Monday, March 8, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help Episode 10


RTB Episodes of Help Episode 10
The Episode Where I Talk About The Models Once Again
The files mentioned in this blog are from the Facebook group.  If you do not wish to belong to the Facebook Group, you can check out these files on our Proboard, which does not require you to sign up in order to read the information. Here is the link to that option: FKs Guide to Model Horse Fests 

Welcome back Roadies to another episode of RTB Episodes of Help. This episode is another episode of the models that we all love during BreyerFest and is sort of a recap episode. Remember that all questions that I have seen about the event being asked are all mostly answered here in the FAQ file so make sure to read that:
So let’s get started right away. All models will ship in July. No exceptions unless Breyer says that they will be shipping early or later. This is the same for all of the ticket types as well as all of the models, unless the model was back ordered. The Celebration Horse model, the Stablemates, the Special Runs, and the Limited Edition Models that were purchased during the event will all ship during July. The only exception is the Limited Edition Models that were purchased after the initial stock sold out and were back ordered.
But, Rachel, why are they going to be back ordered and when will those ship? I hear you and yes, your answer is in the files, but here it is again. The demand for the Limited Edition Models were higher in 2020 due to the event being online. With the event being online for 2021 and the demand being higher as well, Breyer came up with a way to make certain models available to everyone. These certain models are the three Traditional sized models, Favrile the Freedom Series model, and the Best of BreyerFest series 2 Stablemate set. These models are available all day during the event, even once their initial numbers during the day sell out. However, these back ordered models will NOT start shipping until December and are NOT guaranteed for the Holidays. These models will still be able to be purchased using the BreyerFest special shipping prices, that we know of so far, and once you have ordered them, there is nothing to do but wait for them to arrive. The reason for the back order is so that Breyer will know exactly how many they need to produce rather than just a set limit as they normally do during the event.
Limited Edition models will sell out fast during the event so the back ordered models are great for those that cannot be online during the time when the models will go up for sale. We do NOT yet know exactly when they will be listed for sale, however Breyer has stated that they will announce the time before the go up on the website. The Crystal model, the currently unrevealed Plushie, and the currently unrevealed Single Limited Edition Stablemate are all NOT able to be back ordered so if you are looking for them, you still still need to try and purchase them during the weekend or on the second hand market at a price increase.
I hope that this episode has helped you understand a bit more about how the models will sell and when they will ship out. Currently no new information regarding purchasing models at the event has been released, but stay tuned as we still have a lot of information about the event coming soon! 


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