Friday, February 18, 2022

Buying Special Runs at BreyerFest 2022

Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Buying Special Runs, That Is!

The Special Run Preference List:

Welcome back to this installment of Let’s Talk BreyerFest. This time, we are going to be talking about how to buy Special Runs. This year, it has changed and it is actually really easy since we have seen this format before. Let’s take a closer look at it!

First, let’s talk about the Special Runs with that highly sought after VIP Ticket. The VIP Ticket will be sold as a first come/first served type sale and that means that these tickets will sell out within moments! The website sill bog down, you will be cart snatched, and you might miss out. I am sorry, if this happens to you, and I will ask that you politely refrain from commenting your frustrations here in the group. Continuing on, if you are able to purchase this ticket, you will be paying for your Special Runs (two of them) and two Limited Editions (the Online Only Limited Editions cannot be selected) along with the price of your ticket. So the $230 base price because well over $400, depending on which models that you select.

The next one is the most important because it will look and appear complicated, but it is not, so please bear with me! All Access Ticket Holders will be selecting and purchasing their Special Runs by using the Special Run Preference List.

The Special Run Preference List is a part of the event that causes a lot of confusion and trepidation, but it really is not a problem, once you get the hang of it. Let’s get into the Preference List. What is it? It is where you will rank all of the Special Runs for BreyerFest 2022 in order of how you like them. That is it, really. I mean, there is more to it, but it comes down to you will be ranking the models how you like them. How you fill out the Preference List comes down to however you wish to fill it out. If you have more than one ticket, you have more than one option. We do know yet know if there will be a Master List for all of the tickets that you purchase or just an Individual List for all of your tickets, but from what Breyer is saying, the lists will not matter because you will get a ticket to pick up all of the models that were selected for you.

But why? You are ranking the models and using this Preference List to show Breyer exactly what you are thinking when it comes to buying the Special Runs. This is almost exactly what you would be doing if you were walking into the Special Run Tent at an in person event and buying the models then and there. With this List, you will not be waiting in line, but you will be picking up the models during the event. But this List tells Breyer what you would be choosing and what you would be buying. However, it does come down to the luck of the draw and where your order number is in “line” when the final selections are made by Breyer. Between when you turn in the Preference List and the actual event in July, Breyer will take your Preference Lists and randomly select the Special Runs for your account. They will use the list to see which ones that you like the best and then will pull the models based on that and what has not sold out yet. So pray for good luck!

You will be paying for these models before the event and Redemption Tickets will be used to pick up these models during BreyerFest. Breyer will not accept any returns during the event, so if you get a selection that you do not like, they are suggesting to swap Redemption Tickets with someone at the event. You will know before hand which models were selected for you as the prices vary, but you will not be able to select exactly which ones that it is all based on randomness, where you are in the virtual line (Breyer uses a generator and we do not have access to how this process works), and what is available when your name comes up in the line. Remember that Breyer does not guarantee any models, except for the VIP Ticket, however once you purchase your model, it then is then guaranteed that you will be getting it. You will be able to pick up your Special Runs at any time during BreyerFest.

That is all very confusing, I know. So let me try to break it down a lot further since this is a Let’s Talk BreyerFest post:

Special Runs with the VIP Ticket: You will be purchasing your Special Runs at the exact same time that you are purchasing the ticket. You will be able to purchase two of the Special Runs that you want and they will be set in stone and guaranteed. You will be receiving a Ticket Book in the mail that will allow you to pick up those two Special Runs at any time during the weekend. If you are international- No tickets will be shipped to your location, you will need to pick them up at Will Call, starting on Thursday July 14th.

Special Runs with the All Access Ticket: You will be purchase two Special Runs per ticket that you purchase. These tickets are not limited to one per account like the VIP Ticket, so you can buy as many as you want before they either sell out or are taken off the market to allow for the Special Run Preference List. Once All Access Tickets go off of sale, the Special Run Preference List will happen. This is where you will get to rank the Special Runs in the order that YOU LIKE THEM. It has nothing to do with inventory or how you will actually get them, this List tells Breyer that you like them the most in this order. With each ticket that you get, you will be able to purchase two Special Runs, like I mentioned above. Right now, Breyer did not state whether you will be able to use a Master List or an Individual List so I will explain for both of them!

Ranking the Special Runs using the Master List: If you have more than one ticket, you might be able to rank the Special Runs for ALL of your tickets using one list. No one can tell you how to rank the models that you like. Many people will ask what is better to rank first or so on, but please just rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them. If you want the Surprise Special Run very much, but that Blue Horse does not appeal to you, then you would put the Surprise Special Run at the top and the Blue Horse at the bottom. This list will apply to all of your tickets. With the Master List, you will be limiting how many duplicates that you get. So it would look like this:

Preference List (I forget their names at current so please enjoy the names that I use for them in my head):

Surprise Special Run x how many tickets that you have

Mare and foal x how many tickets that you have

Gummi bears x how many tickets that you have

and so on

With this option, you will have as many slots as you have tickets. That is why that you need an account on the Breyer website, but can purchase as many tickets as you want on each account. You can mix and match a bit as well, but you will be ranking them in the order that you like them for all of the tickets on your account.

Ranking the Special Runs using the Individual List: If you have one or more tickets, you might also be able to rank the Special Runs using separate lists for each ticket. You cannot combine a Master List or an Individual List, so you must chose one to use. When using the Individual List, you will be ranking the Special Runs with each ticket. So if you have two tickets, you will be filling out two lists and so on. This is the best option if you want to have a little more control over the randomness of this type of selection. However, with this type of List, you might get duplicates. So it would look like this:

Ticket One: (I forget their names at current so please enjoy my names that I use for them in my head)

Surprise Special Run

Mare and Foal

Gummi Bears

Blue Horse

Grey Tortilla

Crazy Appy


Red Pony with crazy Hair

Candy Pony

and then you would repeat the list, in another order for the next ticket, and so on for as many as you have. This is not how I would rank my List, but it was just an example and I am sorry for the crazy names, that is just how I remember them. So Ticket Two could be a completely different order.

I hope that this makes sense because honestly, it is a LOT more to explain than it is to see it happen in person. When the time comes for this Special Run List, I will be going Live and doing mine on screen so people can see exactly how it will work.

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