Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Special Runs!

 Hello Roadies! Let's Talk about BreyerFest....Special Runs, that is!

The Special Runs and their Preference List cause a ton of confusion since BreyerFest went virtual and for good reason because it has completely been switched from what has normally been done. However, here in the group, we have gone over it many times so definitely check it all out at this hashtag #specialruns2021. But this post will be a refresher course in Special Runs since the Special Run Preference List is due on Wednesday, June 23rd at 11:59 PM EDT.
So what are the Special Runs? The Special Runs are models that are only available to certain ticket holders. This year, the VIP and All Access Ticket Holders are the only ones that are able to purchase the Special Runs. There are nine different Special Runs and with each ticket, you are able to purchase up to two of them. You can check out the available Special Runs on our BreyerFest 2021 Exclusive Models album here in the group. That album not only shows you what they look like, but includes their name, their price, how many are available, and what mold they are on so I highly recommend checking it out.
The tickets that are able to purchase the Special Runs are the VIP and the All Access Tickets as I have mentioned above. Now, there are limits and special rules that go with each of those two types of tickets. With the VIP Ticket, you have already selected and paid for two Special Runs. This was a perk of being able to purchase the VIP ticket. But you will only get those two Special Runs and no other ones, unless you purchase the All Access Ticket since you were only able to one VIP Ticket per email address. With the All Access Ticket, you will be using the Special Run Preference List to rank the Special Runs and we will get to that in just a moment. Even with a VIP Ticket, you were able to purchase as many All Access Tickets as you wanted since there were no limits on that ticket. With the All Access Ticket, you are able to purchase up to two Special Runs per Ticket. No more than two per ticket, however you can have as many tickets as you wanted. But what is that Special Run Preference List that you mentioned about?
The Special Run Preference List is a list where you will rank the Special Runs according to how you like them. On June 8th, the Special Run Preference List was released and you have until Wednesday June 23rd to fill it out and return it back to Breyer. Even if you do not get emails from Breyer, finding the Special Run Preference List section on the website is easy. Just log into the Breyer account that purchased your All Access Tickets and go to the Events tab. If you have a Desktop, you will just hover over it until you see a tile that says Special Run Preference List and has a picture of the Special Runs. If you are on mobile, you will need to actually click the little arrow beside the word Events and scroll down to the clickable link that says Special Run Preference List with the picture of the Special Runs. Once you are on that page, you will need to scroll down, past all of the pictures of the Special Runs with their prices and the amounts available, to where you see the actual Special Run Preference List. If you have more than one ticket, you are welcome to fill out the Master List or the Individual List, depending on how exact you wish to be. If you only have one ticket, then you will only have the Individual option. Make sure to put the email address that you logged into the account with since this is the account and email address that purchased your tickets. Select the models in the order that you want them, depending on if you are ok with duplicates and such. You are the only one that can fill out this list, so make sure to fill it out how you want it. You will only be selecting the Special Runs and not the Limited Editions. Please see the post that I made earlier about Limited Editions for buying those lovely models. Once you have filled out the list to your satisfaction, make sure to hit the submit button. You will not receive an email confirmation that it was received, just a small blurb at the top of the page that reloads. I recommend taking a screen shot to remember what you have selected. You will not be paying for these models until the event in July.
When the time comes for the event in July, Breyer will randomly selected two Special Runs per ticket for your account. Their algorithm is a secret and we do not know what all goes into it. These models will be available for you to purchase all weekend long, so there is no rush to purchase them. Only make sure to pay for them before the end of the event on Sunday July 18 at 4 PM EDT. These models cannot be sold out of your cart once you put them there. These models cannot be exchanged once they are selected for you. You can choose to not purchase them though.
The Special Runs will be shipped out starting the week after the event, with the rest of the models that are available and have not been back ordered. Make sure to read the files to learn even more about this process and about the rest of the event. I hope that this has helped you! 

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