Wednesday, March 24, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help 12 Special Runs


Welcome back to RTB Episodes of Help! This episode is going to go over all things Special Run. I hope to help you explore and answer your burning Special Run Questions in this episode.
What are the Special Runs? The Special Run models are nine different models that are available to VIP and All Access Ticket Holders. These Special Runs are exclusive to BreyerFest and the costs vary from $60 to $85. Their photos can be seen here in the group, on Breyer’s website, and on our YouTube channel. Special Runs are their own special type of model and can seem very confusing and daunting, especially if this is your first BreyerFest, however here at RTB, we got you and will definitely help you through the entire process.
How will I be able to buy the Special Runs? First and foremost, you will definitely need to have an All Access Ticket. If you have a VIP ticket, you have already chose and paid for your Special Run models. With one All Access Ticket, you are able to purchase up to two Special Runs. The Special Runs that you purchase need to be two different type of models, they cannot be the same kind. So you cannot chose two of the Surprise models or two of the decorator models. Once you have purchased your All Access Ticket, I like to recommend going through the Special Runs with a sheet of paper or whatever works best for you and putting the nine Special Runs in the order that you like them. This will help you in the next step, I promise. Once you have ranked them, mull it over some and make sure that the ranking is exactly how you would purchase the models at an in person event. In June, Breyer will send you an email to the account that purchased the All Access Ticket or tickets. If you do not get Breyer Emails, do not worry! The email contains a link and I will definitely share that link here in the group. That link will take you to a page on Breyer’s website. You will need to be logged into your Breyer Account that purchased the All Access Ticket. Next, we move onto the Preference List.
The Special Run Preference List is a part of the event that causes a lot of confusion and trepidation, but it really is not a problem, once you get the hang of it. My best advice, before I explain the Preference List, is to relax and make sure to read the files as well as the post topics here in the group. Now let’s get into the Preference List. What is it? It is where you will rank all of the Special Runs for BreyerFest 2021 in order of how you like them. That is it, really. I mean, there is more to it, but it comes down to you will be ranking the models how you like them. How you fill out the Preference List comes down to however you wish to fill it out. If you have more than one ticket, you have more than one option. With one ticket, you will not have as much to remember as you will with two or more tickets. There are two options to fill out the Preference List: The Master List and the Individual List. With one ticket, it does not matter which one you fill out as it will be the same in all aspects. Just rank the models how you like them, placing the one that you would like the most at the top and the one that you want the least at the bottom. With two or more tickets, you have the option to fill out the Master List to cover all of your tickets or the Individual List to rank the models specifically for each ticket. With the Master List, you are least likely to get duplicates. With the Individual List, you could potentially get duplicates of the models. But it all comes down to ranking the models how you like them, no matter what option that you choose.
But why? You are ranking the models and using this Preference List to show Breyer exactly what you are thinking when it comes to buying the Special Runs. This is almost exactly what you would be doing if you were walking into the Special Run Tent at an in person event and buying the models then and there. With this List, you are not personally at the event and that is alright (We are not discussing the virus and why we are not having an in person even right now so please no commenting on that.). But this List tells Breyer what you would be choosing and what you would be buying. However, it does come down to the luck of the draw and where your order number is in “line” when the final selections are made by Breyer. Between when you turn in the Preference List in June and the actual event in July, Breyer will take your Preference Lists and randomly select the Special Runs for your account. They will use the list to see which ones that you like the best and then will pull the models based on that and what has not sold out yet. So pray for good luck!
When the time comes to purchase the models, there is no need to rush to buy these models and you definitely do not need to worry about whether your internet will hold up or not. Special Run models cannot be sold out from your cart. Once the models are selected and placed into your account, those are your models. You cannot swap models out from your cart for other models, the models that were selected for you are the models that you will be able to purchase. You do not need to purchase these models, if you do not like them or want them. However, you will need to purchase the models before the end of the event on Sunday, July 18 at 4 PM EDT or you will lose them from your cart and will not be able to purchase them.
I hope that this has helped you understand what is going to happen with the Special Runs for this BreyerFest and just make sure to relax and let’s have fun! The files will always be updated just to help you through the event and I will always be here to help you with the questions that you have.  

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