Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Special Run Preference List

 The Special Run Preference List has been released to the All Access Ticket Holders and will be available until June 23rd at 11:59 PM EDT to fill out and submit. 

If you did not get an email about it from Breyer, make sure to log into your Breyer account that purchased the All Access tickets.  From there, you will need to go to Events and hover over it, if you are on Desktop.  Then you will slide your cursor over to where it says Special Run Preference List and has a section that says Special Run Ticket and lists the number of tickets on your account.  Click that and it will load up the Special Run Preference List page.  If you are on Mobile, after you log into the Breyer account that purchased your All Access Tickets, you will need to likely refresh the page.  After that, go to Events and click on the little arrow.  Scroll down until you see Special Run Preference List and Special Run Ticket with the amount of tickets that you purchased.  Click on that and it will load the Special Run Preference List. 

Once the Special Run Preference List has loaded up, you will see all of the Special Run Models that are available to purchase, along with their prices and their run numbers.  Remember that you will not be paying for the models right now, you are merely ranking the Special Runs in the order that you like them. Scroll down and you will see where you will actually fill out the list.  If you have only one ticket, then you will only be filling out the Individual List, but if you have more than one ticket, then you are able to use a Master List or an Individual List.  

The Individual List is where you will rank the models per ticket.  You will select the nickname for the ticket and rank the models 1-9.  I recommend filling out all of the lines, even if you do not want any of the other models.  Make sure that you put the ones that you really want up near the top. If you absolutely do not want any other models, then you are able to use the No Alternates selection.  You cannot get duplicates if you only have one ticket.  If you have more than one ticket and want to try to get duplicates, fill out the individual lists to match what you are looking for. 

The Master List is where you will rank the models for all of your tickets. There will be one list with as many number 1s as you have tickets.  If you have three tickets, there will be three of each number 1-9. If you do want duplicates, make sure to put them in the line for each ticket. So, if you want two Surprise Models, make sure that you have them at the top in the number one slots. 

After you push submit, there will not be a confirmation email.  There will be a blurb that says that your list has been submitted.  You are able to send in the list as many times as you want before the cut off date and Breyer will only take the last one submitted.  If you do not fill out a list, Breyer will select two models from the Special Runs at random for your account. 

A Few Key Highlights:

*You can only purchase two Special Runs per All Access Ticket

*You cannot exchange or trade the Special Runs during the event

*You do not have to purchase any of the Special Runs if you do not wish to

*You will not be actually paying for the models until the event in July

*The algorithm that Breyer uses to select the models for your account is random and has not been released other than us knowing that it is random. We do not know how it works. 

*There will be a page during the event that will tell you which models were selected for your account.  From there, you will add them to your cart and purchase them.  You have all weekend during the event to purchase them and they cannot be sold out of your cart, like the Limited Editions.

*These are the Special Runs only.  You will NOT be selecting the Limited Edition models. You will be purchasing the Limited Edition Models during the event in July. 

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