Thursday, July 15, 2021

Let's Talk BreyerFest....Back To Basics, that is!

 Hello Roadies! Let's Talk BreyerFest....Back To Basics, that is!

BreyerFest is in two days! Yes, two days! I sure hope that you are excited! This post will be taking it back to the basics for a bit and as always, please read the Guides as they have all of the answers to every question that I have seen posted so far.

*BreyerFest is this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

*BreyerFest STARTS at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on Friday.

*All BreyerFest Times are Eastern Daylight Time

*BreyerFest takes place on Breyer's website

*ALL models go on sale on Friday at 10 AM EDT

*Special Runs for the All Access Ticket Holders will be located under a special banner. No model is automatically added to your cart. You MUST move them there.

*With each All Access Ticket, you receive TWO Special Runs. If you have two All Access Tickets, you receive FOUR Special Runs, etc.

*Limited Editions can sell out of your cart!

*It is recommended to buy your Special Runs separately from your Limited Editions. Why? Breyer said so, lol! However, my thoughts are because the Limited Editions sell out and the Special Runs do not.

*Only THREE Limited Editions are NOT able to be back ordered: Pal's Palette the Plushie, Prisma the Crystal, and Kaleidoscope the Stablemate

*There is NO exact time frame that the Limited Editions will sell out. The variables are just way too much as their numbers have been raised, they are all released at the same time, and there is an unknown amount of tickets sold at the time.

*All of the interviews, demonstrations, Prerecorded Workshops, seminars, etc will be available at any time during the weekend.

*Nothing will be recorded, it appears.

*We do not yet know if BreyerFest will be available after BreyerFest

*The Workshops are for VIP and All Access Ticket Holders ONLY

*There are Seminars and a selection of last year's Workshops available for ALL TICKET HOLDERS. We do not know which Workshops from last year yet.

*Auction bidding is open to all ticket holders and you MUST register to bid on the Auction website. The link is in the Guides.

*The Raffles are free to enter, if you are a US or Canada (excluding Quebec) VIP or All Access Ticket Holder.

*You MUST enter for the Raffle before the announcement of the winners.

*The Live Show results will be posted this weekend.

*The Contest winners will be posted this weekend

*You will be able to see all of the Contest entries this year. It will be under the Contest Entries Tile

*The Artisan's Gallery is a collection of links under the Artisan's Gallery Tile

*The Marketplace is a collection of links under the Marketplace Tile.

*Make sure to check out the Guides and the Let's Talk BreyerFest posts

*The Live Broadcast on Breyer's Website runs from 10 AM EDT to 4 PM EDT on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

*The Celebration of Horses Evening Performance airs on Friday at 6 PM EDT and then is on demand the rest of the weekend

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