Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Recap So Far BreyerFest 2021


Hello Roadies! Welcome to Road To BreyerFest, if you are new, and welcome back if you have been here before! Today, I want to do a reminder post of sorts since there are many people that are learning about BreyerFest for the first time. BreyerFest can be confusing at the best of times and with this being a virtual event, everyone is scrambling to catch up, even the BreyerFest veterans. Here at RTB, we definitely will help you understand just what is going on and what you can do with what is offered throughout the event. Breyer does have their official FB group and their website, but here at RTB, we offer more than just the information about BreyerFest, we offer a positive community full of model horse and real horse lovers alike that are glad to welcome new members and we offer you a place to share your collection and so much more!
So let’s get into the recap of what we know so far for BreyerFest 2021!
*BreyerFest 2021 is virtual
*BreyerFest Dates are July 16, 17, and 18
*BreyerFest times are always in EDT
*BreyerFest starts at 9 AM EDT on Friday July 16 and ends at 4 PM EDT on Sunday July 18
*BreyerFest Tickets are currently on sale, the link is in the announcement section
*There are two types of tickets available currently for BreyerFest- All Access and General Admission
*BreyerFest tickets are NOT physical tickets this year
*There will be no physical program this year, it will be virtual and able to be printed out
*Special Run Models are available to All Access Ticket Holders
*Special Runs will be purchased using the Special Run Preference List- See Files
*Limited Editions are able to be purchased by all ticket holders
*Certain Limited Editions can be back ordered during the event
*There are workshops available to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders
*There are free events for all ticket holders- See Files
*There will be a virtual 5K this year- Link in Announcement section
*There will be BreyerFest Model Shows- More information is still coming
*There will be tons of videos to watch on the website during the event
*You do not need to sit in front of your computer or mobile device all day, if you do not want to.
*Attend BreyerFest how you want to as the videos will be available all day and night long
*Limited Edition Models will be released once per day at a time that will be announced
*There will be a Diorama Contest- Rules apply, Link in Announcement Section
*There will be a Costume Contest- Rules apply, Link in Announcement Section
*There will be a Best Customs Contest- Rules apply, Link in Announcement Section
*All of the Special Runs have been revealed and prices announced- Can be viewed in the Albums
*Most of the Limited Editions have been revealed- Can be viewed in the Albums
We are still waiting for the following information:
*Raffle Information
*Auction Information
*Single Limited Edition Stablemate Reveal
Please Note: Breyer is returning to a somewhat normal release schedule, it seems, so you will be waiting a little bit longer for the information. If the information is not posted here in this group, then it has not been revealed yet. While we might always miss something, I assure you that if it is not posted here, it has not been released yet. You are always free to ask Breyer on their official group, but keep in mind that they operate the same way and will tell you to hang in there, if the information has not been released yet. They might be able to give you a guesstimate of when it will be released, but they will definitely tell you to hang in there, just like we will. Trust me when I say that RTB is a one stop place for information and a positive community combined! We got you through all of this!
If you are in the FB Group, the next two sections are for you.
How To Find The Files: Whether you are on mobile or Desktop, it is near the same to find the files. When you first come to the group, there is a line of words near the top. They say like rooms, announcements, albums, etc. In with those words will be the word File. It could also be hiding under Media. Click on it or touch it and it will load in a page that has a bunch of titles and when the files were created, etc. Click on the file that you wish to read. It will load up another page with the picture of a horse and the title that you clicked on. Click on the horse and it will load up the entire file for you to read. The files are up to date as of right now and are worked on daily as we lead up to BreyerFest
How To Find The Albums: Whether you have mobile or Desktop, it is the same. There are two ways to find the Albums here in this group. The first is the direct link in the Announcement Section. Clicking on the pictures there will take you directly to the Album for BreyerFest 2021. The other way is those words up at the top of the group. In there is the word Album. Click or touch it and it will load up every Album that has been made in this group. It could also be hiding under Media, along with the Files. Click on the Album that you wish to view.
Please Note: Road To BreyerFest and it’s creator and admod team do not speak for the brand or the company. RTB and the Admod team are not a part of Breyer and are just dedicated fans that want to help out the model horse community learn about the events and models that surround this amazing event and to provide a positive place where you can feel safe to share your collection. If you ever need to talk or have an issue in the group, please message Rachel Alford or email her at Thank you for being a Roadie! 

RTB Episodes of Help 12 Special Runs


Welcome back to RTB Episodes of Help! This episode is going to go over all things Special Run. I hope to help you explore and answer your burning Special Run Questions in this episode.
What are the Special Runs? The Special Run models are nine different models that are available to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders. These Special Runs are exclusive to BreyerFest and the costs vary from $60 to $85. Their photos can be seen here in the group, on Breyer’s website, and on our YouTube channel. Special Runs are their own special type of model and can seem very confusing and daunting, especially if this is your first BreyerFest, however here at RTB, we got you and will definitely help you through the entire process.
How will I be able to buy the Special Runs? First and foremost, you will definitely need to have an All Access Ticket. If you have a VIP ticket, you have already chose and paid for your Special Run models. With one All Access Ticket, you are able to purchase up to two Special Runs. The Special Runs that you purchase need to be two different type of models, they cannot be the same kind. So you cannot chose two of the Surprise models or two of the decorator models. Once you have purchased your All Access Ticket, I like to recommend going through the Special Runs with a sheet of paper or whatever works best for you and putting the nine Special Runs in the order that you like them. This will help you in the next step, I promise. Once you have ranked them, mull it over some and make sure that the ranking is exactly how you would purchase the models at an in person event. In June, Breyer will send you an email to the account that purchased the All Access Ticket or tickets. If you do not get Breyer Emails, do not worry! The email contains a link and I will definitely share that link here in the group. That link will take you to a page on Breyer’s website. You will need to be logged into your Breyer Account that purchased the All Access Ticket. Next, we move onto the Preference List.
The Special Run Preference List is a part of the event that causes a lot of confusion and trepidation, but it really is not a problem, once you get the hang of it. My best advice, before I explain the Preference List, is to relax and make sure to read the files as well as the post topics here in the group. Now let’s get into the Preference List. What is it? It is where you will rank all of the Special Runs for BreyerFest 2021 in order of how you like them. That is it, really. I mean, there is more to it, but it comes down to you will be ranking the models how you like them. How you fill out the Preference List comes down to however you wish to fill it out. If you have more than one ticket, you have more than one option. With one ticket, you will not have as much to remember as you will with two or more tickets. There are two options to fill out the Preference List: The Master List and the Individual List. With one ticket, it does not matter which one you fill out as it will be the same in all aspects. Just rank the models how you like them, placing the one that you would like the most at the top and the one that you want the least at the bottom. With two or more tickets, you have the option to fill out the Master List to cover all of your tickets or the Individual List to rank the models specifically for each ticket. With the Master List, you are least likely to get duplicates. With the Individual List, you could potentially get duplicates of the models. But it all comes down to ranking the models how you like them, no matter what option that you choose.
But why? You are ranking the models and using this Preference List to show Breyer exactly what you are thinking when it comes to buying the Special Runs. This is almost exactly what you would be doing if you were walking into the Special Run Tent at an in person event and buying the models then and there. With this List, you are not personally at the event and that is alright (We are not discussing the virus and why we are not having an in person even right now so please no commenting on that.). But this List tells Breyer what you would be choosing and what you would be buying. However, it does come down to the luck of the draw and where your order number is in “line” when the final selections are made by Breyer. Between when you turn in the Preference List in June and the actual event in July, Breyer will take your Preference Lists and randomly select the Special Runs for your account. They will use the list to see which ones that you like the best and then will pull the models based on that and what has not sold out yet. So pray for good luck!
When the time comes to purchase the models, there is no need to rush to buy these models and you definitely do not need to worry about whether your internet will hold up or not. Special Run models cannot be sold out from your cart. Once the models are selected and placed into your account, those are your models. You cannot swap models out from your cart for other models, the models that were selected for you are the models that you will be able to purchase. You do not need to purchase these models, if you do not like them or want them. However, you will need to purchase the models before the end of the event on Sunday, July 18 at 4 PM EDT or you will lose them from your cart and will not be able to purchase them.
I hope that this has helped you understand what is going to happen with the Special Runs for this BreyerFest and just make sure to relax and let’s have fun! The files will always be updated just to help you through the event and I will always be here to help you with the questions that you have.  

Photo Showing 101


Let’s talk about Photo Showing your Plastic Pony or Ponies.
This topic comes up a lot during the year and even more so since last year. Breyer has published a few articles about it and there are tons of places on Facebook that can help you learn, but let’s talk the basics of Photo Showing first.
What is Photo Showing? Photo Showing is basically taking a picture of one of your models and making it look as realistic as possible. You are able to use any and all types of camera to do this, it merely requires a somewhat steady hand and the ability to find a place with great lighting. Personally, I use a cell phone camera for all of my pictures and I have hand made footing to add a bit more realism to the pictures that I take. I also mostly take photos of Stablemate and Micro Mini Models because space is limited for me. However, realistic photos are not the only type of photo that is allowed in photo showing. In fact, some shows will ask that your model be placed against a plain background to showcase the paint job and features of the model.
What is looked at in the photos? Photo Showing, to me, is where you can show almost any model horse that you have in your collection. If the show side of the model (The side that either has the mane or is where the head is turned) looks great, then use it. But that is my own personal opinion. When judges are looking at the photos, they are looking at the photo in general and if it is clear with the horse being the main focus. They are looking at the horse itself and making sure that what they can see is blemish free. They are looking at the breed that you chose for your model and making sure that it fits the model in the picture. And finally, the background might come into play when there is a tie for first place. Of course, this is all subjective as judging any and all models as well as real horses is subjective and comes down to the breed, how well it fits the breed, and more.
What do you need to Photo Show? For the BreyerFest Photo Shows, you will definitely need a VIP or an All Access Ticket since these are required to even register. It does cost extra, so keep that in mind. After that, it comes down to what you have or have access to. You will need models, of course! You will need a place to take the photos, either with a plain background of a color that highlights the horse or an outdoor theme. You will need a great light source that shines on the horse. I use the sun, personally, but it is finicky to get perfect photos. You will need documentation on the model, if it is a rare breed or a rare color. And you will need patience and a bit of luck.
Taking the Photos. When you are ready to take the photos, make sure that the model is clean and free from any and all dust as this will show up in the photo. Make sure that your background is clear and clutter free. Make sure that your camera lens is clean, I am beyond guilty of this one! And definitely make sure that you have your light source directly on the model, if you are not using the sun. I prefer to take several photos of the model at a time because I have been known to shake and well, I get distracted very easily.
Uploading your Photos. This year, Breyer is using PonyBytes so it is recommended to get an account early so that you can learn the basics of the website. This is a free account so no worries when it comes to registering. There you will be able to upload your photos from your cell phone or your computer into a gallery that is your own there on the website. From that gallery, you will be able to use those photos to enter all of the shows that are using that platform. Some shows are free to enter and some shows do cost, so make sure to know which show that you are entering. There are a ton of help resources of PonyBytes to help you with uploading your photos and entering the shows and the admins there are super helpful, so never hesitate to ask questions!
Why do I need Documentation? Some breeds are rarer than others and the judge or judges might not know much about that breed. Some colors in certain breeds are more rare that other colors as well. It is best to document any and all rare breeds or colors so that the judge does not have to spend a lot of time researching for themselves and you might have even gotten the breed or color a new fan! When in doubt, it is absolutely best to document. But what exactly is documentation? It can be something as simple as a small excerpt from the breed registry along with a link and a photo of the breed or color that best fits the model that you are using. I believe for photo showing on PonyBytes they allow a Google Document as the Documentation, but I could be mistaken as I have not used it yet and I am still unsure if I am going to photo show this year.
I hope that this small exploration into Photo Showing has helped you a bit and you can definitely read more about it on Breyer’s website, many places here on FB, and many places on the internet. Thank you for reading this, Roadies!  

RTB Episodes of Help Episode 11 Recap Episode


RTB Episodes of Help Episode 11
The Episode Where I Talk About Tickets and Models Again
Welcome back to another episode of RTB Episodes of Help. This episode is a refresher for those that are new to the group, but also for those that would like it. Remember that all of this information can be found in the Files as well as under the Post Topics under both the BreyerFest Virtual Event Planning Post Topic and the RTB Episodes of Help. This episode will go over the tickets, what comes with the tickets, the models that you can purchase with the tickets, and what to expect during BreyerFest with the tickets that you have. So let’s get started!
First, I want to say that there is no set limit on how many tickets that you can purchase. It is said that the limit is six All Access Tickets, but there has been nothing to confirm nor deny this information. So you are free to buy as many as you want, however keep in mind that Breyer has stated in their FAQs that they reserve the right to monitor and refund ticket purchases at their discretion.
There are three ticket tiers this year, however two of them are the only ones that are available for purchase right now. The VIP Ticket was offered this year for the first time ever and it sold out very, very quickly with only 1000 tickets being available for this first year. The All Access Ticket is the next ticket that is available and it is still available for purchase. This ticket is the same as the Three Day Tickets of past years and will provide the same amount of access to the event. And last, but certainly not least is the General Admission Ticket, which is the same as the Single Day Ticket, but will allow you to have access to the event for all three days. But let’s got a bit more in depth with each ticket.
The All Access Ticket is the same as the Three Day Tickets that have been offered in the past. This ticket will come with ONE Celebration Horse Model. It comes with the ability to purchase up to two Special Run Models with each ticket purchased. This is two models for the whole weekend, not per day. With these two models, they must be two different models, so no two Surprise Models! It also comes with the ability to purchase all of the Limited Edition Models at the event. With this ticket, you are able to access the workshops, enter the contests (rules and conditions apply), enter the Photos Shows (terms and conditions apply), enter the virtual 5K (terms and conditions apply), have access to all three days of the activities, and more. The Terms and Conditions on the Breyer website must be read this year since there have been many changes to all of the contests and shows to go along with this format of event. Links for these pages can be found in the Announcement section here in the group, pinned to the very front with the photos of the BreyerFest horses at the bottom. This ticket costs $75.
The General Admission Ticket is nearly the same as the Single Day Tickets that have been offered in the past. This ticket will come with ONE randomly selected Event Stablemate Model, these are the decorator Stablemates that have the names of Dada, Noveau, Rococo, and Avant Garde. This ticket will allow you to purchase all of the Limited Edition Stablemates. You can NOT purchase any of the Special Run Models with this ticket. With this ticket, you will be able to attend all three days of the event, you can view the Seminars, the Equus Film Festival, as well as the Hands On Hobby Demonstrations. With the General Admission Ticket, you are NOT able to attend the workshops, participate in the Photo Shows, or participate in the contests. This ticket is $20.
After you have purchased one of these two tickets, you then have the choice to purchase one set of the Event Stablemates. This is an add on to your ticket and will cost $80 at the time when you add it to your cart. These are the four decorator Stablemates. These are the ONLY models that you will NEED to pay for before the event in July.
Models will NOT ship out until July. This includes the Celebration Horses, the Event Stablemates, and all of the models that were purchased with the VIP tickets (This ticket will be at the bottom since it has already sold out).
Special Run Models are models that are available to the VIP Ticket Holders and the All Access Ticket Holders ONLY. With one ticket, you are allowed to purchase up to two Special Run Models (VIP Ticket required you to purchase two) and they must NOT be the same model. There are nine models available in this section and all can be seen in the BreyerFest 2021 Photo Album here in the group or on the Exclusive Model page on Breyer’s Website. These nine models range in price from $60 to $85 and are limited in production numbers. The All Access Ticket Holders will be able to select their chosen models in June using the Special Run Preference List. This List allows you to arrange the Special Run Models in the way that you like them best and Breyer will use this list to randomly select two models for you to purchase during the weekend of BreyerFest. This method allowed many people to purchase their top choices last year, but not all of them were the very top choices. Make sure to check out our previous posts about the Special Run Preference List as it will go into great detail of what will happen during that time. General Admission Ticket Holders can NOT purchase Special Run Models.
Limited Edition Models can be purchased by all ticket holders. These models also have some that are available to be back ordered in case you miss the initial release of these models. There are three Traditional Sized Models, which are all portrait models of horses that will be showcased during the event. There is one Freedom Series or Classic Sized model, which is a decorator model that showcases the theme of the event. There is one set of Stablemates that take you back to BreyerFest FairyTales and showcases five of the models released for that event. There is one Crystal model that is on the Sherman Morgan Model. There is one Plushie that has NOT been revealed yet. There is one single Limited Edition Stablemate that has NOT been revealed yet. The three Traditional Sized Models, the Classic Sized Model, and the Stablemate set can all be back ordered during the event. The Crystal model, the unrevealed Plushie, and the unrevealed Stablemate cannot be back ordered during the event.
Back Ordering the Limited Edition Models can happen at any time during the weekend of BreyerFest. They will ship in December, but are NOT guaranteed for the Holidays. These models will NOT be glossy like they were last year. These models will be shipped using the BreyerFest Shipping methods, which can be found in our FAQs as well as on the FAQs on Breyer’s website. These models are able to be back ordered due to the popularity of the models for the BreyerFest event. This technically an open run on the models that can be back ordered and final number will NOT be published until after the first of the year.
And Finally since it was sold out so fast, the VIP Ticket. The VIP ticket came with ONE Celebration Horse Model, ONE set of Event Stablemates, Two Special Run Models (must have been two different models), two Limited Edition Models (must be two different models), ability to purchase Limited Edition Models during the event, ability to enter the Photo Shows, ability to enter the contests, ability to participate in the workshops, ability to participate in special VIP workshops, access to the activities for all weekend, a special VIP Swag Bag, free shipping, and more.
There is likely much more that will be released as we are still waiting on the information about the Auction, the Raffles, the Contest Prizes, the Photo Shows, and more! As soon as they are all posted, I will be sharing them here in the group along with the links to their respected pages on the website. I will also be doing these Help episodes on them when that information is released as well. I hope that this has helped you and I look forward to this adventure with you!  


Monday, March 8, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help Episode 10


RTB Episodes of Help Episode 10
The Episode Where I Talk About The Models Once Again
The files mentioned in this blog are from the Facebook group.  If you do not wish to belong to the Facebook Group, you can check out these files on our Proboard, which does not require you to sign up in order to read the information. Here is the link to that option: FKs Guide to Model Horse Fests 

Welcome back Roadies to another episode of RTB Episodes of Help. This episode is another episode of the models that we all love during BreyerFest and is sort of a recap episode. Remember that all questions that I have seen about the event being asked are all mostly answered here in the FAQ file so make sure to read that:
So let’s get started right away. All models will ship in July. No exceptions unless Breyer says that they will be shipping early or later. This is the same for all of the ticket types as well as all of the models, unless the model was back ordered. The Celebration Horse model, the Stablemates, the Special Runs, and the Limited Edition Models that were purchased during the event will all ship during July. The only exception is the Limited Edition Models that were purchased after the initial stock sold out and were back ordered.
But, Rachel, why are they going to be back ordered and when will those ship? I hear you and yes, your answer is in the files, but here it is again. The demand for the Limited Edition Models were higher in 2020 due to the event being online. With the event being online for 2021 and the demand being higher as well, Breyer came up with a way to make certain models available to everyone. These certain models are the three Traditional sized models, Favrile the Freedom Series model, and the Best of BreyerFest series 2 Stablemate set. These models are available all day during the event, even once their initial numbers during the day sell out. However, these back ordered models will NOT start shipping until December and are NOT guaranteed for the Holidays. These models will still be able to be purchased using the BreyerFest special shipping prices, that we know of so far, and once you have ordered them, there is nothing to do but wait for them to arrive. The reason for the back order is so that Breyer will know exactly how many they need to produce rather than just a set limit as they normally do during the event.
Limited Edition models will sell out fast during the event so the back ordered models are great for those that cannot be online during the time when the models will go up for sale. We do NOT yet know exactly when they will be listed for sale, however Breyer has stated that they will announce the time before the go up on the website. The Crystal model, the currently unrevealed Plushie, and the currently unrevealed Single Limited Edition Stablemate are all NOT able to be back ordered so if you are looking for them, you still still need to try and purchase them during the weekend or on the second hand market at a price increase.
I hope that this episode has helped you understand a bit more about how the models will sell and when they will ship out. Currently no new information regarding purchasing models at the event has been released, but stay tuned as we still have a lot of information about the event coming soon! 


Thursday, March 4, 2021

Free Activities at BreyerFest 2021

BreyerFest Free Activities

These are activities for all ticket holders and do not cost extra to watch.

First is the Seminars.  Every year at BreyerFest, Breyer puts together some pretty awesome seminars that will help you learn a lot about the hobby, horses, and so much more!

Here is a list of the Seminars that will be available for BreyerFest 2021:

Models of a Different Color by Andrea Gurdon  This seminar will go over non-realistic colors produced on Breyer Model Horses.

Digital Sculpting by Maggie Jenner-Bennett This seminar will help you learn how to start sculpting using digital programs.

Color Commentary by Lesli Kathman  This seminar will go over basic horse coat color genetics

Dolls and Performance by Anne Field  This seminar will go over the use of dolls in Performance Classes at Live shows and in photo shows.

Hobby History by Liz Cory  This seminar will go over notable events in the Model Horse Hobby

Identifying your Model by Liz Cory  This seminar will help you learn how to identify which models that you have in your collection.

Introduction to Model Horse Showing by Kim Bjorgo-Thorne  This seminar will help you get starting in showing your plastic ponies 

The Art Of Tiny Tack: An Introduction To Tack Making by Kristian Beverly  This seminar is an introduction on the thought process and how to get started making tack for your plastic ponies. 

The Story of Sergeant Reckless by Robin Hutton The seminar will tell you about the famous marine, Sergeant Reckless!

The next thing to check out would be the Equus Film Festival.  There will be a link to the website where you can check out and watch several horse related movies for free. These movies are normally Indie films that all involve horses or the horse industry and are highly recommended. 

Films Available During The Film Festival: 

Wild Hearts (16 Minutes Long) :   A mini documentary about the wild horses of Alberta.  There are approximately 1,700 wild horses left in the foothills of Alberta. Wild Heart asks, why is the government trying to get rid of them? 

Wild Horse Road Trip (60 Minutes Long):  Mary Miller-Jordan has been featured on National Geographic, RFD-TV & HR-TV. Published in Horse Illustrated, Western Horseman, Cowgirl Magazine, Hobby Farms and Horse & Rider and have been featured as the Poster Image of the Extreme Mustang Makeover for 2017 and 2018 with their bareback and bridleless American Flag Freestyle. MMJ’s first Wild Mustang Guide is immortalized as a Breyer Model ‘Mustang’; they won the National title of ‘America’s Favorite Trail Horse. 

Hozho In Beauty We Walk (27 Minutes Long):  “Hózhó, in beauty we walk” is the first part of a documentary which plunges us into the mysterious world of the centaurs Amerindians: «the dineh of Arizona (People in Navajo).  

Over The Barriers (60 Minutes Long):  Horses for us, Kazakhs, have always been symbols of drive and victory. The story of the Soviet conquest of Olympus began with the legendary Absent. And now there are people and horses in Kazakhstan who are ready to storm the Olympic heights. 

Every Ride Is For You (15 Minutes Long):  Every Ride Is for You is a story about the relationship between women and horses, as seen through the lens of three generations of women. It’s a story of love, and loss, and getting back in the saddle after being dumped hard — by a buck you never saw coming. It’s about connection beyond anything that can be explained. 

Big Wishes For Little Feat (22 Minutes Long) Animated Children’s Book:      A horse named Lafitte De Muze, nicknamed Little Feat, and a young girl named Ella, who live on opposite sides of the world, are eventually brought together by a bit of fate, Ella’s quirky Aunt Anastasia, and a shooting star. 

The Wild Ones (32 Minutes Long): Impact Pupil Referral Unit, in Bootle, Liverpool, provides a last chance for teenagers expelled from school to gain qualifications. This term, seven pupils get to leave the Unit to try a new way of learning in an unlikely sanctuary for rescued horses, in the heart of this run-down neighborhood. Run by local resident Bernadette Langfield, several wild ponies that she saved from being culled need taming. But these horses, like the pupils have their own troubled backgrounds and in order for a relationship between them to develop, both horses and teenagers have to first deal with their own behavioral difficulties.  

The Red Barn A Legacy Of Love (60 Minutes Long):  “The Red Barn: A Legacy of Love” is the story of the Red Barn in Leeds, Alabama that provides equine-assisted therapy to people with all sorts of special needs and circumstances. The documentary tells how the Red Barn got its start, from the lady who inspired it to the one who made the dream become a reality. It is also the story of the children and adults whose lives have been changed by coming to the Red Barn, as well as the staff of the Red Barn and the horses themselves, who give so much to benefit others.  But most importantly, it is a love story in the truest sense of the word, examining the true meanings of faith, hope, and love. 

Met Pensioen (19 Minutes Long):  These horses lived in service to their humans. Now, the roles are reversed.  This film is made for a retirement home for horses in The Netherlands. They adopt elderly horses and give free education about their care. English title; ‘Retired’

And the last thing in this section would be the Hands On Hobby Demonstrations.  While being there in person is not a possibility, this is a great time to check out what some of the top artists or tack makers in the hobby are doing and maybe even see if you can do it yourself! The links to all of these will be shared when the time comes closer to the event.

That is all of the free stuff that is available for all ticket holders during the event and this is a great line up this year! I can not wait to see everything and I hope that you are with me there!

Here is the link to check out all of this information:

RTB Episodes of Help 9

 RTB Episodes of Help Episode 9

The Episode Where I Talk About The Model Shows for BreyerFest
Welcome back to Road To BreyerFest, Roadies! Today, I want to talk a bit about the Model Shows that Breyer will put on this year. Yes, they will be photo shows because well, nothing is in person this year. No, there is not a novice show, but there is a youth and children’s show. But let’s get into it!
The Model Shows at BreyerFest are normally three different shows that are put on by Breyer. The first one is Breakables Live, then there is BreyerFest Open Live, and then finally there is the Youth and Children’s Show. These are the normal three and last year, they had these three as well. So, until all of the information about the shows is released, this is what I am going on. I could definitely be wrong though since everything is new this year.
But each of the shows are a photo type show. But, Rachel, what does this mean, I hear you asking. This means that you will be required to take a photo of your model in order to enter it into the show. This photo will be highly scrutinized to make sure that the model is up to the standards of the breed that you have chosen, that it is free from flaws, and looks like a horse. It does not matter what type of camera that you have since I have seen cell phone pictures win these types of shows. What matters is that the photo is clear, the focus is on the model, and that the photo is taken in such a way that the model looks realistic. But here is the best thing about a photo show besides that you do not have to pack and move a ton of models at a time: One side of your model can be great and the other can be a body and you can still be able to show it! Photo showing is fun, even if it does take forever to find the right background, which should highlight the horse and not be too distracting. You will also want to make sure that the model is clean because let me tell you, dust and hair show up in a photo, even when you swear that nothing was there a moment ago!
I am not normally the best person to ask for help with photo shows because well, I stopped showing my models long ago. I do, however hold a photo show each month and apparently I am also the judge. Where are my qualifications? Heck, I have no idea, but I did judge real horses in a previous life, so I guess that is a qualification, LOL! Anyway, moving on, these photo shows from Breyer do cost extra. As of right now, I am not sure what this cost is for the show. The information is slated for release in March, says Breyer, so I am sure that we will find out soon. They also will take place on a photo hosting platform. Last year it was Smugmug. This year, we are not sure what they will use, however the Breyer Boot Camp photo show used Ponybytes and seemed to have went really well. Whatever the case, as soon as the information is released, I will definitely post it here!
So, in conclusion, if you want to do the photo shows, have fun with it! You will need to have a VIP or an All Access ticket in order to be able to enter. It does cost extra, but there will be prizes of some sort. Just have fun, especially since that is what BreyerFest is all about! I know that this episode was crazy short, but right now there just is not a lot of information that has been released about the photo show and I have already covered all of the information that has been released so far with all of the other things go on. I hope that this has helped you a bit and when the information has been released expect a much more in depth episode.