Thursday, March 4, 2021

RTB Episodes of Help 9

 RTB Episodes of Help Episode 9

The Episode Where I Talk About The Model Shows for BreyerFest
Welcome back to Road To BreyerFest, Roadies! Today, I want to talk a bit about the Model Shows that Breyer will put on this year. Yes, they will be photo shows because well, nothing is in person this year. No, there is not a novice show, but there is a youth and children’s show. But let’s get into it!
The Model Shows at BreyerFest are normally three different shows that are put on by Breyer. The first one is Breakables Live, then there is BreyerFest Open Live, and then finally there is the Youth and Children’s Show. These are the normal three and last year, they had these three as well. So, until all of the information about the shows is released, this is what I am going on. I could definitely be wrong though since everything is new this year.
But each of the shows are a photo type show. But, Rachel, what does this mean, I hear you asking. This means that you will be required to take a photo of your model in order to enter it into the show. This photo will be highly scrutinized to make sure that the model is up to the standards of the breed that you have chosen, that it is free from flaws, and looks like a horse. It does not matter what type of camera that you have since I have seen cell phone pictures win these types of shows. What matters is that the photo is clear, the focus is on the model, and that the photo is taken in such a way that the model looks realistic. But here is the best thing about a photo show besides that you do not have to pack and move a ton of models at a time: One side of your model can be great and the other can be a body and you can still be able to show it! Photo showing is fun, even if it does take forever to find the right background, which should highlight the horse and not be too distracting. You will also want to make sure that the model is clean because let me tell you, dust and hair show up in a photo, even when you swear that nothing was there a moment ago!
I am not normally the best person to ask for help with photo shows because well, I stopped showing my models long ago. I do, however hold a photo show each month and apparently I am also the judge. Where are my qualifications? Heck, I have no idea, but I did judge real horses in a previous life, so I guess that is a qualification, LOL! Anyway, moving on, these photo shows from Breyer do cost extra. As of right now, I am not sure what this cost is for the show. The information is slated for release in March, says Breyer, so I am sure that we will find out soon. They also will take place on a photo hosting platform. Last year it was Smugmug. This year, we are not sure what they will use, however the Breyer Boot Camp photo show used Ponybytes and seemed to have went really well. Whatever the case, as soon as the information is released, I will definitely post it here!
So, in conclusion, if you want to do the photo shows, have fun with it! You will need to have a VIP or an All Access ticket in order to be able to enter. It does cost extra, but there will be prizes of some sort. Just have fun, especially since that is what BreyerFest is all about! I know that this episode was crazy short, but right now there just is not a lot of information that has been released about the photo show and I have already covered all of the information that has been released so far with all of the other things go on. I hope that this has helped you a bit and when the information has been released expect a much more in depth episode.  

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