Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Big, Giant, and Massive BreyerFest 2022 Ticket Review

 The Big, Giant, and Massive BreyerFest 2022 Ticket Review

I am hoping that this post will help answer your questions all about the BreyerFest tickets for this year. This post will break down each type of information into different sections so that they can be found and located easily, if you need to come back to this post.

General Ticket Information

When do tickets go on sale? In Person (VIP, All Access, and General Access) Tickets go on sale at noon EST on Wednesday, February 23rd. Virtual (Online Traditional and Online Stablemate) Tickets will be announced soon.

What Tickets does the Celebration Horse come with? Nikolas, the Celebration Horse comes with the VIP, the All Access, and the Online Traditional Tickets.

Is there a limit on how many tickets that I can purchase? The VIP Ticket is the ONLY ticket that is limited at this time. The VIP Ticket is limited to one per account. All other tickets do not currently have a limit.

What tickets can purchase the Special Runs? The VIP Ticket and the All Access Ticket are the only two tickets that are able to purchase the Special Runs.

What tickets can purchase the Limited Editions? All Tickets can purchase the Limited Editions.

How many Limited Editions can I purchase per ticket? You are able to purchase as many Limited Editions as you want or that you can afford during BreyerFest. The only limitation is that you can only purchase one of each kind during one transaction.

Can I purchase a Full Set of Event Stablemates without having a VIP Ticket? Yes. At this time, we know that All Access and General Access Ticket Holders can purchase one Full Set at the Breyer Store during BreyerFest. It is limited to one set per transaction.

Do I need to purchase a Parking Pass? It is recommended that you purchase a Parking Pass so that you can skip the line to pay for parking. Right now, the price for this has not been released yet. In the past, it has ranged from $13 to $15, depending on when you purchased the ticket. Without the parking pass, it costs $5 per time that you want to park at the Kentucky Horse Park.

Who can purchase the Online Only Limited Editions? All Ticket Holders can purchase the Online Only Limited Editions. There are only two of them- the Rhenish Draft and Torelinie. These are the ONLY Limited Editions that will be sent to in person Ticket Holders, according to the Breyer website.

Can I purchase Limited Editions online with an in person ticket? There is no clear clarification on this question. It reads like you will only be allowed to purchase the not Online Only Limited Editions at the BreyerFest Store in person, but it can also be read that you are able to access the BreyerFest Store online as well. The question has been re-submitted to Breyer to see if we can get a more clear picture for this answer.

If I have a virtual ticket, am I able to attend the in person event? No, you will need to purchase an in person ticket to attend the in person event. 

Does Will Call last all BreyerFest weekend long? Yes. It starts on July 14th and runs until Sunday, July 17th. 

The VIP Ticket Information- In Person Ticket

How much does the VIP Ticket cost? This ticket costs $230 plus the cost of two Special Run Models and two Limited Edition Models at the time of ticket purchase.

How will this ticket be offered for sale? This ticket will be offered for sale as a first come/ first served type sale. That means at noon on Wednesday, be prepared to purchase this ticket and be warned that the website will bog down, the ticket could be “stolen” out of your cart (Breyer does not have a cart timer), and it will generally be running slow. You will need to be prepared to select the Special Runs that you want and the Limited Editions that you want immediately as you will be paying for them at the same time. You will not be able to select the Online Only Limited Editions.

What comes with the VIP Ticket? You will get one Celebration Horse (Nikolas), one Full Set of Event Stablemates, two Special Runs, two Limited Editions prepaid, one Parking Pass, one Celebration of Horses Evening Performance (you will need to decide at the time of purchase if you want a Friday or Saturday Evening ticket), the access to purchase more Limited Editions during BreyerFest, the access to purchase the Online Only Limited Editions during the event, the ability to enter the Model Horse Show (for an added fee), the ability to purchase Workshops (for an added fee), free seminars, VIP Swag Box, special VIP Workshops, the access to participate in the Contests (information to be released soon), access to the virtual BreyerFest content, access to all three days of BreyerFest, and more.

Can I have a pick up person get my VIP Ticket models, if I am unable to make it? If you have purchased a VIP Ticket and cannot make it to the in person event, you are able to have a pick up person get your models. You will need to send them your Ticket Book that you get with as your ticket. Your pick up person will need to know your order information, order number, etc. If you are International, your ticket books will NOT be sent. You will need to pick them up at Will Call on July 14th.

What is a Ticket Book and What comes in it? The Ticket Books are how you will be receiving your BreyerFest tickets, model redemption tickets, and more. In these VIP Ticket Books, you will be getting your Admission Wrist Band, your Parking Pass, your Special Run Redemption Tickets, your Limited Edition Redemption Tickets, your Celebration Horse Redemption Ticket, your Event Stablemates Redemption Tickets, and your Celebration Of Horses Evening Performance Ticket. If you are in the US, your Ticket Book will be sent to you. If you are International, you will need to pick up your Ticket Book at Will Call on Thursday, July 14th.

Can I buy more Limited Editions other than the two that I pre-purchased? Yes. At BreyerFest, you will be able to go through the BreyerFest Stores and buy as many Limited Editions that you can afford/want. The only ones that you cannot purchase in person are the Online Only Limited Editions. You will need to go online to order those two Limited Editions.

Can I buy more than two Special Runs? Not with the VIP Ticket. However, you are welcome to purchase an All Access Ticket or a few of them.

Can I show in the Photo Show rather than the Live Model Horse Show? I have no idea. Absolutely no Model Horse Show information has been released yet. However, I am going to assume that if you have an In Person Event Ticket, Breyer is going to expect that you will show at the Live Show and if you have a Virtual Event Ticket, Breyer is going to expect that you will show in the Photo Show. This would be a question that needs to be asked directly towards Breyer at this point and has been added to our ever growing List of Unanswered Questions.

Can I purchase other Ticket Types after I purchase a VIP Ticket? Yes. You can buy as many BreyerFest tickets as you want. The only ticket that is limited is the VIP Ticket.

The All Access Ticket Information- In Person Ticket

How much does the All Access Ticket Cost? $80

How will this ticket be offered for sale? First come/first served on the Breyer website.

When will this ticket go on sale? Noon EST on Wednesday February 23rd

What comes with this ticket? One Celebration Horse (Nikolas), the access to purchase two Special Runs using the Special Run Preference List (there will be a more in depth post about that List coming at a later date), the access to purchase Limited Editions at BreyerFest, the access to purchase the Online Only Limited Editions during the event, the access to purchase a Parking Pass, one Celebration of Horses Evening Performance (either Friday or Saturday Night), the access to participate in the Model Horse Show (for an added fee), the access to purchase Workshops (for an added fee), free seminars, the access to enter the BreyerFest Contests, access to the BreyerFest virtual content, the access to purchase a Full Set of Event Stablemates at the event, access to all three days of BreyerFest,and more.

Can I have a pick up person get my models at BreyerFest? Yes, you will get a Ticket Book, similar to the VIP Ticket. However, with the All Access Ticket, you will actually be getting two Ticket Books. Your pick up person will need your first Ticket Book in order to pick up your Celebration Horse and order information in order to pick up the second Ticket Book with the Special Runs from Will Call on July 14th.

What is a Ticket Book and what comes with it? For the All Access Tickets, you will be getting two Ticket Books in total. The first one will contain your Admission Wrist band, a Parking Pass if you purchased one, your Celebration Horse Redemption Ticket, and your Celebration of Horses Evening Performance Ticket. This first Ticket Book will be mailed out to everyone who is in the US. International Ticket holders will need to pick up their Ticket Books from Will Call. The second Ticket Book will contain which Special Run models that were selected for you. You will be paying for your Special Runs in advance so you can just swap Redemption Tickets if you would like to trade. All of the All Access Ticket Holders will need to pick up the second Ticket Book at Will Call on July 14th.

Can I purchase the Online Only Limited Editions? Yes, you will be able to purchase the Online Only Limited Editions during BreyerFest. You will need to purchase them off of the BreyerFest section of the Breyer website during BreyerFest. They will not be available in person to purchase.

How many All Access Tickets can I purchase? As many as you want. There are no limits on this ticket type.

Can I buy more than two Special Runs? You can only purchase two Special Runs per one All Access Ticket. So if you purchase one All Access Ticket, you can only purchase two Special Runs. It would take a total of five All Access Tickets in order to try and get all nine of the Special Runs. Remember that you will be using the Special Run Preference List (to be written about in a later post) to rank and purchase these models.

Can I show in the Photo Show rather than the Live Model Horse Show? I have no idea. Absolutely no Model Horse Show information has been released yet. However, I am going to assume that if you have an In Person Event Ticket, Breyer is going to expect that you will show at the Live Show and if you have a Virtual Event Ticket, Breyer is going to expect that you will show in the Photo Show. This would be a question that needs to be asked directly towards Breyer at this point and has been added to our ever growing List of Unanswered Questions.

The General Access Ticket Information- In Person Ticket

How much does this ticket cost? $25

How will this ticket be offered for sale? As a first come/first served sale starting at noon EST on Wednesday February 23rd.

What comes with this ticket? One randomly selected Event Stablemate (it appears that it will be truly randomized this year), the access to purchase Limited Editions during the event, access to all three days of BreyerFest, access to purchase the Online Only Limited Editions, access to the BreyerFest virtual content.

Will I be able to purchase a Parking Pass? In the past, you were able to purchase a Parking Pass with this option. Right now, since Parking Pass information has not been released, we do not yet know.

Can I purchase Special Runs? No.

Will I have access to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance? In the past, you could upgrade to include this show or purchase a ticket at the gate. With this “new” type of BreyerFest, we are not sure yet if this will be possible.

Can I buy Limited Editions? Yes, you are able to purchase Limited Editions at the Breyer Store during the event.

Will I be able to enter the Model Horse Show? No

Will I be able to purchase a Workshop? No

Will I be able to attend a seminar? Yes, they are free to all ticket holders.

Will I be getting a Ticket Book? While it has not been mentioned, I would assume that the answer is yes since you will need to get your Admission Wrist Band and your Event Stablemate Redemption Ticket. Breyer should be releasing that information very soon.

How many General Access Tickets can I purchase? As many as you want as this ticket is not limited

Online Traditional Access Ticket Information- Virtual Event Ticket

How much is this ticket? $55

When will this ticket be available to purchase? The exact date is to be announced

How will this ticket be offered for sale? First Come/First Served

What comes with this ticket? One Celebration Horse Model (Nikolas), access to purchase Limited Editions online at the BreyerFest Store on the Breyer website, the access to participate in the Photo Model Horse Show (for an added fee), the access to purchase workshops (for an added fee), the access to participate in the BreyerFest Contests, access to all three days of BreyerFest, and more. You will need to purchase this ticket before a certain deadline that is to be released soon in order to participate in the Photo Show and the Contests.

Can I purchase Special Runs? No REMINDER: You can purchase an in person ticket and find a pick up person, if you want Special Runs.

Can I purchase Limited Editions? Yes, you can purchase as many Limited Editions as you want during the event.

Will I have access to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance? Maybe, that information has not been released.

Can I purchase a Full Set of Event Stablemates? There has been no information released to indicate that you will be able to do so.

Can I purchase Workshops? Yes, there will be Workshops that you can attend

Can I view Seminars? There will very likely be seminars that you will be able to watch

Will I be able to enter the Photo Show? Yes, for an added fee. There will be more information coming soon.

Will my models be shipped to me? Yes, all virtual event ticket models will be shipped to your address.

When will my models be shipped? The week after BreyerFest is what Breyer currently has on their website.

How many Online Traditional Access Tickets can I purchase? As many as you want. There is no current limit on this ticket.

Will my tickets be mailed to me? No, your order number is your ticket number

Online Stablemate Ticket Information- Virtual Event Ticket

How much does this ticket cost: $25

When will this ticket be available to purchase? The exact date is to be announced

How will this ticket be offered for sale? First Come/First Served

What comes with this ticket? One randomly selected Event Stablemate, the access to purchase Limited Editions from the BreyerFest Store on the Breyer website, access to all three days of BreyerFest, and more.

Can I purchase Special Runs? No REMINDER: You can purchase an in person ticket and find a pick up person, if you want Special Runs.

Can I purchase Limited Editions? Yes, you can purchase as many Limited Editions as you want during the event.

Will I have access to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance? Maybe, that information has not been released.

Can I purchase a Full Set of Event Stablemates? There has been no information released to indicate that you will be able to do so.

Can I purchase Workshops? No

Can I view Seminars? There will very likely be seminars that you will be able to watch

Will I be able to enter the Photo Show? No

Will my models be shipped to me? Yes, all virtual event ticket models will be shipped to your address.

When will my models be shipped? The week after BreyerFest is what Breyer currently has on their website.

How many Online Stablemate Access Tickets can I purchase? As many as you want. There is no limit on this ticket. However, please note that buying multiples of this ticket does not guarantee that you will get a Full Set of Event Stablemates.

Will my tickets be mailed to me? No, your order number is your ticket number 

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