Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Photo Showing 101


Let’s talk about Photo Showing your Plastic Pony or Ponies.
This topic comes up a lot during the year and even more so since last year. Breyer has published a few articles about it and there are tons of places on Facebook that can help you learn, but let’s talk the basics of Photo Showing first.
What is Photo Showing? Photo Showing is basically taking a picture of one of your models and making it look as realistic as possible. You are able to use any and all types of camera to do this, it merely requires a somewhat steady hand and the ability to find a place with great lighting. Personally, I use a cell phone camera for all of my pictures and I have hand made footing to add a bit more realism to the pictures that I take. I also mostly take photos of Stablemate and Micro Mini Models because space is limited for me. However, realistic photos are not the only type of photo that is allowed in photo showing. In fact, some shows will ask that your model be placed against a plain background to showcase the paint job and features of the model.
What is looked at in the photos? Photo Showing, to me, is where you can show almost any model horse that you have in your collection. If the show side of the model (The side that either has the mane or is where the head is turned) looks great, then use it. But that is my own personal opinion. When judges are looking at the photos, they are looking at the photo in general and if it is clear with the horse being the main focus. They are looking at the horse itself and making sure that what they can see is blemish free. They are looking at the breed that you chose for your model and making sure that it fits the model in the picture. And finally, the background might come into play when there is a tie for first place. Of course, this is all subjective as judging any and all models as well as real horses is subjective and comes down to the breed, how well it fits the breed, and more.
What do you need to Photo Show? For the BreyerFest Photo Shows, you will definitely need a VIP or an All Access Ticket since these are required to even register. It does cost extra, so keep that in mind. After that, it comes down to what you have or have access to. You will need models, of course! You will need a place to take the photos, either with a plain background of a color that highlights the horse or an outdoor theme. You will need a great light source that shines on the horse. I use the sun, personally, but it is finicky to get perfect photos. You will need documentation on the model, if it is a rare breed or a rare color. And you will need patience and a bit of luck.
Taking the Photos. When you are ready to take the photos, make sure that the model is clean and free from any and all dust as this will show up in the photo. Make sure that your background is clear and clutter free. Make sure that your camera lens is clean, I am beyond guilty of this one! And definitely make sure that you have your light source directly on the model, if you are not using the sun. I prefer to take several photos of the model at a time because I have been known to shake and well, I get distracted very easily.
Uploading your Photos. This year, Breyer is using PonyBytes so it is recommended to get an account early so that you can learn the basics of the website. This is a free account so no worries when it comes to registering. There you will be able to upload your photos from your cell phone or your computer into a gallery that is your own there on the website. From that gallery, you will be able to use those photos to enter all of the shows that are using that platform. Some shows are free to enter and some shows do cost, so make sure to know which show that you are entering. There are a ton of help resources of PonyBytes to help you with uploading your photos and entering the shows and the admins there are super helpful, so never hesitate to ask questions!
Why do I need Documentation? Some breeds are rarer than others and the judge or judges might not know much about that breed. Some colors in certain breeds are more rare that other colors as well. It is best to document any and all rare breeds or colors so that the judge does not have to spend a lot of time researching for themselves and you might have even gotten the breed or color a new fan! When in doubt, it is absolutely best to document. But what exactly is documentation? It can be something as simple as a small excerpt from the breed registry along with a link and a photo of the breed or color that best fits the model that you are using. I believe for photo showing on PonyBytes they allow a Google Document as the Documentation, but I could be mistaken as I have not used it yet and I am still unsure if I am going to photo show this year.
I hope that this small exploration into Photo Showing has helped you a bit and you can definitely read more about it on Breyer’s website, many places here on FB, and many places on the internet. Thank you for reading this, Roadies!  

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