Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Premiere Club Fireheart News

 Fireheart news

Breyer has just sent out information regarding Fireheart. Please check your emails. He is being delayed until July 7th with an different than usual payment period. So please read the whole thing.
I know everyone is sad, myself included, that Fireheart is delayed. It's been really hard on all of us, Breyer included. I'm sure they never could have anticipated anything like this happening. It's also likely been very stressful for the team. These shipping issues are also what's causing paint/sealant shortages, and all sorts of items you normally would see in stores to be very limited or backordered ...so it's not just this awesome pony. It really really sucks and Breyer is a company and team of humans just trying to do their best. Hopefully you all still love him when he arrives and don't take it out on him or Breyer or I. 🥰 He's worth the wait. Promise 💜🔥
Originally posted by Rayvin Maddock 

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