Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Raffle Discrepancy

 Roadies, I want to bring up a discrepancy that has been noticed and I feel that it should be acknowledged.  The Raffles are a part of BreyerFest that draw the most attention and the virtual event is no different on this part.  This year, Breyer is releasing information slowly so that people make sure to read it, I guess, however this has caused many to have questions about all of the event that are just not being answered as quickly as needed.  That is where I normally come in. Over on the Facebook group, the Road To BreyerFest group is dedicated to answering those questions by either giving educated guesses based off of the last few years (or in the case of 2021, last year) or breaking down the information that is handed out by Breyer on the BreyerFest Blog.  This year, Breyer felt that it was necessary to create their own official group where they would answer the questions of BreyerFest attendees, however there is still a need for Road To BreyerFest.  That being said, I want to address this rather large discrepancy this year. 

When Breyer announced the Raffles last week, it was said that they would be available to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders and that the complete terms and conditions would be released on the Raffles page during BreyerFest.  However, when the Program was released, the wording on the Raffle page there said that the Raffles would be available to all ticket holders and said that terms and conditions would be released on the Raffle Page during BreyerFest.  Now, I am not sure how you feel, but to me, this is a large discrepancy since there are four different types of tickets that have been released for BreyerFest and the original release excluded two of the tickets, while the second release included two of them.  

Now, I have emailed Breyer as well as posted on their official group and the only response that I have received was a moderator approving my post and saying that the Blog was correct and then immediately shut off comments.  To me, this is not an answer that suits someone who strives to bring the world all of the information about BreyerFest. I shared the answer with the Roadies on the Facebook group and decided to come here and actually talk about it. Now, I am not sure who reads this blog, but I do know that after Breyer created their own group, I have been left in the dust.  All of the information about BreyerFest 2021 has come from the BreyerFest Blog and my educated guesses because the ladies that plan BreyerFest have not answered any of my emails.  That is fine since I am doing a decent job, I hope, but this type of discrepancy needs to be addressed quickly since while I may tell someone the answer, what about those people that are not a part of Road To BreyerFest? 

So the correct answer to the Raffle question is the blog, I am told, so I will not be changing any of the information already posted about the Raffles.  However, I will be keeping an eye on it and seeing how this plays out. 

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