Friday, February 18, 2022

Ticket Books for BreyerFest 2022


Let’s Talk BreyerFest...Ticket Books, That Is!

So with the release of the Special Run Information, we are seeing something new this year in the form of Ticket Books. This has never happened before, as far as I am aware, and it actually looks very easy to use.

Whether you get a VIP Ticket or an All Access Ticket, you will be getting a Ticket Book. With the All Access Ticket, you will be getting two Ticket Books! These will be mailed to your address, however if you are international, you will need to pick up your Ticket Books at Will Call and the second Ticket Book for the All Access will NEED to be picked up at the Will Call. Will Call opens on Thursday, July 14th at the Rolex Gate near the American Saddlebred Museum and will be open all weekend long (normally)

First the VIP Ticket Book. It comes with the following: your admission wristband, Celebration Horse redemption ticket, Stablemates 4-pack redemption ticket, Special Run models redemption tickets, Limited Edition model redemption tickets, your VIP Box redemption ticket, your evening show ticket for the night you selected, and your parking pass for all three days of the weekend.

Next, the All Access Ticket Books: The first one comes with the following: your admission wristbands, redemption tickets for your Celebration Horse Model, your evening show ticket for the night you selected, and a parking pass if you purchase one.


The second ticket book will contain your Special Run model redemption tickets and will not be mailed. This book must be picked up on-site at BreyerFest at Special Run Ticket Will Call. Will Call opens on Thursday, July 14th.

If you are picking up models for a friend who is unable to attend the event in-person, you must have complete order information in order to pick up their ticket book.

I hope that this information helps!

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