Sheet of Current Information

 BreyerFest 2021 Horse of a Different Color

Fact Post and Information Station
If you have not joined our FB Group, the links here are for the files in that group.  You are welcome to join, but it is not needed as the files are here in the Blog as well. 
BreyerFest Basics
*BreyerFest is July 16, 17, and 18 2021
*BreyerFest takes place on Breyer’s website
*BreyerFest runs from 10 AM EDT on Friday until 4 PM EDT on Sunday
*BreyerFest is in Eastern Daylight Time
*There is much more to do than buy models! There will be workshops available to certain ticket holders, free seminars for all ticket holders, a Live broadcast all weekend long, videos and interviews of the owners of the horses that inspire the Breyer models, and so much more!
*BreyerFest prices will not change due to the price increase
BreyerFest Ticket Information
*VIP Tickets were $230 as a base price.
*VIP Ticket holders were required to select and pay for two Special Runs and two Limited Edition Models, raising the price from $230 to include the costs of the models.
*VIP Tickets include one Celebration Model, one set of Event Stablemates, two Special Runs, two Limited Editions, access to purchase Limited Editions during the event, special VIP workshops, special VIP SWAG box, and so much more.
*All Access Tickets were $75.
*All Access Tickets included One Celebration Model, access to purchase up to two Special Editions using the Special Run Preference List, access to purchase Limited Edition models, access to the Workshops, access to participate in the Contests (rules and regulations apply, access to the Model Horse Shows, and so much more.
*General Admission Tickets are $20
*General Admission Tickets come with one randomly selected Event Stablemate, access to purchase Limited Editions during the event, access to free seminars, and so much more!
Event Model Information
*There are several different types of models for this event: Event Stablemates, Celebration Horse, Limited Editions, Special Runs, and more
*The Celebration Horse is Danash’s Northern Tempest “Dani”. This model comes with the VIP Ticket and All Access Ticket. You get one per ticket.
The Event Stablemates are a set of four decorator Stablemates: Dada (Blue pinto Arabian), Noveau (Multicolored pinto Fighting Stallion), Roccoco (Rose Gold pinto Smart Chic Olena), and Avant Garde (Purple Lyric Fjord). You get one randomly selected Event Stablemate per General Admission ticket. All Access and General Admission Ticket Holders can purchase one set of Event Stablemates per account.
*The Limited Editions are models that are available to all Ticket Holders. They are: Queen of Hearts, Rheverence+, Apollo del Solis, Favrile, Best of BreyerFest Series 2 Set of Stablemates, Prisma, Pal’s Palette, and Kaleidoscope.
*The Special Runs are models that are available to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders. They are: Pollock, Uffington, Tassili, Knossos, Gran Cavallo, Peche Merle, Ansel, Suerat, Seven Arts Surprise.
Shopping Information
*VIP and All Access Ticket Holders are the only ones that are able to purchase the Special Runs
*VIP Ticket Holders have already selected and paid for their Special Runs
*All Access Ticket Holders currently are able to use the Special Run Preference List to rank the Special Runs to their liking.
*You will not be selecting Limited Edition Models for the Special Run Preference List
*All Access Ticket Holders will actually purchase their models in July during the event
*VIP Ticket Holders do not need to use the Special Run Preference List
*General Admission Ticket Holders cannot purchase Special Run Models
*Special Run Models will be randomly selected for your account, using the Special Run Preference List as a guide of how you like them
*The algorithm of how Breyer selects the Special Runs for your account has not been released to the public
*All Ticket Holders can purchase Limited Edition Models during the event in July
*You can purchase as many Limited Editions during the weekend as you want
*The only limit is you are only able to purchase one of each available Limited Edition in one transaction
*Limited Editions can sell out from your cart.
*Special Runs cannot be sold out of your cart.
*You have under 4 PM EDT on Sunday, July 18 to pay for your Special Runs
*The time of the Limited Edition Model release during the weekend has not been released yet
*Certain Limited Editions can be back ordered once they sell out during the day
*Once BreyerFest merchandise sells out, they are usually sold out, unless otherwise notified
*The Grab Bag information has not been officially released yet so we do not know how they will be able to be purchased
Shipping Information
*VIP Ticket Holders get free shipping, no matter the location
*All Ticket Holders get a special shipping rate: free for Domestic US, $10 for Canada, Hawaii, and Alaska, and $25 for all International.
*Customs will apply (very likely)
*Everything will start shipping the week after BreyerFest, including VIP purchases, unless otherwise notified
*Back Ordered Models will ship out in December, but are not guaranteed for a Holiday delivery
Workshop Information
*Workshops are available to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders only
*The Majority of the Workshops are free of charge.
*The Supply Lists are available on Breyer’s website
*There are special VIP Workshops
*There are special “Live” Zoom Workshops for a fee
*There are two webinars that you can attend for a fee
Free Activities During The Event
*There are free seminars for all ticket holders
*There are free Live Meet and Greets for all ticket holders
*There is a free Film Festival for all ticket holders
*There are free demonstrations for all ticket holders
Model Horse Photo Shows
*The Model Horse Shows are for VIP and All Access Ticket Holders only
*They are currently either closed or on going
*The Open Show is still accepting registrations until June 18th
*The Champions and Reserve Champions will be announced during BreyerFest
Contest Information
*There are three contests available from Breyer
*VIP and All Access Ticket Holders can enter
*They each have their own specific set of rules
*There are rules and regulations that apply
*There is a Diorama Contest, Best Customs Contest, and the Costume Contest
Raffle Information
*No information has been released yet
Auction Information
*No information has been released yet
BreyerFest Tips and Tricks from RTB
*BreyerFest is entirely up to you
*Take time to watch the videos
*Don’t stress and remember to breathe
*You do not need to have a fast internet connection
*The website will go down at some point, no reason to panic
*You will need to log into your account each morning during BreyerFest or you will not be able to enter
*The group will be here to help you all weekend long
*I will be available during all time zones to help
*Don’t panic over models, the majority can be back ordered
*You have all weekend to buy the Special Runs
*You cannot trade out the Special Runs that you were chosen for, but you can sell or trade them on the secondary market
*Unless otherwise specified, this is the best time to purchase anything that you have been eyeing on Breyer’s website to take advantage of the shipping.
*You will see multiple shipping charges, but they will be refunded after the event. You will only be paying one shipping charge in total for the event.
*Definitely make sure to read the files here in the group. They are still great information!
*Feel free to share your BreyerFest purchases here in the group, even if it is not a Breyer model.
*Please try to keep it positive. It can and will get stressful, but I only ask that you do not bring the complaints to the group because sadly we cannot do anything about it.
*I do not work for Breyer, but I will do my best to help you troubleshoot problems during the event.
*I hope that you have an amazing BreyerFest and I hope that I have helped you somewhat.