Saturday, March 5, 2022

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Ticket Order Number, That Is!

 Hello and welcome to the next section of Let's Talk BreyerFest! This time, we are going to be talking about something a bit different. It is the Ticket Order Numbers and where they are located and how you can find them for your Pick Up Person during BreyerFest. You might even need them for other things during BreyerFest, so please do not brush off this post because you are not using a Pick Up Person.

Each year, I make a new version of this post because it is really that important and it is a question that is asked every year. So I am adding it to the Guides this time rather than just having it as a post so it can be referred back to year and year.

So where do you find your Ticket Order Number and your account information for that matter? You will find it all on your Account Details page on Breyer's website. You will notice in the photo that I have only sectioned off part of my page on Breyer's website and this is because this page will show you the address that you have listed as default and more information that might be sensitive. The Ticket Order Number is circled in red in the photo below and this is what your pick up person will need. I still highly recommend printing out your receipt or just this page to send to your Pick Up Person so that there is absolutely no confusion when it comes time for the event.

To reach this page: You need to go to the Breyer website and log in. Once you have logged in, it will take you directly to your Account Details page. From there, you only need to scroll down. The numbers are in order of your last purchases so if your BreyerFest Tickets were the last thing that you purchased, they would be on top like in my photo. You can also check the prices to make sure that this is the correct number as well. Once you are there, click on the number and it will open up all of the details of that purchase. The information about the order, the price, the address, and more. I did not include that photo as once again it does have some personal information on it and as open as I normally am, I do not want my address out there quite yet. 



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