Sunday, June 2, 2019

Line Information at Breyerfest

Line Information and Terms Used for Breyerfest

NPOD Ninja Pit Of Death- This line is the line that forms on Thursday into Friday morning at the Rolex gate at the Kentucky Horse Park.  There are guards and police all night long so that entrance into the park is monitored and you are usually asked to provide your license plate number and show your parking pass, if you are parking there.  The paid parking attendant that is there overnight will help you know where to park, if you do not have a handicapped placard.  The line forms and is separated into two sections, the Breyer Store and one of the two Pop Up Stores.  You choose the line that you choose to attend and make sure to at least place a chair or something of yours there so that you can go to the bathroom, etc. The lines condense once people starting standing up around 7:30AM. Breyer then comes and starts handing out numbers around 8 AM and the first 350 people in EACH line is GUARANTEED entrance FIRST into the Store or Pop Up Store. Even if people beat you there, you ARE PROMISED entry in line corresponding to your number.  Most of the places in line actually start filling up around 5-6am so make sure that if you want to enter the store or pop up tent early, to make sure to get there early.

**Please note: Breyer says that you do NOT need to line up and the truth is that you do NOT need to unless you want to. Product is placed out through out the weekend and this was confirmed last year when older special runs were placed out on Sunday.  It is a rumor that the pop up tent is shut down when they run out of a product.  If they run out of a porduct, please note that they will likely have more to place out the next morning and if they are completely out, they will let you know, if you ask.  The stores always remain open during operating hours and are NOT run like the special run line.**

Celebration Pick Up Lines:  This year, there are two places where you will be able to pick up your Celebration Horse.  Please take note of this and know that the line does dwindle down later in the day and on Sunday so we suggest to wait, unless you will not be returning to the park. The first line to pick up your Celebration Horse is the window at the Covered Arena.  When you enter the Rolex Gate and walk in between the pastures towards the Covered Arena in front of you, turn to the right towards the Help Center.  Keep walking until you see a ramp on your left hand side.  Take that ramp and stay to the right of the cones.  At the window, you will be able to pick up the Celebration Horse when you hand them your Celebration Horse redemption ticket.  The other line is at the Special Run Line.

Stablemate Pick Up Lines:  At the Help Center, you will be able to pick up your Single Day Stablemate Models.  This is the ticket model that has the most rumors and misinformation about so please read on carefully.  Yes, Breyer does state that it is GAMBLER’S CHOICE ONLY.  That being said, you are usually able to get the ones that you want, UNLESS THEY ARE EXCEPTIONALLY BUSY.  Breyer will step in and tell the volunteers to just randomly pick them out of the box unless a full set is required.  This is NOT the fault of the volunteer, however if you would like to pick and choose instead of a full set, it is recommended to come back later in the afternoon and stalk the tent if they run out of a certain model.  The full sets do take priority over those that want doubles or triples so please keep that in mind.  Both sides of the Help Center will be able to assist you with getting your Stablemates.  Friday morning and Saturday morning are normally the most busy times so please keep that in mind when you are wanting to pick up your models.

Special Run Line:  The Special Run Line is the ONLY line that you are REQUIRED to have a ticket for. Whether you ordered your three day ticket or purchased a special run ticket separately, you will NEED this ticket to be able to access the Special Run Tent. The location is over on the left hand side of the Covered Arena and is located in the paddocks of the Breeds Barn, if you are looking on the KHP Map. The line is near the Covered Arena and the actual tent is closer to the Breeds Barn.  Make sure to arrive FIFTEEN mintues BEFORE the time on your ticket so that you will be able to hear the number called and be able to get into the correct spot in line.  If you are not in the correct place in line, you will need to go to the back of the line and be one of the last to enter the Special Run Tent. If you miss your time, you will need to go to the back of the line.  The day and time on the ticket is when you NEED to be at the Special Run Line and the number on the ticket will tell you where your place in line is. Make sure to pay attention since the first number IS NOT always number 1!

The Autograph Line: To get the owner’s autographs of the horses, the line is located at the lower entrance of the Stables behind the Covered Arena.  It is set apart by a tent that will be set up.  However, Oliver will be stabled with the rest of the police horses, but will be signing the autographs with the rest of the horses.

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