Saturday, March 5, 2022

Let's Talk BreyerFest...Ticket Books, VIP Special Runs and All Access Special Runs, That Is!

 Hello!  It has been some time since I have posted.  I am sorry for that as I have been busy in the background.  I have been making sure that the Facebook group is up to date with the information and I have been working on this amazing Google Doc that literally breaks down all of BreyerFest as Breyer releases the information.  So, here is the catch up on some of the posts that I have not posted here: 

Ticket Books

So with the release of the Special Run Information, we are seeing something new this year in the form of Ticket Books. This has never happened before, as far as I am aware, and it actually looks very easy to use.

Whether you get a VIP Ticket or an All Access Ticket, you will be getting a Ticket Book. With the All Access Ticket, you will be getting two Ticket Books! These will be mailed to your address, however if you are international, you will need to pick up your Ticket Books at Will Call and the second Ticket Book for the All Access will NEED to be picked up at the Will Call. Will Call opens on Thursday, July 14that the Rolex Gate near the American Saddlebred Museum and will be open all weekend long (normally)

First the VIP Ticket Book. It comes with the following: your admission wristband, Celebration Horse redemption ticket, Stablemates 4-pack redemption ticket, Special Run models redemption tickets, Limited Edition model redemption tickets, your VIP Box redemption ticket, your evening show ticket for the night you selected, and your parking pass for all three days of the weekend.

Next, the All Access Ticket Books: The first one comes with the following: your admission wristbands, redemption tickets for your Celebration Horse Model, your evening show ticket for the night you selected, and a parking pass if you purchase one.


The second ticket book will contain your Special Run model redemption tickets and will not be mailed. This book must be picked up on-site at BreyerFest at Special Run Ticket Will Call. Will Call opens on Thursday, July 14th.

If you are picking up models for a friend who is unable to attend the event in-person, you must have complete order information in order to pick up their ticket book.

VIP Special Runs

Hello Roadies! For the next couple posts, I am going to be breaking down how to purchase the Special Runs for each of the two tickets that are able to purchase Special Runs. This will also detail the Ticket Book information that goes along with each of the two ticket options as well.

The first one that I am going to talk about is the VIP Ticket. The VIP Ticket will go on sale some time soon as a first come/ first served type sale. The amount of VIP Tickets has not been revealed yet, so we only know that they are limited in number and limited to one per account. This sale, when it goes live, will cause the website to slow down. Tickets may be “stolen” out of your cart, however Breyer’s website does not have an item saving feature once it is in your cart to purchase. When you pay for your ticket, you will also be paying for your two Special Runs and two Limited Editions. The base price of the ticket is $230 and then you will need to add the cost of the two Special Runs ($60 to $85, depending on the ones that you select) and the cost of the two Limited Editions ($15 to $75 depending on the ones that you select). You are able to select two of any of the Limited Editions except the Online Only ones (The Rhenish Draft and Torelinie). You will also need to select the night that you wish to attend the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance, either Friday or Saturday night.

Once you have selected your models, paid for the ticket, and received confirmation of purchase, then you are able to breathe a sigh of relief that you purchased a VIP Ticket for BreyerFest. But what comes next for you? Next is the Ticket Book.

If you live in the Domestic US, then you will be mailed your Ticket Book. If you are International, then you will need to pick up your Ticket Book at Will Call at the Kentucky Horse Park started on Thursday July 14th. This Ticket Book will contain all of the tickets that you need to get into the event and pick up your models. You will receive your admission wrist bands, a ticket to pick up your Celebration Model, a ticket to pick up your Event Stablemates, a ticket to pick up your Special Runs, a ticket to pick up your Limited Editions, a ticket to pick up your VIP Swag Box, your Parking Pass, and a ticket to the Celebration of Horses Evening Performance.

If you have a VIP Ticket, but are not able to attend the event, you will need to have a friend pick up your models for you as these models will not be shipped. Once you have selected an awesome friend to do this, you will need to send them your Ticket Book once you have received it or if you are International, they will need your complete information in order to pick up your Ticket Book at Will Call.

Right now, we do not know exactly what date the tickets go on sale, we just know that they will go on sale within a week (This sentence will be replaced with the exact date when that is known.) We also do not know exactly where the models will be available to pick up at the park, but that will be posted as soon as that information is released. You will be able to purchase more Limited Editions during the event, however we do not know if you are able to purchase them online rather than at the park, that question has not been directly answered yet.

All Access Special Runs

Hello Roadies! This time, we are going to be talking about those All Access Tickets and the Special Runs that go with them. The All Access Ticket is an $80 ticket and it comes with the ability to purchase two Special Runs per ticket. Unlike the VIP Ticket, there is no set limit on how many of the All Access Tickets that you can purchase at this time. So, while the Special Runs will be sold using the Special Run Preference List, it will still take about five All Access Tickets to attempt to get all nine of the Special Runs, if luck is on your side!

When tickets go on sale, this ticket will be on sale until around mid Spring some time. There will be a limited amount, however we do not know that number and it will likely never be announced to the general public. You will only need to pay the $80 at the time of ticket purchase as you will be selecting and paying for Special Runs at a later date. With this ticket purchase, you will also need to chose either Friday or Saturday Night for your Celebration of Horses Evening Performance and you will need to purchase a Parking Pass separately (price is currently unknown). After you pay for your ticket and parking pass, you are done for the time being.

Once All Access Tickets are no longer on sale, there will be an email sent out to everyone that has purchased an All Access Ticket or Tickets. This email will contain a link for the Special Run Preference List. If you do not get emails, please do not worry as the link will be shared here in the group and will be posted on the Pinned Post in the Featured Section of the group. Once you have logged into the account that purchased your All Access Tickets and have arrived at that page on the Breyer website, you will then get to rank the Special Runs in the order that you like them. That is all that there is to the Special Runs Preference List.

While we do not yet know the exact details of the Special Run Preference List just yet, we do know all about the system used last year and they did state that it would remain the same. So let’s talk about that!

First, we were able to use the Master List. The Master List was where you were able to rank the Special Runs for all of the All Access Tickets on your account using one list. This list is best if you do not want to get many duplicates. You still might get duplicates, but know that this is the option that minimizes that chance. With this list, you will be ranking the Special Runs on one list for all of the tickets that you have so you will have multiple number one spots and so on. Just remember that actual models will vary on luck of the draw and what is available when it is your turn via the Breyer algorithm. Please keep in mind that we do not know what algorithm that they use and we cannot give any insights into it, it just happens.

Second, we were able to use the Individual List. The Individual List was where you were able to rank the Special Runs separately for each ticket that is on your account. If you have two tickets, you would be filling out two lists and so on. This method will get more duplicates, but you can customize it a bit more than the Master List, depending on the Special Runs that you really want. I, personally, used this method for 2020 and 2021 and while I received duplicates in 2020, I did not in 2021, but both times, I received the models that were at the top of my lists.

Here is the information from 2021, edited to remove the details that were specific for 2021:

Purchasing the Special Runs with an All Access Ticket is going to be done using the Special Run Preference List as it was done last year. The Preference List link will be emailed to you in June and that is when you will select your models. You will NOT pay for any models until the actual event in July. When you purchase an All Access Ticket, you will be purchasing a Special Run Ticket. This ticket allows you to purchase up to two Special Runs from the selection of Special Runs.

Closer to the event, you will get an email that will send you a link. You will need to be logged into your account in order to access this page. There you will find a page that will ask you to rank the Special Runs in order of how you like them. This list is set up to help Breyer know what you are thinking and that will be used to decide which models that will be chosen for you when they make the pull. This is all random draw, but there is a high probability that you might get the ones that you wished to get.

The Preference List is how the Special Runs will be sold for all of the All Access Tickets during BreyerFest in July. This year, there are no Time Slots so you absolutely do not need to worry about that for 2022. When you purchase an All Access Ticket, you are allowed to purchase up to two Special Run models. When you purchase your two models (per ticket), you are required to select two different models. They cannot be two of the same type, so you cannot chose two of the surprise models or two Rapunzels. You will not be actually purchasing these models until a bit later. The Preference List is an email with a link to a page on Breyer’s website that will allow you to rank the Special Run models according to your preferences. Ok, but how does it work? When you log into your account and go to that page in early June, you will have two options.

These two options are Master List and Individual List. Breyer will tell you that if you do not want to get duplicates and have more than one ticket, you will be better off using the Master List. However, after experiencing this type of purchasing last year, I will always recommend the Individual List. You might get duplicates, but the Individual List was not affected by many of the glitches that happened last year, which might not happen this year at all. However, this is how each of them will work:

The Master List is an option if you have purchased more than one All Access Ticket on your account. This list will ask you to rank all of the Special Runs for each of your tickets in one list. Your favorite model should be placed at the top of your list and the one that you like the least should be placed near the bottom. How the lists work and how to purchase them will be placed under these two sections so hang in there a moment.

The Individual List is an option for well, all of your tickets, even if you have more than one. However, this will allow you to set your preferences for each ticket that you have purchased on your account. So there will be more than one list that you will be filling out, if you have more than one ticket. The premise is the same, you will need to fill out the list with your favorite first and your least favorite last. But you will need to do this for each ticket. You could potentially get duplicates.

Now, you have read about the Master List and the Individual List and once you have decided, you will then turn in your list to Breyer, You will be able to edit this list for the week or two that it is up. The last list that is turned in will be the list that is used for the selection. If you do not fill out these lists, you will still receive models, but they will be absolutely randomly chosen and you might not receive anything that you had your sights set on so make sure to fill out these lists when the email arrives or when the link is posted in one of the groups, if you do not want to follow this group. After the time period ends for submitting your lists, Breyer will use these lists to randomly assign the Special Run models to your account. This will be done all by random and using your order numbers as your ticket numbers.

And that is the Special Run Preference List. Now, let’s move on to those Ticket Books for the All Access Tickets!

With each All Access Ticket, you will receive two Ticket Books. The first one will be sent out, if you are in the US. International Ticket Holders will need to pick up both Ticket Books at Will Call starting on Thursday July 14th. The first Ticket Book will contain your admission wrist band, your Celebration of Horses Evening Performance for the night that you chose, the tickets for your Celebration Horse Model, and your Parking Pass if you purchased one. The second Ticket Book will contain your Special Run Tickets and must be picked up on site at the Will Call, starting on Thursday July 14th. If you are purchasing an All Access Ticket for your friends to pick up your models for you, you will need to give them your complete order information in order for them to pick up your Special Run Ticket Book. This means that they will need to know your order number, your full name, and address.

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