Saturday, March 5, 2022

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Selling at BreyerFest, That Is!

 irst, let me just say that this will be covering more than just the Swap Meet, but the Swap Meet is where I see a lot of misinformation spread, so that is what I am starting with on this installment of Let’s Talk BreyerFest!

This year, the Swap Meet will be held both online and in person. At the in person Swap Meet, there will be two nights of selling and buying fun, starting on Thursday July 14th at 7:30 PM EDT to 11:00 PM EDT and continuing on Friday, July 15th at 7:30 PM EDT to 11:00 PM EDT. There is a table fee that you will need to pay when you send in your application and then you will need to email two photos of what you are selling in order to considered and approved. Tables are sold on a first come/first serve basis and they do sell out very quickly, so please keep that in mind. The fee for one table per night is $50 or $80 for two tables per night and there is a two table limit. Only one seller is permitted per table. The Swap Meet is not open for Breyer Retailers, Customizers, or artists to sell at and you are not permitted to sell current 2022 Breyer Merchandise, including Limited Editions and Special Runs. So what can you sell? That is easy! Any original finish that is not current, whether it is new in box or not, bodies, extra models sitting on your shelves, Breyer made tack, Breyer made accessories, and things of that nature. The safe thing to remember is that as long as it is Original Finish or factory made, then you are ready and able to sell! This is what Breyer has to say about what is acceptable and not acceptable to sell during the Swap Meet: Sellers are not permitted to sell current (2022) Breyer merchandise – this includes Special Runs, Limited Edition models, and Regular Run product. Sellers that are participating in the in person Swap Meet are able to add a virtual event listing to their order for starting at $50. While I always recommend reading the fine print before filling out any application, I felt that this was needed to be said so that there was no issues whatsoever!

The Artisan’s Gallery is the perfect place for those Customizers and Artists though. You must be a VIP or All Access Ticket Holder to sell at the Artisan’s Gallery. Held at the Clarion, just like the Swap Meet, this sales space is all about those Custom Models, Resin models, one of a kind pieces, tack, wagons, and more! The Artisan’s Gallery runs from 5:30 PM EDT to 11:00 PM EDT on Thursday July 14thand 7:30 PM EDT to 11:00 PM EDT on Friday July 15th and Saturday July 16th. If you secure a table by April 1st, you will receive a BreyerFest Guest Wristband for free. The fee for selling at the Artisan’s Gallery is $125 for one table with two chairs and $50 for each additional space/table. Limit of one seller per table, unless approved by Reeves. Here is what Breyer says can be sold at the Artisan’s Gallery: Media may be original sculpture, bronze, wood, resin, clay, acrylic painting, watercolor painting, oil painting, pencil portraiture, custom tack, and customized Breyer models. Subject should be equine related, but may also include other animal subjects as well. To sell in the virtual Artisan’s Gallery, you must be a VIP, All Access, or Online Traditional Ticket Holder and you will need to include your Ticket Order Number with your application. If you are selling in the Artisan’s Gallery in person, you can add a virtual listing for starting at $50.

And last, but certainly not least is the Vendor Marketplace. The in person Vendor Marketplace is one of the greatest things that you will experience during BreyerFest, but the virtual Marketplace is certainly not to be missed either! Selling at the In Person Marketplace is a great place for Retailers and those that want to sell large collections. I very highly recommend reading through the whole application before submitting it. It does cost around $650 for an interior booth and $550 for an exterior booth (new this year). Here is what Breyer has to say about what you can sell and what you cannot sell at the Vendor Marketplace: BreyerFest is held to promote and educate the public about Breyer models and the hobby of collecting, showing, and customizing them. Therefore, vendors may not display, offer for sale, promote, or sell any model horse products that are not genuine Breyer, with the following exceptions: china, resin, or discontinued and retired models. Vendors may offer for sale equine-related products for the horse and rider, jewelry, clothing, and gift items for the home. Any promotional activity, signing, guest speaker, etc. must be pre-approved in writing by Reeves International, Inc.- This is copied directly from them. That was what was provided for the in person Vendor Marketplace application. This is what is provided with the virtual Vendor Marketplace application: Participants are welcome to sell jewelry, art, books, apparel, accessories, house wares, bath products, tack (for model horses or real horses), toys, or older or retired Breyer product. Products are not required to be equine-themed. Apparel and accessories are not permitted to be Breyer- or BreyerFest-branded. Sellers are not permitted to sell current year Breyer models or Special Run/Limited Edition models. All applicants are required to submit at least two photos of the items they will be selling.  Make sure to check out the links on the Breyer website. 

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